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Herron (Edwin Eugene) drawings
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Table of contents What's This?

box 1, folder 1


Scope and Contents note

Includes Agostinho Neto and Jonas Savimbi
box 1, folder 2


Scope and Contents note

Includes Hector Campora, Alejandro Lanusse, Juan Carlos Ongania, Isabel Peron, Juan Peron, and Jorge Videla
box 1, folder 3


Scope and Contents note

Includes Gough Whitlam
box 1, folder 4


Scope and Contents note

Includes Mujibur Rahman
box 1, folder 5


Scope and Contents note

Includes Hugo Banzer, Juan Lechin, Luis Adolfo Siles Salinas, and Juan Jose Torres
box 1, folder 6


Scope and Contents note

Includes Artur da Costa e Silva and Ernesto Geisel
box 1, folder 7


Scope and Contents note

Includes Ne Win
box 1, folder 8


box 1, folder 9


Scope and Contents note

Includes Ieng Sary, Lon Nol, Pol Pot, and Prince Norodom Sihanouk
box 1, folder 10


Scope and Contents note

Includes Rene Levesque and Pierre Trudeau
box 1, folder 11


box 1, folder 12


Scope and Contents note

Includes Jorge Allesandri, Salvador Allende, Luis Corvalan, Eduardo Frei, and Augusto Pinochet
box 1, folder 13


Scope and Contents note

Includes Deng Xiaoping, Hua Guofeng, Jiang Jing, Lin Biao, Liu Shaoji, Mao Zedong, and Zhou Enlai
box 1, folder 14


box 1, folder 15


Scope and Contents note

Includes Fidel Castro and Che Guevara
box 1, folder 16


Scope and Contents note

Includes Archbishop Makarios
box 1, folder 17


Scope and Contents note

Includes Alexander Dubcek, Gustav Husak, Milan Kundera, Antonin Novotny, Jiri Pelikan, and Ludvik Svoboda
box 1, folder 18


box 1, folder 19

Dominican Republic

Scope and Contents note

Includes Joaquin Balaguer and Juan Bosch
box 1, folder 20


Scope and Contents note

Includes Jose Velasco Ibarra and Galo Plaza
box 1, folder 21


Scope and Contents note

Includes Gamal Abdel Nasser and Anwar Sadat
box 1, folder 22


Scope and Contents note

Includes Mengistu Haile-Mariam and Emperor Haile Selassie
box 2, folder 1


Scope and Contents note

Includes Louis Aragon, Simone de Beauvoir, Jacques Chirac, Regis Debray, Jacques Duclos, Roger Garaudy, Charles de Gaulle, Valery Giscard d'Estaing, Alain Krivine, Georges Marchais, Francois Mitterrand, Georges Pompidou, Waldeck Rochet, and Jean-Paul Sartre
box 2, folder 2


Scope and Contents note

Includes Willy Brandt, Erich Honecker, Kurt Kiesinger, Helmut Kohl, Walter Scheel, Helmut Schmidt, and Franz Josef Strauss
box 2, folder 3


box 2, folder 4

Great Britain

Scope and Contents note

Includes James Callaghan, Queen Elizabeth II, Denis Healey, Edward Heath, Enoch Powell, Bertrand Russell, Margaret Thatcher, and Harold Wilson
box 2, folder 5


Scope and Contents note

Includes Konstantinos Karamanlis, George Papadopoulos, and George Papandreou
box 2, folder 6


Scope and Contents note

Includes Amilcar Cabral
box 2, folder 7


Scope and Contents note

Includes Forbes Burnham
box 2, folder 8


Scope and Contents note

Includes Jean-Claude Duvalier
box 2, folder 9


Scope and Contents note

Includes Gyorgy Lukacs
box 2, folder 10


Scope and Contents note

Includes Morarji Desai, Indira Gandhi, and Jayaprakash Narayan
box 2, folder 11


Scope and Contents note

Includes Suharto
box 2, folder 12


Scope and Contents note

Includes Mahdi Bazargan, Ruhollah Khomeini, and Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi
box 2, folder 13


Scope and Contents note

Includes Bernadette Devlin McAliskey and Ian Paisley
box 3, folder 1


Scope and Contents note

Includes Yigal Allon, Menachem Begin, Moshe Dayan, Golda Meir, Shimon Peres, and Yitzhak Rabin
box 3, folder 2


Scope and Contents note

Includes Giulio Andreotti, Enrico Berlinguer, Aldo Moro, and Pietro Nenni
box 3, folder 3


Scope and Contents note

Includes Hajima Fukuda, Emperor Hirohito, Takeo Miki, Masayoshi Ohira, and Eisaku Sato
box 3, folder 4


Scope and Contents note

Includes King Hussein
box 3, folder 5


Scope and Contents note

Includes Jomo Kenyatta
box 3, folder 6


Scope and Contents note

Includes Park Chung Hee
box 3, folder 7


Scope and Contents note

Includes Prince Souvanna Phouma
box 3, folder 8


Scope and Contents note

Includes Suleiman Franjieh, Pierre Gemayel, Kamal Jumblatt, Rashid Karami, and Elias Sarkis
box 3, folder 9


box 3, folder 10


Scope and Contents note

Includes Muammar Qaddafi
box 3, folder 11


box 3, folder 12


Scope and Contents note

Includes Gustavo Diaz Ordaz, Jose Lopez Portillo, and Jose Revueltas
box 3, folder 13


Scope and Contents note

Includes Samora Machel
box 3, folder 14


box 3, folder 15

New Zealand

box 3, folder 16


Scope and Contents note

Includes Anastasio Somoza
box 3, folder 17


box 3, folder 18


box 3, folder 19


Scope and Contents note

Includes Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, Mohammed Ayub Khan, Yahya Khan, and Mohammad Zia-ul-Haq
box 3, folder 20


Scope and Contents note

Includes Yasser Arafat and George Habash
box 3, folder 21


Scope and Contents note

Includes Omar Torrijos
box 3, folder 22


Scope and Contents note

Includes Hugo Blanco and Juan Velasco Alvarado
box 3, folder 23


Scope and Contents note

Includes Ferdinand Marcos
box 4, folder 1


Scope and Contents note

Includes Edward Gierek, Wladyslaw Gomulka, Leszek Kolakowski, Jacek Kuron, Mieczyslaw Moczar, and Karol Modzielewski
box 4, folder 2


Scope and Contents note

Includes Otelo Saraiva de Carvalho, Alvaro Cunhal, Francisco da Costa Gomes, Vasco dos Santos Goncalves, Mario Soares, and Antonio de Spinola
box 4, folder 3

Puerto Rico

box 4, folder 4

Rhodesia [Zimbabwe]

Scope and Contents note

Includes Robert Mugabe, Abel Muzorewa, Joshua Nkomo, and Ian Smith
box 4, folder 5


Scope and Contents note

Includes Nicolae Ceausescu
box 4, folder 6

Saudi Arabia

Scope and Contents note

Includes Prince Fahd, King Faisal, King Khalid, and Ahmad Zaki Yamani
box 4, folder 7


Scope and Contents note

Includes Lee Kuan Yew
box 4, folder 8


Scope and Contents note

Includes Maxamed Siyaad Barre
box 4, folder 9

South Africa

Scope and Contents note

Includes Pieter Botha and Johannes Vorster

Soviet Union

box 4, folder 10

Government officials

Scope and Contents note

Includes Leonid Brezhnev, Andrei Gromyko, Nikita Khrushchev, Aleksei Kosygin, and Nikolai Podgorny
box 5, folder 1


Scope and Contents note

Includes Vladimir Bukovsky, Evgenii Evtushenko, Pyotr Grigorenko, Zhores Medvedev, Leonid Plyushch, Andrei Sakharov, Andrei Siniavskii, and Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
box 5, folder 2


Scope and Contents note

Includes Carlos Arias Navarro, Luis Carrero Blanco, Santiago Carrillo, Felipe Gonzalez Marquez, King Juan Carlos, and Adolfo Suarez Gonzalez
box 5, folder 3

Sri Lanka

Scope and Contents note

Includes Sirimavo Bandaranaike
box 5, folder 4


box 5, folder 5


Scope and Contents note

Includes Olof Palme
box 5, folder 6


Scope and Contents note

Includes Hafez Assad
box 5, folder 7


Scope and Contents note

Includes Chiang Ching-kuo and Chiang Kai-shek
box 5, folder 8


Scope and Contents note

Includes Julius Nyerere
box 5, folder 9


Scope and Contents note

Includes Thanom Kittikachorn
box 5, folder 10


Scope and Contents note

Includes Eric Williams
box 5, folder 11


Scope and Contents note

Includes Habib Bourguiba
box 5, folder 12


Scope and Contents note

Includes Suleyman Demirel and Bulent Ecevit
box 5, folder 13


Scope and Contents note

Includes Idi Amin
box 5, folder 14

United Arab Emirates


United States

box 5, folder 15

Nixon, Richard M

box 7, folder 1

Kissinger, Henry A

box 7, folder 2-4

Politicians and government officials

Scope and Contents note

Includes Ellsworth Bunker, George H. W. Bush, Jimmy Carter, Clark Clifford, William Colby, John Connally, Richard Daley, Gerald Ford, J. William Fulbright, S. I. Hayakawa, Richard Helms, Hubert Humphrey, Richard Kleindienst, Melvin Laird, John Lindsay, Henry Cabot Lodge, George McGovern, Wilbur Mills, Edmund Muskie, Ronald Reagan, Elliot Richardson, Nelson Rockefeller, William Rogers, James Schlesinger, Strom Thurmond, Stansfield Turner, George Wallace, and William Westmoreland

Watergate figures

Scope and Contents note

Includes Charles Colson, Archibald Cox, John Dean, John Ehrlichman, Sam Ervin, H. R. Haldeman, Howard Hunt, Leon Jaworski, Jeb Magruder, Robert Mardian, John Mitchell, and Maurice Stans
box 6, folder 1, sleeve 1

H.R. Haldeman 1973

box 6, folder 1, sleeve 2

Robert Mardian 1973

box 6, folder 1, sleeve 3

Gordon Strachan 1973

box 6, folder 1, sleeve 4

Jeb Magruder 1973

box 6, folder 1, sleeve 5

John J. Wilson 1973

box 6, folder 1, sleeve 6

Leon Jaworski 1973

box 6, folder 1, sleeve 7

Archibald Cox 1973

box 6, folder 1, sleeve 8

Chuck Colson 1974

box 6, folder 1, sleeve 9

Judge Sirica undated

box 6, folder 1, sleeve 10

John Dean III 1973

box 6, folder 1, sleeve 11

John Ehrlichman 1974

box 6, folder 1, sleeve 12

John Mitchell 1973

box 6, folder 1, sleeve 13

John Ehrlichman 1973

box 6, folder 1, sleeve 14

Chuck Colson 1973

box 6, folder 1, sleeve 15

E. Howard Hunt 1973

box 6, folder 1, sleeve 16

Howard Hunt with his attorney 1974

box 6, folder 1, sleeve 17

John Mitchell 1974

box 6, folder 1, sleeve 18

H.R. Haldeman undated

box 6, folder 1, sleeve 19

Robert Mardian 1971

box 6, folder 1, sleeve 20

Donald Segretti 1973

box 6, folder 1, sleeve 21

Sketch of three figures undated

box 6, folder 1, sleeve 22

John Ehrlichman 1973

box 6, folder 1, sleeve 23

Maurice Stans 1973

box 6, folder 1, sleeve 24

John Mitchell 1973

box 6, folder 1, sleeve 25

John Mitchell 1969

box 6, folder 1, sleeve 26

John Mitchell 1970

box 6, folder 1, sleeve 27

John Mitchell 1973

box 6, folder 1, sleeve 28

John Mitchell 1973

box 6, folder 1, sleeve 29

Sen. Sam J. Ervin Jr. 1973

box 6, folder 1, sleeve 30

John Mitchell 1973

box 6, folder 1, sleeve 31

John Mitchell 1973

box 6, folder 1, sleeve 32

Sen. Sam J. Ervin Jr. 1973

box 6, folder 1, sleeve 33

John Ehrlichman 1973

box 6, folder 1, sleeve 34

Portrait of an unidentified man undated

box 6, folder 1, sleeve 35

Fred LaRue 1973

box 6, folder 1, sleeve 36

John Dean 1974

box 6, folder 1, sleeve 37

Sam Ervin 1973

box 6, folder 1, sleeve 38

Howard Baker and Sam Ervin 1973

box 6, folder 1, sleeve 39

John Mitchell 1971

box 6, folder 1, sleeve 40

Unidentified undated

box 6, folder 2

Labor leaders and others

Scope and Contents note

Includes Paul Berrigan, Harry Bridges, Rap Brown, Anita Bryant, James P. Cannon, Stokely Carmichael, Cesar Chavez, Angela Davis, David Dellinger, Frank Fitzsimmons, Julius Hoffman, LeRoi Jones, George Meany, Arnold Miller, Walter Reuther, Bayard Rustin, Albert Shanker, and Leonard Woodcock
box 6, folder 3


Scope and Contents note

Includes Jorge Pacheco Areco
box 6, folder 4

Vatican [Catholic Church]

Scope and Contents note

Includes Pope Paul VI
box 6, folder 5


Scope and Contents note

Includes Douglas Bravo, Raul Leoni, Carlos Andres Perez, and Teodoro Petkoff
box 6, folder 6


Scope and Contents note

Includes Ho Chi Minh, Le Duan, Nguyen Cao Ky, Nguyen Thi Binh, Nguyen Van Thieu, Pham Van Dong, and Vo Nguyen Giap
box 6, folder 7


Scope and Contents note

Includes Josip Broz Tito
box 6, folder 8

Zaire [Democratic Republic of the Congo]

Scope and Contents note

Includes Joseph Mobutu and Patrice Lumumba
box 6, folder 9


Scope and Contents note

Includes Kenneth Kaunda
box 6, folder 10

Miscellaneous and unidentified