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Scope and Contents note

Many reports stamped "秘 (secret)," "極秘 (top secret)," or with "交渉部長."
box 1, folder 1

"昭和五年度綜合資料(木村理事用)" by 資料課長 1931 June 6

box 1, folder 2

"閻錫山ノ天津海関乗取" by 資料課 1930 July 3

Scope and Contents note

Stamped "大泉 5. 9 2"
box 1, folder 3

"中央党部拡大会議ノ成立" 1930 July 25

Scope and Contents note

Stamped "押川 5. 7 28"
box 1, folder 4

"八一ト満洲ニ於ケル共産党" 1930 August 5

box 1, folder 5

"赤軍ト中国共産党中央部トノ関係ニ就テ" by 資料課 1930 August 21

box 1, folder 6

"長江筋共匪暴動ト英米ノ態度" by 資料課 1930 August 22

box 1, folder 7

"最近ニ於ケル東北四省ノ対満鉄交通政策" by 資料課 1930 August 28

box 1, folder 8

"満洲ニ於ケル最近ノ国貨提唱運動" by 資料課 1930 August 25

Scope and Contents note

Stamped "秘 (secret), 交渉部長"
box 1, folder 9

"最近米国対支那与論ノ趨勢" by 資料課 1930 September 3

Scope and Contents note

Stamped "交渉部長"
box 1, folder 10

"張学良ノ南北時局ニ対スル態度ニ関スル観測" by 資料課 1930 September 6

Scope and Contents note

Stamped "秘, 交渉部長"
box 1, folder 11

"南京政府パトロンノ変更ニ就テ" by 資料課 1930 September 13

Scope and Contents note

Stamped "秘, 交渉部長"
box 1, folder 12

"北京政府ノ外債担保侵犯問題" 1930 September 18

Scope and Contents note

Stamped "交渉部長"
box 1, folder 13

"北京政権ノ失落傾向概括" by 資料課 1930 September 22

Scope and Contents note

Stamped "交渉部長"
box 1, folder 14

銀落ト満洲日支経済界不況実情 by 資料課 1930 September 23

box 1, folder 15

"最近ニ於ケル東北四省ノ鉄道敷設計画" by 資料課 1930 September 26

box 1, folder 16

"鮮人共産党ノ暴動ト其影響" by 資料課 1930 September 30

box 1, folder 17

"再ヒ治外法権撤廃問題ニ就テ" by 資料課 1930 September 30

box 1, folder 18

"東支鉄道露国持分譲渡説" by 資料課 1930 September 30

box 1, folder 19

"英国団匪賠償金ノ処分" by 資料課 1930 October 3

box 1, folder 20

"独乙実業団ノ満洲投資説ニ就テ" by 資料課 1930 October 10

Scope and Contents note

Stamped "極秘 , 渉外部長, 山崎 5 10 18"
box 1, folder 21

"今次戦乱ニ於ケル総軍事費問題" by 資料課 1930 October 21

box 1, folder 22

"満洲経済界ノ仲秋節関越ヘ" by 資料課 1930 October 24

box 1, folder 23

"大連ニ於ケル中国共産党ノ活動ニ就テ" by 資料課 1930 November 10

box 1, folder 24

"独乙ノ対満投資説 (下)" by 資料課 1930 November 10

box 1, folder 25

"第四回太平洋会議ノ準備経過" by 資料課 1930 November 20

box 1, folder 26

"葫蘆島築港工事ノ進捗状況" by 資料課 1930 November 27

box 1, folder 27

"再ヒ独逸ノ対満投資説ニ就テ" by 資料課 1930 November 28

box 1, folder 28

"最近支那本部鉄道新建設計画並ニ資金" by 資料課 1930 December 2

box 1, folder 29

"満洲ニ於ケル国産奨励ト新工業ノ勃興" by 資料課 1930 December 4

box 1, folder 30

"米支銀融問題ノ経過" by 資料課 1930 December 8

box 1, folder 31

"張学良南京行ノ結果" by 資料課 1930 December 12

box 1, folder 32

"広東事変紀念日ニ於ケル各地ノ情勢" by 資料課 1930 December 24

box 1, folder 33

"天津ニ於ケル北方善後協議" by 資料課 1930 December 24

box 1, folder 34

"満蒙鉄道問題ニ関スル支那側新聞論調" by 資料課 1930 December 26

box 1, folder 35

"満蒙鉄道問題ニ関スルルーター東京電 (一月十二日) に対する支那側論調" by 資料課 1931 January 26

box 1, folder 36

"満蒙鉄道問題ニ関スル支那側新聞論調 (三続)" by 資料課 1931 January 26

box 1, folder 37

"在支各国航空事業ノ近況" by 資料課 1931 February 6

box 1, folder 38

"在奉米国商務委員ノ赴滬ト米国ノ対支銀融" by 資料課 1931 February 9

box 1, folder 39

"中国新鉄道法案ニ就テ" by 資料課 1931 February 19

box 1, folder 40

"中国共産党最近ノ動揺ニ就テ" by 資料課 1931 February 18

box 1, folder 41

"対支借款説種々相" by 資料課 1931 February 24

box 1, folder 42

"撫順炭礦発火事件ノ誤報ニ就テ" by 資料課 1931 March 3

box 1, folder 43

"松花江航業連合営業組織ノ成立" by 資料課 1931 March 5

box 1, folder 44

"吉会予定線上ノ自動車交通状況" by 資料課 1931 March 7

box 1, folder 45

"北寧路ノ河北碼頭築造ニ就テ" by 資料課 1931 March 12

box 1, folder 46

"鄒作華ノ外遊ニ就テ" by 資料課 1931 March 26

box 1, folder 47

"最近政治事情 (一月二十日迄)" by 資料課 1931

Scope and Contents note

From the cover: "本号ハ時局ニ対スル総裁ヘノ上申ナルカ一般的ニモ便利ト考フルヲ以テ通報ス."
box 1, folder 48

"最近経済交通事情 (一月二十日迄)" by 資料課 1931

Scope and Contents note

From the cover: "本号ハ総裁ニ上申セルモノヲ便宜ノ為通報ス."
box 2, folder 1

"昭和六年度綜合資料(木村理事用", by 資料課長 circa 1931

box 2, folder 2

"内蒙国民革命略史" by 資料課 1931 April 11

box 2, folder 3

"最近支那経済ト英国" by 資料課 1931 April 18

box 2, folder 4

"経済、交通、政治" by 資料課 1931 April 25

box 2, folder 5

"遼寧全省国民外交協会ノ活動 (遼寧国民外交協会連合大会)" by 資料課 1931 April 24

box 2, folder 6

"最近ノ支那市場ニ於ケル投資戦" by 資料編 1931 May 5

box 2, folder 7

"万国商工会議所大会ト支那有力者提唱ノ「国際銀問題会議」" by 資料編 1931 May 6

box 2, folder 8

"支那ノ三ヶ年計画ト全国経済委員会ノ設立" by 資料課 1931 April 27

box 2, folder 9

"最近ノ松花江" by 資料課 1931 May 10

box 2, folder 10

"東北交通委員会ヲ中心トスル外国商活動ノ状況 (秘)" by 資料課 1931 May 14

Scope and Contents note

From the cover: "本資料ハ奉天公所ノ報告ニ係リ極メテ有益ナルヲ以テ弘ク通報スルコトトセリ (資 交通係)."
box 2, folder 11

"国際連盟ノ対支経済活動経緯" by 資料課 1931 May 16

Scope and Contents note

From the cover: "本編ハ五月八日附上海事務所長ヨリ資料課長宛情報ナルモ時節柄極メテ興味アリ且ツ注目スヘキ問題ナルヲ以テ綜合資料トナシタリ."
box 2, folder 12

"最近ニ於ケル列国ノ対支経済活動ニツイテ" by 資料課 1931 June 4

box 2, folder 13

"官銀行ノ瀋海鉄路乗取策" by 資料課 1931 June 2

box 2, folder 14

"附属地課税問題ノ現状" by 資料課 1931 June 8

box 2, folder 15

"最近ノ北満大豆事情" by 資料課 1931 June 20

Scope and Contents note

From the cover: "本資料ハ哈爾浜事務所ノ報告ニ係ルモノナルカ好資料ナルヲ以テ綜資トナシテ弘ク通報ス."
box 2, folder 16

"中日鉄道交渉ニ関スル日本側提案予測ト我ノ態度及準備 (六月八日大公報)" by 資料課 1931 June 22

Scope and Contents note

From the cover: "鉄道交渉ニ対スル支那側与論中最モ纏リタルモノト思考セラルルニ付訳出御参考ニ供ス 資料課交通係."
box 2, folder 17

"各省紅軍ノ近状 (江西南部ヲ除ク)" by 資料課 1931 June 25

box 2, folder 18

"各国ノ団匪賠償金処分問題" by 資料課 1931 June 30

Scope and Contents note

From the cover: "本項ハ上海事務所カ某所ヨリ入手セル調査テアル."
box 2, folder 19

"満洲ニ於ケル共産主義運動" by 資料課 1931 July 13

box 2, folder 20

"東北ニ於ケル中国国民党" by 資料課 1931 July 10

box 2, folder 21

"広東政権ノ現状ト将来" by 資料課 1931 July 15

box 2, folder 22

"万宝山事件及朝鮮事件ニ対スル英字紙ノ論調" by 資料課 1931 July 15

box 2, folder 23

"北寧鉄道ニ対スル中国共産党ノ活動 (極秘)" by 資料課 1931 July 20

box 2, folder 24

"学良周囲ノ勢力" by 資料課 1931 July 22

box 2, folder 25

Reports, telegrams letters and maps regarding 滄石鉄道 1930 April 10 - 1931 July 7

Scope and Contents note

Some documents are stamped with "極秘 (top secret)" or "特秘 (strictly confidential)."
box 3, folder 1

Miscellaneous documents, letters, reports, maps, telegrams circa 1931

Scope and Contents note

Regarding coal and iron mining fields issues in mainland China and Manchuria. Many documents stamped "極秘 (top secret)" or "秘 (secret)" were written by South Manchuria Railway Company (南満洲鉄道株式会社).
box 3, folder 2

Report, "一 満洲国ニ於ケル日本国臣民ノ居住及満洲国ノ課税等ニ関スル日本国満洲国間条約締結並関係公文交換ノ件参照" by 枢密院書記官 1936 May 6

Scope and Contents note

Stamped "秘 (secret)." Includes "日系官吏ノ治績ニ就テ" and "日系官吏以外ノ在満日本人就中特殊会社従業員ノ活動ニ就テ."
box 3, folder 3

Catalog of books, "支那満洲に於ける農業関係文献" 1939 August

box 3, folder 4

Draft, "中支ニ於ケル農事試験研究機関整備要綱 (案)" 1942 July 10

box 3, folder 5

Statistics of Japanese residents in China circa 1939-1940

Scope and Contents note

Stamped "極秘 (top secret)." Relates to the total amount of rice demand and consumption of Japanese residents in China.
box 3, folder 6

Guidelines, "昭和十八年度華北農産物増産方策実施要領" by 甲第一八〇〇部隊在北京大日本帝国大使館 1939 January 10

box 3, folder 7

Report, "支那食糧事情概況" circa 1942 - 1943

box 3, folder 8

Guidelines, "昭和十九年度華北農産物増産対策要綱" by 甲第一八〇〇部隊大日本帝国大使館 1939 December 7

box 3, folder 9

Guidelines, "昭和十九年度華北農産物増産対策実施要領" by 在北京大日本帝国大使館 1939 December 29

box 3, folder 10

Letter from 在中華民国特命全権大使 谷正之 to 大東亜大臣 青木一男 1944 February 28

Scope and Contents note

Stamped "極秘 (top secret)." Relates to "農業増産策准要綱送付ノ件."
box 3, folder 11

Guidelines, "昭和二十年度華北農産物増産対策要綱" by 甲第一八〇〇部隊在北京大日本帝国大使館 1944 December

box 3, folder 12-13

Reports regarding food supply and demand in China circa 1944 - 1945

box 3, folder 14

Guidelines, "華北食糧公社組織要綱" undated

box 3, folder 15

Miscellaneous documents, reports, maps, and drafts 1943 January 21 - 1944 April 5

Scope and Contents note

Pertains to riparian works in China.
box 4

Newspaper clippings from the Nichi nichi shinbun regarding Japan-China-Korea negotiation incident, "日清韓交流事件掲載日々新聞切抜" 1894

Scope and Contents note

Relates to the Sino‐Japanese war (日清戦争) and Sino-Japan-Korean relations (日清韓関係).
box 5, folder 1-3

Miscellaneous brochures, reports, map, journal, and memoir 1939-1944

Scope and Contents note

Includes brochures prepared by 延安在華日本人反戦同盟, 延安日本工農学校出版部, 在華日本共産主義者同盟, Kaji Wataru (鹿地亘), Okano Susumu (岡野進), Ke Shan (柯山), Matsuyama Ichiro "松山一郎," Murohuse Koshin (室伏高信), Noro Eitaro (野呂栄太郎), Sakai Yoneo (坂井米夫), Hirose Masami (広瀬雅美) such as "華北日本人反戦団体代表者第一回大会決議案 (全)," "日本兵士の要求書 (全)," "日本共産党の任務について," "最近の日本の政治事情"; Japanese textbooks for Chinese army such as "戦士必的日語," "詢問大綱"; map entitled "昭和14年毎日年鑑附録 支那事変要図 大阪毎日新聞社編纂"; journal entitled "人物評論 創刊号"; and memoir entitled "出征当時の思ひ出."
box 5, folder 4

Miscellaneous newspapers and clippings 1944 September 1 - 1966 November 16

Scope and Contents note

Includes clippings and newspapers written in Japanese and English, regarding Japanese literature, Tochigi prefecture (栃木県), post-war history, biographies of Japanese diplomats, Herbert Norman (ハーバード・ノーマン), and the Japanese anti-war movement in Yan'an (延安). Also includes the newspaper 時事報導 (Vol. 2, 4-6), a China war-time Japanese newspaper published in China.
box 5, folder 5

Miscellaneous documents circa 1941-1965

Scope and Contents note

Contains reports, newspapers, clippings, photographs, lists of names, and leaflets regarding Japanese affairs, U.S.-Japan relations, communist China, war-time Japan, and the Japanese anti-war movement in war-time China.
box 6, folder 1

Pacific Stars and Stripes 1945

box 6, folder 2

Materials related to the Japanese anti-war movement in war-time China circa 1939-1945

Scope and Contents note

Includes "華北反戦団体 日本兵士 両代表大会について," "反省同盟綱領," "反戦同盟 覚醒同盟 規約," "日本軍の変化," and "内地のことをきく会."
box 6, folder 3

Miscellaneous reports, rules, and translations circa 1944

Scope and Contents note

Includes "日本軍の変化, 内地のことをきく会" by 解放連盟, "反戦同盟 覚醒連盟 規約," "反戦同盟綱領," and "華北 反戦団体 日本兵士両代表大会について."
box 6, folder 4

Reports 1944 December 18

Scope and Contents note

Includes "新来者を如何に取扱ひ教育するか? 座談会記録" and "アメリカ側の要求せる『自殺』についての座談会の記録."
box 7, folder 1

"大陸遊撃隊編制その他" 1953 April 29

Scope and Contents note

Relates to the KMT's army for counterattack against the mainland (反攻大陸).
box 7, folder 2

"大陸工作処四十一年度業務報告" 1953 April 30

box 7, folder 3

"第二部 九・一八事変までの国共闘争" undated

box 7, folder 4

"大陸遊撃隊各種統計表 (四〇・四一年度)" 1953 May 2

box 7, folder 5

"第三篇 ソヴィエト運動政策" undated

box 7, folder 6

Untitled document regarding the history of disputes between KMT (国民党) and CCP (中国共産党) during the1930s and 1940s undated

box 7, folder 7

"第五篇 和平民主統一戦線政策" undated

box 7, folder 8

"陳儀" undated

Scope and Contents note

Handwritten memo regarding Chen Yi (陳儀).
box 7, folder 9

Handwritten memo regarding the Xi'an Incident of 1936 (西安事件) undated

box 7, folder 10

Timeline, "35 在野の身を以て内外に対す 36広州陥落と人民政府 37総統の復行視事" 1954 March 29

Scope and Contents note

Relates to the Chinese civil war between KMT and CCP during the 1940s.
box 7, folder 11

"党史概要 21清党の後 9-23"

Scope and Contents note

From the cover: "附 党務整理案本文"
box 7, folder 12

"中共について (十島) 19/8-"

Scope and Contents note

Relates to CCP (中国共産党).
box 7, folder 13

"中共制勝の原因と組織の特長及びその将来" 1953 January 27

box 7, folder 14

Memo regarding CCP (中国共産党) from October 1952 to 1953

box 7, folder 15

Timeline, "最近年表" 1953 February 14

Scope and Contents note

Timeline regarding China from January 1949 to July 1952.
box 7, folder 16

"中国一周 民39.5~民41.7迄 (1号~117号)" 1953 February 14

box 7, folder 17

"院長訓詞 国際現勢発展の関鍵" 1952 April 2

Scope and Contents note

Table of contents: (一)美の日本扶植問題, (二)美の対イラン エジプト政策, (三)三十八年下野の原因と影響, (四)大陸剿匪調停の回顧, (五)韓戦と大陸反攻
box 7, folder 18

"総裁訓詞 復職の使命と目的 -三十九年三月十三日於革命実践研究院-" 1953 February 18

box 7, folder 19

"民四十二年五月十六日 何応欽将軍談話覚書" 1953 May 18

Scope and Contents note

Note regarding an interview with He Yingqin (何応欽).
box 7, folder 20

"40枕戈待旦 41台湾の新政" 1953 April 1

box 7, folder 21

"38党・軍・政の改進と国際間の奮闘 39韓戦と台湾" 1953 March 31

box 7, folder 22

"党の改造 (中央改造委員会について) 三十九年八月" 1953 January 27

box 7, folder 23

"台湾暴動事件紀実 (拾) 台湾省行政長官公署編" 1953 May 7

box 7, folder 24

"党史概要 28 安内攘外国策の実現 (赤禍根絶案) 9-28"

Scope and Contents note

Relates to the history of KMT's strategy toward CCP (中国共産党) during the 1930s.
box 8, folder 1


box 8, folder 2

"新生活運動綱要 (附新生活須知)"

box 8, folder 3

"蒋講演 新生活運動の要義 於南昌 民国二十三年二月十九日"

box 8, folder 4

"二・二八事件について (ペルテン)" 1953 March 22

box 8, folder 5

"国民党の新生" 1953 April 4

Scope and Contents note

From the cover: (一)概況, (二)第三次下野の理由, (三)軍事失敗の因は外交にあり, (四)土地改革と児童就学率, (五)総裁について (党章)
box 8, folder 6

"西安事件 考 寺岡謹平氏説"

box 8, folder 7

"中国 ラチモア" 1953 February 2

Scope and Contents note

From the cover: "1944 The Making of Modern China," "1947 上記の改訂版 China; A Short History"
box 8, folder 8

"満洲事変より七・七迄の日支関係, (寺岡氏による)"

box 8, folder 9

Timeline, "中国革命四十年 年表" circa 1953

Scope and Contents note

Timeline regarding China, CCP (中国共産党), Japan, the World from 1840 to 1953.
box 8, folder 10

Timeline, "中共年表" 1953 August 27

Scope and Contents note

Timeline of CCP (中国共産党) from 1866 to 1941.
box 8, folder 11

"蒋総統関係閲書年表覚書" 1952 June 3

Scope and Contents note

Timeline regarding Chiang Kai-shek (蒋介石) from May 1932 to February 1952.
box 8, folder 12

Timeline, "西安事件前後 (中共関係) (年表) 附西安事件までの年表" undated

Scope and Contents note

From the cover: "スノー説 (一)," "九月一日," "10-9再," "Edgar snow"
box 8, folder 13

Note regarding modern Chinese history

box 8, folder 14

"三十年の反共闘争" undated

Scope and Contents note

From the cover: "共産党 中国に入る 鴟梟政策"
box 8, folder 15

Timeline, "革命史年表一 辛亥迄"

box 8, folder 16

"敵か友か" translated by 夏保国

Scope and Contents note

From the cover: "油印60份 七月二十五日前要," "四一, 七, 十七読"
box 8, folder 17

"民国年表覚書二2" 1952 June 2

Scope and Contents note

From the cover: "第一," "五四運動 青島○ 山東○ 国, 国たらざる也 (林長民)"
box 8, folder 18

Note regarding China's view of Taiwanese undated

box 8, folder 19

"雑覚" undated

Scope and Contents note

Note including publication planning.
box 8, folder 20

"謝南光独○雑記 文春七月号" 1952 May 2

Scope and Contents note

From the cover: "中日合行," "(張○○長と読合資料)"
box 8, folder 21

"雑話" undated

Scope and Contents note

From the first page: "佐藤慎一郎氏 (山田純三郎甥) 談"
box 8, folder 22

"西安事変 考" undated

Scope and Contents note

From the cover: "一, 一九四九-七-三〇 米国務省対華白書 (一九三六年の国共交渉), 二, オーエンラチモアー教授の見解, 10-8"
box 8, folder 23

"西安事変 考 波多野氏説" undated

box 8, folder 24

"アメリカの対華政策の失敗" 1953 February 21

box 8, folder 25

"中国海軍の現況と任務" 1953 February 22

box 8, folder 26

"張群先生との対談雑覚" 1952 July 19

Scope and Contents note

From the cover: "於先生邸宅 白 陳 夏." Relates to an interview with Zhang Qun (張群).
box 8, folder 27

"外省本省の間のわだかまりについて" 1953 April 3

box 8, folder 28

"何応欽将軍との対談覚書" by 曹夏 1952 July 14

Scope and Contents note

Relates to an interview with He Yingqin (何応欽).
box 8, folder 29

"岡村閣下対談覚書" undated

box 8, folder 30

"遊撃戦" 1953 April 15

box 8, folder 31

Biography, "○白 48キ (日本陸士)" undated

box 8, folder 32

"国民党秘書長 張其昀先生との対談 (第三回目)覚書" 1952 July 28

Scope and Contents note

From the cover: "於中央改造委員会 白 陳 夏 包 (通訳)." Relates to an interview with Zhang Qiyun (張其昀).
box 8, folder 33

"廖哲民氏のはなし" 1953 April 20

box 8, folder 34

"白先生所見及一般○意" 1953 March 21

box 8, folder 35

"共匪禍国史" 1953 September 2

Scope and Contents note

From the cover: "人工造党の時期," "党部成立及び国民党依附の時期"
box 8, folder 36

"蒋総統伝" undated

box 8, folder 37

"第三章 民族復立運動" undated

box 8, folder 38

"民国十五年 (両党協定弁法案 連横会議組織条例) 党務整理案附 (蒋介石訓講)" 1952 September 3

box 8, folder 39

"太平天国の革命運動発生の因" undated

box 8, folder 40

"List of names, "中共人名簿 (略)一" 1953 March 4

box 8, folder 41

Book, "敵か友か" undated

Scope and Contents note

From the cover: "文責在夏," "夏用," "実践学社"
box 9, folder 1

Table of contents, "中共大陸制覇の過程 (目次)" undated

box 9, folder 2

"28 勝利と中共の反発" 1953 April 5

box 9, folder 3

"33 東北と華北の崩潰" 1953 March 27

box 9, folder 4

"30章 マーシャル来華の使命 (米の対華政策)" 1953 March 27

box 9, folder 5

"32 反共戦争 悪劣段階に入る" 1953 March 27

box 9, folder 6

Index, "中国は世界をゆるがす 重要事項索引" 1953 April 11

box 9, folder 7

List of soldiers of the Republic of China undated

box 9, folder 8

"13年 蒋介石の廖仲愷に送りし手紙" 1953 April 2

box 9, folder 9

Miscellaneous documents 1952 June 18

Scope and Contents note

Includes "第四 第二次以降の著述計画についての補足" and "中日一体化之著述事業案" by 夏保国
box 9, folder 10

"中日一体化のための著述事業 (案)" by 夏保国 1952 June 18

Scope and Contents note

A Japanese translation of "中日一体化之著述事業案" by 夏保国
box 9, folder 11

"三十四年八月十四日 (降服時) 蒋総統訓詢, 四十年元旦 国民に告ぐるの書" 1952 August 21, 1953 February 19

Scope and Contents note

Includes "日軍降伏を宣言せし直後広く全国軍民及世界人士に対する蒋主席訓詞" and "全国同胞に告ぐるの書"
box 9, folder 12

"映画 '概' 主旨" undated

Scope and Contents note

Summary of a movie about Chian Kai-shek (蒋介石).
box 9, folder 13

"第四部 米英ソのアジア謀略" after 1945

box 9, folder 14

"第三部 七・七事変までの国共斗争と中日関係" undated

box 9, folder 15

"連震東先生の話 及び台湾[著]名人録" 1953 March 31

box 9, folder 16

"何故舟山を撤収したか 四十一年青年節総統訓示" after 1952

box 9, folder 17

"34 総統引退" 1953 March 29

box 9, folder 18

Chronological table, "34年-38年 年表" 1945-1949

Scope and Contents note

A chronological table of the Republic of China, the U.S., and the Chinese Communist Party.
box 9, folder 19

"党史概要 25 東北の失陥と中日交渉, 27 国防建設" undated

Scope and Contents note

A history of the Chinese Nationalist Party.
box 9, folder 20

"党史 29 経済建設" undated

Scope and Contents note

A history of the Chinese Nationalist Party.
box 9, folder 21

"党史概要 31 抗戦の爆発 (1)" undated

Scope and Contents note

A history of the Chinese Nationalist Party.
box 9, folder 22

"何故国府は対共方策を変更したか" undated

Scope and Contents note

Includes a note by the author.
box 9, folder 23

"第二編 '中共の誕生と連合戦線政策'" undated

box 9, folder 24

"九・一八事変までの対日ボイコット: '反帝即抗日'の歴史的考察" undated

box 10, folder 1

Chart, "北支産業開発第二次五箇年計画総括表" by circa 1941

box 10, folder 2

Chart, "北支産業五箇年計画表" circa 1941

Scope and Contents note

From the first page: "昭和十七年度ヨリ開始サレル北支産業五箇年計画ニ関スル別表入手セルニ付参考迄ニ送付ス"
box 10, folder 3

Chart, "大東亜圏内主要河川運河調査表" circa 1941-1942

box 10, folder 4

Budget sheet, "日満支鉄道実行予算表" circa 1942-1943

box 10, folder 5

Report, "南方鉄道調査資料" circa 1941-1945

box 10, folder 6

Report, "大東亜共栄圏自動車調査書" by 華北交通株式会社 東京支社交通課 1942 August

box 10, folder 7

Report, "大東亜共栄圏港湾事情調査" by 華北交通東京支社 1942 August

box 10, folder 8

Chart, "東亜共栄圏内貿易統計表" by 東京支社交通課 1942 August

box 10, folder 9

Chart, "東亜共栄圏鉄道調査表" by 華北交通株式会社東京支社 1942 August 20

box 10, folder 10

Draft, "蒙疆鉄道輸送五ヶ年計画案" by 興亜院蒙疆連絡部 1941 October

box 10, folder 11

Chart, "産業部門別資材資金労務者並技術者所要見込総括表" by 興亜院蒙疆連絡部 1941 October

box 10, folder 12-14

Miscellaneous items on the East Asia Development Borad Training Center (興亜院練成所) entitled "班別指導研究関係," "練成隊関係," "練成計画関係" by 吉田練成官 circa 1942

box 10, folder 15

Miscellaneous items 1867 April - 1939 September

Scope and Contents note

Includes "新道開鑿御寄附帳," "昭和七年十月作成 農民組合 無産政党 其ノ他諸団体ノ農村布不況対策運動ノ概要" by 農務局農政課, "賃金臨時措置令関係資料"
box 10, folder 16

Chart, "鉱種別増産五ヶ年計画目標" circa 1941

Scope and Contents note

From the attached memo: "どこに入るものか不明"
box 11, folder 1

Translation, Appendix VIII of "Historical Documents on Royal Guards" undated

Scope and Contents note

From the attached memo: "近衛史料別紙8の英訳"
box 11, folder 2

Guideline, "中国合作社設立要綱" 1939 October 5

box 11, folder 3

Report, "北支合作社調査" by 興亜院華北連絡部 1942 January 10

Scope and Contents note

From the cover: "秘 (secret)," "調査所調査資料第二〇〇号 (経済第六十五号)." Includes a map entitled "華北ニ於ケル合作社設立概況図 (昭和十六年三月末現在)."
box 11, folder 4

Guideline, "北支綿業新体制私案要領-主トシテ綿花増産及統制機構ノ改革ニ就テ-" 1941 October

box 11, folder 5

Report, "昭和十四年十一月度 合作社概況" by 蚌埠特務機関 1939 December

box 11, folder 6

Documents regarding "中国合作社" circa 1938-1940

Scope and Contents note

Includes "中国合作社定款基準," "合作社指導員配当予定表 (案)," and "中国ノ合作社ニ就テ."
box 11, folder 7

Report, "綏東県事情" by 錦県鉄路局産業処 1936 December

box 11, folder 8

Protcol, "(満洲拓殖株式会社設立計画書案附属) 既商租地ニ移民弐万戸入植ノ場合ニ於ケル会社事業計画書" circa 1935

Scope and Contents note

From the cover: "極秘 (top secret)," "百部中第四参号"
box 11, folder 9

Report, "各市税務担任日系職員増配要求資料" undated

box 11, folder 10

Inquiry, "県官制改正ニ関スル件" from 民政部総務司長 1936 July 15

box 11, folder 11

Draft, "満洲拓殖株式会社設立計画案" circa 1935

Scope and Contents note

From the cover: "極秘 (top secret)," "百部中第四参号"; "第一、趣意書 第二、事業目論見書 第三、事業資金計画書 第四、営業収支予算書"
box 11, folder 12

Report, "三江農業労力ノ概数ニ就テ" by 三江省民政庁実業科 1936 June

box 11, folder 13

Chart, "満洲農産物主要数字一覧表" by 日満農政研究会新京事務局 1939 December 1

Scope and Contents note

From the cover: "満農資料第一輯"
box 11, folder 14

Report, "克山地方開墾事情" by 国立克山農事試験場 松田肇 1936 March

box 11, folder 15

Chart, "克山地方ニ於ケル農家経済実績表" by 国立克山農事試験場 松田肇 董振海 1937 April

box 11, folder 16

Summary, "中央宣撫小委員会委員長口演要旨" by 関東軍司令部 1936 May 4

box 11, folder 17

Draft, "農務局分科規程案" undated

box 11, folder 18

Protocol, "昭和十一年 (康徳三年)度治安粛正工作ニ伴フ宣伝計画" by 中央宣撫小委員会 1936 May

box 11, folder 19

Draft, "県管理開墾法 (案)" undated

box 11, folder 20

Guideline, "地方制度整備ニ関スル基本的要綱" undated

box 11, folder 21

Guideline, "康徳三年度警察隊移管及弁公費支弁ニ伴フ県追加更生予算査定方針" 1936 May 5

box 11, folder 22

Guideline, "康徳三年度各県歳入歳出予算査定要綱" 1936

box 11, folder 23

"康徳三年度県費補助費追加要求関係" 1936 February

box 11, folder 24

Instruction, "指示事項" by 財務主任官打合会 undated

box 11, folder 25

Telegram, "関参平経第四十九号 会議開催ノ件通牒" from 関東軍参謀長 西尾寿造 to 満洲帝国民政部地方司総務科長岡本繁 1935 February 22

box 11, folder 26

Draft, "国務院各部官制中改正ノ件 附 民政部分科規程中改正ノ件" undated

box 11, folder 27

Draft, "国務院各部官制中改正ノ件" undated

box 11, folder 28

Regulations, "冀南太行太岳区合作社暫行規程" 1940 August 27

box 11, folder 29

Draft, "満洲拓殖株式会社設立要綱案" circa 1935

Scope and Contents note

From the cover: "極秘 (top secret)," "百部中第四拾参号"
box 11, folder 30

"分科規程中改正ノ件" by 民政部 circa 1933-1935

box 11, folder 31

Draft, "墾務局官制案" undated

Scope and Contents note

From the cover: "民政部案," "吉田"
box 11, folder 32

Guideline, "熱河錦州両省管内蒙旗ノ処理法" by 民政部地方局 1936 April 15

box 11, folder 33

Report, "米国建国以来百年間ニ於ケル新国家及新政府承認ノ事例 (米国国務省調書要領)" by 亜細亜局第三課 1932 July

box 11, folder 34

Report, "米国ノ玖馬ニ対スル地位" by 亜細亜局第三課 1932 July

box 11, folder 35

Report, "理由" by 民政部 undated

Scope and Contents note

From the first page: "移殖民行政ノ統制強化及帰属ニ就テ"
box 11, folder 36

Demanding paper, "浜江省綏楞県所在王栄廟土地買収実施ニ対スル照会並ニ御願事項" by 東亜勧業株式会社 1935 January 10

box 11, folder 37

Telegram, "康徳三年度各県市予算編成ニ関スル件" from 民政部大臣 to 各省長 1935 October

box 11, folder 38

Draft, "保甲特別工作方針並ニ要領案 (指定県第二年度以降)" by 民政部警務司 undated

box 11, folder 39

Untitled documents undated

Scope and Contents note

From the attached memo: "不明分 史料の切れはし"
box 52, folder 3

Detailed battle report of the attack on Nanking, Infantry No. 115 Third Battalion 南京攻略戦闘詳報 歩兵第百十五聯隊第三大隊 1937 December 10-13



box 12, folder 1

Written opinion draft, "意見書" undated

Scope and Contents note

Opinion on a public disturbance in occupied Korea. Includes handwritten modifications.
box 12, folder 2

Report, "朝鮮人ノ心ノ声" by 楊在河 1924 December

box 12, folder 3

Draft of guidelines, "朝鮮人民会処理要綱案" by 総務庁民政部 1936 June 17

box 12, folder 4

Report, "在満朝鮮人民会調" by 拓政司第二科 undated

Scope and Contents note

Includes tables of Korean residents associations in Manchuria.
box 12, folder 5

Draft, "朝鮮人民会処理方案" undated

box 12, folder 6

Petition, "陳情書" from 朝鮮建国咸陽郡委員会 to the U.S. Government 1945 October 23

Scope and Contents note

Petition for the resignation of officials appointed by the Japanese government. Includes a cover letter in Korean and English as well as a list of signatures and seals.

Pre-World War II Domestic Affairs

box 13, folder 1

Miscellaneous documents 1938

Scope and Contents note

Contains a reproduction of documents from 1761 to 1872 collected at Kamishina Elementary School (神科小学校) by "山人" for a hometown study.
box 13, folder 2

Printed material undated

Scope and Contents note

Includes "形勢論" by 竹岡玄真, "復古論," and "復古論 第二."
box 13, folder 3

"策論" by 英国士官サトウ 1868

Scope and Contents note

Copied version. Printed on the papers of "国民精神文化研究所".
box 13, folder 4

衆議院議案録 record, Nos. 1-6 1869

box 13, folder 5

"職官表" by 記録課 1873 November - 1874 September

box 13, folder 6

"軍旗布告 勅諭" 1874-1882

Scope and Contents note

Contains imperial instructions by Sanetomi Sanjo (三条実美).
box 13, folder 7

Statistics, "明治十四年 鹿児島県統計表" 1882 December

box 13, folder 8

"小作調査書" from 内務部地方局属 針替理平 to 宇佐美内務部長官 閣下 1912 June 26

Scope and Contents note

Report by Internal Department of Governor-General of Korea (朝鮮総督府内務部).
box 13, folder 9

Report, "復命書 (小作慣行, 内鮮人融和ノ状況等ノ分)" from 朝鮮総督府事務官 田中卯三 to 寺内総督 閣下 1913 May

box 14, folder 1

Report, "海外事情附録 千九百十三年五月 蒙古ニ於ケル露国" by 参謀本部 1913 May

Scope and Contents note

Includes a map titled "庫倫之略図."
box 14, folder 2

Newspapers, regarding Nikolayevsk Massacre (尼港事件) 1920 June 24 - September

Scope and Contents note

Includes articles titled "尼港事件顛末", "三宅駿二氏の「尼港を観察して」を読む" by 海軍大佐 Takahashi Jutaro (高橋寿太郎), "三宅氏と高橋大佐の尼港事件論を読みて" by 衆議院議員 Yamaji Jyoichi (山道襄一).
box 14, folder 3

Memorandums, draft, and letter regading Hatsukunikai (肇国会) and Japan-Russia relations circa 1920-1921

Scope and Contents note

Includes a letter from Sugiyama Shigemaru (杉山茂丸) and memorandums such as "条約草案 厳種," "肇国会," "露西亞帝国復興主旨大綱," "極東大自由国肇造大綱."
box 14, folder 4

Report, "金銭強請要注意人名簿" by 警視庁特別高等課労働係 1923 December

box 14, folder 5

Confidential reports, "朝鮮機密事情" Vol. 1-2 and "朝鮮事情機密通信" Vol. 4-5 1924 December 15 - 1925 March 23

box 14, folder 6

"昭和新政の初頭に立ちて" edited by Matsui Ryo (松井亮) 1927 April

Scope and Contents note

Manifesto prepared by Arakawa Seichi (荒川精一), Kudo Tetsusaburo (工藤鉄三郎), Matsui Ryo (松井亮), Ayakawa Takeji (綾川武治), Iwata Ainosuke (岩田愛之助), Tamura Mitsuharu (田村満治), and Sato Yoshinobu (佐藤良信).
box 14, folder 7

Reports, "ポツチヤギン事件ニ関スル諸事件" by Kuroki Sadachika (黒木親慶), "大審院昭和三年 (オ) 第一〇〇五号上告事件ノ参考 黒木親慶氏トセメノフトノ関係" by 訴訟代理人 Tkeuchi Kakuji (竹内賀久治), "告訴及告発書" 1928 November-December

box 14, folder 8

List of names, "建白書署名芳名録" by 救国学生同盟 1932 July 4

box 14, folder 9

Judgement document, "予審集結決定" by 予審判事 Nakazato Ryu (中里龍) 1933 January 31

Scope and Contents note

Relates to the League of Blood Incident (血盟団事件).
box 14, folder 10

Printed material, "満洲建国の意義と我等の同胞主義 亜細亜古道への復帰" by 大亜細亜同胞協会 1933 December 6

box 14, folder 11

Report, "治安維持法改正案ト現行治安維持法トノ対照" by 司法省刑事局 1935 February 21

box 14, folder 12

Printed material, "軍部と其の革新思想 (上編) " edited by 青年懇談会国家革新思想研究会 1937 February 28

box 14, folder 13

Report, "世界大戦中に於ける増税の経済界に及ぼしたる影響" by 主税局企画課 1937 December

Scope and Contents note

Relates to the economic situation in the UK, the U.S., France, and Germany during WWII.
box 14, folder 14

Printed material, "気象学教室集誌 1937 Vol. 1. 海岸防風林 白鳥勝義" by 台北帝国大学理農学部 1937

box 14, folder 15

Report, "国際司法事務共助調" by 司法省民刑事局 1938 January

box 14, folder 16

Report, "有限会社法案参考書 自昭和七年至昭和十一年 会社数及資本金調" by 司法省民事局 1938 January 27

box 14, folder 17

Report, "商法中改正法律案ニ関スル参考資料" by 司法省民事局 1938 January 21

box 14, folder 18

Report, "司法省所管昭和十三年度歳出概算" 1938 January 13

box 14, folder 19

Untitled document undated

box 15, folder 1

Report, "四国地方に於ける産業報国運動の概要" by 協調会大阪支所 1938 May

Scope and Contents note

Relates to "産業報国会"and "四国地方."
box 15, folder 2

Report, "世論に反映したる張鼓峰事件に対する各国の態度(三)" by 外務省情報部第二課 1938 August 17

Scope and Contents note

Relates to "張鼓峰事件" and "各国の態度 (attitude of different countries)."
box 15, folder 3

Report, "事変後に於ける支那民心の動向と大民会に就て" by 畑部隊特務部 1938 October

Scope and Contents note

Includes "大民会," "上海特務部" and "支那民衆."
box 15, folder 4

Report, "第73回帝国議会 満州に関する参考書" by 理財局外事課 1937 December

Scope and Contents note

Includes "満州 (Manchuria)," "支那事変 (Second Sino-Japanese War)," "満州との貿易 (trade relations with Manchuria)," and "満州における企業 (companies in Manchuria)."
box 15, folder 5

Miscellaneous documents related to "皇戦会" circa 1920-1940

Scope and Contents note

Inculdes "皇戦会設立趣意書," "皇戦地誌研究要項(案)," and "世界維新教育教会."
box 15, folder 6

List of "満州特殊会社一覧表" 1939 September 30

Scope and Contents note

Relates to "満州特殊会社 (special company in Manchuria)."
box 15, folder 7

"支那事変に於ける列国の対支経済援助の実相" by 杉山部隊本部 1939 June 25

Scope and Contents note

Relates to "支那事変(Second Sino-Japanese War)" and "対支援助."
box 15, folder 8

Copy of speech "齋藤隆夫議会演説" 1940

Scope and Contents note

Relates to "齋藤隆夫" and "議会演説 (speech at parliment)."
box 15, folder 9

Report, "蘭領印度に於ける華僑" by 営業部企画課 1940 October 10

Scope and Contents note

Relates to "華僑 (overseas Chinese), 蘭領印度."
box 15, folder 10

Guide pamphlet, "民国三十年杭州案内概要 杭州駅" undated

Scope and Contents note

Relates to "杭州." Includes a map of "西湖略図."
box 15, folder 11

"財団法人日本綿花栽培協会概要" 1939 December

Scope and Contents note

Relates to "日本綿花栽培協会." Includes a list of members.
box 15, folder 12

Opinion paper, "「都市の防空措置に関する意見」に就いて" by 全国都市問題会議事務局 1941 March

Scope and Contents note

Relates to "都市の防空措置."
box 15, folder 13

北満農業移民情報(其ノ九)拓務省移民団ニ於ケル資金関係 (Information on Agriculture and Immigration in North Manchuria (vol. 9): Finances of Ministry of Colonial Affairs' Immigrant Groups) Stamped with secret. 1938 April 1

Scope and Contents

Osaka Chamber of Commerce
box 15, folder 14

大連に於ける海産物取引事情 (Seafood product trade in Dalian) 1937 September 1

Scope and Contents

Osaka Chamber of Commerce
box 15, folder 15

満蒙実業調査会第1回報告書 (The First Report of Business Research in Manchuria and Inner Mongolia) stamped with secret 1915 October 16

Scope and Contents

Osaka Chamber of Commerce
box 15, folder 16

東部満蘇国境密輸史 (History of Illicit Trade at Eastern Manchuria and Bohai Border) stamped with secret 1938 November 1

Scope and Contents

Osaka Chamber of Commerce
box 15, folder 17

満洲開拓民送出調査 長野県諏訪郡富士見村 1942 March 1

Scope and Contents

Osaka Chamber of Commerce
box 15, folder 18

東清鉄道商業部事業成績概況 (Overview of the Business Performance, Commerce Dept. Eastern China Railway) stamped with secret 1917 October 1

Scope and Contents

Osaka Chamber of Commerce
box 16, folder 1-3

Report, "第二次及第三次近衛内閣ニ於ケル日米交渉ノ経過" circa 1941

Scope and Contents note

Page 72 missing.
box 17, folder 1

Photographs of Pearl Harbor for Tokyo Nichi Nichi Shinbun (東京日日新聞) and Osaka Mainichi Shinbun (大阪毎日新聞) circa 1941

box 17, folder 2

Report, "76 出張日誌" 1940-1944

Scope and Contents note

Contains reports of employees of Pacific Mining Company (太平洋鉱業株式会社) dispatched to the Manila branch.
box 17, folder 3

Miscellaneous documents 1942 December - 1943 January

Scope and Contents note

Documents related to reformation of the high school system. Includes "高等学校制度改正委員名簿" by 専門教育局大学教育課, 教授要綱作成ノ要領, 高等学校高等科学科目要旨 (案), and "化学科教授方針."
box 17, folder 4

Clippings 1943

Scope and Contents note

Clippings regarding war from Yomiuri Shinbun (読売新聞). Includes "日本刀" by 武藤貞一.
box 17, folder 5

Clippings 1943

Scope and Contents note

Clippings regarding war. Includes "大陸国策を現地に見る" from Asahi Shinbun (朝日新聞). Includes letters to and from Toyosaburo Kikuchi (菊池豊三郎).
box 18, folder 1

"第八十四会帝国議会に於ける賀屋大蔵大臣財政演説" 1944 January 29

Scope and Contents note

Includes "Government Budget (政府予算)," "Bank of Japan(日本銀行 )," and "Financial (金融)."
box 18, folder 2

Index, "外務省戦時経済局報索引 昭和十九年下半期自第二七号至五二号" by 戦時経済局 1945 February

Scope and Contents note

Regarding "List of report published by 外務省戦時経済局."
box 18, folder 3

Proposition, "大日本学院設立趣意書並学科内容案" circa 1940

Scope and Contents note

Regarding "Dainihon Gakuin (大日本学院)" and "Outline of Department (学科概要)."
box 18, folder 4

Proposition, "財団法人大日本学院寄付行為(案)" circa 1940

Scope and Contents note

Regarding "Conditions and terms of funding for 大日本学院(大日本学院への寄付行為における概要と条件)".
box 18, folder 5

Miscellaneous documents about "大日本学院" circa 1941

Scope and Contents note

Includes "Financial Plan and Budget for 大日本学院," "Facility Cost for 大日本学院," and "Salary of Professors and Officer at 大日本学院."
box 18, folder 6

"日本の姿顕彰会 宣言・綱領・規約" 1941 February 11

Scope and Contents note

Regarding "日本の姿顕彰会" and "Declarations, Principle, and Protocol for 日本の姿顕彰会."
box 18, folder 7

Miscellaneous papers circa 1941

Scope and Contents note

Includes "Third Southern Expeditionary Fleet (第三南遣艦隊)" and maps.
box 18, folder 8

Chronological table, "年次別及国別に繋けて観たる社会保険発展段階一覧" circa 1932

Scope and Contents note

Relates to "Development of insurance in different countries (国別の保険の発展)."
box 18, folder 9

"W1 工法実施要領" undated

Scope and Contents note

Includes "introduction of construction method (工法の説明)"and "several sketches of facilities owned by navy (海軍所有の施設のスケッチ."
box 18, folder 10

"基隆郷土館案内" undated

Scope and Contents note

Regarding Kitashirakawa Keelung Kyodo Kan in Taiwan (北白川基隆郷土館).
box 18, folder 11

English script undated

Scope and Contents note

Regarding "full translation of declaration made by MAEZONO, Naotake concerning the Emperor's lineage, the three sacred treasures, and the discovery of an iron mine."
box 18, folder 12

Name list records undated

Scope and Contents note

Includes "name lists of 澱粉製造業" and "name list of 酒精及ブタノール工業."
box 18, folder 13

"国学講座 全五巻" by 山田考雄、久松潜一 undated

Scope and Contents note

Includes "contents and name list of contributor to 国学講座."
box 18, folder 14

Printed material, "日本仏教と神道" by 赤松俊秀 undated

Scope and Contents note

Relates to "Japanese Buddhism and Shinto (日本の仏教と神道)."
box 18, folder 15

"秘密結社日本共産党事件の外洋 附秘密結社日本青年共産党同盟検挙の概要" by 警保局保安課 1928 June

Scope and Contents note

Regrading the "secret society of Japanese communist party (秘密結社日本共産党)"and "秘密結社日本青年共産同盟."

Issues of Post-World War II Farmers

box 19, folder 1

Report, "最近ニ於ケル本邦農業労働ノ大勢" 1923 December

box 19, folder 2

Report, "土地会社ト農民組合ノ抗争ニ就テ (例企救町争議)" by 福岡県 1933 October

box 19, folder 3

Report, "農村関係調査事項 第一 国民経済に於ける農業の地位の再認識" 1936 September 1

box 19, folder 4

Report, "農村問題参考資料第二号 産業組合の農業者、工業者、商業者、金貸業者等に及ぼしたる影響に関する調査概要" by 内閣調査府 1936 October

box 19, folder 5

Report, "我国農業共同経営に関する研究 (記述の部)" by 企画庁 1937 September

box 19, folder 6

Report, "春季農繁期農村労力調整調査集計報告" by 農林省臨時農村対策部 1940 February 15

box 19, folder 7

Report, "農村負担軽減問題と人口の移動" by 東京商大教授 法学博士 Ueda Sadajiro (上田貞次郎) 1934 January 10

box 19, folder 8

Report, "農民運動の概況" circa late 1928-1929

box 19, folder 9

Draft, "農村負債整理方針並其要綱案" by 兵庫県農村負債整理調査委員会 after 1933

box 19, folder 10

Report, "長野県農民運動沿革の概略" after 1933

Scope and Contents note

The text cut off in the middle.
box 19, folder 11

"収穫分配方法ヲ調停条項ヲ以テ定メタル事例" after 1931

Scope and Contents note

Regarding farmers in Hyogo (兵庫) prefecture.

Nippon Yūsen

box 20, folder 1

Office files, minutes, "東亜共栄圏内航路ニ関スル第一回 - 第四回協議会" 1941 February-May

box 20, folder 2

Contracts circa 1941

Scope and Contents note

Includes "陸軍輸送船定期傭船契約書" by 陸軍省経理局 and 日本郵船株式会社.
box 20, folder 3

Report, "南方諸地域貿易調" by 主税局関税課 1942 January 6

box 20, folder 4

"参考資料" by 貨物部総務課 1942 June

Scope and Contents note

Includes "運営会現有運航船腹調," "重要物資輸送量調," "大東亜戦争ニ因ル邦船船腹変動推定," and "我社関係被使用船一覧表."
box 20, folder 5

Documents on "陸軍配当船" 1942 June 1 - 1943 August 3

Scope and Contents note

Includes "厳秘 (top secret)" documents, such as "陸軍配当船々腹傭上契約書," "陸軍配当船々腹傭上契約実務処理概要 (運営会作成)," and "配当船焚料炭油及燃料消費量検査並ニ証明要項."
box 20, folder 6

Schedule, "継続新造船工事予定表 戦時標準型鋼船 昭和十八年度我社割当船工事予定表" 1943 April 23

box 20, folder 7

Speeches 1939 November - 1943 May

Scope and Contents note

Includes "定時株主総会ニ於ケル大谷社長ノ演説" and "定時株主総会ニ於ケル寺井社長ノ演説."
box 20, folder 8

Contract, "南方方面定期交通船運賃輸送契約書" by 船舶経理部 and 船舶運営会 1943 April 1

box 20, folder 9

Guidelines, "航海奨励金制度実施要項" 1943 July 26

box 20, folder 10

Report, "第五十八期後半年度 (自昭和十八年四月至昭和十八年九月) 船客営業成績説明書" by 船客部 1943 April-September

box 20, folder 11

Financial documents, "貨物部二月収入統計" 1944 February

box 20, folder 12

Clippings 1943-1944

Scope and Contents note

Regarding marine and air transportation and trade during wartime. Includes "海運界ノ新体制," "戦時海運対策ニ関スル意見," "運輸通信省設置ニ関スル件," and "決戦輸送ヘノ出発."
box 20, folder 13

Diagrams of routes and transportation undated

Scope and Contents note

Includes information on worldwide routes.
box 20, folder 14

Rule books 1942 May

Scope and Contents note

Includes "船舶運営会会規" and "船舶運営会業務規定."
box 20, folder 15

Printed material 1940 October 3

Scope and Contents note

Extract from Fairplay pp.349-350. Includes "Owners' Business Methods," "'Petty' Private Shipowners," and "Late Minister of Post-War Shipping."
box 20, folder 16

Tables regarding standards for ships 1940s

box 20, folder 17

Table, "一般渡航者乘船賃" undated

box 20, folder 18

Conditions of carriage, "旅客運送約款" by 船舶運営会運航実務者 日本郵船株式会社 undated


Journals of Official Assembly Meetings in Nagano Prefecture, Meiji Period 1868-1912

box 21, folder 1

"長野県県会日誌," "臨時県会議事録、同決議録 完" 1879 March - 1882 August

Scope and Contents note

Includes "Diary of Nagano Prefectural Assembly (長野県県会日誌) in June 1887, March 1879" and "Minute and Record of Resolutions of Prefectural Assembly (長野県県議会議事録・決議書) in August 15."
box 21, folder 2

"長野県県会日誌第一四号," "長野県県会日誌第一七号," "長野県県会日誌第一九号," "成議案" undated

Scope and Contents note

Regarding "Diary of Nagano Prefectural Assembly (長野県県会日誌)."
box 21, folder 3

"長野県県会日記 北大区の部," "長野県北第一六大区区会日記," "臨時区会成議案 長野県北第八大区" 1877 February - 1878 February

Scope and Contents note

Regarding "Nagano Ward Assembly (長野区会)" and "Diary of Nagano Prefectural Assembly (長野県県会日誌)."
box 21, folder 4

"長野町会議事細則", "長野町臨時町会日記" 1882 July

Scope and Contents note

Regarding "Diary of Nagano Town Assembly (長野町町会日誌)" and "Minute of Nagano Town Assembly (長野町会議事録)."
box 21, folder 5


box 21, folder 6

"小縣郡滋野村村会 議事細説," "村会議事細則 長野県小縣郡滋野村" 1882

Scope and Contents note

Regarding "Minute of Shigenomura Village Assembly (滋野村議事録)."
box 21, folder 7

"第一回 上伊那郡町村連合会日誌" 1881 March

Scope and Contents note

Regarding "Dairy of Kamiina Gun General Assembly (上伊那郡町村連合会日誌)."
box 21, folder 8

"中野町町会成議案," "長野県上水内郡小根山村村会日記" 1879 September - October 15

box 21, folder 9

"長野県南第十九大区区会日誌 第一号" "長野県南第廿二大区区会日誌" 1878 February

box 21, folder 10

Minute, list of names, "第三回 長野県上伊那郡町村連合会議事録," "上伊那郡連合会議員" 1880 February-March

box 21, folder 11

"明治十四年十月廿日開会同廿三日閉場 上伊那郡臨時町村連合会日誌" 1881 October

Scope and Contents note

From the cover: "小野村"

Post-World War II Constitution Issues

box 22, folder 1

Draft, "憲法改正案" circa 1945-1947

Scope and Contents note

Regarding draft of the new constitution of Japan.
box 22, folder 2

Written opinion and translation regarding the constitution of Japan 1945 December 23 - 1946 October 31

Scope and Contents note

Includes "帝国憲法改正ノ必要" by 内大臣府御用係 Sasaki Soichi (佐々木惣一), "The Japanese Constitution" by Chairman, translation Section Yutaka Munakata.
box 22, folder 3

Miscellaneous drafts regarding the constitution of Japan and the Imperial household circa 1945-1947

Scope and Contents note

Includes "皇室経済法案," "皇室典範案," "憲法改正草案," "日本国憲法," and "New Japanese Constitution."
box 22, folder 4

Resolution, translations 1953 June-September 26

Scope and Contents note

Includes "平和憲法擁護研究会趣意書" (the Association for the Defence of the Peace Constitution of Japan), "Resolution for Rejection of M. S. A. in Japan," and "Movement Defending Peace Constitution of Japan."
box 22, folder 5

Report, "憲法改正問題の経過" by 自民党憲法調査会 circa 1956

box 22, folder 6

Written opinion, "「憲法改正の方向」と題する意見書を読んで" by Takayanagi Kenzo (高柳賢三) 1963 December 15

box 22, folder 7

Written opinion, "憲法制定の経過に関する小委員会報告書の「結論」に対する共同意見書" 1964 March 4

box 22, folder 8

Draft, "『日本国民憲法』試案" by 神川委員 circa 1958

box 22, folder 9

Report and lists of names 1964

Scope and Contents note

Includes "The Members of the Commission on the Constitution," "Kenpo Mondai Kenkyukai (Constitutional Study Group)," "A Chronology of Debates Over the Constitution's Origin."
box 22, folder 10

Report, "Comments and Observations by Foreign Scholars on Problems Concerning the Constitution of Japan, 1946 (Supplement)" by Secretariat of the Commission on the Constitution 1964

Scope and Contents note

In French.
box 22, folder 11

Postcards undated

box 22, folder 12

Address book, "衆議院議員宿所一覧表" 1964 March 2

box 22, folder 13

"行政機構及び公務員制度並びにその運営の根本的改革に関する件" 1946 August

box 22, folder 14

Draft, "日本証券取引所の解散等に関する法律案" circa 1946-1947

box 22, folder 15

List, "明治大正昭和 歴代内閣政党政治史一覧表" after 1957

Scope and Contents note

Relates to the history of the Japanese government until Ishibashi cabinet.
box 22, folder 16

Reports, "A 文官制度改正案ノ主要ナルモノノ政府ニ於ケル審議立案経過", "B 所謂文官身分保障制度成立ノ経過" 1940-1944


International Military Tribunal for the Far East (IMTFE)

box 23, folder 1

Legal documents 1948 January-February

Scope and Contents note

Court case and order of proof regarding Sadao Araki and Koki Hirota.

Defense documents

box 23, folder 2

No. 146, "On the Foreign Policy of Japan Vis-a-vis Europe and America Following Withdrawal from the League of Nations" 1947 March 14

Scope and Contents note

English translation of Japanese document "連盟脱退後ニ於ケル帝国ノ対欧米外交方針" written in mid-April 1933.
box 23, folder 3

No. 301 "Errata Sheet" and no. 3070 (revised) undated

Scope and Contents note

"極東国際軍事裁判所亜米利加合衆国其他対荒木貞夫其他先生供述書 供述者 法眼普作."
box 23, folder 5

Nos. 602-A-2, 617-A-1, 619-B-11, 626B-1, and 696 1946-1948

Scope and Contents note

Relates to interrogations of Kingoro Hashimoto (橋本欣五郎), Takazumi Oka (岡敬純), Kenryo Sato (佐藤賢了), and Hideki Tojo (東条英機).
box 23, folder 6

No. 820A-Cert and no. 894 1947-1948

Scope and Contents note

Includes deposition by Yoshihide Miki (三木良英).
box 23, folder 7

No. 954 and no. 955 1947

Scope and Contents note

Contains the deposition by Tadakatsu Tanaka (田中忠勝) (includes 1st and 2nd revision) and the deposition by Naoichi Kawahara (川原直一).
box 23, folder 8

Nos.1025, 1029, 1069, 1070, 1071, 1081, and 1082 1946-1947

Scope and Contents note

Includes deposition by Yoshijiro Umezu (梅津美治郎), Ryukichi Tanaka (田中隆吉), F.S.G. Piggott, Hachiro Arita (有田八郎), E.J. Nathan, and Kantaro Suzuki (鈴木貫太郎).
box 23, folder 9

No.1280 and no. 1281 1947

Scope and Contents note

Includes certification of the personnel records of Shigenori Togo (東郷茂徳) by Kohei Teraoka (寺岡洪平).
box 23, folder 11

Nos.1401-J-3, 1455, 1500-A-8, and 1500-J-5 undated

Scope and Contents note

Includes "Regulations: The Treatment of Prisoners of War," and "真珠湾攻撃調査共同委員会議事録抜粋."
box 23, folder 12

No.1761 1947 September 8

Scope and Contents note

Contains deposition by Yachiho Murata (村田八千穂).
box 24, folder 13

Miscellaneous defense documents 1947 December 9

Scope and Contents note

Includes "Proof by Miyama Yozo (美山要蔵による証明書);" "Synopsis of Pressure upon Japan by America, England, China and Holland;" "Japanese-Thailand Treaty of Alliance;" and "Agreement on Culture Reached between Japan and Thailand (日本国「タイ」国巻文化協定)."
box 23, folder 4

Revised trial documents 1947

Scope and Contents note

Includes "The Battles of the Japanese Naval Landing Party" by Seisuke Arima and "帝国憲法制定の精神, 欧米各国学者政治家の評論" by 伯爵 金子堅太郎.
box 23, folder 10

I.P.S. document no.1383-B (9) 1948 January 2

Scope and Contents note

Top secret telegram from a military attache of the Embassy of Germany to a vice chief, regarding Minister for Foreign Affairs Matsuoka's trip to the U.S.
box 24, folder 1

Excerpts from newspapers on the IMTFE and the Pacific War circa 1940-1948

box 24, folder 2

Minutes 1947 May 18

Scope and Contents note

Includes Defense Document 1973.
box 24, folder 3

Letter (incomplete) undated

Scope and Contents note

Includes "General Dohihara (土肥原 賢二)."
box 24, folder 4

Minutes and excerpts from newspapers on the IMTFE 1932 January 31 - 1948

Scope and Contents note

Includes excerpt "Japanese Withdraw from the Leage."
box 24, folder 5

Affidavit of Yamamoto Yoshio 山本善雄 1947 August 28

Scope and Contents note

Regarding affidavit of Hatoyama Ichiro 鳩山一郎, etc.
box 24, folder 6

"極東国際軍事裁判 アメリカ合衆国其他対荒木貞夫其他 宣誓供述書 供述者石井三郎" 1947 August 27

Scope and Contents note

Includes deposition by Ishii Saburo (石井三郎).
box 24, folder 7

Affidavit of Ouchi Yoshido 1947 September 29

Scope and Contents note

Includes incomplete document on "Second Sino-Japanese War(日中戦争)."
box 24, folder 8

Affidavit of Kurt Meissner and Kameyama Kazuji circa 1943 January 29 - 1947 October 10

Scope and Contents note

Includes "Errata Sheet."
box 24, folder 9

Affidavit of Suzuki Tadakatsu, Shiratori Toshio 白鳥敏夫, and Shimada Shigeraro 嶋田繁太郎 circa 1947 December 10

Scope and Contents note

Includes "Opening Statement of Individual Defense by Tojyo Hideki (東条英機部門冒頭陳述)," "Constitution of the Philippines," "Hayashi Kaoru (林馨)," and "Treatment of Indian Prisoners of War (印度兵捕虜の待遇)."
box 24, folder 10

Affidavit of Kameyama Koichi 亀山孝一, Nishio Toshizo 西尾寿造, Shimomura Sadamu, and Takebe Rokuzo circa 1947 April 30

Scope and Contents note

Incldues "憲法と政治" and "an excerpt from the historical account of the Japanese constitution and foreign criticisms by Kentaro Kaneko(金子堅太郎)."
box 24, folder 11

Affidavit of Morishima Morito 森島守人, Tojo Hideki 東条英機, and others 1947 September 24

box 24, folder 12

Affidavit of Togo Shigenori 1947 December 12

box 24, folder 14

Affidavit of Yamamoto Kumaichi 山本熊一 and Wakamatsu Tadakazu 若松只一 circa 1947 December 15

Scope and Contents note

Includes an excerpt from Le Temps (ル・タン) on September 5 in 1939 and a map.
box 25, folder 1

Affidavit of Wakamatsu Tadaichi, Ayabe Kentaro 綾部健太郎, Inoue Tadao 井上忠男, Kojima Hideo 小島秀雄, Shibata Kenshiro 柴山兼四郎, Takei Seitaro, and Kosaka Yasumasa 香坂昌康 circa 1947 December 26

box 25, folder 2

Affidavit of Ikeda Sumihisa 池田純久, Tanaka Ryukichi 田中隆吉, Shimada Shigetaro 嶋田繁太郎, Ogoshi Kenji 大越兼二, Kotani Etsuo, and Obi Tetsuzo 小尾哲三 circa 1948 January 5

Scope and Contents note

Includes "Regulations for Students of the Totalitarian War Research Institute (総力戦研究所研究生規程)."
box 25, folder 3

Affidavit of Handa Binji 半田敏治, Kataoka Tadashi 片倉衷, Hattori Naohiro 服部直博, and Takakura Tadashi 高倉正 circa 1947 December 1

box 25, folder 4

Affidavit of Kanemitsu Tsuneo 金光庸夫 circa 1947 December 30

box 25, folder 5

Affidavit of Nakamura Masao 中村雅郎 circa 1948 January 23

box 25, folder 6

Affidavit of Usami Okiie 宇佐美興屋 circa 1948 January 26

Scope and Contents note

Includes an excerpt from the Saionji-Harada Memoris.
box 25, folder 7

Affidavit of Hashimoto Gun 橋本群 circa 1948 January 26

Scope and Contents note

Includes excerpt from the Saionji-Harada Memoris.
box 25, folder 8

Affidavit of Tasuku Nakazawa 中沢佑, Kumaichi Yamamoto 山本熊一, and Arimitsu Yamagata 山縣有光 1948 January

Scope and Contents note

Includes "Report of Activities For the Year 1941 Excerpted from p. 46 (昭和十六年間執務報告外務省条約局 抜粋四六頁," "Saionji Harada Memoirs Chapter 297 (西園寺原田日記抜粋 第二百九十七回 昭和十三年十月十五日)," and "Excerpt from Saionji-Harada Memoirs Chapter 338 (1 September 1939) (西園寺原田日記 三三八回 十四年九月一日)."
box 25, folder 9

Affidavit of Michinori Ureshino 嬉野通軌, Kiyotane Abo 安保清種, Kazushige Ugaki 宇垣一成, Kingo Machimura 町村金五, Yonai Mitsumasa, Hisatada Hirose 広瀬久忠 1948 January

Scope and Contents note

Includes "Excerpt from Saionji-Harada Memoirs Chapter 364 (西園寺原田日記 第三百六十四回抜粋 昭和十五年 (一九四〇年) 六月四日) and "Diagnosis No. 2931 Abo Kiyotane (診断書第二九三一号 安保清種)."
box 25, folder 10

Affidavit of Keisuke Okada 岡田啓介, Sotaro Ishiwata 石渡荘太郎, and Iwao Yamazaki 山崎巌 1948 January-February

Scope and Contents note

Includes an excerpt from "陸軍軍縮と西園寺公第三百二十一回ヨリノ抜粋 (昭和十四年四月十八日," a telegram from Tokyo to Berlin, and an errata sheet of the deposition of Kazushige Ugaki (宇垣一成).
box 25, folder 11

Affidavit of Hiroshi Akita (秋田弘志), Shunichi Matsumoto, Mazaki, Shunichi Matsumoto, Morisada Hosokawa 細川護貞, and Haruhiko Nishi 西春彦 1948 January-February

Scope and Contents note

Includes "Certificate Concerning the Duties of Former Colonel YAMAGATA, Arimitsu (元陸軍大佐山縣有光の職務に関する証明書)."
box 26, folder 1

Affidavit of Hogen Sinsaku 法眼晋作 circa 1948 February 4

box 26, folder 2

Affidavit of Shibayama Kenshiro 柴山兼四郎 circa 1948 February 4

box 26, folder 3

Defense document 1947 November 5 - 1948 January 21

Scope and Contents note

Includes "一九四三年独逸海軍ニ関スル事項ニ就イテノ総統会議," "典拠及ビ公正ニ関スル證明," "訂正," and "Make Manifest the Reality of National Total Warfare! Says Admiral Shimada Upon Return."
box 27, folder 1

Motion of defendant Tojo Hideki 1947 January 15

box 27, folder 2

Motion of defendant Koiso Kuniaki 1947 January 7

box 27, folder 3

Evidentiary document 1945 November 5 - 1946 June 7

Scope and Contents note

Includes "和蘭軍情報部" and "蘭領東インドにおける戦争犯罪."
box 27, folder 4

Motion of defendant Kaya Okinori 1947 January 8

box 27, folder 5

Motion of defedant Suzuki Teiichi 1947 January 8

box 27, folder 6

"General Motion to Dismiss the Indictment on Behalf of All Defendants" (全被告ノ利益ノタメニスル起訴状却下ノ一般的動議) circa 1947

box 27, folder 43289

"Motion of Defendant Hata, Shinroku, to Dismiss" (被告畑俊六公訴却下ノ申立) 1947

Scope and Contents note

Folder 8 includes "全被告ノタメニスル一般却下動議ヲ支持セントスル弁論書"
box 27, folder 9

Motion by Accused Kido, Koichi to Dismiss the Indictment at the Close of the Prosecution's Case (被告木戸幸一ニ関スル公訴却下ノ申立) 1947 January 14

box 27, folder 10

Motion of Defendant Hashimoto, Kingoro to Dismiss (被告橋本欣五郎ノ却下申請), and Motion of Defendant Kimura, Heitaro, to Dismiss (被告木村兵太郎却下動議) 1947 January 17-20

box 27, folder 11

Motion of Accused Hoshino, Naoki, to Dismiss (被告星野直樹公訴却下の動議) 1947 January 15

box 27, folder 12

Motion of Certain Defendants for a Mistrial (被告ノ不当審理申立) and Motion to Dismiss by the Accused Matsui, Iwane circa 1947

box 27, folder 13

Motion of Defendant Kimura, Heitaro, to Dismiss (被告木村兵太郎却下動議) 1947 January 20

box 27, folder 14

Motion to Dismiss on Behalf of the Defendant Araki, Sadao (in Japanese) 1947 January 7-17

box 27, folder 15

Motion to Dismiss on Behalf of the Defendant Araki, Sadao (in Japanese and English) 1947 January 17

box 27, folder 16

Individual Motion to Dismiss on Behalf of Koki Hirota (広田弘毅ノ利益ノタメニスル却下ノ個人的動議) circa 1947

box 27, folder 17

Individual Motion to Dismiss on Behalf of Koki Hirota (広田弘毅ノ利益ノタメニスル却下ノ個人的動議) circa 1947

box 27, folder 18

Separate Motion of the Accused Kenji Dohihara to Dismiss (被告土肥原賢二却下ノ別箇動議) 1947 January 20

box 27, folder 19

Motion to Dismiss of Shiratori Toshio (被告白鳥敏夫却下動議) and Argument in Support of General Motion to Dismiss on Behalf of All Defendants 1947 January 22

box 27, folder 20

Motion of the Accused Hiranuma Kiichiro to Dismiss (被告平沼騏一郎ノ公訴却下ノ動議) circa 1947

box 27, folder 21-23

Evidentiary documents circa 1947

Scope and Contents note

Includes a telegram on 1941 March 1 from Schleier, German ambassador in Paris, to Schwarzmann, German Minister for Foreign Affairs, on the arbitration proposal by Japan on the conflict in Indochina; a certificate (証明書) of maps by N. A. Bazenko (ソ連検察部記録室長陸軍少佐エヌ・バゼンコ); and "Operational History of Japanese Aircraft Carriers (日本航空母艦の戦歴)."
box 27, folder 22

Evidentiary documents circa 1947-1948

Scope and Contents note

Contains a collection of defense documents such as telegrams, affidavits, and memoirs. Includes the affidavit by Yasuko Konoye (近衛泰子) and excerpts from the interrogation of General Hiroshi Oshima (大島浩将軍訊問抜粋).
box 27, folder 23

Evidentiary documents circa 1947-1948

Scope and Contents note

Includes certificates of maps by N. A. Bazenko, Chief of the Document room of the Soviet Division of the I.P.S. and "Comparative Table of Naval Vessels between the U.S.A. and Japan as of 7 Dec. 1941 (On Hand, and On Hand In Fleets in the Pacific Area)."
box 28, folder 1

"極東国際軍事裁判所第一号 亜米利加合衆国 対 被告荒木貞夫等 東郷動機 (1) - (13)" 1947

box 28, folder 2

"東郷動機 (14) - (25)" and Motion of Dismiss of Togo Shigenori 東郷茂徳 1947 January 20

box 28, folder 3

Motion of the Defendant Tojo Hideki 東條英機 to Dismiss the Incident 1947 January 15

box 28, folder 4

Separate Motion of the Accused Takazumi Oka 岡敬純 to Dismiss 1947 January 15

box 28, folder 5

Motion of the Accused Muto Akira 武藤章 to Dismiss 1947 January 17

box 28, folder 6

Motion of the Accused Shigemitsu, Mamoru 重光葵 to Dismiss 1947 January 20

box 28, folder 7

被告重光葵免訴ノ為ノ動議 1947 January 20

box 28, folder 8

Motion of the Accused Sato Kenryo 佐藤賢了 to Dismiss 1947

box 28, folder 9

Accompanying Memorandum in Support of Motion to Dismiss on behalf of the Defendant Okawa Shumei 大川周明 1947 January 28

box 28, folder 10

全被告ノ一般却下動議ノ支持書 and General Motition to Dismiss the Indictment on Behalf of All Defendants 1947

box 28, folder 11

Motion to Dismiss by the Accused Itagaki Seishiro 板垣征四郎 1947

box 28, folder 12

Motion by Accused Kido Koichi 木戸幸一 to Dismiss 1947 January 14

box 28, folder 13

Motion of Defendant Kimura Heitaro 木村兵太郎 to Dismiss 1947 January 20

box 28, folder 14

Affidavit of Ishida Eiguma and Evidentiary Documents circa 1945 June-July

box 28, folder 15

Affidavit of Hasegawa Minokichi 長谷川巳之吉 and Evidentiary Documents circa 1943 June 23 - 1946 June 21

box 28, folder 16

Evidentiary document regarding prisoners of war (戦争捕虜) of the United States and the Philippines druing the Pacific War (太平洋戦争) circa 1945 February

box 28, folder 17

Motion of Accused Oshima, Hiroshi and Hoshino, Naoki to Dismiss circa 1947 January 15

box 28, folder 18

Evidentiary documents circa 1947 January 16

Scope and Contents note

Includes "Introductory Statement General Minami Jiro 南次郎" and "橋本欣五郎に関する冒頭陳述."
box 29, folder 1

Affidavit of Yamamoto Yoshio 山本善雄 1948 February 1

box 29, folder 2

Affidavit of Saito Ryoe 斎藤良衛 1947 October 3

box 29, folder 3

Affidavit of Suzuki Teiichi 鈴木貞一 1947 November 24

box 29, folder 4

Affidavit of Hu Lin 胡霖 and evidentiary document, "On the Foreign Policy of Japan Vis-a-vis Europe and America Following Withdrawal from the League of Nations (Middle of April, 1933)" 1946 December 12

box 29, folder 5

Affidavit of Noguchi Yoshio 野口芳雄 1947 November 19

box 29, folder 6

Affidavit of Hasegawa Minokichi 長谷川巳之吉 and evidentiary documents 1947 April 5

box 29, folder 7

Affidavit of Kurt Meissner クルト・マイスナー 1947 July 9

box 30, folder 1

Notion to Dismiss on Behalf of All Defendants circa 1947

box 30, folder 2

Motion for mistrial 被告ノ不当審理申立" by Hirota Koki 広田弘毅 and others circa 1947

box 30, folder 3

Evidentiary Document of E.C. Milkin 1946 April 10

box 30, folder 4

Motion to Dismiss by the Accused Oshima Hiroshi 大島浩 1947 January 23

box 30, folder 5

Motion of Defendant Kaya Okinori 賀屋興宣 to Dismiss, Memorandum in Support of Motion of Defendant Kaya Okinori to Dismiss (被告賀屋興宣ヨリノ棄却申請ヲ支持スル覚書), and an argument in support of general motion to dismiss on behalf of all defendants 1947 January 8

box 30, folder 6

Motion to Dismiss by the Accused Matsui Iwane 松井石根 circa 1947

box 30, folder 7

Motion to Dismiss on Behalf of the Defendant Jiro Minami 南次郎 1947 January 7

box 30, folder 8

Motion to Dismiss of Umezu Yoshijiro 梅津美治郎 1947 January 20

box 30, folder 9

Motion to Dismiss on Behalf of the Defendant Shume Okawa 大川周明 1947 January 7

box 30, folder 10

Motion to Dismiss on Behalf of the Defendant Kuniaki Koiso 小磯国昭 1947 January 7

box 30, folder 11

Separate Motion of the Accused Takazumi Oka 岡敬純 to Dismiss 1947 January 15

box 30, folder 12

Motion to Dismiss Shigemitsu Mamoru 重光葵 1947 January 20

box 30, folder 13

Motion to Dismiss of Togo Shigenori 東郷茂徳 1947 January 20

box 30, folder 14

Motion by the Accused Shimada Shigetaro to Dismiss the Indictment at the Close of the Prosecution's Case (検察側論告集結ニ際スル被告島田ノ起訴却下動議) and Motion to Dismiss by Shiratori, Toshio (被告白鳥敏夫却下動議)" 1947 January 17-22

box 30, folder 15

Motion of the Accused Muto Akira 武藤章 to Dismiss 1947 January 17

box 30, folder 16

Motion to Dismiss by the Accused Itagaki Seishiro 板垣征四郎 circa 1947

box 30, folder 17

Motion by Accused Sato, Kenryo to Dismiss the Indictment at the Close of the Prosectuion's Case (検察官側ノ論告終了ニ当リ被告佐藤賢了ノ提出セル起訴状却下ノ動議) circa 1947

box 30, folder 18

Motion of the Accused Hiranuma Kiichiro 平沼騏一郎 to Dismiss circa 1947

box 30, folder 19-23

Deposition by Tojo Hideki 東條英機 1947 December 19

Scope and Contents note

Includes a list of errata of deposition by Tojo Hideki (東條英機口供書正誤表).
box 31, folder 1

"General Headquarters Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers Proclamation (連合国軍代表最高指揮官総司令部 布告)" circa 1945

Scope and Contents note

Contains the original versions of the first two proclamations of General Douglas MacArthur as Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers in Japan. Includes the note: "They are different from the versions accepted by the Japanese and published later."
box 31, folder 2

"幕僚業務ト其ノ責任" 1946 December

Scope and Contents note

Includes "Certificate of Authenticity (文書成立ニ関スル証明書)."
box 31, folder 3

Report, "弁護団ノ公訴棄却ノ申請ニ答ヘテ提出ノ陳述並ニ分析" by 国際検察部主席検事特別補佐官 ユーゼン・デイ・ウィリアムズ 1947 January

box 31, folder 4-5

"Statement and Analysis Submitted in Response to Defense Motions to Dismiss" by Eugene D. Williams 1947 January

box 31, folder 6

Certificate for the translation of "Ancestor Worship and Japanese Law by Baron N. Hozumi, Fourth Edition" 1947 January-February

Scope and Contents note

Includes an excerpt from American Journal of International Law.
box 31, folder 7

"Agreement for the Establishment of an International Military Tribunal" 1947 February

Scope and Contents note

Contains an excerpt from "Trial of War Criminals." Includes a certificate of authenticity.
box 31, folder 8-9

"東亜新秩序" 1942 March 20

Scope and Contents note

Contains an excerpt from 支那問題辞典 pp.550-564, published by Chuokoron-sha.
box 31, folder 10

Summary, "陸軍省, 参謀本部, 教育総監部関係業務担任規定要旨" 1947 February 12

Scope and Contents note

Includes an English translation and a certificate of the source of the document (文書成立ニ関スル証明書).
box 31, folder 11

Excerpt, "真珠湾事件調査報告書抜粋 (訳文)" circa 1941

Scope and Contents note

Japanese translation of a report on the attack on Pearl Harbor.
box 31, folder 12

Evidentiary document 1947 February 14

Scope and Contents note

Includes "The March to the World of Tomorrow (明日の世界へ発足す)" by Toshio Shiratori (白鳥敏夫), "Request for Production of Document," and a translation certificate.
box 31, folder 13

"There Will Be Few War Criminals Listed by V-Day" 1944 August 31

Scope and Contents note

Excerpt from Daily Worker. Includes a Japanese translation "V-デイ迄に名簿に載せられる戦犯は少数ならん."
box 31, folder 14

Deposition by Horinouchi Kennosuke 堀内謙介 1946 December 26

box 31, folder 15

"国際軍事裁判所設立協定" and certificate (証明書 根元アル信憑スベキ声明書) 1947 February 20

box 31, folder 16-19

Evidentiary documents 1947 January- April

Scope and Contents note

Includes "枢密院官制第六条改正一件," "Imperial Rescript (勅語)," "Official Instruction (告諭)," and "枢密院本会議議事概要."
box 31, folder 20

Report, "弁護団ノ公訴棄却ノ申請ニ答ヘテ提出ノ陳述並ニ分析" by 国際検察部主席検事特別補佐官 ユーゼン・デイ・ウィリアムズ 1947 January

box 31, folder 21

Affidavit by Shinichi Tanaka circa 1946

box 31, folder 22

Miscellaneous circa 1947

Scope and Contents note

Includes "Receipt and File Slip," "Errata Sheet," "Language Correction," and "東条被告 (ブルーエット弁護人追加分)."
box 31, folder 23

Evidentiary Document 548 "機密第一潜水部隊命令作第二号 昭和十八年三月二十日 'トラック' 旗艦平安丸" by 第一潜水部隊指揮官 三戸寿 circa 1947

Scope and Contents note

Includes military maps of islands in the Pacific Ocean.

Issues Regarding Ryūkyū

box 32, folder 1

Statistics, "Average Per Acre and Data for Standards of Computation" circa 1955

Scope and Contents note

Includes "Data for Proposed Compensations for Military Requested Land."
box 32, folder 2

Reports, "Appraising for Army Land Acquisition" by Harold S. Goodrich circa 1954

Scope and Contents note

Includes "Special Measure Law (Extraction)," "Special Measures Law for Use, etc. of Land, etc. upon the Enforcement of the Administrative Agreement of the Basis of the Provisions of Artcle Ⅲ of the Security Pact between Japan and the United States of America (Law 140 of 1952)," and judicial record regarding land acquisition.
box 32, folder 3

Miscellaneous documents 1952-1955 January

Scope and Contents note

Includes statement, telegram, bill, affidavit, and report regarding land expropriation.
box 32, folder 4

"Rules of Procedure Part One" by United States Land Acquisition Commission for the Ryukyu Islands 1954 April 1

Scope and Contents note

Includes "Part 2 Record of Hearing" and "Instructions for the Commission: Commission Jurisdiction." Japanese translation attached.
box 32, folder 5

"Opening Remarks by Chairman of the Commission" 1954 July 6

box 32, folder 6

"Functions of the U.S. Land Acquisition Commission" 1954 November 10

Scope and Contents note

Statement of General Ogden at a press conference.
box 32, folder 7

Judicial records 1955 February 1-2

Scope and Contents note

Regarding trials between the United States and Kotaru Kinjo, Seikichi Chinen, Masaaki Kaneshiro, and Choki Fukuhara.
box 32, folder 8

Report, "軍用地関係資料抜萃" by 琉球政府経済企画室 1955 June

box 32, folder 9

Report, "琉球農業経済と軍用地" circa 1955

box 32, folder 10

Report, "沖縄における軍用地問題" by 軍用地問題解決委員会 1955 October

box 32, folder 11

Report regarding issues of military use of land in Okinawa circa 1955

box 32, folder 12

Leaflet, "那覇市長選挙にさいして" by 那覇市政民主化共闘会議 1961 November


Post-World War II Communist and Socialist Movements

box 33, folder 1

Miscellaneous circa 1949-1951

Scope and Contents note

Includes "幌南しんぶん", "斗争ニュース", "Hokkaido (北海道)", "大会参考資料 北労会議会脱退反対の趣意".
box 33, folder 2

"一九中総に提出された テーゼ草案とその批判意見" by 日本共産党 1950 June 6

Scope and Contents note

Regarding "テーゼ草案."
box 33, folder 3-8

Miscellaneous 1950-1951

Scope and Contents note

Includes pamphlets and other writings produced by the Japanese Communist Party.
box 33, folder 9

"Kyushu Civil Affairs Region GHQ SCAP Fukuoka, Kyushu, Japan" 1950 October 2 - 1951 February 9

Scope and Contents note

Includes pamphlets, plus translations, distributed by the Japan Communist Party, Nagasaki District Committee at the Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and by the Communisit Party at Sasebo City (日本共産党長崎委員会、佐世保市委員会によるパンフレットとその翻訳).
box 33, folder 10

Leaflet, "松川事件最終公判にあたっての訴え" by 松川事件対策協議会 1958

Scope and Contents note

Regarding the last trial for Matsukawa derailment and petition on it (松川事件最終公判への訴え).
box 33, folder 11-13

Miscellaneous 1950

Scope and Contents note

Includes "兵庫・大阪地域の共産党のビラ," "朝鮮戦争反対," "レッドパージ反対," "Matsukawa derailment (松川事件)," "共産党統一促進," "関西 党内指針," "北労速報," "共産党北海道委員会・札幌委員会," pamphlets, and snap shots of posters produced by the Japanese Communist Party.
box 34, folder 1

Writings by communists 1951

Scope and Contents note

Bills and leaflets against Treaty of Peace with Japan (サンフランシスコ講和条約) and the Emperor System in Japan published by communist groups in Kyoto, including Japan Communist Party (日本共産党), Social Democratic Party of Japan (日本社会党), student councils of universities in Kyoto, and labor unions in Kyoto. Includes "平和を希うがゆえに: 京大天皇事件の真相" by 京都大学同学会, newspaper "京大平和の戦士" no.22-36 by 京大平和懇談会実行委員会, and "第十一回臨時組合大会議案" and "大会決議" by 京都大学職員組合.
box 34, folder 2

Report, "日本共産党第六回大会決定報告集" by 日本共産党中央委員会書記局 1948 January 18

box 34, folder 3

Writings by communists 1948-1951

Scope and Contents note

Bills, leaflets, and newspapers published by student councils in universities in Kyoto (京都) and Japan Communist Party (日本共産党) and labor unions in Hokkaido (北海道). Includes reports of activities of labor unions, rulebook of "日本中国友好協会札幌支部," "失業対策月報第3号" by 北海道失業対策本部事務局, "ほっかいどう農民新党綱領並びに政策大綱 (案)" by 北海道農民新党結党大会, "人民の信頼のもとに," "平和と独立: 札幌党報," publications by Democratic Youth League of Japan (日本民主青年団), and notes by police.
box 34, folder 4

Letter from Pardee Lowe to Dr. H. H. Fisher 1946 November 20

box 34, folder 5

"Meeting of Local Government Br., Government Section, with Tokuda, Kyuichi, Secretary-General of the Communist Party, 15 Mar 46, 1500 to 1750" 1946 March 16

box 34, folder 6

"Sokoku o Aisuru Michi (The Way to Love the Fatherland)" by Shigeo Kamiyama 1949 September 14

Scope and Contents note

English translation of "祖国を愛する道" by 神山茂夫. Published in September 1947 by Iwasaki Shoten (岩崎書店), Tokyo.
box 34, folder 7

Miscellaneous documents Late 1940s

Scope and Contents note

Collection of documents related to Jeju Island (済州島), including leaflets by Korean anarchist Pak Yol (朴烈).
box 35, folder 1

"資料一〇三号" by Fujiwara (藤原) circa 1950

Scope and Contents note

Includes reports, charts, lists of names, resolution, instructions, prospectus, maps. such as "ソ連帰還者生活擁護同盟," "京都民統," armaments in North Korea, "第九十九回中央委員会決議中日合作司令第一号," "学生運動総評議会 (仮称)提唱趣意書," "日本共産党本部配置図."
box 35, folder 2

Translation, "世界経済史" circa 1950

Scope and Contents note

From the table of contents: printed "朝鮮の情勢について No. 1 (資料)". Includes articles translated from Pravda (プラウダ), Renmin Ribao (人民日報), etc.
box 35, folder 3


Scope and Contents note

From the title page: printed "帝国主義戦争とプロレタリア国際主義-戦争と平和に対する階級的見方-", "附録 1, 世界平和防衛のために 郭沫若 2, 朝鮮における平和擁護運動 全朝鮮民族平和委員会議長", "会員配布".
box 35, folder 4

Bulletin, "祖国通訊", edited by 申建 1951

Scope and Contents note

Chokuk Bulletin no.12-21.
box 35, folder 5

"球根栽培法" by 家庭園芸研究会 1951 November 8

Scope and Contents note

Article discussing need of military organization in Japan Communist Party (日本共産党).
box 35, folder 6

Report, "対共研究資料 第二十六号" by 内外維新研究所 1953 February 28

Scope and Contents note

Report on Japan Communist Party (日本共産党). From the front: stamped "秘 (secret)".
box 35, folder 7

Reports Early 1950s

Scope and Contents note

Communist report, "特別資料" no.378, 382.
box 35, folder 8

"特殊資料 第三号" 1953 June

Scope and Contents note

Booklet on activities of Japan Communist Party (日本共産党) and labor unions in China. From the front: printed "秘 (secret)".
box 35, folder 9

Printed-material, "国際共産党第六回大会の反帝国主義戦争テーゼ" by 日本共産党中央委員会 circa 1928

box 36, folder 1

民社学研by 民主社会主義研究学生連合結成準備会, Nos. 1-2 1936 February 25, April 1

box 36, folder 2

Japanese Communist Party Kyoto University Cell (日本共産党京大細胞) circa 1949 November

Scope and Contents note

Includes anti-communist leaflet "キクハタ 第43-44号."
box 36, folder 3

College newspapers 1949 September 25, October 10

Scope and Contents note

Includes Ryukoku University Press (龍谷大学新聞) no. 212 and Ritsumeikan University Press (立命館大学新聞) nos. 24-25.
box 36, folder 4

Kyoto University miscellaneous documents circa 1950

Scope and Contents note

Contains documents written by communists in Kyoto University.
box 36, folder 5

Miscellaneous undated

Scope and Contents note

Includes a bill by Kyoto Municipality Labor Union (京都市職員労働組合連合会) and posters by Kyoto Teachers Union (京都教職員組合).
box 36, folder 6

京大タイムズ 1949 October-November

box 36, folder 7

Mother's day letters from students to 岡本先生 undated

box 36, folder 8

Bills 1952

Scope and Contents note

Bills by university students and labor unions in Kyoto. Includes poltical statements against Subversive Activities Prevention Act (破壊活動防止法).
box 36, folder 9

Booklets 1949, 1967

Scope and Contents note

Includes "毛沢東思想の大道を前進しよう: 中華人民共和国成立十七周年を祝う" and "中国のプロレタリア文化大革命 (第十集)" by 北京 外交出版社, and "われわれは京都大学をこのようにして守る" by 日本共産党京大細胞.
box 36, folder 10

Miscellaneous 1949-1951

Scope and Contents note

Includes posters on a mayoral election and a booklet titled "一九四九年七月 第五回全国大会決議集: 私鉄総連のしおり" by 日本私鉄労働組合総連合会教育宣伝部.
box 36, folder 11

Kyoto University material 1951

Scope and Contents note

Communist materials collected at Kyoto University. Includes "京大平和の戦士" nos. 7, 9-11, 13, 15-21, and bills on an atomic bomb exhibition at Kyoto University.
box 36, folder 12

Japanese communist material 1950-1951

Scope and Contents note

Bills and leaflets by university students and labor unions in Kyoto and Osaka. Includes materials from the Kyoto University Labor Union (京都大学職員組合).
box 36, folder 13

Miscellaneous 1948-1950

Scope and Contents note

Clippings of communist bills, and new year statement book by cells of Japanese Communist Party (日本共産党) in Kyoto, received from Headquarter of Kyoto Municipal Police (京都市警察本部).
box 37, folder 1

Wartime newspapers and clippings 1943 March 25 - 1945 January 24

Scope and Contents note

Includes newspapers such as "航空新聞," and "The Mainichi."
box 37, folder 2-4

Japanese Communist Party material 1949-1950

Scope and Contents note

Includes reports, leaflets, statements, and newsletters.
box 37, folder 5

Posters 1948 January 19 - 1949 April 5

Scope and Contents note

Regarding opposition to Prime Minister Yoshida Shigeru (吉田茂) and his government. Includes caricatures issued by 労働漫画ニュース, 同盟ニュース.
box 37, folder 6

Newsletters 1933 November 15 - 1934 February 28

Scope and Contents note

Includes "金属労働者," "救援新聞," "赤門戦士," and "労働新聞."
box 37, folder 7

Japanese Communist Party material 1949 November 25 - 1953 July 22

Scope and Contents note

Includes newsletters such as 党内情報 22号; 鴨川通信, No. 6; 青年祖国戦線 7; 若い仲間 創刊号; and 読売新聞.
box 37, folder 8

"共産党調査資料" 1950 April 12 - 1952 March 1

Scope and Contents note

Includes leaflets, written questions, statements, and a poster regarding communist activities, leftist movements, the Emperor system, Hirohito's visit to Kyoto University, opposition to rearmament, and a campus festival in Kyoto University.
box 37, folder 9

Periodicals 1950 October 22 - 1951 March 24

Scope and Contents note

Includes 平和通信, 自由, われらの世界.
box 37, folder 10

Japanese Communist Party material 1951 March-December

Scope and Contents note

Includes "必読文献研究資料目録" by Japanese Communist Party (日本共産党), "紹介 戦後のソ連文学に就いて," "新刊案内," and "一橋新聞付録 公開質問状" from 京都大学同学会 to 天皇裕仁.
box 37, folder 11

Photograph of flag 1952

Scope and Contents note

From the front: written "大山郁夫", "日本共産党創立三十周年記念".
box 37, folder 12-14

Japanese Communist Party material 1950-1951

Scope and Contents note

Includes leaflets, reports, "党活動指針," "日刊党内情報," and "京都学芸 学内通信."
box 37, folder 15

Japanese Communist Party posters circa 1952 May-July

box 37, folder 16

Books 1952 January 17

Scope and Contents note

Contains スト権をわれらの手に 前進する自治体労働者 by 京都市職員労働組合連合会 and 党は如何に鍛えられるか
box 37, folder 17

Leaflets, "プロ産児制限ニュース 大衆版 第一号", "プロBCニュース No.11" by 無産者産児制限同盟 1932 April 20 - May 15

box 37, folder 18

Japanese labor unions 1950 December 5 - 1958 April 20

Scope and Contents note

Contains publications produced by various labor unions.
box 37, folder 19

Japanese communist newspapers 1951 January 20 - 1951 February 12

Scope and Contents note

Contains 新読書 (Vol. 4, 6) by 新読書社 and 人民新聞 (Vol. 6) by 人民新聞社.
box 38, folder 1

Japanese Communist Party material 1947 December 28 - 1951 January 17

Scope and Contents note

Includes "ソ連引揚," "ソ連関係引揚促進," "品川労連ニュース No.25 1950.12.2," and 読者の友.
box 38, folder 2

Post-war time Japanese communist newspapers and clippings circa 1950

box 38, folder 3

Japanese Communist Party material 1950 August 31 - October 12

Scope and Contents note

Includes "闘争宣言 by 北海道農業団体労働組合、北農労石狩生産連分会" and "室蘭平和擁護大会."
box 38, folder 4

"重要経済統計月報" by 神戸商業大学商業研究所 1935 October

box 38, folder 5

"綱領案 北日本赤化反対連盟規約案" by 北日本赤化反対連盟結成準備委員会 circa 1948

Scope and Contents note

Regarding "北日本赤化反対連盟規約."
box 38, folder 6

"通達 地方選挙について" by 札幌委員会 1951 January 17

Scope and Contents note

Regarding "preparation for coming local election (地方選挙への準備)".
box 38, folder 7

Japanese labor union posters and leaflets circa 1947- 1951

Scope and Contents note

Inlcudes "読者の友" and "愛車 第七会 1947."
box 38, folder 8-9

Japan May Day circa 1950

Scope and Contents note

Includes leaflets, posters, and handbills
box 38, folder 10

Nihon Shakai To (日本社会党) poster undated

box 38, folder 11

Miscellaneous 1945

Scope and Contents note

Includes Diary of a Japanese Soldier (陣中日記) and invasion rumor (本土侵略の噂).
box 38, folder 12

Right-wing leaflets 1949

Scope and Contents note

Includes "真理" and "寒菊" by 日本革命菊旗同志会.
box 38, folder 13

Miscellaneous 1960

Scope and Contents note

Includes "松川事件," "安保法制反対," "池田内閣批判," "日本社会党," "民族社会党."
box 38, folder 14

American leaflets drooped during the Pacific War (太平洋戦争期に日本に落とされたビラ) circa 1943-1945

box 38, folder 15-18

Local government information bulletins 1950-1955

box 38, folder 19

"御池争議に伴う教育正常化に関する件" by 全九州教職員連盟連絡協議会、福岡県教員連盟 1960

box 38, folder 20-21

Leaflets and posters 1904, 1945

Scope and Contents note

"Regarding Port Arthur Tragedy and Russo‐Japanese War (日露戦争). Includes "仙台自由新聞."

Post-World War II Labor Movement

box 39, folder 1

Report "米の供出に就いて" by 福島県農業会食糧課長 河田留蔵 circa 1946

Scope and Contents note

Regrading "戦後の米供出" and "食糧管理制度".
box 39, folder 2

大阪機工株式会社労働組合 material 1950

Scope and Contents note

Includes "給与案、収支予算案" by 大阪機工株式会社労働組合.
box 39, folder 3

Report, "昭和二十三年事業所賃金調査及び個人別債金調査の結果の概要" by 総理府統計局 労働大臣官房労働統計調査部 1948 November 1

box 39, folder 4

Miscellaneous 1949-1950

Scope and Contents note

Including draft "第十七会地労大会 運動方針案," "第十七会 福岡地労大会," "活動予算表," and "i伊丹地方労働組合協議会ニュース."
box 39, folder 5

"Labor Relations in Japan after the War," Japan Federation of Employers' Association 1949 December 1 - 1951 May 10

box 39, folder 6

Miscellaneous circa 1950

Scope and Contents note

Includes "島津製作所に対する労働運動" and "夏季突破資金要求."
box 39, folder 7

"調査旬報" by 産別会議調査資料室, "公園の不正をつく" by 全公園労協不正摘発委員会 1950 June 15 - 1950 September 25

Scope and Contents note

Includes "Influence of Korean War on Japan (朝鮮戦争の日本への影響)" and "公園の統制."
box 39, folder 8

日本農民新聞 by 日本農民組合 1946 November 23 - 1950 May 15

Scope and Contents note

Includes "日本農民組合," "土地政策," "経済九原則," and "農政."
box 39, folder 9

農林省農業改良局、水産庁 pamphlets circa 1950

Scope and Contents note

Includes "土地改良法," "改善普及員," and "日常生活の改善."
box 39, folder 10

Japan Federation of Employers' Association 1950 September 27 - 1951 October 5

Scope and Contents note

Contains materials related to the association's view on a resolution by Douglas A. MacArthur.
box 39, folder 11

"不当弾圧と闘う十八才の青春 全金成光電機支部闘争記録" by 全国金属成光電機支部 支援共闘会議 1959 September 20

Scope and Contents note

Regarding "成光電機における1959年8月18日の労働者と警官の衝突".
box 39, folder 12

Report, "中小企業金融実態調査" by 中小企業庁振興部調査広報課 1960 October-December

Scope and Contents note

Regarding "中小企業の金融実態."
box 40

Diet reports by Central Labor Commission, Japan 1954 April 7 - 1956 September 19

Scope and Contents note

"中労委総会資料綴" No. 208-219, 258-269.
box 41

Diet reports, by Central Labor Commission, Japan 1953 April 8 - 1955 September 21

Scope and Contents note

"総会議事録" No.182-207, "中労委総会資料綴" No.220-232, and "中労委総会資料" No.233-245.

Post-World War II Public Safety Issues

box 42, folder 1

"池田新内閣の政策に望む: 七月二十四日までの主要新聞・放送から" 1962 July 24

Scope and Contents note

Contains extracts from newspaper articles.
box 42, folder 2

Report, "マスコミ情報 (6) 報道・出版代表の訪中報告" 1962 July 12

Scope and Contents note

From the front: "岡崎 (Okazaki)."
box 42, folder 3

Report, "マスコミ情報 (7) '新週刊' 再刊第一号を発売 出版労協, 夏季闘争の結末" 1962 July 18

Scope and Contents note

From the front: "岡崎 (Okazaki)."
box 42, folder 4

Report, "マスコミ情報 (8) 最近のマスコミ界の動きについて" 1962 October 9

box 42, folder 5

Report, "マスコミ情報 (13): 新聞労連の春闘盛り上がらず; 再建に悩む '東京新聞'; 産経, 共同から脱退のうわさ, その後; マスコミの中の日共勢力" 1963 March 30

Scope and Contents note

From the front: "岡崎班長 (Group leader Okazaki)."
box 42, folder 6

Report, "社会風潮調査資料10 '文学者の政治的発言' (要旨)" 1962 September

box 42, folder 7

Report, "社会風潮調査資料13 '日本映画と社会風潮の諸相' (要旨)" 1963 January

box 42, folder 8

Report, "社会風潮調査資料14 戦後平和論と平和運動 (要旨)" 1963 February

box 42, folder 9

Speech, "第17回国連総会におけるグロムイコ・ソ連代表の演説要旨" by ソビエト社会主義共和国連邦大使館広報課 1962 October 1

Scope and Contents note

Japanese summary of the speech of Andrei Gromyko at United Nations General Assembly on September 22, 1962.
box 42, folder 10-18

Reports, "地方選挙の状況: 各地方紙の報道から," Nos. 1-9 1963 January 23 - March 27

Scope and Contents note

From the front: "岡崎班長 (Group leader Okazaki)."

Leaflets Regarding U.S.-Japan Security Treaty

box 43, folder 1

Badge, "安保改定阻止" undated

Scope and Contents note

From the attached memo: "Zengakuren (Extreme Student Association)."
box 43, folder 2

"日ソ平和条約を結ぶために新安保条約批准を阻止しよう" by Japan-Soviet Society (日ソ協会) 1960 March 15

box 43, folder 3-9

1960 Revision of the U.S.-Japan Security Treaty demonstration 1960 May-June

Scope and Contents note

Includes leaflets, newspapers, and statements regarding mass demonstrations against the 1960 Revision, Prime Minister Kishi and his government, and Eisenhower's visit to Japan. Leaflets are in Japanese with English translations attached.
box 43, folder 10

"声を出して 行動に移りましょう 15日のストを支援して皆で国会へ" by Japan Teachers' Union (日本教職員組合) 1960 June 13

box 43, folder 11

"みんなが起上がるとき 岸の"人殺し弾圧"断じて許さず" by 日本新聞労働組合連合, 日本放送労働組合, 日本民間放送労働組合連合会, 出版労働組合協議会, and 映画演劇労働組合総連合会 1960 June 17

box 43, folder 12

"安保反対運動の、国会七不思儀 赤化謀略!!デッチあげられた「世論」 " and "新安保批准は国のため" by 国会を守る会 circa 1960

box 43, folder 13

"アイクを暖かく迎えよう ー恥ずべき野蛮行為ー" and "共産主義が世界革命思想を放棄しない限り 安保体制こそ"戦争防止"の有効な手段だ" by 学生土曜会 circa 1960 May-June

Scope and Contents note

English description attached to one of the leaflets.
box 43, folder 14

"即刻「新安保」を通せ" and "岸首相、解散を決意" by President of Sekai Times Oda Shunyo (世界タイムス社長 小田俊与) circa 1960 June-July

Scope and Contents note

English descriptions attached to the leaflets.
box 43, folder 15

Liberal Democratic Party of Japan (自民党) circa 1960 May-June

Scope and Contents note

Regarding criticism of Social Democratic Party of Japan (社会党) and Japan Teacher's Union (日本教職員組合). English description attached to one the leaflets.
box 43, folder 16

"デモは果たして正しいか" and "混乱の真相を知れ" circa 1960 May

Scope and Contents note

English description attached to one of the leaflets.
box 43, folder 17

"安保に反対する左翼の斗争は日本革命への恐ろしい路線だ" and "安保は既に法的に成立決定している 左翼よインチキ主張で国民をダマすな 赤い革命の野心を捨ててストを中止せよ" by Production Party of Great Japan (大日本生産党本部) 1960 June

box 43, folder 18

"アイクを歓迎せよ! 安保批准、日米同盟を強化して中ソ赤色帝国主義の侵略に備へよ!" by 大日本愛国党 赤尾敏 1960 June 11

box 43, folder 19

Miscellaneous circa 1960 June

Scope and Contents note

"Includes ""新安保批准断行"" by People's Club (国民同志会). Regarding criticism of the Social Democratic Party of Japan (日本社会党), mass demonstrations against the 1960 Revision, and Eisenhower's visit to Japan. Includes English descriptions.
box 43, folder 20

"暴力革命から祖国日本を護ろう!" and "真相を究めて責任を問うべきである!" by Association for Protection of Free Japan (自由日本を護る会) 1960 June

Scope and Contents note

Includes English descriptions.
box 43, folder 21

Miscellaneous circa 1960 May-June

Scope and Contents note

Includes "みんなに迷惑をかける政治ストに反対しましょう" by Women's league of New Japan (新日本婦人連盟). Regarding criticism of mass demonstrations against the 1960 Revision. Includes English descriptions.
box 43, folder 22

Asahi Evening News by 朝日新聞社 1960 June 16

Scope and Contents note

Includes "Bloody Riot at Diet Shocks Washington; Cabinet Blames Communists for Violence; No Change in Plans for President's Visit."
box 43, folder 23

アサヒグラフ 緊急増刊 安保の嵐・一ヶ月 「民主日本」悲劇の記録 1960 June

box 43, folder 24

Miscellaneous circa 1960 May-June

Scope and Contents note

Includes "IKE and U2 Not to Japan アイク訪日反対." Regarding criticism of Eisenhower's visit to Japan.
box 43, folder 25

"軍備全廃促進 軍国主義反対 日本平和大会開催 みんなで参加し討議しよう!-新安保体制を打破し、日本の中立化のために-" by 日本平和委員会 1960 December


Post-World War II Elections in Japan

box 44, folder 1

Leaflet, "国民は斯く要求す" by 日本青年党 田中正義 circa 1946

Scope and Contents note

Regarding criticism of Japanese government (日本政府批判), "現代議士不再選同盟", and "日本青年党."
box 44, folder 2

都民新聞 都民党と都民新聞に就いて 1946 March 30

Scope and Contents note

Regarding election in Tokyo (東京の選挙).
box 44, folder 3

"改正選挙運動一覧" by 日本社会党選挙対策委員会事務局 1954 December 10

Scope and Contents note

Regarding "改正選挙運動(衆議院議員選挙)に関する規制・禁止事項."
box 44, folder 4

Statistics, "昭和三十年二月二十七日執行 衆議院議員総選挙 最高裁判所裁判官国民審査 結果調" by 自治省 1955 February 28

Scope and Contents note

Regarding statistics concerning the election result in February 1955 (by prefecture) (1955年2月の県別選挙結果の統計).
box 44, folder 5

衆議院議員(東京都第一区)候補者選挙公報 by 東京都選挙管理委員会 1958 May 22

Scope and Contents note

Contains biographies and policy descriptions for candidates (選挙候補人の経歴と政策内容).
box 44, folder 6-8

Election posters circa 1959

box 44, folder 9

Publications, "衆議院議員(東京都第一区)候補者選挙公報" and "最高裁判所裁判官国民審査公報" by 東京都選挙管理委員会 1960 November 20

Scope and Contents note

Contains "Biography and policy description of candidates (選挙候補人の経歴と政策内容)" and "Biography and major judgements of juror at Supreme Court (最高裁判所裁判員の経歴、主な判決)."
box 44, folder 10

Leaflets, "国民の権利を守るために" and "炭鉱災害をなくすために" by 国家公務員労働組合共闘会議 1961 April

Scope and Contents note

Regarding "国家公務員法の改悪" and "ILO条約".
box 44, folder 11

South Korea propaganda 1947 June 11 - 1948

Scope and Contents note

Includes "Leftist Movement in Korean Peninsula (朝鮮半島における左翼活動)." Some items in Korean.

Post-World War II Japan Miscellany

box 45, folder 1

藤原銀次郎寄贈図書目録 excerpts 1946 July 11

Scope and Contents note

Excerpts from Ginjiro Fujiwara's article collection on Japanese art, translated into Engish.
box 45, folder 2

"調査局総発第二三〇号 特殊物件及び兵器処理後における軍施設等の清掃について" by 内務省調査局長 1947 February 27

Scope and Contents note

Instruction from 内務省調査局長 to 各地方長官 and 日本清掃組合理事長.
box 45, folder 3

Music sheet, "文化の日の歌" by 文部省 1949

Scope and Contents note

Composed by Gentaro Shibata (柴田源太郎). Lyrics by Kazuko Matsui (松井和子). Appendix of "文部時報 十月号",
box 45, folder 4

"上申書" by 栗栖赳夫 1950 May 30

Scope and Contents note

Statement written to Keinosuke Kanehira (兼平慶之助), the presiding judge at Tokyo District Court (東京地方裁判所刑事第十部裁判長裁判官).
box 45, folder 5

"国連管理下日本自衛義勇軍又提唱" by 瀧沢操六 1950 July 7

box 45, folder 6

Newspaper clippings 1950 November 5-9

Scope and Contents note

Clippings from Okinawn newspapers related to the message Douglas MacArthur sent to Tatsuo Taira on his inauguration as Chiji (Governor) of Okinawa gunto. Includes articles from Okinawa Herald, Okinawa Times, Ryukyu Nippo, Uruma Shinpo, Nanryu Daily, Jiyu Minpo, Kainan Jiho, and Nanryu Times.
box 45, folder 7

"ソ連邦糾弾の声明" by ソ連邦糾弾国民委員会 1956 May 14

box 45, folder 8

"ソ連貿易統計年鑑" by ソ連貿易省計画経済局 1958 October

Scope and Contents note

Japanese translation of "1957 Yearbook of Trade Statistics of USSR," translated by International Affairs Study Group (国際事情研究会).
box 45, folder 9

Report, "全造船中小企業対策部会" 1958 August 20

box 45, folder 10

Bill, "医療保険改善運動に御協力下さい" by 日本歯科医師会 1961 February

box 46, folder 1

"国家安全保障に関する議員懇談会" by 自由民主党 安全保障議員懇談会 1961 June 7

Scope and Contents note

Regarding "国家安全保障会議", "国防会議", and "Comparative analysis on similar organizations by country (国別の類似機関の比較分析)".
box 46, folder 2

"党政調 安全保障調査会" 1963 July

Scope and Contents note

Includes "object and participants of secutrity investigating committee (安全保障調査会の目的と参加者)" and "East Asian security (東アジア安全保障)".
box 46, folder 3

"外交調査会 ソ連小委員会" 1961 April - 1963 March

Scope and Contents note

Includes "ソ連・中国・共産圏貿易", "共産党モスクワ会議に対する国府の見方" and "ソ連の軍事力".
box 46, folder 4

"社会風潮調査資料 戦後世代の歴史認識とその背景(要旨)" 1963 July

Scope and Contents note

Relates to "national identity and historical perceptions of post-war Japanese (戦後日本の国民意識・歴史認識)".
box 46, folder 5

"春にそなえて 種まきの知識" by 農事研究社 circa 1960

Scope and Contents note

Includes "labor problem (労働問題)" and "民解放民主統一戦線."
box 46, folder 6

Photographs undated

Scope and Contents note

Includes "引揚者家庭慰問" and images possibly of 昭和天皇.
box 46, folder 7

"Summary of Interrogation of General Yamashita and Other Responsible Commanders and Staff Officers" 1947 June 12

Scope and Contents note

Includes "basic causes for the defeat of Luzon (ルソン島陥落の主要因)" and "General Yamashita (山下大将)."
box 46, folder 8

Leaflet, "医師は立ち上がりました!皆様のご協力を!" by 日本医師会 circa 1955

Scope and Contents note

Regarding "improvement of working condition of medical workers (医師の労働環境の改善)."
box 46, folder 9

"中央委員会資料 全造船火災・生命共済制度運営状況" by 厚生対策部 circa 1958

Scope and Contents note

Regarding "全造船火災・生命共済制度."
box 46, folder 10

"新学校制度実施準備の案内" by 文部省学校教育局 circa 1947

Scope and Contents note

Regarding "新学制実施準備会", "学校制度改革(六・三・三制)."
box 46, folder 11

"中華映画提供 中国連合影業 公司新華作品 「家」" circa 1951

box 47, folder 1-4

Clipping, miscellaneous Japanese newspapers 1947

Scope and Contents note

Contains clipping from various Japanese newspapers. Includes a clipping stamped "Kyodo."

Japanese Imperial Family

box 48, folder 1

Miscellaneous 1921 February 10

Scope and Contents note

Includes "東宮殿下" and "天皇の外遊."
box 48, folder 2

Description of legal law circa 1923 March

Scope and Contents note

Relates to "仕込銃其の他変装したる式取締に関する件."
box 48, folder 3

"帝国議会開院式当日における事変の顛末" 1923 December 27

Scope and Contents note

Relates to "凶漢の行動及び逮捕" and "帝国議会開院式 警備配置要員表."
box 48, folder 4

Investigation of testimony by 東京地方裁判所検事局 undated

Scope and Contents note

Relates to changes in testimony.
box 48, folder 5

Legal document of judgment by 裁判長判事 横田秀雄 1924 November 13

Scope and Contents note

Includes judgment document on 難波大助.
box 48, folder 6

Testimony by 難波大助 circa 1924 November 13

box 48, folder 7

Legal document of judgment by 裁判長判事 横田秀雄 1924 November 13

Scope and Contents note

Includes judgment document on 難波大助.
box 48, folder 8

"清浦内閣流産の顛末" by 山本権兵衛 1924 June 11

Scope and Contents note

Relates to "清浦内閣" and "山本権兵衛内閣."
box 49, folder 1

"宮内省の横暴不逞" 1921 January

Scope and Contents note

Includes "宮中某重大事件," "久邇宮邦彦王," "良子女王," and "婚約問題."
box 49, folder 2-3

"上山縣老公書" circa 1920

box 49, folder 4

"久邇宮邦彦王殿下ノ第一王女良子殿下へ" 1919 June 10

box 49, folder 5

Report, "色盲遺傳に関する意見書 同上図解 色盲の遺傳に付き調査報告" by 御用掛医学博士 保利眞直 1920 November 11

box 49, folder 6

Report, "宮中重大事件に就いて" 1921 February

box 49, folder 7

Report, "火急御力賛ヲ請フ" 1921 February

box 50, folder 1

"憲法発布式ノ勅語" 1889 February 11

Scope and Contents note

Includes English translation.
box 50, folder 2

"昭和二十六年四月四日植樹行事 天皇皇后両陛下行幸啓記念 御写真帖" by 群馬県 1951 April 4

Scope and Contents note

Includes English translation of photo album text.

War Strategies

box 51, folder 1

Report, "戦術統裁法 (上巻)。" by 革命実践研究院軍官訓練団 1942 May

Scope and Contents note

Memos written in the title page such as "教官 (范, 秦) 二部 研究員各一部", "日本文 三〇部 (図モ省略スルナ) 日本文ハ成ル可ク速ク五月三日迄ニ完成ノコト 中国文 三〇〇部", "19/4 翻訳へ回附".
box 51, folder 2

Report, "第二次世界大戦二於ケル戦略戦術ノ変遷" by 実践学社 1943 December

Scope and Contents note

Possibly copied by 范健.
box 51, folder 3

Report, "希特勒征俄失敗史研究参考資料。其二。" by 実践学社 1944 September

Scope and Contents note

Possibly copied by 范健.
box 51, folder 4

Report, "対抗兵棋演習統裁計画" by 実践学社 1945 June

Scope and Contents note

Possibly copied by 范健.
box 51, folder 5

Report, "山岳戦ノ戦略的研究" by 実践学社 1946 January

box 51, folder 6

Report, "Uman 会戦研究ノ前提トシテ独逸陸軍『大軍ノ統帥』ニ関スル一部ノ研究" by 范健 1946 February

box 51, folder 7

Report, "提案第四附表 第二段階計画促進ノ為ノ研究" 1946 February

box 51, folder 8

Report, "戦史例証 蘇軍の陣地攻撃" after 1945 January

Scope and Contents note

In Chinese.
box 51, folder 9

Report, "軍動員ニ関スル戦史的研究" by 范健 after 1949

Scope and Contents note

From the last page: "吾人ガ第三次世界大戦ヲ近ク予想スルモノトスレバ大陸反攻作戦ノ為ノ動員ヲ如何ニ為スベキヤハ深刻ニ研究スル必要ガアルト思フ."
box 51, folder 10

Report, "戦略戦術上ヨリ見タル上陸作戦ノ本質" after 1949

box 51, folder 11

Report, "戦史例証 統帥綱領ノ逐条的研究 第三巻" by 范健 1940s

box 51, folder 12

"統帥要論 島村大佐遺稿" undated

box 52, folder 1

Report, "全面戦ノ内容ト之ガ具体的実施方法" circa 1950s

Scope and Contents note

Regarding comprehensive strategy for "counter attack the mainland (大陸反攻)."
box 52, folder 2

満洲農業要覧 日満農政研究会新京事務所 (Summary of Agriculture in Manchuria, Shinkyo Office, Japan-Manchuria Agricultural Policy Study Group) stamped with secret 1940 December 1

Scope and Contents

Osaka Chamber of Commerce

Oversize Material



drawer I04

Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry posters (8) circa 1945-1952

drawer I04

Socialist movement posters (2) 1949

drawer I04

May Day 1950 poster 1950

drawer I04

Agricultural production posters (3) circa 1945-1952

Scope and Contents note

Includes "がこしまマイク."
drawer I04

Communist and post-World War II labor movement posters (9) 1949 December 08-9

Scope and Contents note

Includes "Die ゲマイネ No.31," "1949年国民運動 緊急演説会街頭街角 新日本同志会," "乗客の皆さん!一般市民の皆さん!," "市長選挙勝利祝賀 生活危機突破 市民大会," "かべ新聞 No. 3," and "市長選挙勝利祝賀 生活危機突破 市民大会."
drawer I04

Japanese communist movement posters (10) 1940s-1950s

drawer H05

Ministries of Fishery and Agriculture and Forestry posters 1950

drawer H05

Anti-capitalism satire manga issued by 青年漫画研究所, Seinen Manga Kenkyūsho, and 新生日本漫画協会 Shinsei Nihon Manga Kyōkai circa 1950

drawer H05

Japanese labor union posters 1949-1950



drawer I10

Blueprints of Teia-maru (帝亜丸) undated

drawer I10

"摂州大坂画図," "増補大坂図," "増脩改正摂州大阪地図" circa 1844

Scope and Contents note

Produced by 浪速叢書刊行会. Includes pamphlet entitled 所収図撰出の弁" by 佐古慶三.
drawer I10

"Tkamatsu (高松)" circa 1935

Scope and Contents note

Produced by Imperial Geological Survey of Japan.
drawer I10

"地質調査所報告第129号 群馬鉱山の鉄明礬石褐鉄鉱鉱床調査報告附図" 1959 May

Scope and Contents note

Produced by 地質調査所. Includes "Geological Map of the Gumma Iron Mine."
drawer I10

"Pilot Chart (パイロットチャート)" 1949 November 12

Scope and Contents note

Produced by 海上保安庁水路部.
drawer I10

Maps of fishing industry 1949 November

Scope and Contents note

Includes two maps produced by 海上保安庁水路部: "Offing of Ensyū Nada (遠州灘沖)" and "Offing of Tosa (土佐沖)."
drawer I10

Bottom Sediment Chart of the Adjacent Seas of Japan Sheet 1-4 (日本近海底質分布図第1-4) 1949 October-September

Scope and Contents note

Produced by 海上保安庁水路部.
drawer I10

"Siokubi M! to Esan M! (汐首岬至恵山岬)" 1949 November

Scope and Contents note

Produced by 海上保安庁水路部.
drawer I10

"Depth Curve Chart of Offing of Shikoku (四国沖水深図 紀州大島至大隅海峡)" 1949 November 21

Scope and Contents note

Produced by 海上保安庁水路部.
drawer I10

"北海道炭田図" 1950 July 1

Scope and Contents note

Produced by 炭田探査審議会札幌地方専門部会, 北海道炭礦技術会地質部会.
drawer I10

"富士箱根及伊豆" 1947 July 15

Scope and Contents note

Produced by 地理調査所.
drawer I10

Maps of Taiwan 1932-1939

Scope and Contents note

Includes maps of "Karenko (花蓮港)," "Kannonzan (観音山)," "Sinten (新店)," and "Toi (頭圍)" produced by Bureau of Productive Industries, Government - General of Taiwan (台湾総督府殖産局).
drawer I10

"旅順", "台湾パノラマ" 1929

Scope and Contents note

Pamphlets for tourists including maps produced by ジャパン・ツーリスト・ビューロー.
drawer I10

Maps of oil fields in Taiwan 1930 April

Scope and Contents note

Includes "台南州嘉義油田地質図." Produced by Bureau of Productive Industries, Goverment - General of Taiwan (台湾総督府殖産局).
drawer I10

Maps of islands in Okinawa, Kagoshima 1936 November 30

Scope and Contents note

Includes "西表島 沖縄県," "石垣島 沖縄県," "徳之島 鹿児島県," "那覇 沖縄県," "久米島 沖縄県," "赤尾嶼," and "宮古島 沖縄県" produced by 大日本帝国陸地測量部.
drawer I10

"黒島 第六師管薩摩国川辺郡" circa 1889

Scope and Contents note

Produced by 陸地測量部.
drawer I10

Maps of islands in Okinawa, Kagoshima 1936 November 30

Scope and Contents note

Includes "伊平屋島 沖縄県," "宝島," "奄美大島 鹿児島県," "沖大東島," and "仲尾次 沖縄県" produced by 大日本帝国陸地測量部.
drawer I10

"中之島 第六師管薩摩国川辺郡" circa 1890

Scope and Contents note

Produced by 大日本帝国陸地測量部.
drawer I10

"Depths of the Adjacent Seas of Nippon (日本近海水深図)" 1936 December 24

Scope and Contents note

Produced by 水路部 (水路部長 太田垣冨三郎).
drawer I10

Maps regarding ratio of population increase in Japan undated

Scope and Contents note

Includes "近畿地方市町村別人口増減図 (大正十四年-昭和十年)," "中部地方市町村別人口増減図 (大正十四年-昭和十年)," "関東地方市町村別人口増減図 (大正十四年-昭和十年)," " 奥羽地方市町村別人口増減図 (大正十四年-昭和十年)," and " 北海道地方市町村別人口増減図 (大正十四年-昭和十年)" produced by 企画書院 財団法人人口問題研究会.
drawer I10

"最新日本詳図" 1944 November

Scope and Contents note

Produced by 敵情編委.
drawer I10

"Tokyo Northwest Tokyo Northeast" 1944

Scope and Contents note

Produced by Army Map Service, U.S. Army, Washington, D.C.
drawer I10

"戦災焼失区域表示 帝都近傍図" 1945 December 25

Scope and Contents note

Produced by 植野録夫 日本地図株式会社.
drawer I10

Maps of oil fields in Hokkaido, Akita 1943 December 20

Scope and Contents note

Includes "北海道初山別油田地形及地質図" and "秋田県白雪川油田地形及地質図" produced by 地質調査所.
drawer I10

"Marunouchi" 1948 June

Scope and Contents note

Produced by Mitsumura Printing Co., Ltd.
drawer I10

Maps of the Japanese Archipelago "北海道東部" 1947 October - 1948 July 30

Scope and Contents note

Includes "北海道東部," "北海道西南部," "東北地方," "関東甲信越地方," "東海及北陸地方," "近畿地方," "中国及四国地方," and "九州地方" produced by 地理調査所.
drawer I10

"福井地震 被害と地変" undated

Scope and Contents note

Produced by 建設省地理調査所.
drawer I10

"南方輿地図" undated

drawer I10

"Our Stand in Korea" circa 1952

Scope and Contents note

Produced by Tie Section. GHQ., FEC.
drawer I10

"蘭領東印度及仏領印度支那" undated

Scope and Contents note

Produced by 川俣徹也.
drawer I10

"木浦府近傍図" undated

drawer I10

"貴州省銅仁府属梵浄山等処鉱産之図" undated

drawer I10

Untitled map produced by 杉江房造 undated

drawer I10

"マレー半島地質図" 1938

Scope and Contents note

Produced by 台湾総督府外事部.
drawer I10

"仏領印度支那産業地図" 1940 November 3

Scope and Contents note

Produced by 村上脩, 日本印度支那協会.
drawer I10

"支那現勢図" 1940 April 10

Scope and Contents note

Produced by 内閣情報部.
drawer I10

"海南島産業分布図" 1939 April

Scope and Contents note

Produced by 台湾拓殖株式会社.
drawer I10

Map of Nanjing and Shanghai 1939 January 1

Scope and Contents note

Produced by 読売新聞社編輯局.
drawer I10

"中支那" 1938 August

Scope and Contents note

Produced by 大日本帝国陸地測量部.
drawer I10

"最近世界大地図" 1938 April 5

Scope and Contents note

Produced by 文彰堂編輯部.
drawer I10

"漢口南昌明細地図" 1938 March 1

Scope and Contents note

Produced by 淵田忠良.
drawer I10

"雄弁新年号第二附録東亜現勢大地図" 1938 January 1

Scope and Contents note

Produced by 帝国地図学館.
drawer I10

"最新支那詳密大地図" 1938 November 5

Scope and Contents note

附 蘇満支関係要図. Produced by 木崎純一.
drawer I10

"北支要図" 1937 August 18

Scope and Contents note

drawer I10

"満州国地図" 1933 April 5

Scope and Contents note

Produced by 南満洲鉄道株式会社.
drawer I10

"大満州国詳図" 1933 January 25

Scope and Contents note

Produced by 小林又七.

2022 Incremental Materials 1930s-1940s

box 53

Manuscripts 1930s-1940s

Scope and Contents

Manuscripts related to Japanese military police in China during WWII.