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Amos (Ellen) and Family Letters
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folder 1

Letters from Eliza Leonard to Ellen Amos MS.501.1 1911 - 1915

Scope and Contents

Eliza was the daughter of Ellen Amos. Letters always mentions the weather, little sister Daisy, Henry her husband and Eddie her brother. Also mentioned are cousins Bessie and Ellen Bishop; husband George; and stepfather Joe Amos. Other recurring themes in the letters include illness, neighbors, and garden work.
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MS.501.1.1 1911 January 26

Physical Description: 1 page and envelope
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MS.501.1.2 1911 July 1

Physical Description: 2 pages and envelope
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MS.501.1.3 1911 October

Physical Description: 1 page and envelope

Scope and Contents

Month of October mispelled, but envelope is postmarked "Oct, 1911"
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MS.501.1.4 1912 August 9

Physical Description: 2 pages
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MS.501.1.5 1912 May 14

Physical Description: 1 page and an envelope

Scope and Contents note

Mentions Frank, "little Daisy", her brother Eddie and her husband Henry, who has been working in Raymond City.
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MS.501.1.6 1912 June 12

Physical Description: 1 page and an envelope

Scope and Contents

Eliza writes that she and her family will be moving because the building of their house is complete, most likey from Ben Hur to Raymond. Also mentions getting a letter from Ella Bishop.
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MS.501.1.7 1912 July 1

Physical Description: 2 pages and an evelope

Scope and Contents

Mentions getting a letter from her cousins, Bessie Bishop and Ellen.
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MS.501.1.8 1912 August 30

Physical Description: 2 pages and envelope

Scope and Contents

Wants her stepfather to come down a cut wood. Henry says that he would be paid $1.50 a day. Also mentions her sister Daisy and Mrs. Johnnie Jacobs (name is partially illegible).
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MS.501.1.9 1912 September 25

Physical Description: 1 page and envelope
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MS.501.1.10 1912 October 29

Physical Description: 2 pages and an evelope
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MS.501.1.11 1915 August 15

Physical Description: 1 page
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MS.501.1.12 1915 August 30

Scope and Contents

Eliza is writing from "Stump Fields". She says that Daisy is with them and would like to visit with Ellen before she (Daisy) leaves for San Francisco.
folder 2

Letters from Eliza Leonard to Ellen Amos MS.501.2 1916-1917

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MS.501.2.1 1916 March 5

Physical Description: 1 page and envelope

Scope and Contents

First time she mentions "the baby."
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MS.501.2.2 1916 April 22

Physical Description: 2 pages and envelope

Scope and Contents

Joe is mentioned, chopping wood still for Sam Conway (name is partially illegible).
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MS.501.2.3 1916 May 23

Physical Description: 2 pages and envelope

Scope and Contents

Mentions that Eddie and Henry are still working in the mine. Also writes about the baby and that he will be walking soon.
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MS.501.2.4 1916 June 15

Physical Description: 1 page
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MS.501.2.5 1916 November 22

Physical Description: 1 page and envelope
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MS.501.2.6 1917 September 29

Physical Description: 1 page
folder 3

Letters from Eliza Leonard to Ellen Amos MS.501.3 1918-1919

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MS.501.3.1 1918 May 1

Physical Description: 1 page and envelope

Scope and Contents

Mentions trip to Dry Springs.
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MS.501.3.2 1918 May 17

Physical Description: 1 page and envelope
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MS.501.3.3 1918 June 27

Physical Description: 1 page and envelope
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MS.501.3.4 1918 July 11

Physical Description: 2 pages and envelope

Scope and Contents

Includes information about Eliza's garden.
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MS.501.3.5 1919 March 25

Physical Description: 1 page

Scope and Contents

Mentions that Henry is ill, her horse, and a hog she found with 4 piglets.
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MS.501.3.6 1919 May 12

Physical Description: 1 page and envelope

Scope and Contents

Mentions Henry getting a little horse and a ribbon Ellen gave Daisy.
folder 4

Letters from Eliza Leonard to Ellen Amos MS.510.4 1922 1924

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MS.501.4.1 1922 March 5

Physical Description: 2 pages and envelope

Scope and Contents

Mentions cousin Ella and that "Brother" is living in the homestead.
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MS.501.4.2 1924 March 21

Physical Description: 2 pages and envelope

Scope and Contents

Writes that Henry is working in the mine and Frank is hunting turkeys while Henry is away. Also mentions that Frank will gathering the cattle up the hill and will come back with Johnny. Mentions Ed's children, the baby was named "Patrishia"
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MS.501.4.3 1924 April 10

Physical Description: 1 page and envelope

Scope and Contents

Writes about not having the money to send to her mother because Henry's paycheck was all spent on groceries. Eliza apologizes and says she will send right away what she can. She is sorry to hear that her mom and Joe have been sick.
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MS.501.4.4 1924 June 13

Physical Description: 2 pages and envelope

Scope and Contents note

Asks about her mom's horse, Johnnie, and if they were able to get him from Dry Spings. Mentions Maud and that "Brother" is working in the mines. Writes about her neighbors Mr. and Mrs. Sydney. Mrs. Sydney recently died from an illness and Mr. Sydney is still sick. Mentions a Jom Westlake who said he saw Joe.
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MS.501.4.5 1924 November 22

Physical Description: 1 page and envelope

Scope and Contents note

Mentions that Brother is working in the quarry and Henry in a gold mine by Mariposa. The family has been sick beause of their vaccinations.
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MS.501.4.6 1924 October 17

Physical Description: 1 page and envelope
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MS.501.4.7 1924 February 1

Physical Description: 1 page and envelope

Scope and Contents

Write that her children, Daisy and Eldridge are not going to school because some of the school children have measles. Henry is back from work and is herding hogs. Mentions Bill Ganon, Clifford Calhoun and Lawrence Summer all have measles. Writes that her mom's horse, Johnnie, is fat and that the grass is doing fine.
folder 5

Letters from Leonard Family to Ellen Amos MS.501.5 1910, undated

folder 5

Maud Leonard to Ellen Amos MS.501.5.1 1910 April 29

Physical Description: 2 pages and envelope

Scope and Contents

Mentions a visit from Ellen's daughter, Eliza. She says that Eliza's baby daughter is getting big and fat. Mentions that Ellen's dog is there and he is going with boys all the time. Also mentions information about Emma Washington.
folder 5

Frank Leonard to Ellen Amos MS.501.5.2 undated

Biographical Note

Frank Leonard was the grandson of Ellen Amos.

Scope and Contents

One "Easter Greetings" postcard
folder 6

Letters from Daisy Harlow to Ellen Amos MS.501.6 1909-1912

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MS.501.6.1 1909 September 23

Physical Description: 1 page and envelope

Scope and Contents

Writes that her sister Eliza is visiting the Leonards.
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MS.501.6.2 1909 November 28

Physical Description: 2 pages and envelope

Scope and Contents

Writes that she didn't know her sister Eliza was in "that condtion," pregnant. She hopes it is a boy. Writes presumably about Joe and hopes that the horse didn't break his arm.
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MS.501.6.3 1909 December 12

Physical Description: 2 pages and envelope

Scope and Contents

Asks her mother if she will stay with Eliza until "she gets out her troubles", presumably giving birth. Asks about Eliza's son Frank.
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MS.501.6.4 1910 March 22

Physical Description: 1 page and envelope.

Scope and Contents

Mentions that she is not staying with the McCullens any more and is staying in Menlo where she works as a store employee.
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MS.510.6.5 1910 April 9

Physical Description: 1 page and envelope

Scope and Contents

Date is the postmark date on the envelope. Writes that she is glad Emma is staying with her mother. Mentions Mrs McCullen, who she used to live with. Daisy also writes that she is a Catholic now and wishes brother and sister were Catholics too.
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MS.501.6.6 1910 April 20

Physical Description: 1 page and envelope

Scope and Contents

Mentions her job in a store in Menlo and that the people she work for are very nice. Doesn't know when she will be able to visit her mother next. Mentions Mrs McCullen and Bruce.
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MS.501.6.7 1910 May 3

Physical Description: 1 page and envelope

Scope and Contents

Writes that she suspects Emma is no longer staying with her mother, because Daisy heard that Emma was going home. Mentions a Lottie Gibner (name is partially illegible) who wants Daisy to take care of her baby, so Daisy thinks she will be leaving Menlo to take of Lottie's baby.
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MS.501.6.8 1912 July 31

Physical Description: 2 pages and envelope

Scope and Contents

Mentions that the baby she is taking care of is teething and sick, his name is Percevil Frances, named after his father and he is "fair like a lily". Says she has been travelling, which cost her a good deal and therefore doesn't think she can visit her mother Mentions Uncle Bishop and is sorry to hear he is not doing well. Also asks about a Molly, Bennie, and if Jack Oliver is still living with Lizzie.
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MS.501.6.9 1912 September 27

Physical Description: 1 page and envelope

Scope and Contents

Date is postmark date on envelope. Mentions that the baby she takes care of is over his cold and is not teething anymore. Asks about Aunt Molly.
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MS.501.6.10 1912 November 12

Physical Description: 1 page and envelope

Scope and Contents

Date is postmark date on envelope. Writes that sister Eliza is not feeling well and wishes her mother was with her. Eliza also received a postal from Bennie.
folder 7

Letters from Emma Washington to Ellen Amos 1910, 1912


1910 June 13

Physical Description: 2 pages and envelope

Scope and Contents note

Writes that she is sorry to hear that Ellen and Joe are ill and suggests that they see a doctor. Talks about a sickly baby, possibly from the Roomer family. Writes that she is not able to come for a visit because they only have one horse and it is "getting poor now" with "garden." Mentions the death of two babies, one belongng to Mike Wayetts and the other to Mr. Frank Hammond as told to her by Sophy Neal. Also writes she is sorry to hear that Ben Jacobs is sick with the measles.
Section in letter that mentions the Roomer family and Mike Wayetts is partially illegible.

1912 November 4

Physical Description: 1 page and envelope

Scope and Contents note

Asks Ellen to send the money she needs, $600, as soon as she can.
folder 8

Letters from Eddie Harlow to Ellen Amos


1918 April 21

Physical Description: 2 pages and envelope

Scope and Contents note

Writes from the hospital while he is being treated for measles. He writes he will send half if his salary home, but that it will not be much money. He writes about his finances and that he insured himself for $10,000. He asks about the Joe Amos, the famil y dog, and how the grain is growing.

1918 April 28

Physical Description: 1 page and envelope

Scope and Contents note

Writes about just getting out of hospital and eating ice cream and pie. He mentions how he got hurt after from a ball game and how he is being trained on digging trenches, making knots, and building bridges for the Army. Also mentions Dave Louis, who was stationed in the same Company as Eddie.

1918 May 10

Physical Description: 1 page and envelope

Scope and Contents note

He writes that his mother will be receiving money from the government in June. He says that after insurance and laundry, he only has $13.30 and mentions he will have to save his money so he can eat well. The Army put him in "sharp shooting" and completed an examination on drawing maps of trenches, railroad tracks, and barbed wire. He will be sending a picture to his mother soon. Also mentions he has not heard from his sister lately.

1918 May 23

Physical Description: 1 page and envelope

Scope and Contents note

Mentions his regiment will be going on a trip on foot to Half Moon Bay the next day, about 18 miles from his camp. Says he has made the best shots in the regiment and he is now the marksman.

1918 May 26

Physical Description: 1 page and envelope

Scope and Contents note

His regiment was granted a five day furlough for those who live less than 300 miles away. Asks his mother to send him five dollars so that he could have enough money to get home. He will be travelling with Dave Lewis (Louis) who will also be going home to see his "folks". Eddie thinks after the furlough, his regiment will be stationed somewhere in the East Coast and then abroad. He mentions that he is being worked "pretty hard", taking trips with back packs weighing about sixty pounds.

1918 June 27

Physical Description: 1 page and envelope

Scope and Contents note

Writes about joining the Cavalry because he does not like the work he is doing. He thinks he can be a horse shoer. He asks his mother to send him money soon so he can come in July for a five day furlough. Says that he signed "that paper" so his mother should be getting money sent to her, about $80.

1918 June 28

Physical Description: 2 pages and envelope

Scope and Contents note

Says that his captain will let him come only if Eddie "qualifies on everything", but he is doubtful that he will be able to and therefore not be able to come home. He later writes a small note saying that he does not have to qualify on anything and that he is coming home. He reminds his mother to send him $5.

1918 July 10

Physical Description: 2 pages and envelope

Scope and Contents note

He writes that he is sorry he did not get to see his mother during his furlough. Mentions he only had five days and tried to telephone her, but could not find her. He did not have enough money to travel to Wawona. Says that he is "down hearted" because he could not see her.

1918 July 21-22

Physical Description: 2 pages and envelope

Scope and Contents note

Writes he did not receive any money in the letter, so the person that was supposed to send the money for his mother did not do it or it was stolen.


Physical Description: 1 page

Scope and Contents note

He is writing from his new camp in Long Island, New York. Says that he is a horse shoer.

1918 September 20

Physical Description: 1 page and envelope

Scope and Contents note

Writes about his boat trip to Camp Upton, says the waters were rough, but that he is doing well. He hopes that he will be able to come in the Spring.

1918 circa September 21

Physical Description: 1 page

Scope and Contents note

He is writing from a new location, Camp Upton in Long Island, New York. Says that he is a horse shoer.

1918 September 23

Physical Description: 1 page and envelope

Scope and Contents note

He writes about the rain and that he will be going "a cross" soon, probably to a new post abroad.

1919 March 20

Physical Description: 1 page and envelope

Scope and Contents note

Writing from France. Asks about the picture he sent of himself and of Dave Lewis. He says that he is getting fatter and weighs 182. He hopes to be home by Summer and will be given a gold stripe when he gets home. Asks about Joe and the snow in Miami, Mariposa. He also mentions that Dave Lewis is a prize fighter.

1919 April 25

Physical Description: 2 pages and envelope

Scope and Contents note

Writes about a picture of bear he took and will be sending along with a picture he took of himself. Is hoping to come home in the Summer. Dave Lewis moved to Paris and had become a prize fighter. Letter is extremely faded.

1919 May 10

Physical Description: 2 pages

Scope and Contents note

Writes about going on a furlough to Paris for a few days. He thinks that they will be out of France by July 31, so he is hoping he can be home in August. He asks about his colt that has a hurt leg and requests that Henry look after her leg and help keep the flies off. He comments on the death of "Pete Whitefall" [unsure of spelling]. Also says that he had another picture taken of him, but he didn't like the finishing on the photo.

1919 June 11

Physical Description: 2 pages and envelope

Scope and Contents note

Writes that his mother can "get him out" is she fills out an affidavit that she needs his help and has it signed by three people. He says that others have gone home on those grounds and that he can do more at home than in France especially since Joe is sick. He writes that money she gets from the government is not much and about the cattle problems his sister is having.

1919 August 31

Physical Description: 1 page

Scope and Contents note

Asks why his mother has not written in a while. He received a letter from his sister. He says his troop has to be out by August 15, so he is hoping to be home by September. Writes that most of the work is done here now and that the "frogs" are doing most of the work. Although he writes about August 15, the end of the letter is dated August 31.

1924 March 21

Physical Description: 1 page and envelope

Scope and Contents note

Writes to his mother in Raymond, California. He writes that he has been waiting for his mother and Joe to visit. Mentions that his kids have caught colds.

1925 March 29

Physical Description: 1 page and envelope

Scope and Contents note

Writes that his children are over their colds and that he has been working everyday. He mentions John Gibbs and Earl Westfall (name is partially illegible) in Raymond. Writes about the rain and how high the grain has grown.
folder 9

Letters to Ellen Amos from other family members and friends MS.501.9

folder 9

R. Kelly to "Dear Friend" MS.501.9.1 1912 November 12

Scope and Contents

Date is the postmark date on envelope.
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Sally to Ellen Amos MS.501.9.2 circa 1916

Scope and Contents note

Includes two letters, one date June 1 with no year. The second letter is dated 1916 May 7.
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Sally to Joe Amos MS.501.9.3 1916 May 7

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Ella Bishop to "My Dear Aunt" MS.501.9.4 Februrary 10, no year

Physical Description: 2 pages

Scope and Contents

Writes about a summer visit to Ellen and mentions Mrs. Packard and Bessie.
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Eleanor Gibbs to Ellen Amos MS.501.9.5 1926 April 20

Physical Description: 1 page and envelope

Biographical Note

Eleanor is Ellen's sister.

Scope and Contents

Writes from Ahwahnee, California. Mentions that her mother is doing well and the three children are still going to school. Also mentions that her brother, "Eph" and Leonard went to a rodeo in Oakdale that past Sunday on a rainy day.
folder 9

Theodora Marquez to Ellen Amos MS.501.9.6 1919 April 1

Physical Description: 2 pages

Scope and Contents

Writes about "Laura" and that she had a baby boy. Sends her regards to Tilly Castor and Bessie and is glad to hear Ellen's son is coming home. Writes that she is also sending Ellen her picture.
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Julia H. Sydney MS.501.9.7 1919 February 25

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Lucy Telles to "My dear cousin" MS.501.9.8 1919 April 9

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Lucy Telles to Ellen Amos MS.501.9.9 1919 May 20

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Vera Westfall to Ellen Amos MS.501.9.10 1919 March 19

folder 10

Empty postmarked envelopes MS.501.10 1917-1921

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MS.510.10.1 1917 February 15

Scope and Contents

Postmarked from Raymond, California.
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MS.510.10.2 1918 December 22

Scope and Contents

Postmarked from France.
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MS.510.10.3 1919 August 1

Scope and Contents

Postmarked from United States Army. Sent from France.
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MS.510.10.4 Circa 1920, April

Scope and Contents

Only includes partial postmark information.
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MS.510.10.5 1921 May 30

Scope and Contents

Postmarked from Miami, California.
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MS.510.10.6 1914 November 12

Scope and Contents

Postmarked from Bishop, California.
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MS.510.10.7 January 12

Scope and Contents

Unknown sender, year is illegible possibly 1911.
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MS.510.10.8 1919 March 19

Scope and Contents

Envelope from Mrs. Conway to Mrs. Joe Amos.
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Letters to Joe Amos MS.510.11 1918 1925

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Joseph McBride to Joe Amos MS.510.11.1 1918 June 10

Biographical Note

Joseph McBride was the brother-in-law of Joe Amos.

Scope and Contents

Letter sent from Mono Lake, California.
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Joseph Howard to Joe Amos MS.510.11.2 1925 April 13

Scope and Contents

Howard is inquiring about grass root he paid for and if it has been sent yet by Frank Lewis's wife. Howard also mentions that he will be going off to War soon.
folder 12

Financial documents MS.510.12 1918 1927

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Sugar Pine Hospital bill MS.501.12.1 1918 October 31

Scope and Contents

This is a bill for "hospital care" for Joe Amos who was attended by Dr. Wells. The bill is for $25.
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Fluetsch and Lewis Motor Company statement MS.510.12.2 1927 August 14

Scope and Contents

Statement addressed to Henry J. Lenord, Raymond, California.