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Portraits of a British merchant family in Brazil
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Portraits of a British merchant family in Brazil, Series I. between 1845 and 1865

[Portraits of a British merchant family in Brazil] (digitized version)


Arranged by photographic type: daguerreotypes, ambrotypes, tintypes, and prints on paper. A small group of loose case components is found at the end of the collection.

Scope and Contents

To avoid confusion, directionals in both the daguerreotypes and ambrotypes (i.e, left and right) have been described as they are seen by the viewer.

Daguerreotypes, 1845-1865

Scope and Contents

Fourteen daguerreotypes.
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Fredricks & Weeks, [Recife Harbor], 95.R.30-D1 1851

Scope and Contents

Full plate housed in an embossed morocco case with a red velvet lining; the case is lacking its hinge. The oval brass mat is stamped: Electrotypo. Fredericks e Weeks.
The view looking across the harbor shows a fortified watchtower in the left foreground. A cluster of ships appears on the left just below the horizon line, while the city is located on the right along the same plane.
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Fredricks & Weeks, [Portrait of a Black Woman Holding an Infant], 95.R.30-D2 1851

Scope and Contents

Sixth plate housed in an embossed morocco case with gilt stamping; the case is lacking its hinge. The case is lined in red velvet with cut red velvet facing the plate. The oval brass mat is stamped: Electrotypo. Fredricks é Weeks. A thin brass preserver frame encases the daguerreotype, mat, and cover glass.
The woman is seated in three-quarter view. The baby the woman is holding appears to be white or of lighter skin.
Not from the Youle collection.
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Fredricks & Weeks, [Portrait of Two Small Girls Standing], 95.R.30-D3 1851

Scope and Contents

Quarter plate housed in an embossed morocco case with gilt stamping; the case is lacking its hinge. The case is lined in red velvet with cut red velvet facing the plate. The inner edges of the brass mat are rounded and it is stamped: Electrotypo. Fredricks é Weeks. A thin brass preserver frame encases the daguerreotype, mat, and cover glass.
The girls are holding hands and have their hair in ringlets. Their dresses appear to be tinted.
Not from the Youle collection.
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Photographer unidentified, [Portrait of an Older Woman Holding a Book], 95.R.30-D4 between 1845 and 1865

Scope and Contents

Quarter plate housed in a plain morocco case lined in red velvet with cut red velvet facing the plate; the case lacks its hinge. A thin brass preserver frame encases the daguerreotype, domed brass mat, and cover glass.
The woman is dressed for the outdoors in a cape and gloves. Her face is tinted.
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Photographer unidentified, [Portrait of a Woman in Ringlets], 95.R.30-D5 between 1845 and 1865

Scope and Contents

Sixth plate in an embossed morocco case lined in brown velvet with a brass nonpareil mat and thicker brass frame preserver; the case is lacking its cover.
The woman is seated facing the viewer.
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Photographer unidentified, [Portrait of a Young Woman with Ear Buns], 95.R.30-D6 between 1845 and 1865

Scope and Contents

Sixth plate in an embossed morocco case lined in red velevet with an oval brass mat; the case is lacking its cover. A paper tag with the numeral 7 written on it is pasted to the upper right corner of the cover glass.
The seated woman faces the viewer.
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Photographer unidentified, [Portrait of a Seated Boy Wearing a Checkered Dress], 95.R.30-D7 between 1845 and 1865

Scope and Contents

Quarter plate in a gilt wooden frame and domed brass mat; with a ring for hanging at top.
The boy's face, arms, and hair are tinted.
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Portraits of Alfred Phillips Youle, 1850s

Scope and Contents

Alfred Phillips Youle was a partner in Deane, Youle & Co., a firm of commission merchants located in Recife (then Pernumbuco), Brazil.
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Photographer unidentified, [Portrait of Alfred Phillips Youle Holding a Book], 95.R.30-D8

Scope and Contents

Sixth plate housed in a plain morocco case lined in red velvet and with a domed brass mat.
A paper tag on the case identifies the sitter as Alfred Phillips Youle (1824-1905). In this highly tinted half-length portrait, Youle, who is looking toward the left, is seated before a painted backdrop showing a pillar behind his right shoulder with the sea to his left. He rests his left arm on a table and holds a book in his right hand. Youle's flesh and necktie are tinted as is the backdrop. His watch chain and rings are picked out in gilt.
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Photographer unidentified, [Portrait of Alfred Phillips Youle Resting His Elbow on a Book], 95.R.30-D9

Scope and Contents

Sixth plate housed in a plain morocco case lined in red velvet and with a domed brass mat.
In this highly tinted half-length frontal portrait Youle is seated before a painted backdrop showing a pillar behind his left shoulder with the sea to his right. His left arm rests on a book set on a table. Youle's flesh and necktie are tinted as are the backdrop and tablecloth. His watch chain and rings are picked out in gilt.
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Photographer unidentified, [Portrait of Alfred Phillips Youle Holding Flowers], 95.R.30-D10

Scope and Contents

Sixth plate housed in an embossed morocco case lined in red velvet with a textured octagonal brass mat.
In this half-length seated portrait Youle is turned slightly to his right. His flesh and the flowers he holds in his right hand are tinted. His watch chain is picked out in gilt.
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Portraits of two men, between 1845 and 1865

Scope and Contents

The series of three portraits depicts two men: a shorter dark-haired man and a taller man with fair hair. In all of these three-quarter-length portraits the men are seated next to each other facing the viewer, with the dark-haired man to the right of the fair-haired man.
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Photographer unidentified, [Portrait of Two Young Men Wearing Dark Suits], 95.R.30-D11

Scope and Contents

Quarter plate housed in a plain morocco case lined in gold velvet and with a plain oval brass mat; the case lacks its cover.
The dark-haired man has his arm around the taller fair-haired man's shoulder. The faces and hands of the sitters are tinted. The watch chain worn by the fair-haired man is picked out in gilt.
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Photographer unidentified, [Portrait of Two Young Men Wearing Light Trousers and Dark Jackets], 95.R.30-D12

Scope and Contents

Quarter plate housed in a plain morocco case lined in pink velevt with pink silk facing the portrait. A thin embossed brass preserver frame encases the daguerreotype, mat with rounded inner edges, and cover glass.
The dark-haired man has his arm around the fair-haired man's shoulder. The faces and hands of the sitters are tinted. The fair-haird man's watch chain is picked out in gilt.
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Photographer unidentified, [Portrait of Two Men], 95.R.30-D13

Scope and Contents

Quarter plate housed in an embossed morocco case lined in brown velvet; the case is lacking its cover. A brass preserver frame surrounds the daguerreotype, cover glass, and brass oval mat. Both the preserver frame and the mat have embossed decorative edges.
In this portrait the men are older and the dark-haired man is bearded. The faces and hands of the sitters are tinted. Their watch chains are picked out in gilt.
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Photographer unidentified, [Half-length Seated Portrait of a Middle-aged Man], 95.R.30-D14 between 1845 and 1865

Scope and Contents

Sixth plate housed in an embossed morocco case with brown velvet lining; the case is lacking its cover. A thicker, heavily embossed brass preserver frame encases the daguerreotype, facing glass and domed texured brass mat.
The sitter's face is lightly tinted.

Ambrotypes, between 1852 and 1865

Scope and Contents

Includes 17 collodion positives and one collodion negative.
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Portraits of the Schwind Family, 1852-1865

Scope and Contents

Portraits of Annie Stewart Schwind and her parents. This identification was suggested by the last member of the Youle family to be in possession of the collection. It appears likely, as custom would have dictated, that the portraits of Annie with her parents and the one of Annie by herself were taken shortly before her marriage.
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Photographer unidentified, [Portrait of Annie Stewart Schwind and Her Parents], 95.R.30-C1 1852?

Scope and Contents

The quarter plate group portrait is mounted for hanging behind a thick black double mat with a gilt inner edge.
The daughter stands between her seated parents, resting her arm on her mother's shoulder.
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Photographer unidentified, [Portrait of Annie Stewart Schwind and Her Parents], 95.R.30-C2 1852?

Scope and Contents

Quarter plate portrait housed in a plain morocco case lined in red velvet with gilt decorations on its inner edge; the case lacks its cover. A heavily embossed narrow preserver frame encases the daguerreotype, cover glass, and chased brass domed mat.
The daughter stands between her seated parents, resting her arm on her father's shoulder.
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Photographer unidentified, [Portrait of Frederick Louis Schwind], 95.R.30-C3 between 1855 and 1865

Scope and Contents

Quarter plate portrait housed in a plain morocco case with gilt decorations on its inner edge; lined in red velvet. A heavily embossed narrow preserver frame encases the daguerreotype, cover glass, and chased brass domed mat.
Schwind sits with his left arm resting on a table. His face, hands, and beard are tinted, as is the tablecloth.
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Photographer unidentified, [Portrait of Margaret Stewart Schwind], 95.R.30-C4 between 1855 and 1865

Scope and Contents

Quarter plate portrait housed in a plain morocco case with gilt decorations on its inner edge and lined in red velvet; the case lacks its cover. A heavily embossed narrow preserver frame encases the daguerreotype, cover glass, and chased brass domed mat.
The portrait represents Margaret Schwind at her oldest age among the portraits of her found in the collection. She is shown seated and resting her left elbow on a table. Her flesh, shawl, and the tablecloth are tinted; her brooch, chatelaine, and rings are picked out in gilt.
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Photographer unidentified, [Portrait of Margaret Stewart Schwind with Her Elbow Resting on Books], 95.R.30-C5 between 1855 and 1865

Scope and Contents

Quarter plate portrait housed in a plain morocco case with gilt decorations on its inner edge; lined in red velvet. A heavily embossed narrow preserver frame encases the daguerreotype, cover glass, and chased brass domed mat.
The portrait depicts Margaret Schwind at an age between that of the two other portraits of her present in the collection. She is shown seated and resting her left elbow on two books that sit on the corner of a table. Her flesh, shawl, the flowers in her hair, and the tablecloth are tinted; her brooch, chatelaine, and rings are picked out in gilt.
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Photographer unidentified, [Portrait of a Woman with a Long Ribbon in Her Hair], 95.R.30-C6 between 1852 and 1865

Scope and Contents

Quarter plate portrait housed in a plain morocco case with gilt decorations on its inner edge; lined in brown velvet. A heavily embossed narrow preserver frame encases the daguerreotype, cover glass, and chased brass mat with rounded inner edges.
The woman sits with her left elbow on the barely visible edge of a table and has her head turned to her right. Her flesh, plaid hair ribbon, and the table edge are tinted; her rings, brooch, and chatelaine are picked out in gilt.
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Photographer unidentified, [Three-quarter view Portrait of a Young Man], 95.R.30-C9 between 1852 and 1865

Scope and Contents

Quarter plate collodion negative is housed in a morocco case lined in red velvet. The chased oval brass mat, daguerreotype, and cover glass are encased by an elaborately embossed narrow brass preserver frame.
The young man is seated facing to his right with his left arm resting on a table; a column is partially visible to his right. The background is tinted light blue.
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Photographer unidentified, [Portrait of a Young Man with Light Hair], 95.R.30-C10 between 1852 and 1865

Scope and Contents

Sixth plate housed in an embossed morocco case with red velvet facing the plate.
The young man sits facing the viewer with his left arm resting on a table. The nonpareil brass mat, daguerreotype, and cover glass are encased by a narrow, heavily embossed preserver frame.
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Photographer unidentified, [Portrait of a Young Woman Seated in Profile], 95.R.30-C11 between 1852 and 1865

Scope and Contents

Sixth plate housed in a red morocco case lined in blue velvet. The chased brass mat with an oval opening, daguerreotype, and cover glass are all encased by a narrow gilt preserver frame with heavy relief designs.
The young woman sits on a wooden chair with her body facing to her left and her face looking towards the viewer in three-quarter view. Her flesh, the background, and the curtain behind her are tinted; her bracelets, brooch, and chatelaine are picked out in gilt.
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Photographer unidentified, [Portrait of a Girl with Books in Her Lap], 95.R.30-C12 between 1852 and 1865

Scope and Contents

Sixth plate housed in a morocco frame lined in brown velvet with a ring at the top for hanging. The domed gilt mat, daguerreotype, and cover glass are encased by a thin brass preserver frame.
The young girl with parted hair is seated with her left hand on a vase of flowers set on a table; her right arm and hand are resting on a pile of books in her lap. Her face is in three-quarter view looking to her right. Her flesh and dress are tinted, as are the flowers and tablecloth.
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Photographer unidentified, [Portrait of a Young Man with a Cleft Chin], 95.R.30-C13 between 1852 and 1865

Scope and Contents

Sixth plate housed in a morocco case lined in red cut velvet and with a simple brass mat with rounded inner corners; hinge lacking.
The young man sits facing the viewer with his left arm resting on a doily or mat on a table.
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Photographer unidentified, [Portrait of an Older Bearded Man], 95.R.30-C14 between 1852 and 1865

Scope and Contents

Ninth plate housed in an embossed morocco case with gilt edges. The case is lined in red velvet with green cut velvet facing the plate. The chased brass mat with an oval opening, daguerreotype, and cover glass are encased by a narrow brass protector frame with heavy relief designs.
The man sits facing the viewer with his hands at his sides. His face and tie are tinted.
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Photographer unidentified, [Portrait of an Older Woman Wearing a Dark Cape and Bonnet], 95.R.30-C15 between 1852 and 1865

Scope and Contents

Ninth plate housed in an embossed morocco case with gilt designs on the edges. The case is lined in red velvet with red cut velvet facing the plate. The chased brass mat with an oval opening, daguerreotype, and cover glass are encased by a narrow brass protector frame with heavy relief designs.
The woman sits facing the viewer with her arms crossed. Her face and the flowers on her bonnet are tinted.
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Uncased ambrotypes, 1855-1865

Scope and Contents

The group includes three quarter plates without frames or cases that depict the adult members of a family. Given the ages of the sitters and the surroundings, it is likely that these three ambrotypes were all made at the same time.
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Photographer unidentified, [Family Portrait] 95.R.30-C16

Scope and Contents

The group portrait includes three men and three women, likely parents and their grown children. The two young women in the group are seated with the rest of the family members gathered around them.
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Photographer unidentified, [Portrait of a Young Woman Seated before a Window with Her Hand Resting on Her Chin] 95.R.30-C17

Scope and Contents

The portrait depicts the young woman seated in a room before a window in the same chair in which she is seated in the group portrait.
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Photographer unidentified, [Portrait of a Young Woman Seated before a Window with One Hand in Her Lap] 95.R.30-C18

Scope and Contents

The portrait depicts a young woman seated in a room before a window with one hand in front of her chest and the other hand in her lap. She is the young woman seen standing in the family portrait.
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Photographer unidentified, [Large House with Crenellated Tower], 95.R.30-P3 1861

Scope and Contents

Quarter plate tintype housed in a thin brass preserver frame with a brass nonpareil mat. A ring for hanging is centered on the top of the case.
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Prints on paper, 1860s

Scope and Contents

The albumen prints may be copies of daguerreotypes.
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Photographer unidentified, [Portrait of a Girl and Her Younger Brother] 95.R.30-P1

Scope and Contents

Albumen print housed in a sixth plate morocco case with gilt decorations. The print is behind a domed brass mat and thin brass preserver frame set into the brown velvet case lining. A ring for hanging is centered on the top of the case.
In this double frontal portrait a girl is sitting in a chair with her younger brother standing at her side.
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Photographer unidentified, [Bust Portrait of a Man with Mutton Chops] 95.R.30-P2

Scope and Contents

Albumen print housed in a sixth plate morocco case with a domed brass mat and thin brass preserver frame set into the brown velvet case lining. The print is mounted to a cream backing which is visible at the bottom and one side. A ring for hanging is centered on the top of the case.
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Loose case components, between 1845 and 1865

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Green leather case

Scope and Contents

The case is lined in pink silk with an envelope pocket that contains a brass mat.
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Morocco case cover

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Copy prints

Scope and Contents

Comprises a complete set of archival gelatin silver use prints made by the repository from the original photographs in 2001.