Finding aid for Foto arte minore: Max Hutzel photographs of art and architecture in Italy 86.P.8

Martha Steele, Andra Darlington, Laney McGlohon, and Tracey Schuster
Special Collections
1200 Getty Center Drive, Suite 1100
Los Angeles 90049-1688
Business Number: (310) 440-7390
Fax Number: (310) 440-7780

Contributing Institution: Special Collections
Title: Foto arte minore: Max Hutzel photographs of art and architecture in Italy
Creator: Hutzel, Max
Creator: Sigismondi, Roberto
Identifier/Call Number: 86.P.8
Physical Description: 915 boxes (circa 67,275 black-and-white photographic prints, circa 86,400 black-and-white negatives)
Date (inclusive): 1960-1990
Abstract: This collection contains thorough photographic documentation by Max Hutzel of art and architecture in Italy ranging in date from Antiquity to late Baroque. Included are photographs of secular buildings, museum holdings, ancient ruins, and religious institutions covering a broad range of artistic forms and styles, including architecture, paintings, frescoes, sculpture, manuscripts, metalwork and other minor arts. The regions most heavily represented are: the Abruzzi, Lazio (including Rome), the Marches, and Umbria.
Physical Location: Request access to the physical materials described in this inventory through the catalog record  for this collection. Click here for the access policy .
Language of Material: English .

Scope and Content of Collection

Max Hutzel's "Foto arte minore" project comprises thorough photographic documentation of art historical development in Italy up to the 18th century, including objects of the Etruscans and the Romans, as well as early Medieval, Romanesque, Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque monuments. Consonant with Hutzel's belief that throughout Italy there are minor artistic centers that deserve attention, sites depicted are frequently obscure and previously undocumented. Hutzel's work is typified by a feeling for place that goes beyond the purely documentary. The collection contains more than 67,000 black-and-white prints and approximately 86,400 black-and-white negatives. Because Hutzel carefully cropped his images for printing, the prints more accurately represent his style than the negatives.
Included is thorough interior and exterior documentation of secular buildings, museum holdings, ancient ruins, and religious institutions covering a broad range of artistic forms and styles, including architecture, painting, frescoes, sculpture, manuscripts, metalwork and other minor arts, ranging in date from Antiquity to late Baroque. The regions most heavily represented are: the Abruzzi, Lazio (including Rome), the Marches, and Umbria. Additional photos cover sites in: Basilicata, Campania, Emilia-Romagna, Friuli-Venezia Guilia, Lombardy, Piedmont, Puglia, Sardinia, Tuscany, and Veneto.
Also included are circa 825 photographs of medieval buildings and art in Campania, in the ancient region called "Campi Flegrei," made in 1990 by Roberto Sigismondi, Hutzel's long-time assistant (some 800 additional images from this campaign have been removed and interfiled in the Antiquities section of the Getty Research Institute's Photo Archive). Missing from this collection are many Hutzel photographs that were separated in the 1980s and 1990s and integrated into the core collections of the Photo Archive.
Photographs are generally accompanied by typed lists that include the names of the sites and often additional information such as narrative descriptions, church dedications, locations of photographed details, label information for museum objects, and information provided to Hutzel by local inhabitants. Hutzel frequently added his own personal commentary regarding the condition of many sites.
The photographic prints and accompanying lists have been digitized and the images are available online. Click here to view all digital images  or see the container list for links to images of specific subjects.

Separated Material

A number of Hutzel photographs and approximately 800 photographs by Hutzel's assistant, Roberto Sigismondi, were removed from this collection and interfiled with the core collection of the repository's Photo Archive.

Biographical / Historical

German-born photographer and scholar Max Hutzel (1911-1988) photographed in Italy from the early 1960s until the late 1980s, resulting in a vast body of photographs that he referred to as "Foto arte minore." Over the years he amassed a collection of about one million negatives and sold his photographs to individual scholars for publication and to institutions such as the Biblioteca Herziana, the National Gallery in Washington, and the Kunsthistorische Institut in Florence. He used the revenue from these sales, in addition to some financial support he received from his brother in Germany, to continue his work until his death.
Hutzel studied printmaking and graphics in Stuttgart. Impressed by Walter Gropius and the Bauhaus School, he developed a deep interest in photography and studied with Paul Wolff. After World War II, he settled in Italy and by the beginning of the 1960's, he had devoted himself to the photographic documentation of art and architecture. Applying techniques and aesthetic solutions he learned from the Bauhaus movement, Hutzel's approach went beyond the purely documentary. His photography represented his artistic interpretation of Italian art and his sense of being in a specific place. He compared himself to the European scholars and researchers who traveled through Italy drawing in their notebooks as they studied the history and archeological artifacts of the region.
Hutzel comprehensively documented lesser known monuments, attempting to include everything that is connected with art historical development in Italy up to the 18th century: architecture, sculpture, wall painting, panel painting, museum objects and religious artifacts from the Etruscan and Roman civilizations and the early Medieval, Romanesque, Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque periods. In order to document architecture within its topographical context, he often photographed general and panoramic views of towns seen from afar, streets, and clusters of buildings. He also provided a glimpse of the social context by sometimes including residents, passersby, and vehicles.


Arranged into 17 series: Series I. Abruzzo; Series II. Basilicata; Series III. Campania; Series IV. Emilia-Romagna; Series V. Friuli-Venezia Giulia; Series VI. Lazio; Series VII. Lombardia; Series VIII. Marches; Series IX. Molise; Series X. Piedmont; Series XI. Puglia; Series XII. Republic of San Marino; Series XIII. Sardinia; Series XIV. Tuscany; Series XV. Umbria; Series XVI. Veneto; Series XVII. Negatives.


Open for use by qualified researchers. For further information, consult the Guide to the Photo Archive and Database .

Publication Rights

Digital Collection

The photographic prints and accompanying lists have been digitized and made available online. Click here to view all digital images  or click the links in the container list to see digital images of specific subjects.

Preferred Citation

Foto arte minore: Max Hutzel photographs of art and architecture in Italy, 1960-1990. The Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles, Accession no. 86.P.8.

Processing Information

A preliminary box list was created by Martha Steele in 2008. In 2011 Laney McGlohon transformed the box list into an EAD finding aid and incorporated metadata from the GRI's Photo Archive Database, and in 2012 she added links to the digital collection. Andra Darlington completed the finding aid in 2012, adapting text by Tracey Schuster for the collection notes.

Other Finding Aid

The Photo Archive Database also provides access to this collection. Connect to the Photo Archive Database. 

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Architecture, Ancient -- Italy
Streets -- Italy
Architecture, Medieval -- Italy
Architecture, Baroque -- Italy
Architecture -- Italy
Architecture, Renaissance -- Italy
Art -- Italy
Art, Italian
Black-and-white prints (photographs)
Black-and-white negatives
Decorative arts -- Italy
Cities and towns -- Italy
Sculpture, Italian
Painting, Italian


Abruzzo Series I.

Physical Description: 56 boxes

Scope and Contents note

Photographs of sites in Abruzzo with accompanying lists.

Arrangement note

Arranged alphabetically by city, general views of the city/historic center, and monument name.


box 1

Madonna delle Grazie

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Physical Description: 135 items

Scope and Contents note

Perada, Donato; Andrea de Litio; Majeski, Sebastiano
Post-medieval: Architecture, sculpture, frescos (16-17th century)

Alba Fucens

box 2

General views

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Physical Description: 111 items

Scope and Contents note

Roman republican veteran colony, castrum plan, 1st century BC forum, amphitheatre, various civic and religious buildings, architectural fragments, community fountain;
the excavations at Alba Fucens are well represented, archaeologically, in the negatives: prints 1-13= set A, prints 14-80= set B, prints 1-18, 100=C: see Antiquities for 2 site prints: Chieti museum prints have not negatives as yet (24 prints)




box 2

S. Pietro

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Physical Description: 10 items

Scope and Contents note

Andrea di Guittone; Giovanni di Guittone
Sculpture, coins, pottery, minor arts, architecture
Medieval: Architecture (11th, 15-16th century), architectural sculpture (12th century), sculpture (12th century, housed in L'Aquila, Museo Nazionale d'Abruzzo since 1956-57 restorations), mosaic (12th century), also re-used Roman capitals and columns
Post-medieval: Portal, ciborium

Anversa degli Abruzzi

box 3

Madonna della Grazie

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Physical Description: 8 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture, with elaborately carved Renaissance portal (1585).


box 3

S. Maria Assunta

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Physical Description: 105 items

Scope and Contents note

Gatti, Saturnino de'
Medieval: Architecture, views of restoration, crypt, silver urn, tomb
Post-medieval: Architecture, frescos, views of restoration, sculpture, tabernacle


box 15

S. Paolo

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Physical Description: 12 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Stoups made from Romanesque column capitals.
Post-medieval: Frescos of the local school; sculpture.


box 15

S. Giusta

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Physical Description: 27 items

Scope and Contents note

Views of the interior (remodelled in the 15th century) focus on reused Roman architectural elements (1st century BC - 1st century AD). The arcade includes piers, Roman columns, and a frescoed ancient Roman cornice frieze. In the crypt are Roman gravestones.
Exterior views of this 13th century church focus on the west facade and richly ornamented portal (1238). Prints in the Hutzel collection include views of the main altarpiece, east wall frescoes, crucifix, and 13th century nave frescoes. In the Medieval core collection are general views of the interior, including the arcade, and the crypt. Carved on the pulpit (1180) are signs of the Four Evangelists, the Lamb of God, and St. George Slaying the Dragon. Views of the crypt (13th century) show an entryway to the 3rd century catacombs and a wooden statue of S. Giusta.
Hutzel photo campaign date: 8/26/84


box 15


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Physical Description: 28 items

Scope and Contents note

View from castle; views of ruins of castle.
box 15

S. Maria Assunta

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Physical Description: 5 items

Scope and Contents note

L'Aquila School
Medieval: Early Romanesque architecture and architectural sculpture (12th century, c. 1180); throne with carved lions
Post-medieval: Frescoes (15th century); baptismal font
box 16, box 17

S. Pellegrino, Oratory

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Physical Description: 264 items

Scope and Contents note

Master of the Passion; Master of the Infanzia
Medieval: Architecture, sculpture (12-13th century)
Post-medieval: Fresco cycle (13th century) (Count: 252)

Bussi sul Tirino

box 17

S. Maria di Cartignano

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Physical Description: 25 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture and architectural sculpture (11th-12th centuries), largely in ruins. Facade has simple rose window and centrally placed campanile with a slightly pointed arched opening. Interior nave arcade remains partially intact. Some fragments of carved inscriptions also remain.
Bussi sul Tirino environs.


box 17

Rocca Calascio

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Physical Description: 12 items

Scope and Contents note

Exterior views of medieval architectural ruins and octagonal chapel (identified as Bramante Chapel by Hutzel). A few views of the octagonal chapel facade, including architectural moldings.
Hutzel notes are missing.


box 18


[View digitized images]

Physical Description: 15 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture, wall painting
box 18

Parish Church

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Physical Description: 18 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: 17th century architecture, interior and exterior--Neapolitan
Hutzel photo campaign date: August 23, 1983.


box 19

General Views

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Physical Description: 5 items

Scope and Contents note

Panoramic views of the Medieval city.
Hutzel Shoat the Campaign in 1984.
box 19

S. Maria dei Cintorelli

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Physical Description: 10 items

Scope and Contents note

Late Medieval frescoes (14th & 15th century)
Hutzel shot this campaign in 1984
box 19

S. Pietro in Valle

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Physical Description: 62 items

Scope and Contents note

L'Aquila School
Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture (12th century) Ciborium, sarcofagus, altar with frescos, stoup (12th cent.)

Castelvecchio Calvisio

box 21


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Physical Description: 4 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architectural remains of a fortress.
box 21

General views

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Physical Description: 30 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: General views of architecture and architectural sculpture
Post-medieval: General views
box 21

Parish church

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Physical Description: 5 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture.
box 21

S. Cipriano

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Physical Description: 14 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture, largely in ruins; frescos; inscription.

Castelvecchio Subequo

box 21

S. Francesco

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Physical Description: 92 items

Scope and Contents note

Fontana, Carlo; Bernini, Gian Lorenzo; Caravaggio, Antonio; Giotto; Nicola Piczulo
Interior and exterior views of the church architecture. Large fresco cycle (late 14th-early 15th centuries) of the life of S. Francis. Other photos depict the interior church decoration: the 17th century wood altar and nave sculptures as well as numerous 15th-16th century paintings.
Hutzel shot this campaign in 1983
box 22

S. Francesco, Museum

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Physical Description: 58 items

Scope and Contents note

Piczulo, Nicola
Roman sculpture fragments, bronze sculpture, bronze plate, iron sword, roman coins
Reliquaries, processional cross (15th century) statues- including a silver Madonna and Child with Angels, sculpture-including wooden statue of Christ, and frescoes
Hutzel photo campaign date: 09/12/83
box 22

S. Giovanni

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Physical Description: 26 items

Scope and Contents note

Fontana, Carlo; Cardone, Giovan Paolo
Exterior views of the Medieval and Renaissance architecture, general views of the nave and side aisles, 17th century religious painting and sculpture and a 15th century baptismal font.
Hutzel shot this campaign in 1983

Castiglione a Casauria

box 22

S. Clemente a Casauria

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Physical Description: 5 items

Scope and Contents note

Giacomo da Popoli
Medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture
Post-medieval: Facade, interior architecture


box 22

General views

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Physical Description: 55 items

Scope and Contents note

Panoramic view of town and castle from NE.
box 23, box 24, box 25, box 26


[View digitized images]

Physical Description: 524 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Manuscripts: Miniature nella Marsica; Trasacco - Antifonario; Tagliacozzo - Messale; Avezzano - L'Ecultet Metalwork--processional crosses
Post-medieval: Vestments, metalwork, painting, frescoes, sculpture
box 26

S. Giovanni Battista

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Physical Description: 54 items

Scope and Contents note

Tuscan School; Silvestro dell' Aquila; Lorenzetti, Ambrogio
Romanesque church begun in the 14th century. Exterior is covered in the local reddish stone. Exterior views of portal, rose window and sculptural details.
Photos of the interior include general views in the Medieval core collection and details of frescoes in the Hutzel collection. There are frescoes in the vaults and on the arches. Scenes include evangelists and saints. There is also a painted Last Judgment. Objects of interest include a wooden ciborium and confessional stalls. There is also wooden statuary over the high altar from the 17th cent.
Baroque interior added 1706, returned to medieval aspect 1969-71. Hutzel photo campaign date: August 13, 1983.
box 27

S. Maria Valleverde

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Physical Description: 81 items

Scope and Contents note

Lorenzetti, Ambrogio; Sodoma (Giovanni Antonio Bazzi)
Medieval: Sarcophagus (Early Christian); stoups (9-10th centuries)
Post-medieval: Architecture; architectural sculpture; sculpture; frescoes; intarsia; miniatures


box 32

General Views

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Physical Description: 16 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Views of street in old town
box 32

S. Nicola

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Physical Description: 41 items

Scope and Contents note

Stefano di Mosciano
Medieval: Pulpit with symbols of the evangelists and SS. Peter and Paul, c. 1267
Post-medieval: Architecture (16th century); paintings (3, unidentified)


box 33

Basilica Valvense

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Physical Description: 16 items

Scope and Contents note

Maestro Giustino da Chieti; Berardo; Giacomo da Popoli; Mosca, Ferdinando; Patini, Teofilo
Medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculpture
Post-medieval: Architectural sculpture, sculpture, frescoes, painting, choir stall, stoup, (mostly Baroque), restoration photos.


box 33

S. Crisante e S. Daria

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Physical Description: 35 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: 12-13th century architecture and frescos.


box 33

Convent of S. Angelo d'Ocre

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Physical Description: 39 items

Scope and Contents note

The convent was built in 1242 for the Benedictines and enlarged in the 15th century by the Franciscans. Prints include exterior or general views of convent and surrounding countryside, interior hallways showing vaulting, portal frames and lunettes decorated with frescoes, courtyard and frescoed ceiling. Other fresco decoration includes 'The Last Supper'.
Five more photos are being put with this monument which are identified by Hutzel as being the Convento di S. Angelo d'Ocre. They show a modest exterior and an interior in the late Renaissance or early Baroque style.
Hutzel photo campaigns are undated. The second, smaller set of 5 photos corresponds with Hutzel's notes.
box 33

General views

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Physical Description: 11 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: General views of city and architecture
Post-medieval: General views of city and architecture
box 34

Monastery of S. Spirito d'Ocre

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Physical Description: 42 items

Scope and Contents note

Mausonio, Giovanni Paolo
Medieval: Architecture (13th century), largely in ruins, with uniform stone construction; architectural sculpture; fresco (c.1280)
Post-medieval: Frescos (16-17th centuries)
box 34


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Physical Description: 6 items

Scope and Contents note

Ciferri, Bernardino
Post-medieval: 18th century architecture (c.1700-1769), with some construction from a 13th century church still remaining; paintings
Variant name: Chiesa dell'Assunta
box 34

S. Maria delle Grotte

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Physical Description: 49 items

Scope and Contents note

Benedictine School; Tuscan School; Sebastiano di Cola; Master of Fossa
Medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculpture
Post-medieval: Fresco cycles
Some objects depicted have since been moved to a museum in L'Aquila


box 13

Church B

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Physical Description: 4 items

Scope and Contents note

These prints were not correctly identified; it has not been possible to identify them.

Collegiate complex

box 9, box 10

S. Bernardino, Church. S. Bernardino, Cloister

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Physical Description: 190 items

Scope and Contents note

Della Robbia, Andrea; Cola dall'Amatrice; Cenatiempo, Geronimo; Mosca, Ferdinando; Francesco dell'Aquila; Silvestro dell' Aquila; Ranalli, Caterino; Fiammingo, Rinaldo; Bedeschini, Giovanni Battista; Rainaldi, Giovan Caterino; Salvato; Cesura, Pompeo; Cardone, Paolo; Mosca, Bernardino; Teodoro, Donato; Giuseppe Mantini da Mantova; Romanelli da L'Aquila, Bartolomeo; Romanelli da L'Aquila, Gaspare
Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculpture, paintings, frescoes. Views of the cloister from several vantage points and detailed views of the columns and capitals.
Views of exterior and interior, with extensive coverage of mausoleum by Silvestro dell'Aquila.

Collegiate complex

box 8

S. Bernardino, Oratory

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Physical Description: 51 items

Scope and Contents note

Several views of entire oratory (once a refectory); detailed views of the frescoes by Paolo Cardone.
box 13

Convent of the Clarisse

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Physical Description: 53 items

Scope and Contents note

Francesco da Montereale; Cardone, Paolo
Exterior views of convent and portals, interior views of church with emphasis on choir fresco, and views of cloister.
box 13

Madonna del Soccorso

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Physical Description: 98 items

Scope and Contents note

L'Aquila; Maestro di S. Giovanni da Capestrano; Andrea de Litio; Fiamingo, Rinaldo
Views of exterior, cloister, and extensive coverage of interior. Objects from church stored in the Museo Nazionale are catalogued under that location.
Objects from the church stored in the Museo Nazionale are catalogued under that location.
box 4, box 5, box 6, box 7

Museo Nazionale d'Abruzzo

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Physical Description: 601 items

Scope and Contents note

Museo Nazionale d'Abruzzo
Silvestro dell' Aquila; Naples, 15th century; Santafede, Fabrizio; Naples, 16th century; Rosecci, Giovanni; Rosecco, Bartolomeo; L'Aquila, School; Gatti (de') Saturnino; Cola dall'Amatrice; Gagliardelli, Giovanni Francesco; Troylus, Marianus; Gualterius de Alemagna; Cesura, Pompeo; Valeriano, Padre; Bedeschini, Giulio Cesare; Fantitto, Cesare; Finson, Ludovicus; Pourbus, Frans (the Younger; Flemish, 16th century; Rinaldo il Fiammingo; Mytens, Aert; Ruther, Carl; Conca, Sebastiano; Solimena, Francesco; Brandi, Giacinto; Franceschini, Marco Antonio; Polidoro da Lanciano; Titian; Francesco da Montereale; Albani, Francesco; Damini, Vincenzo; Grue, Francesco Antonio; Gentile, Giacomo; Preti, Mattia; Cardone, Paolo; Silvestro dell' Aquila; Solimena, Francesco; Sarnelli, Gaetano; Caro, Lorenzo de; Lucoli, Giovanni Antonio da; Masters of Beffi; Jacobello del Fiore; Sano di Pietro; Andrea de Litio; Matteo da Campli; Antonio de Caprinis; Master of S. Giovanni da Capestrano; Cola da Cosentino; Silvestro dell' Aquila; Silvestro dell' Aquila; Gasperi, Giovannio Antonio; Giacomo da Campli; Nelli, Ottaviano di Martino; Lavelona, Michele Greco di; Ripanda, Jacopo; Master of the Crivellesque Polyptychs; Bernardino di Cola del Merlo; Antoniazzo Romano (Antonio di Benedetto Aquilo); Sriva, Pirro Luigi; Armanino da Nodena; Niccolo di Buonaccorso; Tino da Camaino; Giovanni d'Angelo; Giovanni da Sulmona; Gavini da Bologna
Roman inscriptions, sculpture and relief
Tabernacle from S. Maria delle Grotte in Fossa with scenes of the Presentation at the Temple, the Flagellation, the Annunciation, and the Betrayal by Judas. Museo Nazionale housed in Castle: several exterior views (The Archeological Museum is one gallery (Sala IV) of the Museo). Remaining views of museum collection, including paintings, processional crosses, reliquaries, chalices, ceramics, textiles, manuscripts, and a number of eighth century Abruzzan Madonna sculptures. Works from the church Madonna del Soccorso also stored in Museo.
Hutzel photo campaign date: August 20, 1985.
box 8

Palazzo Centi

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Physical Description: 46 items

Scope and Contents note

Vanvitelli, Luigi; Parise, Francesco; Cicchi, Loreto
Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, frescoes, paintings, decorative arts (Baroque)
box 8

Palazzo Fiori

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Physical Description: 20 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture
box 8

Palazzo Franchi-Cappelli

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Physical Description: 14 items

Scope and Contents note

Fontana, Francesco; Damini, Vincenzo
Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture (17th century), sculpture, frescoes
box 8

Palazzo Manieri

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Physical Description: 22 items

Scope and Contents note

Cicchi, Loreto; Parise, Francesco
Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, interior moldings, paintings, wood panelling
box 11

S. Giuseppe

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Physical Description: 35 items

Scope and Contents note

Gualterius de Alemagna
Medieval: Architectural sculpture, tomb of Camponeschi family (15th century). Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, tomb of Camponeschi family
One exterior view and four interior apse views. Views of Camponeschi monument.
Formerly known as S. Biagio Should be 34, location of rest unknown.
box 11

S. Giusta

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Physical Description: 66 items

Scope and Contents note

Bonanno da Coppito; Ciarpi, Baccio; L'Aquila School; Cesari, Giuseppe (il Cavaliere d'Arpino); Cardone, Paolo
Medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture (14th century)
Medieval section: all exterior views
Hutzel collection: interior views of naves, chapels, frescoes, sacristy and paintings
Bibliographic Citation: Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculpture, painting, fresco (Baroque)
box 11

S. Marco

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Physical Description: 40 items

Scope and Contents note

Cesura, Pompeo; Silvestro dell' Aquila; Damini, Vincenzo; Cesari, Giuseppe (il Cavaliere d'Arpino); Damini, Francesco
Medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture (15th century)
Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture (17th century); sculpture, frescoes
box 11, box 12

S. Maria di Collemaggio

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Physical Description: 88 items

Scope and Contents note

Pietro da Morrone; Gatti (de') Saturnini; Andrea di Danziga; L'Aquila
Medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, wall painting (13-15th centuries)
Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture (18th century), sculpture, frescoes, wall painting, metal crucifix
Coverage of the paintings; some views of interior architectural features.
box 23

S. Maria di Paganica

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Physical Description: 2 items

Scope and Contents note

Donti, Giovanni Paolo; Fiammingo, Rinaldo; Damini, Vincenzo; Maganza, Alessandro
Medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture (13-14th centuries), all exterior views with emphasis on portal and architrave sculpture
Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture (17th century); sculpture, painting, baptismal font
Exterior views with emphasis on the portal and architrave sculpture
box 12

S. Pietro di Coppito

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Physical Description: 46 items

Scope and Contents note

Paolo da Montereale
Medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture (13-14th century), panel painting, frescoes, sculpture. Two exterior views and views of interior both before and after 1971 restoration.
box 12

S. Silvestro

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Physical Description: 72 items

Scope and Contents note

Francesco da Montereale; L'Aquila
Medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture (14th century)
Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, painting, fresco, baptismal font
Nine exterior views, including 1320 facade. Views of interior both before and after 1968 restoration, many showing apse frescoes.

Luco dei Marsi

box 36, box 37

S. Maria delle Grazie

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Physical Description: 69 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture
Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, frescoes


box 37


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Physical Description: 2 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture


box 37

Castello Piccolomini

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Physical Description: 23 items
box 37

General views

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Physical Description: 5 items

Rocca di Botte

box 45

S. Maria del Pianto

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Physical Description: 51 items

Scope and Contents note

Two exterior views, one of facade and one of apse. One interior view of altar. Remaining views of 15th c. frescoes.

Rocca di Cambio

box 45

S. Lucia, Abbey church

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Physical Description: 45 items

Scope and Contents note

All exterior views of this 13th c. church stored in Medieval. Views in Hutzel collection are of interior frescoes (14th c.).

San Sebastiano

box 46

S. Sebastiano

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Physical Description: 25 items

Scope and Contents note

Crivelli, Carlo
Medieval: Architecture (12th-13th centuries): very rudimentary--probably built by local inhabitants; early Romanesque interior; frescos (13th-15th century?); fragments of architectural sculpture
Undocumented Hutzel name: Aquila environs

San Vittorino

box 48

S. Michele

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Physical Description: 12 items

Scope and Contents note

Two prints of the 16th-century restored interior. Prints of frescoes from the 13th century show Christ in a mandorla, various saints, angels, a Crucifixion and graffiti.
No notes of this photo campaign exist. Negatives for this monument could be misfiled under: San Vittorino, Catacomb of S. Vittorino (in the NNPs).


box 49

Chiesa dell' Annunziata

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Physical Description: 94 items

Scope and Contents note

Balcone, Bartolomeo; Baldi, Lazzaro; Simonelli, Giuseppe; Gamba, Paolo; Cicchi, Norberto; Fontana, Pietro; Spagna, Giacomo
Exterior views of baroque facade and courtyard (13th-14th century), including the entrance to the Museo Civico. Interior views: ornate pilasters, baroque cupola, white plaster angels and seraphim decoration, marble intarsia altar and balustrade, niched gilt wooden saints, rococo organ, pulpit, wooden choirstalls by Balcone, 18th century altar paintings, ceiling and cupola frescoes.
box 48

General views

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Physical Description: 22 items

Scope and Contents note

Views of the Piazza Garibaldi, which include views of various church facades, such as S. Maria del Carmine, S. Chiara and S. Filippo. Also exterior views of the Biblioteca Comunale, Palazzo Migliorati, S. Francesco della Scarpa, S. Caterina, Piazza XX Settembre, and the Fontana del Vecchio. One view of the Aqueduct is found in the Medieval core collection.
Hutzel photo campaign date: November 1984.
box 48

Historical Center

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Physical Description: 30 items

Scope and Contents note

Roman gravestone with hunt scene.
These views of Sulmona shows its various architectural styles from the 13th through the 17th century. Emphasis is on windows, balconies and portals. The facade, the interior courtyard, and the baroque roof garden of the renaissance Palazzo Mazara (Palazzo Comunale) are included.
Hutzel photo campaign date: November 3, 1984
box 50

S. Chiara

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Physical Description: 71 items

Scope and Contents note

Borsillo, Francesco Antonio; Pescocostanzo, Master; Cesari, Giuseppe
Exterior views of the 16th century baroque church and adjacent cloister. Views focus on the sculpted wooden portal by the Master from Pescocostanzo. Interior views include: pulpit, cupola, frescoed pendentives of the four evangelists, ceiling frescoes, altar paintings, ornate altars, marble architectural sculpture and gilt architectural details.
Hutzel photo campaign date: November 3, 1984




box 27, box 28

Museo Nazionale di Antichita

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Physical Description: 210 items

Scope and Contents note

The so-called "Capestrano Warrior" (5th century B.C.) is found in the Antiquities core collection under Men, Youths, Warriors--Stone--Etruscan, Italic. Hutzel views include statues, funerary monuments, portrait busts and mosaics, many of which were excavated from Alba Fucens. Hutzel paid particular attention to the colossal statue of Hercules (late Hellenistic); the funerary temple reliefs of Lucius Storax; various nudes, torsos and heads, including the portrait bust of Agrippina Minore and the sepulchral portrait relief of Lucius Poditius (1st century A.D.); gravestones with inscriptions and bas-reliefs; Roman coins; bronze figurines (mainly warriors); and bronze vessels, utensils, helmets and ornaments.
Exterior views of part of the former Villa Frigeri, which along with a neighboring palazzo, houses the Museo Nazionale di Antichita. Views also of the gardens, fountain (17th century) and the restored interior.
Hutzel photo campaign date: 1985


box 29

S. Tommaso Apostolo, Cathedral

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Physical Description: 69 items

Scope and Contents note

Cirilli, Guido; Bartolomeo di Giacomo; Antonio da Lodi; Biagetti, Biagio; Sammartino, Giuseppe; Mosca, Ferdinando; Nicola da Guardiagrele; Naples; Niccolo Teutonico; Niccolo di Laurentius
Cathedral was begun in 840, and building continued in the 11th cent. It was reconstructed in the 14th cent. The interior underwent a radical restoration in the 18th cent. in the Baroque style. The campanile was built in 1335. Photos include exterior views of the facade and the campanile along with several details. The interior views show the Baroque nave with its vaults and cupola. There are paintings in the vaults and over the altars, including one of St. Thomas & Christ over the main altar.
There are also photos of the marble paliotto in front of the altar (17th cent.). Other interior details are the baptismal font, a wooden statue of the Madonna & Child, and wooden statues of two saints, one St. Peter. There are also several photos of the crypt, including a few of the painting fragments remaining there.
Hutzel photo campaign date: July 9, 1985. There are no photos for many of the crypt negatives; however, the remaining negatives appear to belong to this monument.


box 34

S. Giovanni in Venere

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Physical Description: 11 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture
Post-medieval: Frescoes


box 35

S. Maria del Ponte, Cathedral

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Physical Description: 50 items

Scope and Contents note

Michitelli, Eugenio; Sotardo, Tommaso; Diana, Giacinto; Francesco de Vincentiis; Nicola da Guardiagrele
Cathedral is built around a bridge said to date from the 300s and built by Diocletian. It was renovated around 1000.
The cathedral itself dates from the 15th cent. and incorporated Diocletian's bridge into its structure. The cathedral was heavily renovated from 1785-88, giving the Cathedral a Baroque-Neoclassical facade and interior. There are general views of the church exterior and the bridge. Interior views include the nave and cupola, both of which date from the 1785-88 restoration. The high altar contains sculptural figures; as well, there is a sculpture of the Madonna del Ponte dating from the 14th cent. Paintings include frescoes of the 4 evangelists in the pendentives of the cupola and of the Last Supper, the Holy Family, the Madonna Enthroned and saints being stoned to death. The paintings date from the 18th century.
Hutzel photo campaign date: August 13, 1985.


box 35

S. Maria Maggiore

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Physical Description: 34 items

Scope and Contents note

Francesco Petrini; Nicola da Guardiagrele; Giovanni da Sulmona; G.C. Bedeschini
Church dates from 14th century and reputedly is built over a temple of Apollo. Parts of the church were renovated in the 16th century, but some of this renovation was removed in 1965, returning the church to its original style. There are many exterior views, with particular attention paid to the apse and right portals with their rose windows. There are general views of the interior. A few paintings are photographed; the main objects are a processional cross and a wooden crucifix with terracotta figures of Mary and St. John.
Hutzel photo campaign date: August 14, 1985. Most of tohe negatives no prints are definitely this monument. However, some may belong to other monuments.

Citta Sant'Angelo

box 29

S. Chiara

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Physical Description: 11 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture
box 30

S. Francesco

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Physical Description: 39 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture (14th century)
Post-medieval: Architecture, cupola (18th century)


box 30

Centro Storico

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Physical Description: 61 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, town streets and structures including Palazzo Giudea
box 30

Madonna dell'Arco

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Physical Description: 43 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculpture, painting, frescoes
box 30

Madonna delle Grazie

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Physical Description: 17 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture (16th century)
box 31

S. Antonio

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Physical Description: 119 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture; Cloister (13-15th century)
box 32

S. Egidio

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Physical Description: 73 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture (ruins), frescoes


box 34

S. Pietro d'Azzano

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Physical Description: 37 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, baptismal font, stoup
Post-medieval: Fresco, painting (Pietro di Azzano with Saints)

Isola del Gran Sasso d'Italia

box 35

S. Giovanni al Mavone (or "ad Insulam")

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Physical Description: 5 items

Scope and Contents note

Exterior views of the Medival architecture; interior views show the Medieval fresco decoration.
Hutzel shot this campaign in 1985.
box 35

S. Massimo

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Physical Description: 48 items

Scope and Contents note

Matteo de Caprio; Ferrante di Alarcon; Andrea de Litio
Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculpture, frescoes, painting, monstrance, reliquary
box 35

S. Sebastian

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Physical Description: 19 items

Scope and Contents note

Andrea de Litio
Post-medieval: 15th century architecture, architectural sculpture, frescoes, ciborium
box 37

S. Orante

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Physical Description: 39 items


box 38

Madonna del Castello

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Physical Description: 50 items

Scope and Contents note

Mosca, Ferdinando
Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculpture (15-17th centuries) Exterior coverage of this late-renaissance church includes views of the facade, the main portal and architrave, the rose window, the flank, bell tower, side portals and architectural details. Interior views are of the nave, main altar (including detail views), side altars, sculpture, and architectural details.
Frescoes from this church housed in the L'Aquila Museo Nazionale


box 38

Santuario della Madonna d'Appari

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Physical Description: 55 items

Scope and Contents note

Bedeschini, Giulio Cesare; L'Aquila; Francesco da Montereale
Post-medieval: Architecture (13-15th century); exterior views of facade, with details of portal and window; interior details of 16th century frescoes.


box 42, box 43


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Physical Description: 145 items

Scope and Contents note

Sabatini, Carlo; Bucci, Giovannangelo; Ferradini, Francesco; Gianni, Giambattista; Tanzio da Varallo (Antonio d'Enrico); Borsillo, Francesco Antonio; Cardone, Giovan Paolo; Parisi, Francesco; Fanzago, Cosimo; Mosca, Tommaso; Cesari, Giuseppe (il Cavaliere d'Arpino); Frezza, Ovanus; Panfilo, Rainaldi
Medieval: Wood statues (2) (9-10, 12th century); stone bust (10th century
Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, painting, sculpture, objects in the museum


box 43

S. Maria del Carmine

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Physical Description: 11 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculpture

Prata d'Ansidonia

box 44

S. Nicola

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Physical Description: 41 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architectural sculpture, ambo (13th century)
Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculpture, painting, (of note: portal)

Prata d'Ansidonia

box 44

S. Paolo Peltuinum

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Physical Description: 11 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture (12-13th century); architectural sculpture, wall painting (13th century). Pre 1960 restoration
Hutzel photo campaign notes are undated. Includes 4 photos of castello.

Prata d'Ansidonia

box 44

S. Pietro

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Physical Description: 7 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architectural sculpture, fresco (in ruins)
Hutzel photo campaign notes are undated. The notes for this monument are included in the notes for the castello, the Peltuinum ampitheater and the church of S. Paolo.


box 44

General views

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Physical Description: 18 items

Scope and Contents note

General views of fragments and inscriptions.


box 44


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Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Romanesque architecture: view of entrance portal.

Rosciolo dei Marsi (environs)

box 45

S. Maria in Valle Porclaneta

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Physical Description: 27 items

Scope and Contents note

Master Niccolo; Nicodemus; Robertus di Ruggero
Exterior views of this former Benedictine abbey church include an inscribed plaque before the narthex; a polygonal apse with foliate sculptural details (13th century); and windows. Interior views include the tomb of Mater Niccolo and damaged frescoes (13th-16th centuries), but most coverage is of the architectural sculpture. The choir screen (mid 12th-13th centuries) is decorated with seraphim, busts of apostles in relief, foliate forms, rosettes, eagles, a lion, dragon, griffin, acanthus molding and vine scroll. The pulpit decoration consists of foliage inhabited by bearded or nude men, griffins or beasts as well as narrative relief sculpture such as Jonah coughed up by a whale and Jonah sitting under a gourd tree. The ciborium, piers and impost blocks are also decorated with figures, rosettes, dentils, quadrupeds and foliage.

S. Giuliano (L'Aquila environs)

box 47


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Physical Description: 186 items

Scope and Contents note

Roman coins; Greek and Roman sculpture; Egyptian sculpture and minor arts; Pre-Columbian sculpture.
Views of the four collections housed in museum: Roman coins; Pre-Columbian art brought from Central America in 17th century; Greek and Roman sculpture; Egyptian sculpture and minor arts.
There are many duplicate prints, and this accounts for the small amount of negatives per total prints.

S. Giuliano

box 10

S. Giuliano

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Physical Description: 97 items

Scope and Contents note

Two exterior views and numerous interior views, including altars, sacristy, and paintings; several views of the cloister with intensive coverage of the lunette frescoes.

San Benedetto dei Marsi

box 45

S. Sabina

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Physical Description: 23 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Romanesque architecture and architectural sculpture, largely in ruins. The elaborately carved portal remains intact.

San Demetrio ne' Vestini

box 45


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Physical Description: 11 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture
Post-medieval: Architecture (17th century) built around older, medieval structures; architectural decoration; paintings on canvas; polychrome wooden sculpture.

San Stefano di Sessanio

box 46


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Physical Description: 45 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: 15th century architecture with partially destroyed campanile; architectural sculpture; sculpture in wood and in terracotta; 16th century fresco of local school.

San Vittorino

box 48

Catacomb of S. Vittorino

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Physical Description: 6 items

Scope and Contents note

Six prints show an altar and frescoes from the catacomb. Negatives show these same views as well as other tombs, frescoes, sculpture and fragments thereof. There is extensive coverage of the martyr Vittorino's tomb; an inscription from the tomb includes the name of the bishop Quodvultdeus.
No Hutzel notes for this monument exist. Some negatives of S. Michele may be included with the negatives of the Catacomb.

Santo Stefano di Sessanio

box 46

General views

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Physical Description: 17 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture.
Post-medieval: General views of architecture and architectural sculpture.

Scurcola Marsicana

box 48


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Physical Description: 5 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: 13th century architecture (1269) with massive cylindrical towers. Structure is partially in ruins.

Scurcola Marsicana

box 48

SS. Trinita

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Physical Description: 5 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Late Renaissance architecture. Double staircase added to facade in 1631.


box 48

Badia Morronese

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Physical Description: 35 items

Scope and Contents note

S. Spirito
Giovanni da Sulmona; Gualterius de Alemagna
Views of baroque interior under restoration. Most views are of fresco cycles from the life of Christ (14th century). All the prints in the Medieval section are views of the tomb of Restaino Caldora-Cantelmo (1412) in the gothic chapel, Cappella Caldora.


box 49, box 50

Museo Civico

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Physical Description: 102 items

Scope and Contents note

Ciccarello di Francesco
Museo Civico Treasures: these objects (Tesoro del Pio Istituto della SS. Annunziata and Tesoro della Cattedrale) are now housed in the security vault of a bank, not in the Museo Civico, as noted in Hutzel's photo campaign notes of August 1984. Views of the treasures include: a silver processional cross (14th century); gold, silver and enamel chalice (13th century), gold and silver crosier with sculpted figures depicting the Annunciation (13th century), a silver and gold reliquary with glass (13th century), a silver diadem (13th century), and a box-like silver and gold reliquary (15th century).
A separate entry for the other objects in the collection of the Museo Civico are found under Palazzo dell'Annuziata.


box 50

S. Francesco della Scarpa

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Physical Description: 50 items

Scope and Contents note

Salvitti, Nicola; Fedeli, Antonio; Barocci, Federico; Cesari, Giuseppe; Olmo, Giovanni Paolo; Eugenio Porretta da Arpino
Views of the Baroque interior include: a baroque organ, a dome frescoed with perspectival architecture, a loggia and confessional, wooden ciborium (16th century), altar statues and architectural sculpture, altar paintings of the Visitation, Saint Anthony of Padua, and the Assumption of the Virgin, wooden crucifix, wooden statue of St. Francis, holy water font, and a marble sarcophagus with a life-size dead Christ lying on the top.
Among the negatives without prints are views of the main portal lunette--a fresco of the Madonna lactans, possibly by Nicola Salvitti.


box 51

S. Maria della Tomba

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Physical Description: 27 items

Scope and Contents note

Palma de Amabile; Bartolomeo da Pisa; Olmo, Giovanni Paolo; Bellini, Giovanni; Pasquale, Cera; Silvestro dell'Aquila
Exterior views of the 15th century facade of church and 16th century facade of the adjoining confraternity include details of the main portal and rose window (c. 1400) and bell tower (c. 1579). Views of a typical 16th century, romanesque-gothic interior, revealed after a 1970-72 restoration which removed the more recent baroque decoration. Views include: piers (14th century), relief sculpture of Adam and Eve (13th century), a bronze bell (1313), marble ciborium, winding column and capital, 13th and 14th century fresco fragments, 16th and 17th century altar paintings, altar sculpture, crucifix and terracotta statues.


box 51

S. Panfilo, Cathedral

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Physical Description: 41 items

Scope and Contents note

Nicola Salvitti; Leonardo da Teramo; Amedeo Tedeschi; Patini, Teofilo; Giovanni da Sulmona; Colombo, Giacomo
Exterior views of the facade, various portals and apses. Details of the main gothic portal include statues of Saints Panfilo and Pelino, and a lunette fresco of the Pieta and mourners. Interior views include: ceiling frescoes, cupola paintings of music-making angels (19th-20th centuries), low-relief sculptures of the Four Evangelists in the pendentives, sarcophagi, a baroque marble high altar, choirstalls, a baptismal font, a wooden crucifix (13th-14th centuries), a gilt bust of St. Panfilo, 13th century frescoes by the Sulmona School, altar paintings of St. Joseph and St. Carlo Borromeo. In the 11th century crypt are capitals of various styles (including one figural in an orans gesture), a 12th century relief sculpture of the Madonna and Child, a throne, frescoes and sarcophagi.


box 51

General views

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Physical Description: 12 items

Scope and Contents note

Exterior views of buildings overlooking the Piazza dell'Obelisco, including the renaissance Palazzo Mastroddi and neo-gothic additions to renaissance structures. Views of the Via del Municipio Vecchio, with emphasis on a portal with a keystone resembling Frankenstein.
Hutzel photo campaign date: August 2, 1983


box 51

Palazzo Ducale

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Physical Description: 45 items

Scope and Contents note

Francesco di Giorgio Martini; Gozzoli, Benozzo; Delitio, Andrea; Lorenzo da Viterbo
Exterior views of the renaissance palace built in the 14th and 15th centuries by the Orsini family, with much attention to windows. Interior views of a loggia (15th century) with poorly preserved frescoes by Lorenzo da Viterbo. More impressive is the Orsini chapel with its coffered ceilings and Viterbo's frescoes of the Redemption, Annunciation, Adoration of the Magi, Baptism and Crucifixion. (See view in H-29 for a possible self-portrait among the Magi)
Hutzel photo campaign date: August 2, 1983


box 52

S. Francesco

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Physical Description: 22 items

Scope and Contents note

Ciarpi, Baccio
Exterior views of 14th century church and cloister with bell tower and well. Emphasis on portals to the cloister and church, and the rose window. Interior views of a hallway with a frescoed ceiling showing Thomas of Celano and a tree of Franciscan lineage--the lignum vitae. In the cloister are frescoed lunettes with scenes from the life of St. Francis and Pope Innocent III.
Hutzel photo campaign date: August 2, 1983


box 52

S. Maria del Soccorso

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Physical Description: 27 items

Scope and Contents note

Santafede, Fabrizio; Guerra, Giovanni
Exterior views of church begun in the 12th century, with later additions, including a bell tower, portico (1542), and gothic portal (1495). Interior views show remnants of frescoes such as St. Sebastian from the 14th century to the 16th/17th-century main altarpiece with oil paintings by Giovanni Guerra. In the sacristy is a painting of the Bishop of Tagliacozzo with the city at his feet (17th century).


box 51

SS. Cosma e Damiano

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Physical Description: 56 items

Scope and Contents note

Martino di Biasca; Alamanno, Pietro
Exterior views: facade (15th century), portal leading to courtyard (1452), facade portals and windows. Interior views: ribbed vaulting, baroque altars lining the the sides of the cruciform church, apse fresco, gilt baroque tabernacle in the form of a temple (18th century), tabernacle statues, pulpit, Orsini coat-of-arms, details of altar paintings, and the tomb of General Conte Resta.


box 53

S. Panfilo, Parish church

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Physical Description: 77 items

Scope and Contents note

Silvestro dell' Aquila; Gatti, Saturnino
Roman gravestone in the front yard.
Exterior views of the restored church: grey piers, bell tower, romanesque portal and damaged frescoes on the porch (14th-15th centuries). Views of the Renaissance-baroque interior: organ-loft (17th century), ceiling frescoes, apse frescoes, altar frescoes, altarpieces, and statues. Fresco and painting subjects include: St. Cecilia, St. Francis with Brother Leo, Paradise, Christ Arrested, the Flagellation, the Deposition, the Resurrection, the Annunciation, Madonna and Child, and God the Father surrounded by music-making angels (in the apse). Two views of the side portal are found in the Medieval core collection.
Hutzel photo campaign date: May 29, 1984


box 55, box 56

SS. Rufino e Cesidio

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Physical Description: 212 items

Scope and Contents note

Silvestro dell' Aquila; Silvestro dell' Aquila; Aquila School (15th century); Aquila School (14th century); Carozzo, Cascarello
A baptismal font and possibly bas-reliefs (immured spolia) in the Oratory.
The original monument was destroyed in 936, rebuilt, modified throughout the 16th century (with an addition to the nave in 1618), and restored in 1969. Exterior views include the bell tower and general building facades. Most views focus on the architectural sculpture of the Portale delle Donne and the Portale degli Uomini. Interior views in the Medieval core collection focus on a statue of St. Catherine in an aedicule (15th century); an ambo lecturn (pluteus) decorated with the four symbols of the Evangelists (c. 1267); a statue of the Virgin and Child under a sculpted baldachin on the entrance wall of the oratory (14th century) and the main altar composed of sarcophagus fragments of lions and peacocks in low-relief (8th-10th centuries).
Interior views in the Hutzel collection include: the altar statue of S. Cesidio, frescoes of the Annunciation and the Archangel Michael, immured bas-reliefs in the Oratory, and various details of fresco fragments and altar sculpture. In the Sacristy are: silver reliquary busts of S. Cesidio and S. Rufino, a silver monstrance and thurible, a cabinet of reliquary busts, carved furniture and a wooden statue of the Virgin and Child.
Bibliographic materials housed in Center Library: Trasacco Prima di Roma, Trasacco e i suoi Tesori, by Evaristo Angelini


box 56

S. Maria del Borgo

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Physical Description: 49 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: 15th century architecture with exterior fresco of Madonna and Child enthroned, with saints, partially ruined. Interior has fresco and stucco work (1511), wooden sculpture, stoups, inscriptions, coat-of- arms, and paintings on canvas.


box 56

S. Michele Arcangelo

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Physical Description: 49 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Fragments of relief sculpture
Post-medieval: 15th century architecture and architectural sculpture; frescos; ciborium
Variant name: S. Angelo.



Caramanico Terme

box 19

S. Maria Maggiore

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Physical Description: 35 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: 15th century architecture and architectural sculpture, including elaborately carved capitals, cornice, and entrance portal; 14th century sculpture of different styles and origins mounted on columns on the exterior of church

Citta Sant'Angelo

box 29

Collegiata di S. Michele

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Physical Description: 101 items

Scope and Contents note

Atri School; Colombo, Giacomo; Antonio da Lodi; Monti, Giuseppe
Medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture (14-15th century)
Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculpture, painting


box 33

S. Stefano, Parish church

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Physical Description: 44 items

Scope and Contents note

Silvestro dell' Aquila; Majeski, Sebastiano
Medieval: Architecture and architectural sculpture (13th-14th century); sculpture; ambone
Post-medieval: Architecture and architectural sculpture; painting; sculpture; fresco

Loreto Aprutino

box 36

S. Maria in Piano

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Physical Description: 134 items

Scope and Contents note

Exterior views include: a portico with four arches, a tower, an ornately sculptured portal with a fresco of the Pieta in the lunette (1559). Views of the interior include: a stoup, 17th century wood pulpit, altar paintings, marble altar and baroque altarpiece with details of sculptures and paintings. Most views are of the 14th century frescoes. On the entrance wall is a curious scene of the Last Judgment: Christ in a mandorla sits enthroned among various saints, music-making angels, Virgins and Patriarchs; three saints kneel below him, one in bishops' robes and two in Capuchin habit; instruments of the Passion lay on a table. In the lower register, nude souls cross a bridge, are judged by St. Michael, and then climb up a palm tree to enter a house whereupon they are clothed and dance. Other frescoes include scenes of the life of St. Thomas (under which is much graffiti), and various saints such as St. Catherine of Alexandria, St. Lucy, St. Anthony Abbot, St. Mary Magdalene, and St. Jerome.

Manoppello Scalo

box 37

S. Maria Arabona

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Physical Description: 14 items

Scope and Contents note

Silvestro dell' Aquila; Antonio da Atri
Exterior views of this Cistercian church (begun in 1208) include details of the restored facade, aisle buttresses, chapter house and cloister buildings. Interior coverage of the nave, transept, aisles, vaulting, and the chapter house. Most prints are of the architectural sculpture: altar, piers, capitals, corbels, tabernacle (or reliquary), and a 13th-century paschal candlestick, gorgeously decorated with vinescroll and birds.
Post-medieval: side altar frescoes of St. Sebastian, St. Anthony of Padua and the Pieta (15th century); apse frescoes (14th century).
Filed under Manoppello Scalo, not Chieti.


box 39


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Physical Description: 13 items

Scope and Contents note

Romanesque church on site of Roman ruins. Cathedral now has Renaissance side door, and 14th century bell tower. Facade reconstructed in 1955. Several views of the 12th century altar, reconstructed after WWII bombing, of the 13th century crucifix, and of gold statue of S. Massimo from 1762.


box 39

General views

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Physical Description: 52 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Exterior views of various buildings in centro storico, with emphasis on palazzi and portals.,


box 39

Madonna del Carmine

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Physical Description: 83 items

Scope and Contents note

Francia, Aniello; Manfrini, Enrico
Post-medieval: fourteen views of baroque exterior, including detail views of main portal and columns. Interior views of nave, altars, cupola, choir, architectural sculpture, paintings, sculpture, and frescoes.
Hutzel photo campaign notes are undated.


box 39, box 40

Palazzo Vescovile, Museo

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Physical Description: 165 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture; architectural sculpture (detatched); sculpture.
Post-medieval: Sculpture, painting, architectural sculpture (detached), altar cloth: objects from Penne and Loreto Apruntino.
Hutzel included bibliographic information, now in Center Library "Guida Turistica al Centro Storico dell Citta di Penne." Hutzel photo campaign notes are undated, but a notation on the back of a print indicates that campaign may have occurred in 1986.


box 40, box 41

S. Domenico

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Physical Description: 144 items

Scope and Contents note

Mosca, Ferdinando; Carinola, Sebastiano; Tereo, Stefano; Carracci, Annibale; Giotto; Ragazzini, Giovanni Battista
Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture (13-17th century), sculpture. Also views of Piazza Luca da Penne
Hutzel photo campaign notes are undated.


box 41, box 42

S. Maria in Colleromano, Convent church

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Physical Description: 121 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: exterior views, including detailed views of main portal. Views of interior, including naves, altars, architectural (17-18th century) sculpture, painting, and frescoes. Several views of cloister and colonnade.
Hutzel photo campaign notes are undated.


box 43

S. Angelo

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Physical Description: 59 items

Scope and Contents note

Maestro Acuto
Medieval: Romanesque architecture, architectural sculpture, ambone
Post-medieval: Fresco, (13-14th century)


box 43

S. Francesco

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Physical Description: 22 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Romanesque architecture rebuilt in the late 15th century, 17th century addition to facade and 18th century belltower; sculpture.


box 44

SS. Lorenzo e Biagio

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Physical Description: 11 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Stoup.
Post-medieval: 16th century architecture; elaborate altar; choir stalls; paintings on canvas; sculpture; fresco; stoup.


box 44

SS. Trinita

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Physical Description: 6 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: 18th century architecture with three portals and octagonal drum for cupola.


box 44

Taverna Ducale

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Physical Description: 15 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Civic architecture (c.1350); architectural sculpture, including coats-of-arms and reliefs.


box 48

S. Liberatore a Maiella

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Physical Description: 8 items

Torre de' Passeri

box 53


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Physical Description: 3 items

Scope and Contents note

Views of the baroque facade and portal and one interior view.


box 43

General views

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Physical Description: 7 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: General views of architecture and architectural sculpture.

Sant' Eusanio Forconese

box 46

S. Eusanio

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Physical Description: 68 items

Scope and Contents note

Antonio da Aquila; Aquila School (15th century); Baldi, Lazzaro
Medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture (9-14th century)
Post-medieval: Architectural sculpture, frescoes, painting, sculpture (16-17th century)
One Hutzel photo campaign date: 1983




box 38

S. Maria Maggiore

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Physical Description: 69 items

Scope and Contents note

Exterior views of late fifteenth century facade, campanile, portals and fountain. Interior views of naves, altars, pulpit, ceiling, and carved doors.




box 14

Cattedrale, Museo Capitolare

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Physical Description: 111 items

Scope and Contents note

Salone 2
Riccione, Carlo; Venetian, 13th century; R. Palmezzo; Silvestro dell' Aquila; Silvestro dell' Aquila; Giovanni da Atri,; Della Robbia, Andrea; L'Aquila School; Grue, Francesco Antonio; Barbieri, Francesco; Cenatiempo, Girolamo; Tamburelli, Serafino; Conca, Sebastiano; Orsi, Lelio; Moranzoni, Gaspere
Medieval: Metalwork, woodwork
Post-medieval: Woodwork, metalwork (processional cross, reliquary, enamel) predella, architectural elements, sculpture; ceramics (6 plates, one vase, all attributed to Francesco Grue
General views of galleries.


box 14

S. Maria Assunta, Cathedral

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Physical Description: 68 items

Scope and Contents note

Gianni, Giovanni Battista; Vanvitelli, Luigi; Pietra d'Istria; Rainaldo di Atri; Antonio da Lodi; Raimondo di Poggio; Giacomo da Atri; Paolo de Garvis da Bissone; Andrea de Litio; Antonio da Atri
Roman grave relief
Medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture (11-15th century); sculpture; wall paintings (15th century), terracotta
Post-medieval: Frescos, architecture, sculpture, metalwork (reliquary and tabernacle)
Exterior and interior views; extensive, detailed coverage of choir frescoes.


box 14

S. Maria Assunta, Cloister

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Physical Description: 12 items

Scope and Contents note

Views of cloister and Roman cistern (now a crypt); views of crypt including coverage of frescoes and stone fragments from the portals.


box 15

S. Maria di Propezzano

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Physical Description: 52 items

Scope and Contents note

Extensive coverage of exterior and interior, with emphasis on the interior frescoes.


box 15

S. Reparata

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Physical Description: 11 items

Scope and Contents note

Two views of the exterior and several views of interior altars and paintings. This church forms part of the S. Maria Assunta Episcopal complex, located at the end of the right flank of the cathedral.
Hutzel photo campaign date: July 2, 1983. Notes for this monument are found under the Cathedral/Cloister notes for this date.


box 17

S. Francesco

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Physical Description: 43 items

Scope and Contents note

Cola dall'Amatrice; Donato Teodoro; Silvestro di L'Aquila
Exterior views of the Medieval architecture; interior views include Medieval frescos and Renaissance altarpieces.
Hutzel shot this campaign in 1985


box 18

S. Giovanni

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Physical Description: 41 items

Scope and Contents note

Giacomo da Campli; Paolo De Matteis
Details of both the exterior and interior Medieval architecture of the church; interior photos show details of the Baroque paintings and Medieval Frescos.
Hutzel shot the campaign in 1985


box 18

S. Maria in Platea

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Physical Description: 73 items

Scope and Contents note

Giovanni Fontana; Giovanni Francesco Gagliardelli; Donato Teodoro; Sebastiano da Como; Giovanni Battista Ragazzini; Giulio Cesare Bedeschini; Giovanni Biasuccio; Cola da Amatrice; Guiseppe Felice
Exterior views of the Medieval and Baroque architecture of the church; inteior views include the Baroque ceiling painting and side altars, and the late Medieval fresco cycle in the crypt.
Hutzel shot this campaign in 1985


box 18

S. Pietro

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Physical Description: 12 items

Scope and Contents note

Girolamo di Campli
Medieval fresco fragments and Renaissance glazed terracotta sculptures.
Hutzel shot this campaign in 1985

Carpineto della Nora

box 20

Abbey of S. Bartolomeo

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Physical Description: 71 items

Scope and Contents note

Badia first established in 962, rebuilt in the 12th & 13th cents. Exterior views of monument, ruins and countryside. Architrave is ornamented with various kinds of animal figures. The interior is based on the plan of S. Clemente a Casauria. There is extensive sculptural relief on both the capitals and the altar, depicting again fanciful animal and floral forms.
No campaign date, Hutzel notes only.

Castel Castagna

box 20

S. Maria di Ronzano

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Physical Description: 33 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture (12th century); frescoes (12th century); baptismal font
Objects in treasury (?): processional cross, reliquary shrines, silver plate, wooden statue of the Virgin and Child
Post-medieval: Sculpture (13th century, repainted 17th cent.), sculpture fragments; Easter candle, frescoes of Old and New Testament scenes including the Patriarchs and Christ in a mandorla.
Hutzel photo campaign dates: March 14, 1983 and July 11, 1985.


box 52

Historical Center

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Physical Description: 4 items

Scope and Contents note

Five views in the Medieval Core Collection show the exterior walls and courtyard of the cloister of the Duomo (or former Cathedral). Four views in Hutzel of archaeological artifacts. Unidentified negatives are of blind portals and exterior walls as well as topographical maps of the region taken from books.
See Hutzel's notes: Teramo--"Centro storico" Most prints are missing.


box 52


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Physical Description: 60 items

Scope and Contents note

Giovanni da Sulmona; Cerquozzi, Michelangelo; Mura, Francesco de; Roman School, 16th century; Abruzzi; Ferrara; Neapolitan School; Umbrian School; Lombard School; Venetian School (18th century); Borgognone School; Fiammingo School; Rantvic, Bernardo; Giacomo da Campli; Ghisolfi, Giovanni; Gentileschi, Orazio; Belvedere, Andrea; Latour, Georges de; Cairo, Francesco del; Ribera, Jusepe de; Barocci, Federico; Giordano, Luca; Castelli (ceramics, 17th-19th century); Vincentis, Vincenzo de
Collections include a panel painting of Pope Clement by Giovanni da Sulmona, a polyptych by Giacomo da Campli, painted Castelli ceramics, paintings of St. Sebastian and other saints, and a Last Supper, perhaps by Bernardo Rantvic or the Fiammingo School.


box 52

S. Agostino

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Physical Description: 34 items

Scope and Contents note

View of Baroque facade built in the 19th century. General views of the interior include: an organ, dome, pulpit, two stone side altars, confessionals, and wall paintings. The coverage emaphasizes the main altar (16th century) which is silver and depicts a scene of the Last Supper. In the Oratory are frescoes of the Four Evangelists in the dome pendentives, a ceiling fresco, and wall paintings.


box 52, box 53

S. Berardo, Cathedral

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Physical Description: 98 items

Scope and Contents note

Nicolo da Guardiagrele; Antonio da Lodi; Deodatus; Conti, Ulderico; Jacobello del Fiore; Cambellotti, Duilio; Majeski, Sebastiano; Bedeschini, Giulio Cesare; Mosca, Ferdinando; Bonolis, Giuseppe
Roman trophies (reused Roman spolia, possibly from the amphitheatre) built into the exterior walls of the nave.
Exterior views mainly of the facade: doors and portal sculpture by Deodatus; also views of the bell tower, crossing, and dome. Interior views of the restored nave (12th century): capitals, low-relief sculpture and holy water basins. Choir (14th century): the roof, a paschal candlestick, and a pulpit; also numerous views of a silver altar (1433-1438) with scenes from the Life of Christ and his Passion. Sacristy: (16th century) an elaborately carved altarpiece, paintings, and wood furniture. Baroque chapel of S. Berardo (17th century): a cupola, niched statues, ornate capitals, pendentive sculptures, an altar with a marble sarcophagus and ciborium, and a reliquary in the shape of an arm. Negatives (but no prints) show a silver bust of S. Berardo from this chapel. Other interior views include a holy water font, the coat of arms of the Bishop Micozzi, crucifix (13th century), rose window, fresco fragments, a large ciborium, a polyptych (1410) and bishop's throne.
Hutzel photo campaign date: 1/29/85


box 53

S. Getulio

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Physical Description: 34 items

Scope and Contents note

Prints of S. Getulio show exterior and interior views of ruins of first Byzantine, then Romanesque church. This was the former cathedral. Details of the prints include a small Romanesque interior with architectural details, and shots on on-going excavations both outside and beneath the floor.
Hutzel photo campaign date: July 10, 1985. It is possible that the negatives are misidentified as the negatives for all the photos are missing.


box 54

General views

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Physical Description: 7 items

Scope and Contents note

General views of town.
Hutzel photo campaign notes are undated. These photos are part of the notes for S. Maria dell'Assunta.


box 54

S. Antonio Abate

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Physical Description: 46 items

Scope and Contents note

Exterior views of church and portal dated 1471 with its symbols of the Evangelists, the Archangel Gabriel, an Annunciation and S. Antonio Abbate. Additionally there are exterior photos of other architectural details. There are no photos of the interior.
Hutzel photo campaign notes are undated.


box 54

S. Maria Assunta

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Physical Description: 118 items

Scope and Contents note

Mecolo (or Nicolo) di Penne
External views of church and facade with its carved human heads, although in most part rather rustic. Photos of late Renaissance interior (1570) with its curved moldings and ornamentation in the time between the Renaissance and Baroque. It is not as ornate as later Baroque interiors. There are details of a painting of the Assumption, the pulpit and the ornate high altar of wood decorated with gold. There are also a few photos of restoration taking place.
Hutzel photo campaign notes are undated. Seven of the first numbered prints are in "general views."


box 55

S. Teresa extra Moenia

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Physical Description: 36 items

Scope and Contents note

Renaissance monument outside of town similar to the funerary chapels found in necropoli. Exterior views of facade and architectural details as well as shots of the altar with its ornate grotesque carvings.
Hutzel photo campaign notes are undated. Hutzel identifies this church as either S. Teresa extra Moenia or S. Maria della Neve. However, TCI only lists S. Teresa extra Moenia.

Basilicata Series II.

Physical Description: 8 boxes

Scope and Contents note

Photographs of sites in Basilicata with accompanying lists.

Arrangement note

Arranged alphabetically by city, general views of the city/historic center, and monument name.




box 57

Chiesa del Peccato Originale

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Physical Description: 70 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture, frescoes
box 57

Chiesa del Purgatorio

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Physical Description: 72 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Built 1747, architecture, architectural sculpture, painting
box 57

Conservatorio di Musica "Egidio Duni"

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Physical Description: 15 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Built 18th century, with monumental arc added 1779. Architecture, architectural sculpture. Palace originally convent of reformed Franciscans; in Napoleonic period served as municipal seat; from 1860-1944 seat of "uffici comunale."
General Notes: These views form part of numerical sequence for Sassi.
box 58, box 59, box 60


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Physical Description: 364 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Santoro, Giovanni Battista; Oppido, Giovanni Donato; Persio, Domizio; Pacecco de Rosa; Tarantino, Giovanni da Ariano Irpino; Venetian School (17th century); Ruffatti di Padova; Altobello Persio da Matera; D' Alessandro, Sannazaro; Scorrano, Luigi; Persio, Giulio
Medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture (1268-70). Post-medieval: Architectural sculpture; interior remodelled in 1627 and in 1776 includes sculpture, painting, frescoes, choir stall
box 60

Madonna delle Virtu

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Physical Description: 39 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture. Post-medieval: Exterior architecture (early 17th century)
General Notes: Exterior views of this church were included in the numerical sequence for Sassi; these have now been reassigned numbers consistent with the numbering for the individual monument.
box 60

S. Agostino

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Physical Description: 7 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture Built 1594 on site of S. Guglielmo, remodelled in 1750s.
General Notes: These views form part of numerical sequence for Sassi.
box 60

S. Antonio Abate

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Physical Description: 8 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture
General Notes: These views form part of numerical sequence for Sassi.
box 60

S. Chiara

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Physical Description: 20 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture (17th century)
box 60, box 61

S. Francesco d'Assisi

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Physical Description: 132 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Stefano da Putignano; Paulicello, Eustachio; Viviarini, Bartolomeo
Post-medieval: Built 1218, remodelled 1670. Architecture, architectural sculpture, painting, sculptured
box 61

S. Giovanni Battista

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Physical Description: 91 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Built 1204, remodelled 1695, and restored to medieval aspect 1926 (with the exception of the facade). Architecture, architectural sculpture. Post-medieval: Facade (1695), painting Madonna and Child
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign notes are undated.
box 62

S. Lucia alle Malve

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Physical Description: 90 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture, rock-cut church (9-10th century); frescoes (1250)
box 62

S. Nicola dei Greci

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Physical Description: 23 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture (Early Christian), rock-cut church; Frescoes
box 62

S. Pietro Caveoso

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Physical Description: 10 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture, built 1656, restored and altered 1752, restored 1978
General Notes: These views form part of numerical sequence for Sassi.
box 62, box 63

Sasso Caveoso and Sasso Barisano

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Physical Description: 186 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Panoramas of Sassi (the rock-cut section of the city), architecture, architectural sculpture
General Notes: Though numerical sequence for this site runs from 1-229, views of specific monuments within it have been extracted and grouped separately.


box 64

Abbazia di S. Angelo

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Physical Description: 172 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture (9th, rebuilt 15th), view of neighboring chiesetta S. Stefano, cloisters; architectural sculpture; frescoes depicting the family of Ufredo Machabeo, lord of Montescaglioso
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign notes are undated.

Campania Series III.

Physical Description: 64 boxes

Scope and Contents note

Photographs of sites in Campania with accompanying lists.

Arrangement note

Arranged alphabetically by city, general views of the city/historic center, and monument name.




box 66

Arch of Trajan

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Physical Description: 6 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Roman triumphal arch

Sant'Agata de' Goti

box 115


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Physical Description: 83 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Giaquinto, Tommaso; Tomajoli, Giuseppe; Persico, Saverio; Antonino, Giovanni Battista
Antiquities: Corinthian columns reused in portico and crypt
Medieval: Architecture and architectural sculpture (10th-12th centuries); frescos (14th century); stoup. Post-medieval: Baroque additions to exterior and complete remodel of interior, including extensive stucco work; elaborately carved wooden choir stalls (17th century); paintings on canvas; tessellated pavement; sculpture; inscription; crucifix
box 116

Chiesa dell'Annunziata

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Physical Description: 128 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Caccavello, Annibale; Arcuccio, Angelillo
Medieval: Architecture (13-14th centuries). Post-medieval: Marble portal (1563), with bas-relief in lunette; paintings on panel and canvas; frescos (14-15th centuries)
box 117

S. Alfonso

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Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: View of the entrance portral of the 17th century church.
box 117

S. Angelo in Munculanis

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Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Romanesque architecture
box 117

S. Francesco

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Physical Description: 15 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture, originally 13th century, completely rebuilt in the 18th century; paintings on panel and canvas; decorative arts; organ; inscription; bas-reliefs
box 117

S. Menna

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Physical Description: 61 items

Scope and Contents note

First campaign: architecture and architectural sculpture (11-12th centuries); inscription; tessellated pavement; sculpture; and frescos.. Second campaign: exterior and interior architectural views, including the central nave, aisles, and central and south sanctuaries; details of the: tesselated pavement and panels; capitals; and frescoes.
Object Notes: There are 2 files of photographs, one from the first campaign conducted by Max Hutzel (28 photos) and one from the second campaign conducted by Roberto Sigismondi (Hutzel's former assistant), in 1990 (32 photos).
box 115

General views

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Physical Description: 5 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: General views of architecture. Post-medieval: General views of architecture
box 66


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Physical Description: 6 items
box 78, box 79

Plazzo Reale

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Physical Description: 189 items




box 65

Chiesa dell'Annunziata

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Physical Description: 16 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architectural sculpture. Post-medieval: Architecture and architectural sculpture, begun in the 14th century, but extensively rebuilt in the 15th-17th centuries; sculpture; painting
box 65

Porta Napoli

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Physical Description: 4 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Gentile di Aversa
Post-medieval: Architecture, 17th century
box 65

S. Antonio

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Physical Description: 15 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture and architectural sculpture; organ (Count: 3)
box 65

S. Francesco

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Physical Description: 50 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Built in 6th century, remodelled in 1645 and 1830. Lower part of the campanile belongs to the original construction. Interior has series of works in the Francesco de Mura school; "Adoration of the Shepherds" by Pietro da Cortona c. 1650; "Ecstasy of S. Francesco" by Ribera, 1649; "Madonna and Child" Byzantine 13th century. Attached is a medieval cloister with fragments of frescoes.
Object Notes: TCI states that in 1980 plans were afoot to create a small museum in the monastery to house sculpture, paintings, and other works from the diocese. Not reflected in Hutzel's photo campaign.
box 65

S. Maria Maddalena

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Physical Description: 3 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture (13th century). Post-medieval: Architecture and architectural decoration (18th century); crucifix
box 65

S. Paolo, Cathedral

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Physical Description: 39 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Lucarelli, Giacomo
Medieval: Work on cathedral begun in 1053 under conte Riccardo I, completed in 1145 by his son Giordano in 1090. Destroyed by fire in 1145 and restored in 1255. Damaged by earthquake of December 1456, and rebuilt during 1703-1715 by C. Beratti. Exterior and Interior: Architecture, architectural sculpture. Post-medieval: Interior views: Altar of 1563 by Giacomo Lucarelli, with frieze representing the Trinity, Annunciation, and SS. Peter and Paul; bishop's throne; wooden crucifix, catalana, c. 1250;

Calvi Vecchia

box 66


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Physical Description: 22 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, cosmati tiling
box 66

Rovine di Cales

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Physical Description: 11 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Architectural ruins, 3rd-2nd centuries B.C.


box 78

Chiesa della Concezione

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Physical Description: 6 items

Scope and Contents note

Exterior views of the church. Facade decorated with statues. The interior contains a baroque altar in polychrome marble (no photos of altar in Hutzel).
box 66, box 67

Chiesa dell'Annunziata

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Physical Description: 198 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Attendolo, Ambrogio; Gioffredo, Mario; Fontana, Domenico
Medieval: Architecture, sculpture. Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculpture, painting, stucco, decorative arts (furniture, woodworking, tapestry, metalworking), marble
Object Notes: constructed from 1531 to 1574, earlier church from c.1285-1309. Renaissance appearance with modifications of the 17th and 18th centuries. No information provided by Hutzel. See guidebook included in shipment of photographs, pp. 33-34.
Accompanying Material: Guidebook on Capua is included in shipment of photographs
box 66

General Views

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Physical Description: 38 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculpture. Views of the via Roma/via Duomo, and the Pretura.
Object Notes: No information provided by Hutzel. See TCI, Campania, pp. 186-200 for discussion of town.
Accompanying Material: Guidebook on Capua is included by Hutzel with shipment of photographs.
box 68, box 69, box 70, box 71, box 72, box 73, box 74, box 75, box 76, box 77

Museo Campano

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Physical Description: 1221 items

Scope and Contents note

Specific Location: Pianterreno
Artist Name: Vivarini, Bartolomeo; Arcuccio, Angelillo; Scacco, Cristoforo; Liani, Francesco; Brandi, Giacinto; Conca, Sebastiano; Lama, Giovanni Leonardo; Neopolitan, 17th century; Unknown, 13th, 15th, 16th centuries; Borromini, Francesco; Naccherino, Michelangelo
Antiquities: Italic sculpture (seated women holding babies); inscription . Photo campaign #1: 533 photos. Roman relief and sculpture; cinerary urns; Greek and southern Italian red-figure; mosaics; painting; architectural.
Medieval: Byzantine architectural fragments; parchment fragments with miniatures (12th century) from Montecassino; painted wooden crucifix (13th century); Carolingian crucifixes; Bishop's miter (11th century) of gold and silver damask; fresco (13th century). Post-medieval: Architecture (15th century). Formerly the Palazzo Antignano. Unusual Catalan/Moorish-style portal; Paintings on panel and canvas (15th-18th centuries); marble intarsia (16th century); marble sculpture: busts of Christ and Mary (17th century); sculpture of saints in marble and in wood (15th century); painted and gilded sculpture in wood; marble grave sculpture (16th century); sarcophagus with allegorical carvings; gold reliquary "Rosa d'Oro"; crucifix made of elephant tusk
General Notes: 709 unprocessed negatives for first photo campaign, not matched to their prints.
box 78

Palazzo del Municipio

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Physical Description: 15 items

Scope and Contents note

This palazzo dates back to 1561. The facade is decorated with the faces or busts of seven divinities.
box 78

S. Caterina

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Physical Description: 34 items

Scope and Contents note

The church, constructed in 1383, has a 17th century facade. To the left of the church is a cloister which dates to the Late Renaissance. Hutzel photos include both exterior and interior views. The interiors include frescoes, the cloister a crucifix and architectural details.
box 78

S. Eligio

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Physical Description: 17 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Pietro Alamanno
The original construction of the church dates from 1286-1296, but it was reconstructed in 1747. Hutzel photos include both exterior and interior views of the church.
box 78

S. Marciano

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Physical Description: 7 items

Scope and Contents note

Photos show frescoes and painting fragments.
Object Notes: No Hutzel photo campaign notes, but dates on back of photos indicate they were taken in 1956. Some exterior negatives indicate that prints were originally matched, but are now missing. Monument not in TCI, no validation of name other than in Hutzel.
box 78

S. Salvatore Piccolo

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Physical Description: 14 items

Scope and Contents note

Photos of exterior facade and of interior fresco fragments.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign notes are undated, but notes on the back of some photos indicate they were taken in 1956.
box 78

SS. Rufo e Carponio

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Physical Description: 5 items

Scope and Contents note

Photos of fresco fragments.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign notes are undated, but dates on photos in Medieval core collection are dated 1956.


box 80

Casa Novelli

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Physical Description: 25 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture
box 80


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Physical Description: 15 items

Scope and Contents note

These prints form part of the numerical sequence for Casa Novelli. There are exterior views of the portal and two windows, one of which is ogival.
box 80


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Physical Description: 104 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Sculpture, sculptural relief
Medieval: 11th c. architecture, architectural sculpture, sculpture, mosaics, cosmati tiling, fresco paintings. Post-medieval: Fresco painting, paintings, sculpture


box 81, box 82, box 83, box 84, box 85, box 86, box 87

Palazzo Reale

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Physical Description: 852 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Vanvitelli, Luigi; Violani, Andrea; Solari, Pietro; Persico, Paolo; Bonito, Giuseppe; Bucciano, Tommaso; Beccali, Carlo; Brunelli, Angelo; Brunelli, Carlo; Hackert, Philipp; Pascale, Filippo; Dominici, Antonio; De Vivo, Tommaso; De Angelis; Cortazzo; Fischetti, Fedele; Mondo, Domenico del; Salomone, Gaetano; Moschino, Simone; De Simone, Antonio; Villareale, Valerio; Monti, Claudio; Masucci, Domenico; Calliano, Antonio Raffaelle; Berger, Giacomo; Genovese, Gaetano; Arnaud, Tommaso; Angelini, Tito; Maldarelli, Gennaro; Guerra, Camillo; Rossi, Mariano; Postiglione, Raffaele; Cammarano, Giuseppe; Hill, Francesco; Rossi, Giovanni Battista; Franchis, Girolamo Starace
Post-medieval: Architecture & architectural sculpture, sculpture, statues, paintings, frescoes, stuccoes, furnishings & decorative art
General Notes: Discrepancy in number of prints & negatives. Hutzel notes 824 prints & negatives. Negatives for 1-62 of one batch seem to be missing (would make a total of 824)
Accompanying Material: Guida di Caserta, sent with photographs, housed in Center library

Casertavecchia (environs)

box 90

S. Pietro ad Montes

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Physical Description: 121 items

Scope and Contents note

Specific Location: Piedimonte di Casolla
Medieval: Architecture, frescoes
Object Notes: No information provided by Hutzel. See TCI, Campania, p. 251.
General Notes: This monument is actually found in the village of Piedimonte di Casolla, but has been filed in the Hutzel collection under the city of Casertavecchia (environs).


box 88


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Physical Description: 33 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Views of castle exterior in relation to town and cathedral, and detail views of and from former windows and doors. 9th c. architecture
Bibliographic Citation: Brief Citation: TCI/Campania (1981), p. 255
box 88

Chiesetta dell'Annunziata

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Physical Description: 8 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Views of 13th c. gothic facade, detailed views of bell tower, and three views of portal in surrounding wall.
box 88

General Views

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Physical Description: 13 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: exterior views of buildings on Via S. Michele Arcangelo, including Casa Farina and Casa Ferraiuolo, and some architectural details.
box 88

Madonna del Carmine

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Physical Description: 8 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: views of facade, side, and rear of church, with one view of bell tower, and one of post-medieval fresco.
box 88, box 89

S. Michele, Cathedral

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Physical Description: 227 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Re-used Roman columns and capitals line the nave.
Exterior and interior views of the 12th and 13th-century architecture and architectural sculpture. Exterior details of the portals, portal sculpture, bell tower, dome and cloister. Interior details of the pulpit (c. 1213), the tomb of Giacomo Martono (1360), the tomb of Francesco de la Rath (1359), various sculptural fragments, and the cosmati floor.
Object Notes: A composite view of the interior is found in the Italy Oversize box in the Medieval core collection.
General Notes: Hutzel probably made two photo campaigns of the site, and thus there is some overlap between the views in the Medieval core collection and the Hutzel collection. Some prints have been renumbered. Hutzel notes which account for 91 on the views date to a photo campaign from December 30, 1983.
box 94


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Physical Description: 5 items

Chiesa dell'Annunziata

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Physical Description: 172 items


box 95

Piazza Carita

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Physical Description: 3 items

Piedimonte di Casolla

box 110

Castello Cocuzza

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Physical Description: 24 items

Piedimonte Matese

box 110

Architectural views

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Physical Description: 2 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture
box 110

S. Biagio

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Physical Description: 11 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture (15th century); frescos (15th century), restored
box 110

S. Maria Maggiore

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Physical Description: 3 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture (1725-1773)


box 111

Santuario di Maria SS. dei Lattani

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Physical Description: 126 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Rosa, Salvator; Conte T.
Medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture (15th century). Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, frescoes, painting

San Prisco

box 120

S. Prisco

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Physical Description: 112 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Vanvitelli, Luigi
Medieval: 6th century mosaics. Post-medieval: 18th century architecture, architectural sculpture and decoration; baldacchino; wooden organ; paintings on canvas; frescos

Santa Maria Capua Vetere

box 117, box 118

Anfiteatro Campano

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Physical Description: 128 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Remains of Roman amphitheater
box 118, box 119


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Physical Description: 116 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Diana, Giacinto; Mura, Francesco de
Medieval: Architectural sculpture--capitals. Post-medieval: Built c. 432 by San Simmaco on site of grotto of S. Prisco. Enlarged 787 by Arechi II, an 1666 by Decio del Balzo. Renovated in 1700's and 1884. Architecture, architectural sculpture, Baroque interior, ceiling painting, painting, sculpture
box 119


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Physical Description: 43 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Plan, sculptural reliefs, architecture, fresco painting, architectural fragments
Object Notes: Discovered in September 1922, one of the best preserved monuments of the habitations for the cult of the Persian god Mithras, dating from the 2nd-3rd centuries A.D. The building consists of a rectangular subterranean hallway of 23 x 3 meters, with painted ceiling. Frescoes and sculptural fragments abound. No information provided by Hutzel. See TCI, Campania, p.184

Sessa Aurunca

box 121

Chiesa dell'Annunziata

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Physical Description: 48 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Sarnelli, Antonio; Conca, Sebastiano
Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculpture, painting
box 121

Fontana di Ercole

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Physical Description: 7 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: 7
Object Notes: Situated in Piazza Umberto I
box 121


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Physical Description: 6 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Toro, Luigi
Post-medieval: Architecture, painting (in Sala Consiliare)
box 121

Palazzo Ducale

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Physical Description: 7 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture
box 121

Piazza Umberto I

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Physical Description: 3 items

Scope and Contents note

Views of three tombstones the backgrounds of which suggest their location on Piazza Umberto I.
box 121

Porta Capuccini

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Physical Description: 7 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture
box 121

Roman Theater

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Physical Description: 26 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Architectural remains, cryptoporticus
box 121

S. Agostino

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Physical Description: 5 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture (Baroque), restored
box 121

S. Francesco Convento

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Physical Description: 9 items

Sessa Aurunca

box 122, box 123, box 124

S. Pietro (Duomo)

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Physical Description: 439 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Pellegrino; Taddeo; Giordano, Luca
Medieval: Architecture (c. 1103), architectural sculpture, pavement (12th century), pascal candle, baptismal font with re-used Roman fragments. Post-medieval: Frescoes (13th century) Baroque interior (c. 1758), sculpture
Object Notes: Site restored 1980
box 121

Sedile di S. Matteo

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Physical Description: 14 items

Scope and Contents note

Exterior views (signs indicate the structure is now a veteran's center); views of tombstones, presumably on the grounds of the building.
box 124

unidentified church

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Physical Description: 6 items

Scope and Contents note

Exterior views. Hu
Object Notes: Hutzel note says it's near the Porta Capuccini, but there is no evidence for this.


box 126, box 127


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Physical Description: 219 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Vaccaro, Andrea; Francesco de Mura; Maestro di Giovanni Barrile
Antiquities: spolia
Medieval: Built 1116, remodelled by Andrea Vaccaro in 1630, restored in years following damage in second world war. Includes re-used Roman capitals. Architecture, architectural sculpture; sculpture including painted wooded crucifix (c.1330-31) and pulpit (13th century) with mosaic and relief. The Cripta di S. Paride acts as a small museum containing roman, medieval, and modern marble. Post-medieval: Choir stall (MCMLVII); paintings by Francesco de Mura in the Cappella di S. Paride; marble fragments from the Cripta di S. Paride
Object Notes: Originally dedicated to S. Terenziano, now dedicated to S. Clemente


box 128, box 129

S. Maria in Foro Claudio

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Physical Description: 114 items
box 91

Abbbey of La Trinta di Cava

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Physical Description: 116 items
box 92, box 93


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Physical Description: 128 items



Castellammare di Stabia

box 90

Grotta di S. Biagio

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Physical Description: 25 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Possibly an ancient crypt, later transformed into a small Christian church. Contains early Medieval frescoes.


box 95, box 96, box 97, box 98, box 99, box 100, box 101, box 102, box 103, box 104

S. Lorenzo Maggiore

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Physical Description: 1300 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Sanfelice, Ferdinando; Baboccio, Antonio; Preti, Mattia; Bolgi, Andrea; Fanzago, Cosimo; Antonio de Marco; Tino da Camaino; Marigliano, Giovanni; Rodriguez, Lodovico (Luigi); Lazzari, Dioniso; Mozzillo, Angelo; Curia, Francesco; Stazione, Massimo; De Leone, Onofrio; Marmorano, Giorgio; Finoglio, Paolo; Colantonio dal Fiore; Maestro Simone; Montano D'Arezzo; De Maria, Francesco; Cavaretto, Antonio; Malvito, Giovan Tommaso; Maestro delle storie della Maddalena; De Mura, Francesco; Maestro Bernardino de Martino; Maestro Giovanni Graffeo Siciliano; Marco Pino da Siena; Lama, Giovan Bernardo; Corenzio, Belisario; Rossi, Nicola Maria; Teodoro di Enrico; Landulfo, Pompeo; Starace, Girolamo; Fasano, Tommaso; Marullo, Giuseppe; Parise, Francesco; Cosmati, school of
Antiquities: Pottery: black-glazed, archaic banded, domestic wares, bucchero; architectural terracottas, statuettes, lamps, sculpture fragments
Medieval: Sculpture, architecture, architectural sculpture (including Roman spolia) 13-14th century Chapter house; sarcophagi, gravestones; wall painting. Fragment of mosaic; sculptural fragments in the Sala Capitolare. Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, ceiling painting fresco cycle; prints depicting Venice c. 1845 (4), sculpture; life-size creche figures dressed in original Neapolitan costume Church restored in 1882, 1926, 1944; excavations under the transept undertaken between 1958-1962, and in the cloister in 1976, have revealed remains of a Roman macellum (market), street, and the paleochristian basilica of the 6th c. AD.
Object Notes: 3 color negatives with no prints at the end.
General Notes: Most objects/paintings/frescoes unidentified. Three batches of photos with the same numbering system arrived. The second and third have been been assigned A and B respectively after their numbers, and should not be interfiled. Some of this material was catalogued by consultant Dr. R. Leighton at the site of S. Lorenzo in November 1987, and worksheets for the antiquities and medieval material were written. Photos 1-40 consist of some objects from excavations under the church; others possibly come from outside Naples. Photos 41-72 represent selections from unrestored material found in excavations under the cloister of the church. Photos 73-132 consist of medieval-renaissance ceramics on display in the museum of the church. As regards the paintings, a number are in S. Lorenzo, while others are from various parishes outside Naples, which were transferred to temporary storage in S. Lorenzo after the earthquake of 1982 (photos 196-284).
Accompanying Material: Fino, Lucio. Arte e storia di Napoli in S. Lorenzo Maggiore (Naples Laurenziana 1987)
box 107


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Physical Description: 40 items
box 107

Chiesa del Gesu

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Physical Description: 22 items
box 108

Chiesa dell'Annunziata

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Physical Description: 24 items
box 108

Convento of S. Angelo

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Physical Description: 59 items
box 107

Palazzo Covoni

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Physical Description: 12 items
box 107

Palazzo della Curia Vescovile

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Physical Description: 4 items
box 107

S. Felice

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Physical Description: 10 items
box 108


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Physical Description: 3 items



Nocera Inferiore

box 105

Museo dell'Agro Nocerino

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Physical Description: 119 items

Scope and Contents note

box 106

S. Antonio

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Physical Description: 106 items

Scope and Contents note



box 109, box 110

Monastery of S. Lorenzo

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Physical Description: 184 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Tombstones, sculpture, capitals, columns, reliefs
There are views of a number of antiquities. Their specific location within the monastery is unknown. There are two views of the tomb of Tommaso Sanseverino and one view of a statue. There are views of the altar, the frescoed ceiling and statues in niches. niches. Views are of the ceiling, paintings, and statues in niches. There are views of the loggia and its balustrade. There are two views of the ceiling fresco. There are views of the fountain, portico, columns and capitals. There are views of the votive cross, loggia, and landscaping. There are views of the cloister, the fountain, and the loggia. There are views of the colonnade, the floor, and frescoes. There are general views of the cloister, the fountain, and the columns. There are interior views of the church altar, the valuted, frescoed ceiling, and comprehensive coverage of the two choir stalls. There are exterior views of the carved wooden door. There are general views of the kitchen, with specific views fo the ovens and stove. Views are of the refectory floor, walls, ceiling and architectural details. View of length of the room; view of altar.
General Notes: Cappella del Fondatore; Cappella del Tesoro; Cella dei Priori, Cappella di S. Michele; Cella dei Priori, Loggia; Chapter house; Chiostro dei Procuratori; Chiostro del Cimitero Antico; Chiostro della Foresteria; Chiostro delle Cucine; Chiostro Grande; Church; Kitchen; Refectory; Sacristy.
box 109

Museo Archeologico della Lucania Occidentale

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Physical Description: 20 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: There are views of Ardean artifacts, including artefixes.

S. Mateo Cathedral

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Physical Description: 274 items


box 127

Chiesa della Pieta

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Physical Description: 22 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Peruzzi, Baldassare; Todos, Pietro
Exterior views: church portal (1475); lunette relief of the Pieta; cloister with columns of various styles (13th-15th centuries); arcades with damaged frescoes; well in garden. Views of gothic interior: wood and ceramic tile ceiling, frescoes, altar painting of St. Diego, painting of the patron saint of Teggiano with saints Paul and Peter. In the school gymnasium (formerly the refectory of the convent), a large fresco (1487) of the Road to Calvary with clusters of saints present (painted in the style of Pieter Brueghel).
box 127

S. Angelo

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Physical Description: 23 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: 11th century architecture and architectural sculpture, including column capitals carved with animal figures. Post-medieval: 14-15th century frescoes
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: January 7, 1983
General Notes: See Teggiano, S. Michele. S. Angelo and S. Michele both have crypts with frescoes, and prints may have been interchanged.
box 127

S. Francesco

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Physical Description: 24 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: De Martino (18th century)
Post-medieval: Architecture; decorated wooden ceiling (18th century); choir stalls; frescoes; paintings on canvas.
box 128

S. Maria Maggiore, Cathedral

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Physical Description: 41 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Venuta, Domenico; Melchiorre di Montalbano (13th century); Tino da Camaino
Antiquities: Immured spolia and the base of the holy water font.
This church was rebuilt after an earthquake in 1857, but kept elements of its 1274 construction and later additions; the two portals date to 1279 and 1509. Interior views focus on architectural sculpture and sculpture: a polychrome crucifix, a marble ambo with symbols of the Evangelists (1721); a holy water font (14th century); wooden states of angels; choirstalls (15th century); tomb monuments of Enrico Sanseverino (1336), the Malavolti (1479) and Eustachio de Eustachiis (1472); tomb slabs; capitals; a white barrel-vaulted ceiling with frescoes and stucco decoration. Negatives show another tomb, perhaps that of the Schifani. Also, a view of a 16th-century altarpiece and a painting in the sacristy of St. Michael or St. George and the Dragon.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: 12/29/82
General Notes: Some altar paintings and choirstalls that Hutzel discusses in his notes of the Cathedral are actually found in S. Francesco in Teggiano.
box 128

S. Michele

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Physical Description: 9 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Master of the Cappella Leonessa of S. Pietro in Maiella in Napoli
Crpyt fresco: Madonna and Child Enthroned with St. John the Baptist and another saint.
Object Notes: The proximity and ties between S. Michele and S. Angelo are unclear, but prints from these two monuments have been separated following their description in TCI/Campania (1981). Views of S. Michele and S. Angelo were described in Hutzel's notes of S. Michele and an 8th-century crypt. The prints--the exterior views of S. Angelo, in particular--may be misidentified.
General Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: January 7, 1995.
box 128

S. Pietro

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Physical Description: 7 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Doctor Ambrosin Malavolta de Senis
Exterior views of 14th-century church: facade, narthex, relief sculpture of the four evangelists on entrance arch, lunette painting, coat-of-arms, bell tower and bifora windows. Interior views of the side chapel: tomb of the Archbishop Guglielmo Rossi; tomb with low-relief sculpture of Christ flanked by the Virgin, saints and angels, and with high-relief sculpture of the Virgin and Child above the sarcophagus; niched statue of a saint. Views of a gravestone, capitals and other fragments of architectural sculpture.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: January 7, 1983
General Notes: S. Pietro is a deconsecrated church and now functions as the Museo Civico of Teggiano.
box 125


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Physical Description: 31 items
box 125

Museo Correale di Terranova

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Physical Description: 31 items

Emilia-Romagna Series IV.

Physical Description: 35 boxes

Scope and Contents note

Photographs of sites in Emilia-Romagna with accompanying lists.

Arrangement note

Arranged alphabetically by city, general views of the city/historic center, and monument name.





Museo Civico Archeologico

box 132, box 133

Il Lapidario

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Physical Description: 201 items

Scope and Contents note

il Lapidario: Atrium and Court
Museo Civico Archeologico
Republican portrait sculpture, Republican cippi with portrait bust, cippus with portraits (single and group), cippi with inscriptions from all periods, architectural fragments, basin with inscription, torso fragment of cuirassed figure of the 1st century AD (Nero) (Antiq. count: 185)
box 136, box 137

Sala IX, vetrina 1

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Physical Description: 229 items

Scope and Contents note

Sala IX, vetrina 1
Museo Civico Archeologico
disk lamps from the late republic to 6th century, with erotes, animals, erotica, mythological scenes, menorah, petal, foliate patterns; helmet lamp; multi-nozzle lamps; dislocated handles (Antiq. count: 227)
Hutzel notes that set (B) completes the documentation of lamps begun in set A.
box 138

Sala IX, vetrina 3

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Physical Description: 34 items

Scope and Contents note

Sala IX, vetrina 3
Museo Civico Archeologico
Roman bronzetti; Herakles, animals, Antinous as Osiris: 5th, 6th century AD ivories; diptych, panels, cups, with scenes of the life of Christ (Antiq. count: 11)
Medieval: (Count: 22)
box 134, box 135

Sala VI

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Physical Description: 249 items

Scope and Contents note

Sala VI
Museo Civico Archeologico
5th century "Athena Lemnia" marble head, greek marble heads, Janus head, marble relief, black-figure, red-figure greek vases south-italian pottery (Antiq. count: 248)
see antiquities for Herm (H14, H15), cineraria (H65-H74)
box 136

Sala VII

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Physical Description: 59 items

Scope and Contents note

Sala VII
Museo Civico Archeologico
Sculpture; Marsyas, Herakles, Aphrodite of Doidalsas type, Amazon with head of alien stone, ephebe, nude males, Belvedere torso type, infant Dionysus with satyr,nude female fragment, Trajanic female bust, bust of Lucius Verus, 3rd 3rd century male bust: Reliefs; 3 sided relief with Theseus, Sacrifice, Beasts; pillar relief with cornucopia: relief with bakery scenes (Antiq. count: 58)
box 136


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Physical Description: 19 items

Scope and Contents note

Museo Civico Archeologico
Etruscan pottery: Bucchero vases, coal porter, cinerary urn with lid in shape of male head (Antiq. count: 18)
box 138, box 139, box 140

Sala X

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Physical Description: 311 items

Scope and Contents note

Sala X
Museo Civico Archeologico
black-figure, red-figure greek vases, glass balsamario, south-italian vases, villanovan funerary stelae with figurative and/or decorative reliefs, villanovan sculpture fragment (head), bronze minor objects, bronze girdle, fibulae, vessels: terracotta; spindle whorls, handle in the shape of a boar, vessels, Roman copy of statue of Neptune biconical urn, (Antiq. count: 318)
box 133, box 134

Sale III, IV, V

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Physical Description: 204 items

Scope and Contents note

Specific Location: Sale III, IV, V (Egyptian antiquities)
Owner: Museo Civico Archeologico
Antiquities: III: basalt sculptural fragments; reliefs from the tomb of Horemheb; funerary stele; dynasties XVIII, XIX, XX, Ptolomeic dynasty reliefs, generally in limestone. IV: XVIII, XIX dynasty sculptures in granite, limestone, sarcophagi, statuette in basalt, statuette in wood, statuettes in bronze, statuette faience, mummy mask: V: basalt sculptures of Horus, Sekhmet, limestone stele (Antiq. count: 202); Republican portrait sculpture, Republican cippi with portrait bust, cippus with portraits (single and group), cippi with inscriptions from all periods, architectural fragments, basin with inscription, torso fragment of cuirassed figure of the 1st century AD (Nero) (Antiq. count: 185); disk lamps from the late republic to 6th century, with erotes, animals, erotica, mythological scenes, menorah, petal, foliate patterns; helmet lamp; multi-nozzle lamps; dislocated handles (Antiq. count: 227); Sculpture; Marsyas, Herakles, Aphrodite of Doidalsas type, Amazon with head of alien stone, ephebe, nude males, Belvedere torso type, infant Dionysus with satyr,nude female fragment, Trajanic female bust, bust of Lucius Verus, 3rd 3rd century male bust: Reliefs; 3 sided relief with Theseus, Sacrifice, Beasts; pillar relief with cornucopia: relief with bakery scenes (Antiq. count: 58); black-figure, red-figure greek vases, glass balsamario, south-italian vases, villanovan funerary stelae with figurative and/or decorative reliefs, villanovan sculpture fragment (head), bronze minor objects, bronze girdle, fibulae, vessels: terracotta; spindle whorls, handle in the shape of a boar, vessels, Roman copy of statue of Neptune biconical urn, (Antiq. count: 318); Etruscan pottery: Bucchero vases, coal porter, cinerary urn with lid in shape of male head (Antiq. count: 18); Roman bronzetti; Herakles, animals, Antinous as Osiris: 5th, 6th century AD ivories; diptych, panels, cups, with scenes of the life of Christ (Antiq. count: 11); 5th century "Athena Lemnia" marble head, greek marble heads, Janus head, marble relief, black-figure, red-figure greek vases south-italian pottery (Antiq. count: 248).
Object Notes: Palagio Palagi aquired the major part of the collection from Giuseppe Nizzoli, Austrian consulate in Egypt from 1917-28, other objects were aquired by the university during the Nap oleonic expedition of 1799. Hutzel notes that set (B) completes the documentation of lamps begun in set A. see antiquities for Herm (H14, H15), cineraria (H65-H74).
General Notes: Hutzel room numbers no longer correspond to the museums. plates 69-74 are missing from the sequence for the atrium.
box 140

Palazzo Davia-Bargellini

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Physical Description: 9 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Agnesini, Francesco; Brunelli, Gabriello; Provaglia, Bartolomeo
Post-medieval: 17th century architecture
Bibliographic Citation: Brief Citation: TCI, Emilia-Romagna, 1971, p. 124
box 140

S. Maria dei Servi

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Physical Description: 13 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: 14th century architecture, portico (b. 1393),church (b.1346 . Post-medieval: 15th century architecture, portico 1492, church 1425, with many later alterations
Bibliographic Citation: Brief Citation: TCI, Emilia-Romagna, 1971, pp 122-124
box 140

Strada Maggiore

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Physical Description: 6 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: house and balcony. Post-medieval: Renaissance portico
Bibliographic Citation: Brief Citation: TCI, Emilia-Romagna, 1971, p.121


box 156

Abbazia di S. Maria

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Physical Description: 46 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Costa, Lorenzo (the Elder)
Medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture (12-13th century); frescoes, decorative wall painting; choir stall, baptismal font, sculpture




box 130

S. Domenico

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Physical Description: 150 items

Scope and Contents note

Owner: Pinacoteca Comunale
Artist Name: Michele da Argenta; Ricci, Camillo; Scarsella, Ippolito; Garofalo, Benvenuto Tisi da; Aleotti, Antonio dell'Argenta; Rondinelli, Niccolo; Balestri, Marco nicolo; Michele da Argenta; Longhi, Francesco; Domenico di Paris; Carpi, Girolamo da
Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, painting, frescoes. Works in museum include 15th century terracotta statues and painting, sculpture
Object Notes: Two sets of prints and negatives
General Notes: Successivamente alla realizzazione di questo servizio, risalente al l'anno 1978, al Pinacoteca e stato aggiunto. Per questo motivo e in prepazione da parte un servizio aggiornato sulla Pinacoteca di Argenta.
box 131

S. Giorgio

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Physical Description: 21 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Built during period of Ravenna's influence, dating back to the 6th century. Of special interest are the romanesque doors of 1122 depicting Labours of the Month, and the martyrdom of S. Giorgio. Also, 7th century marble altar. Remains of the decoration and mosaic are housed in the Pinacoteca.
Object Notes: See Pinacoteca for mosaic fragments
box 131

Santuario della Celletta

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Physical Description: 6 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture, painting
Object Notes: Restored in 1955.


box 153


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Physical Description: 34 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture and architectural sculpture (1452-1461), including decorative architectural sculpture in terracotta; stone sarcophagus
Object Notes: See separate record for Ferrara, Certosa, S. Cristoforo
box 154

Certosa, S. Cristoforo

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Physical Description: 55 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Rossetti, Biagio
Post-medieval: Architecture and architectural sculpture (1498-1553); symmetrical and curvilinear facade portal (1769); views of cloister, cemetery and funerary monuments
Object Notes: See separate record for Ferrara, Certosa
box 145, box 146, box 147, box 148, box 149, box 150

Museo Civico di Schifanoia

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Physical Description: 947 items

Scope and Contents note

box 151

Museo del Duomo

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Physical Description: 28 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: 12th and 13th century sculpture, including carved sarcophagus, equestrian statue (possibly representing Guglielmo III degli Adelardi, and images of saints
box 151, box 152

Palazzina di Marfisa

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Physical Description: 142 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Filippi, Sebastiano (called Bastianino); Filippi, Camillo; Filippi, Cesare; Lombardo, Antonio I; School of Lombardy, 16th century; Sperandio Savelli; School of Ferrara, 16th century; Giulio Romano
Post-medieval: Extensive coverage of both interior and exterior, including views of well with Este coat of arms; decorative frescos; wooden armoire, late 16th century Venetian; paintings on canvas; fireplace with carved mantlepiece, Lombard school, 16th century; sculpture, 16th century Venetian (?) and Lombard; carved wooden cassone, Northern Italian, 15th century; ceiling and wall paintings: and one panel painting
box 152

Palazzo dei Diamanti

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Physical Description: 77 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Many views of facade, sides, and courtyard of 16th c. structure, including detailed views of windows and architectural sculpture, portal leading into courtyard and colonnade, capitals, portals, and sculpture inside courtyard.
box 152

Palazzo Prosperi-Sacrati

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Physical Description: 19 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Views of exterior, with emphasis on architectural sculpture decorating main portal.
box 152

Palazzo Turchi-di Bagno

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Physical Description: 5 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Rossetti, Biagio
Post-medieval: Architecture (15th century)
box 153

S. Antonio in Polsine

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Physical Description: 119 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Ferrari, Francesco; Randa, Antonio; Byzantine School (13th century); Rimini School (13-14th century); Bologna School (13-14th century); Roberti, Ercole de'; Castellani, Ludovico; Filippi, Camillo
Medieval: Architecture (15th century). Post-medieval: Frescoes (15th century); Baroque interior, choir loft, sculpture (15th century)
box 154, box 155

S. Francesco

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Physical Description: 175 items

Scope and Contents note

Specific Location: Via Savonarola
Artist Name: Rossetti, Biagio; Zuffi, A.; Domenico di Paris; Frisoni, Gabriele; Mona, Domenico; Bonaccioli, Gabriele; Bonacossi, Angelo; Tomaso da Carpi; Girolamo da Carpi; Domenichini, Girolamo; Lombardi, Alfonso; Niccolo di Giovanni Baroncelli; Garofalo, Benvenuto Tisi da; Vengembes, Giovanni; Tesauro, E.; Bastarolo; Boldini, Antonio; Cristoforo da Milano; Rizzi, Battista; Dossi, Dosso (Giovanni de Lutero); Righini, A.
Medieval: Sculpture, tomb monuments. Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculpture, ceramics, frescoes, painting
Object Notes: Ferrarese Franciscan Archive was burned by soldiers in 1494; Founding date today is set at 1227.
General Notes: Includes second set of 17 post-med photos with same numbering system. These have been labeled "B".
box 155

S. Giorgio

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Physical Description: 46 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Rossetti, Biagio; Ferreri, Andrea; Ferrari, Francesco; Canuti, Domenico Maria; Parolini, Giacomo; Scannavini, Maurelio; Ambrogio da Milano; Rossellino, Antonio; Naselli, Francesco
Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture (15th, 17th century); Baroque interior; sculpture, wall painting, fresco
box 155

S. Paolo

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Physical Description: 63 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Schiatti, Alberto; Bononi, Carlo; Scarsellino, Domenico; Girolamo da Carpi; Mona, Domenico; Aleotti, Giovanni Battista (l'Argenta); Scarsella, Ippolito; Filippi, Sebastiano (called Bastianino); Parolini, Giacomo
Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture (16th century); Baroque interior; wall painting; frescoes
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: March 13, 1984.


box 157


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Physical Description: 22 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Romanesque architecture and architectural sculpture (1027), greatly restored in the 18th century; inscription

Pieve di Cento

box 157, box 158

Pinacoteca Civica

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Physical Description: 204 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: School of Ferrara; Scarsella, Ippolito
Medieval: Antiphonaries. Post-medieval: Paintings on canvas


box 159, box 160, box 161, box 162

Abbazia di Pomposa, Museo

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Physical Description: 523 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Amphora; grave monuments
Medieval: Fragments: capitals (Byzantine, 6th century), also capitals carved with human faces; marble friezes (10th century, later inscriptions); cornices, (with spolia) 11-12th centuries; ciborium; frescos. Post-medieval: Terracotta statuary, "neo-classical" (Hutzel); frescos: Bolognese, 14th century




box 140, box 141, box 142, box 143, box 144

Biblioteca Comunale

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Physical Description: 662 items

Scope and Contents note

Owner: Biblioteca Comunale
Artist Name: Malatestiana
Antiquities: Jacopo da Pergola
. Medieval: Manuscripts: 1) Laurentius Rusius: "De cura equorum" (15th century) BCM S.XXVI.2 2) Paolo Veneto: "History of the Origins of the World through Henry VII" (14th century) BCM S.XI.5 3) S. Isidorus: "Etymologies" (late 8th-early 9th centuries) BCM S.XXI.5 4) Gospel Book (Evangeliario), Greek (10th century) BCM D.XXVII.4 5) Pentateuch, Prophets, and Hagiographies, Hebrew (1348) BCM S.XXIX.1 6) "Somnium Scipionis", misc. (14th-15th centuries) BCM S.XII.6 7) Boethius: "De Consolatione Philosophie" (14th century) BCM D.XIV.1 8) Justinian: "Institutiones" (14th century) BCM S.IV.I 9) Bible (Old and New Testaments) (13th-14th centuries) BCM D.V.2 10) Giabir Ibn Afla "Almagestus" (De Astronomia) (13th and 15th centuries) BCM S.XXVII.2. Post-medieval: Manuscripts: 1) St. Augustine: "Enarrationes in Psalmos" (1452) BCM D.III.2 2) Herodotus: Histories (15th century) BCM S.X1V.1 3) St. Augustine: "De Civitate Dei" (c.1450) BCM D.IX.1 4) Valturius: "Rerum militarum" (15th century) BCM S.XXI.1 5) St. Augustine: "Sermones" (Sermons on the Gospel of John) (15th century) BCM D.III.3


box 163

Palazzo Comunale, Museo e Pinacoteca Comunale

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Physical Description: 113 items
box 164

S. Agostino

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Physical Description: 47 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Giovanni da Rimini
Medieval: Early Northern Italian frescos (Trecento)




box 156, box 157

Abbazia di Nonantola

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Physical Description: 176 items




box 131

Museo Civico

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Physical Description: 118 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Fenzoni, Ferrau; School of Faenza (16th century); Celesti, Andrea; School of Lombardy (17th century); Mitelli, Agostino; Graziani, Ercole (il Giovane); Pitocchi, Matteo de'; Bagnacavallo, Bartolomeo (Ramenghi); School of Rome (18th century); Lilio, Andrea; Scarsella, Ippolito; Garofalo, Benvenuto Tisi da
Antiquities: cippi (Gracchi), cippi fragments, bipedal bricks, terracotta amphorae
Post-medieval: Paintings on canvas; manuscripts
box 165

Friuli-Venezia Giulia Series V.

Physical Description: 1 box

Scope and Contents note

Photographs of sites in Friuli-Venezia Giulia with accompanying lists.

Arrangement note

Arranged alphabetically by city, general views of the city/historic center, and monument name.

La Carnia



box 165

S. Antonio

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Physical Description: 48 items

Scope and Contents note

Exterior views of the 15th century architecture of the church; interior shots show details of a 19th century fresco cycle with many 20th century alterations.



Gemona del Friuli

box 165


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Physical Description: 45 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Griglio, Giovanni
Medieval: Architecture and architectural sculpture (1290-1337)
Object Notes: Photographed during the restoration following the earthquake of the early 1980's.


box 165


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Physical Description: 5 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture; fresco. Exterior facade views only
box 165


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Physical Description: 37 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Schiavi, Angelo; Bissone, Bernardino da
Post-medieval: Architecture and architectural sculpture (18th century); sculpture; elaborately carved 15-16th century marble portal (1498-1505)

Lazio Series VI.

Physical Description: 197 boxes

Scope and Contents note

Photographs of sites in Lazio with accompanying lists.

Arrangement note

Arranged alphabetically by city, general views of the city/historic center, and monument name.


box 209

general views

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Physical Description: 4 items
box 223

S. Stefano

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Physical Description: 7 items




box 166


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Physical Description: 2 items

Scope and Contents note

Two views of portals leading to the acropolis and one of a deteriorated sculpture.
box 166

General Views

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Physical Description: 16 items

Scope and Contents note

Architecture. Polygonal wall dating from the 4th to 2nd centuries B.C.
Post-medieval: Architecture. Views of unidentified buildings and a fountain.
box 166

Palazzo Conte-Gentile

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Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

View of an iron griffin from the exterior wall of the palazzo.
box 166

Palazzo Gottifredi

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Physical Description: 4 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture. Gothic construction from the 13th century. Post-medieval: the building consists of two stories with double-arcaded window frames. Coverage consists of exterior views with close-ups of windows.
box 166

Piazza S. Maria Maggiore

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Physical Description: 9 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture, sculpture. Piazza in the center of the city with a sun clock and a fountain called the Fonte Pia, named after Pope Pius IX, who had it constructed.
box 166

Portal S. Benedetto

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Physical Description: 3 items

Scope and Contents note

Views of front, side, and interior of Portal S. Benedetto.
box 167

S. Francesco

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Physical Description: 30 items

Scope and Contents note

Master of the Madonna of Alvito
Medieval: late 13th c. architecture. 13th century with a facade articulated by a gothic-arched doorway and a rose window.
Post-medieval: Sculpture, fresco, painting, stucco decoration, redecorated in the 18th century, 14th, 15th c. frescoes
box 167

S. Maria dei Padri Scolopi

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Physical Description: 27 items

Scope and Contents note

Views of exterior and interior, including main portal, altar, apse, and paintings.
Bibliographic Citation: Brief Citation: TCI (1981), p. 597
box 167

S. Maria Maggiore

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Physical Description: 30 items

Scope and Contents note

Architectural views (medieval core collection)
Views of portals with frescoed lunettes (deteriorated), rose window and turreted campanile with mullioned windows. Views of naves and chapels. Extensive coverage of the chapel of the "Madonna of Constantinople."
TCI (1981), p. 598.
box 167

S. Silvestro

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Physical Description: 38 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculpture, frescoes. This church dates from the medieval period and the interior consists of 2 assymetrical naves, a crypt below, and frescoes dating from the 14th and 15th centuries decorating the walls. Coverage consists mostly of views of the frescoes, with a few views of the main facade.
box 167

S. Stefano

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Physical Description: 5 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture. This structure possesses a facade built in 1284 with a tri-lobed portal. Views of the main portal only.


box 171

S. Lorenzo, Parish church

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Physical Description: 48 items

Scope and Contents note

Exterior and interior views, including the rose window, frescoes, and campanile.


box 172

Casa Barnekow

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Physical Description: 16 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, fresco painting. Views are of the exterior only, with detail shots of the fresco, columns, windows.
box 172


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Physical Description: 62 items

Scope and Contents note

Owner: chiesa dei cappuccini
Medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, cosmati pavement, fresco fragments. Views of the exterior and interior, especially of the (damaged) frescoes and mosaic floors.
Bibliographic Citation: Brief Citation: TCI/Lazio (1981), p. 580-81
box 172

Palazzo Comunale

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Physical Description: 22 items

Scope and Contents note

Giacomo da Iseo
Medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, architectural fragments, fresco fragments.
Dating from the 1200's, the palace was restored in 1912 and 1975. No information provided by Hutzel. See TCI, Lazio, p. 582.
box 172

Palazzo di Bonifacio VIII

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Physical Description: 5 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Built by Gregorio IX (dei Conti di Segni. Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculpture.
Object Notes: No information provided by Hutzel. See TCI, Lazio, p. 582
box 173

S. Andrea

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Physical Description: 11 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture. Views are of the exterior, the campanile and the portals, with three interior views of the crypt.
box 173

S. Maria, Cathedral

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Physical Description: 21 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Magister Consolus; Presbiter Blaseus de Vassallo Siculus; Cosmas; Lucas; Jacobus (elder); Master of the Ornatista; Master of the Trans Lazioni; Fra Romanus
Medieval: Architecture (11-12th century, 13th century additions), architectural sculpture (9th, 11-12th century), mosaic (modern) and 13th century mosaic, wall painting (13th century) . Post-medieval: Frescoes including those in Cripta S. Magno, attr. to Magister Consolus, believed to have painted frescoes at S. Speco, Subiaco (1231-1255) Sacristy or Museum:. Extensive coverage of frescoes and crypt; some exterior views; 24 negatives of manuscript in cathedral treasury.
General Notes: In the Hutzel collection there are only two views of the exterior, one of the interior, and some of the crypt frescoes; however, only the exterior prints have matching negatives.


box 176

S. Maria della Libera

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Physical Description: 9 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: 3 Roman sarcophagi on grounds of the church (highly decayed with little remaining of sculptural decoration, inscription)
Extensive coverage of exterior (all sides) and interior nave and aisles.
Bibliographic Citation: Brief Citation: TCI, Lazio, 1978, pp. 620-21


box 177


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Physical Description: 5 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Exterior views
box 176

Convitto Tulliano

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Physical Description: 16 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Exterior: W facade, general view and details.
box 176

General Views

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Physical Description: 23 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Medieval quarter of city; includes general views, portals, exterior stairways.
Views of neighborhoods outside the borgo, and panoramas of the town.
box 177

Monastery (Benedictine)

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Physical Description: 5 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture (cloister)
Bibliographic Citation: Brief Citation: TCI/Lazio (1981), p. 656
box 177

Palazzo Conti

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Physical Description: 7 items

Scope and Contents note

Exterior views of portal and fountain.
box 177

Palazzo Quadrini

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Physical Description: 9 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture, exterior wall painting, iron work
Bibliographic Citation: Brief Citation: TCI/Lazio (1981), p. 656
box 176

Porta Napoli

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Physical Description: 5 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture (gothic)
Bibliographic Citation: Brief Citation: TCI/Lazio (1981), p. 656
box 177

S. Andrea Apostolo

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Physical Description: 30 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Cesari, Giuseppe (il Cavaliere d'Arpino)
Medieval: 13th century architecture. Post-medieval: 16th century architecture (1533 remodel), architectural sculpture, sculpture, fresco painting, painting on panel, stucco, church furnishings.
Bibliographic Citation: Brief Citation: TCI/Lazio (1981), p. 656
box 177

S. Giuseppe

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Physical Description: 4 items

Scope and Contents note

Views are of the facade.
box 177

S. Maria

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Physical Description: 10 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture; exterior and interior views.
General Notes: Some negatives printed more than once.
Bibliographic Citation: Brief Citation: TCI/Lazio (1981), p. 656
box 177

S. Michele

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Physical Description: 37 items

Scope and Contents note

Cesari, Giuseppe (il Cavaliere d'Arpino)
Post-medieval: Exterior views; general views of interior. Interior remodelled in the 18th century, with stucco decoration and paintings (documented with close-up views), wooded crucifix from the 16th century


box 178

S. Marco

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Physical Description: 15 items

Scope and Contents note

Six views are of cemetary and six of objects in the museum. Negatives are missing.
Object Notes: Negatives are missing for this monument.


box 179, box 180

Santuario di S. Maria del Piano

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Physical Description: 206 items

Scope and Contents note


Boville Ernica

box 195

Castello Filonardi

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Physical Description: 8 items

Scope and Contents note

Exterior views of the castle that once belonged to the Farnese family and is now a monastery. Coverage emphasizes the elegant renaissance portal.
Bibliographic Citation: Brief Citation: TCI (Lazio) 1981 p. 647
box 195

Chiesa Suffragio

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Physical Description: 3 items

Scope and Contents note

Only Baroque facade remains.
box 195


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Physical Description: 5 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture: exterior views of Baroque church. Exterior views of Baroque church.
box 195

General views

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Physical Description: 12 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Various building facades and portals.
box 195

S. Michele Arcangelo

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Physical Description: 5 items

Scope and Contents note

Owner: S. Michele Arcangelo
Artist Name: Subleyras, Joseph
Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, carved wooden ceilings. Building constructed in the second half of the 18th century, based on a design by Joseph Subleyras.
box 195

S. Pietro Ispano

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Physical Description: 42 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Bregno, Andrea (Andrea da Milano); Bregno, Andrea (Andrea da Milano); Giotto
Medieval: Palaeochristian sarcophagus from 4th century, with relief of Nativity and Adoration of the Magi. Mosaic by Giotto. Post-medieval: Architecture, sculpture, frescoes. Structure of romanesque origin, but renovated in the 16th-17th centuries. Statues in niches of S. Peter and S. Paul, by Andrea Bregno. Marble relief of the Holy Family in the manner of Bregno (end 15th century). Frescoes from the end of the 16th century.
General Notes: There were two sets of prints now integrated into a single sequence.


box 209

Abbazia di Casamari

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Physical Description: 45 items

Scope and Contents note

Prints of views, the exterior and its portico, portals and other walls. Interior photos of the church and its vaulting with particular attention paid to the altar. There are also photos of the cloister and the abbey interior, particularly the Sala Capitolare and the Refectory. There are many details of the varied nature of the columns and capitals. There are also some negatives of manuscripts in the library.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: February 23, 1983. There are more than one set of notes. Also, there is a second set of negatives in 35mm which are listed at the end of the negative numbers. They were noted by Hutzel as general shots and are not the set from which the prints we have were made.
box 208

Museo Archeologico

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Physical Description: 110 items

Scope and Contents note

Governing Body: Abbazia di Casamari
Artist Name: Carracci, Annibale; Cecco del Caravaggio; Raphael; Balbi, Filippo; Bilivert, Giovanni; Trevisani, Francesco; Guercino (Giovanni Francesco Barbieri); Solimena, Francesco; Grammatica, Anteveduto; Solimena, Francesco; Sassoferrato, Giovanni Battista Salvi; Maratti, Carlo; Siciolante, Girolamo (Girolamo da Sermoneta); Batoni, Pompeo
Post-medieval: paintings on canvas, paintings on wood, wooden church furnishings
General Notes: This record is for the pinacoteca which is part of the Museo Archeologico, housed within the Abbey of Casamari. Hutzel assigned it a separate numbering sequence.
Bibliographic Citation: Brief Citation: TCI/Lazio, 1981, pp 650-51
box 209

S. Maria del Reggimento

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Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture . Views of the frescoes (damaged) are stored in the Meideval core collection.
General Notes: This church is not part of the Abbey of Casamari, but stands alone 500 meters away.

Certosa di Trisulti


Certosa di Trisulti, Monastery

box 213

Certosa di Trisulti, Monastery

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Physical Description: 25 items

Scope and Contents note

Exterior views of monastery facade, portal, ramp walkways, church facade, Palazzo di Innocenzo III (now a dormitory), large and small cloister gardens.
box 213

Cappella dell'Annunziata

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Physical Description: 9 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Cavaliere d'Arpino
Views of chapel divided into two parts, the first of which is the sacristy and the second of which is a chapel containing an Annunciation painting.
box 213


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Physical Description: 23 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Filippo Balbi
Views of the pharmacy and two receiving rooms apparently located in the pharmacy complex.
box 213

S. Bartolomeo

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Physical Description: 29 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Filippo Balbi; Fra Stefano; Mastro Iacobo; Giuseppe Caci
Interior views of church, including Coro dei Padri, Coro dei Conversi, presbytery (with main altar). Details of carved choir stalls, paintings, frescoed ceilings.
box 213

S. Domenico, Monastery

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Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

One exterior view stored with Hutzel prints. Many negatives showing buildings in vicinity.


box 220

Acropolis, Carcere di S. Ambrogio

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Physical Description: 92 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, fragments Post-medieval: Initialled medallions pinned to cloth
box 220

City wall

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Physical Description: 6 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Views of wall
box 221

Museo Civico

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Physical Description: 2 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Detached fragments of architectural scultpure
box 221

Palazzo Caetani

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Physical Description: 12 items

Scope and Contents note

Six views of exterior portals and windows.
General Notes: This monument is part of a numerical sequence that includes five other monuments.
box 221

S. Francesco

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Physical Description: 10 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Altar painting
box 221

S. Lucia

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Physical Description: 21 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture. Foundations date to 6th century, present building dates to the 10th century . Post-medieval: Fresco fragments (13th century)
Object Notes: Crypt of this church dedicated to S. Biagio
box 221

S. Maria Maggiore

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Physical Description: 79 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture (1150-60; 13th century); tombstone . Post-medieval: Painting, fresco, sculpture
General Notes: 34 photos of this site previously sent (pre-restoration), along with bibliographic material (catalogued are filed in Medieval section). Negatives are filed with Hutzel (2nd set under S. Maria Maggiore nos. 1-34).
box 221

S. Valentino

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Physical Description: 6 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Architectural fragment with inscription
Medieval: Architectural sculpture; painting in portal tympanum . Post-medieval: Architectural, architectural sculpture--primarily exterior
Object Notes: Church founded 6th century, additions 12th century
box 221

Ss. Giovanni e Paolo, Cathedral

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Physical Description: 49 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Mino da Fiesole; Paulus; Drudus de Trivio
Medieval: Architectural sculpture (13th century); architectural sculpture (detached) ciborium, screen fragment (9th century); mosaic (12th century); sculpture (12th century) . Post-medieval: Sculpture (gravestones, tombs, tabernacle, confessional, ciborium-11th century-), frescoes, inscription fragment, mosaic, exterior architecture; architecture (11-12th century)
General Notes: Unable to locate Medieval photos of this site, and no copy of Hutzel sheet (extensive TCI entry)
box 232

Madonna del Loreto

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Physical Description: 2 items


box 232

S. Michele

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Physical Description: 12 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, fresco painting, painting
Object Notes: Of Gothic foundation, redone in the 1700's. Isolated campanile with ogival aperture; on the walls of the main altar are fresco fragments from the end of the 1500's.

Isola del Liri

box 233

S. Domenico

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Physical Description: 41 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: 11th century architecture, rebuilt in c. 1250 as a Cistercian church (largely restored, 20th century); architectural sculpture, including Roman reliefs incorporated into the design
box 233

S. Lorenzo, Collegiata

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Physical Description: 15 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Mariani, Aurelio
Post-medieval: 18th century architecture and architectural sculpture (1727); facade clocks; sculpture; carved portal with scenes from the life of San Lorenzo; paintings on canvas


box 247

General views

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Physical Description: 4 items

Scope and Contents note

There are neighborhood views of the older part of the city.
box 247

Palazzo Baronale

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Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

View of Palazzo facade.
General Notes: This print number corresponds to the Hutzel guide, which includes several monuments within one numerical sequence.
box 247

Palazzo del Municipio

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Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Exterior view of Palazzo.
box 247

S. Antonio

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Physical Description: 24 items

Scope and Contents note

School of Giotto
Exterior and interior views, including coverage of Last Judgement fresco on W wall, ciborium and crypt.
box 247

S. Maria

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Physical Description: 21 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: School of Bramante
Exterior views of facade and flanks; interior views of nave, altars, columns, capitals, and one painting.
General Notes: These print numbers correspond to the Hutzel guide, which includes several monuments within one numerical sequence.
box 247


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Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

There are three exterior views of the tower.
General Notes: This print number corresponds to the Hutzel guide, which includes several monuments within one numerical sequence.


box 259

Casa di S. Tommaso

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Physical Description: 6 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture. Rough stone architecture with gothic-arched doorways and windows.
box 259


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Physical Description: 3 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture. Some walls and towers remain of this building in the medieval quarter. Most of the structure was destroyed in WWI.
box 259

Panoramic views

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Physical Description: 26 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture. Panoramic views of the city.
box 259

S. Tommaso

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Physical Description: 28 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture, painting. The church no longer has its roof and few walls remain standing. A short campanile still stands next to the facade with a horse-shoe arched tympanum.


box 324

Villa Magna

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Physical Description: 12 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Architecture, architectural sculpture. Remains of a Roman imperial villa, which probably dates to the time of Marcus Aurelius. It is said that Pompey, Septimus Severus and Geta Caracalla visited this villa.


box 324

General views

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Physical Description: 4 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture.
2 prints with the same number.
box 324

S. Bartolomeo

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Physical Description: 18 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Conca, Sebastiano
Post-medieval: Architecture, sculpture, painting. Facade of the structure is a modern addition in the Neo-classical style. Nave vaults are decorated by frescoes dating from the 17th century. In a side altar is placed a painting of the Madonna and Child by Sebastiano Conca. A wooden crucifix, donated by Cardinal Baronio, and dating to 1564, is placed in a left side altar.
box 324

S. Francesco

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Physical Description: 29 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architectural sculpture. The apse of the church is decorated on the exterior by a double-arched gothic window.
Post-medieval: Architecture, painting, sculpture. In a side altar is placed a fresco of the Madonna of Misericordia, dating to the 15th century by an artist close to Lattanzio. The walls of the church are decorated by statues of Old Testament figures in niches.
box 324

S. Maria

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Physical Description: 28 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture. The church was built in the second half of the 11th century, with successive rebuildings in the early 12th century. The church was remodeled in the Cistercian style in 1229. The portal, decorated with vegetal motifs and an inscription, and the campanile both date to the Romanesque period.
Post-medieval: Architecture, painting, metalwork, sculpture. The church was remodeled in the Baroque style in the 17th century, but was restored in Gothic style after a fire destroyed the Baroque building.
Mistake made in the numbering: 2 prints with same number.
box 324

S. Maria Addolorata

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Physical Description: 11 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architectural sculpture, painting, sculpture. Neo-classical structure.
box 324

S. Restituta

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Physical Description: 21 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architectural sculpture. The decoration surrounding the three main portals as well as some other architectural sculpture fragments remain from the Romanesque church. Post-medieval: Architecture. The church was rebuilt in Romanesque style after an earthquake in 1915.
Object Notes: 1 Print with no negative.


box 338

S. Michele

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Physical Description: 10 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Zucchi, Jacopo
Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, painting, wooden crucifix. This church was destroyed in WWII, and all that remains of the original structure are some paintings by Jacopo Zucchi.


box 346

Madonna degli Angeli

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Physical Description: 23 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Antoniazzo Romano
Most views are of this rural church are of the interior frescoes: Mary Salome, S. Mauro, S. Biagio, S. Demetrio, the Madonna Lactans, and the Eternal Father.
box 345

S. Andrea Apostolo, Cathedral

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Physical Description: 147 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: relief sculpture; busts
Views of metalwork objects housed in Treasury of S. Andrea Apostolo, including busts, reliquaries, crosses, polittico, boxes.
General Notes: Museum, which contains Treasury, is located in the last chapel of the right nave. Thirteen views of (non-metalwork) sculpture from Museum have been assigned numbers at end of Treasury sequence, but there are no negatives corresponding to these prints, nor is there authoritative evidence that these objects are housed in the Cathedral Museum.
box 346

S. Erasmo

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Physical Description: 21 items

Scope and Contents note

box 346

S. Maria dei Franconi

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Physical Description: 19 items

Scope and Contents note

box 346

S. Maria Salome

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Physical Description: 72 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Hispanus, F. D.
Medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, stone reliquary, frescoes, inscription fragments. According to tradition, the church (and crypt below) was built in 1209 to house the relics of the mother of the Apostles James and John. The structure was restored in the medieval period (1350) after an earthquake. Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculpture, painting, stucco ceiling decoration. The interior and exterior of the church were largely restored in the 18th century. Triptych of the Madonna, Child and Saints signed F. D. Hispanus and dated 1561.
General Notes: 2 sets of prints for the same site.

Vico nel Lazio

box 347

S. Maria

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Physical Description: 22 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture, painting, sculpture. The church possesses a late-Romanesque portal and a small campanile. The interior of the church consists of one nave, with a marble main altar and fresco decoration in the church and in the crypt.
box 227


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Physical Description: 2 items




box 189

Borgo Medievale

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Physical Description: 50 items

Scope and Contents note

General views of the medieval city and its architectural details.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign notes are undated.
box 189

S. Erasmo

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Physical Description: 44 items

Scope and Contents note

Exterior photos of facade and courtyard. Interior photos show views and details. The major artifact is a horizontal wooden crucifix in front of the altar. Additional photos of paintings and baptismal font.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign is undated.
box 189

S. Maria

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Physical Description: 11 items

Scope and Contents note

Exterior and interior views of what appears to be an ex-church, with details of fresco fragments.
Object Notes: There are no Hutzel photo campaign notes.
box 189

S. Nicola

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Physical Description: 57 items
box 190

Santuario del SS. Crocifisso

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Physical Description: 81 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture, frescoes


box 216


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Physical Description: 36 items

Scope and Contents note

Two views of the church exterior and one of a holy water stoup. All remaining views are of the frescoes.
box 216

General views

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Physical Description: 23 items

Scope and Contents note

Architecture. Views of ancient polygonal wall.
Post-medieval: Architecture. Views of the historical quarter of the city, with many ancient remains.
box 216

Piazza Montagna

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Physical Description: 9 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture. Views of the piazza. Views of Roman fragments in the vicinity of the piazza and detailed views of individual buildings on the piazza.
box 216

S. Francesco

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Physical Description: 37 items

Scope and Contents note

One Roman statue, a gravestone and an urn for ashes.
Views of facade and flank, two views of cloister, many views of naves and altars, some views of paintings and sculpture, and three views of Roman fragments in the garden.
box 217

S. Maria della Pieta

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Physical Description: 85 items

Scope and Contents note

Two rooftop views of bell tower, many views of facade, several views of portals, several views of Roman gravestones and statues, two interior views of altar, several views of paintings, and several views of a unique Easter candle candelabra.
box 217, box 218, box 219

S. Oliva

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Physical Description: 287 items

Scope and Contents note

Extensive coverage of exterior and interior including many views of Roman columns; many views of the renaissance frescoes and of the Renaissance cloister.
General Notes: There were two sets of prints for this location; they have now been integrated into a single numerical sequence. There
box 219

S. Salvatore

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Physical Description: 16 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Fontbuoni, Anastasio
Post-medieval: Architecture, painting, wooden crucifix. The church contains frescoes of the Nativity and the Adoration of the Magi by the Tuscan artist Anastasio Fontebuoni (1610). Exterior, altar, crucifix, and paintings.
General Notes: There were two sets of prints which have now been integrated into a single numerical sequence. Many of the prints have duplicates.
box 216

Tempio di Castore e Polluce

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Physical Description: 24 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Architecture, architectural sculpture. reconstructed after 89 B.C. All that remains standing are 2 Corinthian columns (20 flutes per column, 10 m. high and .92 m. in diameter) on which a fragment of the architrave rests. remains from the temple have been incorporated into neighboring structures.
General Notes: There were two sets of prints for this monument; they have now been integrated into a single numerical sequence and assigned numbers beginning with H-1. There is no guide for this location.
box 216

Temple of Hercules

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Physical Description: 39 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Architecture, architectural sculpture. According to an inscription, the so-called Temple of Hercules (the actual dedication of the temple is not known) was built by the duumvirs M. Manlius and L. Turpilius in the 1st century B.C. It is constructed of travertine with traces of stucco revetment. Much of the building has been restored.
Distant views, medium range views and detailed views of the temple remains.
General Notes: Two sets of prints have now been integrated into a single numerical sequence.


box 222

Abbey of S. Magno

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Physical Description: 16 items

Scope and Contents note

Exterior and interior views of abbey ruins, including one damaged fresco.
General Notes: Views, numbered H-33 through H-47, form part of the numerical sequence for Madonna del Soccorso.
box 222

S. Francesco

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Physical Description: 19 items

Scope and Contents note

Three exterior views; interior views of nave and vaulted ceiling; views of cloister.
General Notes: Cloister views, numbered H-15 through H-30, form part of the numerical sequence that begins with Madonna del Soccorso.
box 222

S. Maria Assunta

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Physical Description: 51 items

Scope and Contents note

Exterior views of the church facade, portals, flank, and bell tower. Interior views of the naves, altars, columns, paintings, and tabernacle.
box 222

S. Maria del Soccorso

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Physical Description: 15 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture and architectural sculpture; frescos, largely ruined
box 222

S. Pietro, Duomo

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Physical Description: 30 items

Scope and Contents note

Painting and sculpture from the church interior.
box 226

Museo Diocesano

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Physical Description: 52 items


box 226

S. Domenico

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Physical Description: 12 items

Scope and Contents note

Giovanni da Gaeta; Scipione Pulzone; Giacinto Branchi
In Hutzel section, views of paintings and frescoes only. In Medieval section, exterior views of facade, portal, courtyard, bell tower. Interior views of vaulted ceiling, nave arcade, detached architectural sculpture fragments.
box 227

S. Francesco

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Physical Description: 34 items

Scope and Contents note

Sebastiano Conca
Exterior views of neo-Gothic church, including detail views of main portal. Interior views emphasize ceiling's complicated nervature and main altar. View of Pieta fresco and crucifixion painting. Views of cloister.
box 227

S. Giovanni in Mare

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Physical Description: 3 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Cavallino
In Hutzel section, two views of 14th c. fresco. In Medieval section, exterior views of 10th c. church's facade and cupola. Interior views of nave duringand after 1980 restoration.
box 227

S. Lucia

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Physical Description: 18 items

Scope and Contents note

Views of architectural details in vicinity of church and on church exterior. More conventional coverage of church exterior and interio in Medieval.
box 226

SS. Annunziata

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Physical Description: 57 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Criscuolo; Andrea da Salerno
Views of baroque facade, an addition to 14th c. church. Interior views of nave and altar, choir, and Grotta d'Oro. Detailed coverage of polittico in choir and painting series in Grotta. View of cloister in adjoining ex-convent and the byzantinesque polittico in Cappella del Conservatorio, inside the ex-convent.
Object Notes: No negatives.
box 227

SS. Erasmo e Marziano, Cathedral

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Physical Description: 65 items

Scope and Contents note

Owner: Museo Diocesano
Artist Name: Giovanni da Gaeta; Riccardo Quartaro; Maso di Banco; Scipione Pulzone; Sebastiano Conca; Giacinto Brandi; Luca Giordano
Antiquities: Roman statue, fragments. Roman columns, capitals, sarcophagi.
Views of objects in the pinacoteca, including paintings, 14th and 15th c. statues, fragments of Renaissance portals, 13th c. iconostasis, family crests. Views of interior nave, altar, chapels. Detailed coverage of silver and gold statues of Erasmus and Marciano. Views of sacristy painting, sculpture, choir stall and crypt altar, frescoes.
General Notes: No negs. for Medieval core collection prints. More than half of prints stored in Hutzel section have no matching negatives either.


box 233


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Physical Description: 25 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture
box 233

S. Angelo

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Physical Description: 25 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture (11th century and later) . Post-medieval: Interior, fresco (15th century)
box 233

S. Cristoforo

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Physical Description: 5 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture
box 233

S. Maria Maggiore

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Physical Description: 21 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture


box 237

S. Pietro

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Physical Description: 43 items

Scope and Contents note

Sculpture. Statue of a Roman magistrate, known as "Scipione", dating from the late Roman period.
Medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculpture, pulpit with marble and mosaic decoration, Paschal candelabrum. This church was built in the middle of the 11th century, with additions in the 13th-14th centuries, and alterations to the interior in the 17th century. A flight of steps leads up to a porticoed porch, above which rises the campanile. The interior of the church is vaulted with groin vaults, now decorated with coffers and stucco decoration. Near the altar are placed the Paschal candelabrum (1264) and the pulpit (1260), both decorated with multi-colored mosaics. The pulpit, in addition, has marble bas reliefs along the sides of the stairs depicting Jonah being swallowed by the whale, and on the other side, a lion swallowing a man.
Post-medieval: Stucco decoration, coffered ceiling, painting, pietra dura altar and tabernacle, crucifix, sculpture. Along the nave is the chapel of the Sacrament (1587), made of polychromed marble and gilded stucco , with a painting of the Last Supper attributed to the school of Sabatino, placed above.


box 242

Castello dei Caetani

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Physical Description: 11 items

Scope and Contents note

A castle with a square tower encircled by a defensive wall which is perforated by double windows.
General Notes: Ninfa is an abandoned medieval city.
box 242


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Physical Description: 3 items

Scope and Contents note

This structure with double windows stands next to the Castello dei Caetani. Restored by the owners, this structure is not overgrown by vegetation.
General Notes: Ninfa is an abandoned medieval city.
box 242

Ponte del Macello

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Physical Description: 4 items

Scope and Contents note

An overgrown double-arched stone bridge spanning the River Ninfa.
General Notes: Ninfa is an abandoned medieval city.
box 242

S. Giovanni

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Physical Description: 8 items

Scope and Contents note

Fragments of church walls overgrown with vegetation.
General Notes: Ninfa is an abandoned medieval city.
box 242

S. Maria Maggiore

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Physical Description: 11 items

Scope and Contents note

Remains of a church stand among cyprus trees: a tower, curved apse wall and buttessed walls. Frescoes on the apse walls are damaged and faint.
General Notes: Ninfa is an abandoned medieval city.
box 242

S. Pietro

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Physical Description: 16 items

Scope and Contents note

Views of an overgrown church with clear remains of an arcade wall and a rounded apse.
General Notes: Ninfa is an abandoned medieval city.
box 242


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Physical Description: 2 items

Scope and Contents note

Exterior view of an isolated, abandoned, four-sided tower overgrown with vegetation.
General Notes: Ninfa is an abandoned medieval city.
box 242

Unidentified Structures

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Physical Description: 8 items

Scope and Contents note

General views of the abandoned medieval city Ninfa--unidentified buildings overgrown with vegetation.


box 251

City wall

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Physical Description: 2 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture
box 251

Madonna del Caldo

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Physical Description: 2 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture
box 251

Palazzo Comunale

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Physical Description: 11 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture (13-14th century)
box 251

Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II

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Physical Description: 6 items

Scope and Contents note

Specific Location: Fontana dei Delfini
Artist Name: Bernini
Post-medieval: Sculpture (16th century)
box 251

S. Antonio Abate

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Physical Description: 64 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Toballo de Ianni; Coleberti da Piperno, Pietro
Medieval: Architectual sculpture (14th century) sculpture . Post-medieval: Architecture; fresco cycles (13-15th century)
box 252

S. Benedetto

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Physical Description: 53 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Coleberti da Piperno, Pietro
Medieval: Architecture (9th century) . Post-medieval: Frescoes (11-15th century); sculpture
General Notes: Note: Hutzel's incorrect labelling of back of photos as S. Francesco
box 252

S. Giovanni Evangelista

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Physical Description: 23 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculpture . Post-medieval: Frescoes (recently restored, broad date range), sculpture
box 252

S. Lorenzo

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Physical Description: 14 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture . Post-medieval: Frescoes
box 252

S. Maria Assunta (Cattedrale)

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Physical Description: 23 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture (original arcade) . Post-medieval: Architecture (18th century, original church of 1283 destroyed by earthquake); Baroque interior
box 252

S. Nicolo

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Physical Description: 3 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture
box 252

S. Tommaso

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Physical Description: 3 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture
box 252

S. Vito

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Physical Description: 3 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architectural sculpture (fragment) . Post-medieval: Architecture


box 318, box 319

Castello Caetani

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Physical Description: 129 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Valentino
Post-medieval: Views of other architectural structures in proximity; architecture, architectural sculpture (17th century) interiors include furniture, wall paintings (16th century), sculpture
box 319

Madonna delle Grazie

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Physical Description: 23 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Ruins of church with frescoes (13th century)
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign notes are undated.
box 320

S. Giuseppe

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Physical Description: 14 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Siciolante, Girolamo (Girolamo da Sermoneta)
Medieval: Architecture, frescoes (13th century), painting, sculpture
General Notes: No documentation provided for this site
box 320

S. Maria Assunta, Cathedral

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Physical Description: 40 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Gozzoli, Benozzo; Coleberti da Piperno, Pietro
Medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture (13 century), altar (13th century, cosmati), holy water basins. Post-medieval: Sculpture, painting, wall painting
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign notes are undated.
box 320

S. Pudenziana

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Physical Description: 7 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architectural ruins (4th century AD ?)
Object Notes: These photos are included in the Hutzel notes for S. Francesco, which are undated.


box 320, box 321, box 322

Antiquarium Comunale

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Physical Description: 395 items
box 322

general views

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Physical Description: 31 items
box 322

general views

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Physical Description: 9 items
box 323

general views

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Physical Description: 9 items
box 323

general views

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Physical Description: 71 items
box 323

general views

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Physical Description: 26 items
box 323

Palazzo Normisini

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Physical Description: 11 items
box 323

S. Lucia

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Physical Description: 53 items


box 324

S. Michele

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Physical Description: 35 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Photographed during restoration; architecture, architectural sculpture (11-14th century); pascal candles (11th century); painted wooden crucifix (14th century)
Object Notes: TCI mentions 13th century work of Madonna and Child above main altar; removed during restoration?


box 334

Foro Emiliano

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Physical Description: 28 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Views and details of the ruins of the forum of the ancient town.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign notes are undated.
box 332

General views

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Physical Description: 31 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Views of ancient Roman ruins in the city associated with the Foro Emiliano and the Porta Romana.
General views of city and ruins.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign is undated. See also Marburger Index no. 532.
box 333, box 334

Museo Archeologico

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Physical Description: 231 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Stone figures, both full-length and busts; ancient altars, sarcophagi, inscriptions and stone fragments from the Temple of Giove Anxur and from the ancient town.
Object Notes: Hutzel campaign notes are undated.
box 333

Porta Romana

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Physical Description: 8 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Exterior views of ancient city gate.
Object Notes: Hutzel campaign notes are undated.
box 334

S. Cesario, Duomo

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Physical Description: 16 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Medieval church built on the ruins of an ancient temple dedicated to Rome and to Augustus. The front steps remain from the Roman temple. Columns on facade are also Roman, although they have Medieval bases. There are photos of the front steps, parts of the ancient walls and of the columns. Most prints are in the Medieval core collection. There are no exterior prints in the Hutzel collection.
The present church was consecrated in 1074, but dates in most part from the 12th century. It was renovated in the 18th century. There are exterior views of the facade. Views of the interior include the apse generally as well as details of the altar, an elaborate candelabra dated 1261 and a pulpit with ancient columns and stylized animals. There are, in addition, other photos of architectural details. Most prints are in the Medieval core collection. In the Hutzel collection, there are prints of architectural details and of one altar (not the main one).
Object Notes: Hutzel campaign notes are undated. See also Marburger Index, nos. 532-33.
box 334

Tempio di Giove Anxur

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Physical Description: 52 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: General views of the precinct of Giove and of the ruins of the Temple of Giove Anxur, the Little Temple and of the Pisco Montana.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign notes are undated. See also Marburger Index, no. 532.


box 340

Piazza Mazzini

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Physical Description: 11 items

Scope and Contents note

Details of fountain in the Piazza.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: 1984.




box 309

S. Saba

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Physical Description: 74 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Sarcophagi, stele, relief fragments.
Principle views of church exterior, interior, and Oratorio di S. Silva (basement level) in Medieval collection. Views remaining with Hutzel collection are of the portico, where medieval relief fragments are displayed along with antiquities, and of frescoes from the church interior.


box 242

etruscan site, archaeological ruins

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Physical Description: 22 items




box 166

S. Maria della Misericordia

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Physical Description: 11 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Turchi, Alessandro
Post-medieval: Architecture, sculpture, painting, architectural sculpture. This possesses a Baroque altar in which is placed a painting of the Madonna and Child and Saints by Orbetto (Alessandro Turchi).


box 172

S. Francesco

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Physical Description: 30 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Vannini, Pietro; Gigli, Giovanni Battista
Medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture. S. Francesco is a large Romanesque/Gothic church, dating to the late 14th century. The facade has a richly ornamented portal. In the lunette of the portal are figures of polychromed terracotta representing the Madonna and Child with 2 angels. Post-medieval: Views of the exterior and interior, including: wooden pulpit, Baroque altar and tabernacle, sculpture, frescoes. The walls within the church are covered with fresco decoration from the 15th century by artists of the Marche school. The Nativity, the Madonna Enthroned with Saints, the Tree of Jesse, the Coronation of the Virgin, and the Last Judgment are some of the scenes depicted. The church also contains a Baroque altar created by Giovanni Battista Gigli, created to house a gothic reliquary attributed to Pietro Vannini (1472).
Object Notes: Coverage offers views of the exterior and interior of the church, including the main portal, altars, frescoes, and columns.


box 174

S. Maria Assunta, Cathedral

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Physical Description: 33 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Nicola da Guardiagrele
Medieval: Romanesque facade portral from church of S. Maria extra moenia. Post-medieval: 18th century architecture (1712) with rich Baroque interior; paintings on canvas; processional cross


box 194

Parish Church

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Physical Description: 47 items

Scope and Contents note

Views of the facade, interior, paintings and sculpture.
General Notes: Eight prints (H46-H53), all of the crucifix, are missing. There is no Hutzel guide for this location.

Borgo Velino

box 194

General views

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Physical Description: 7 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture. Views of architectural sculpture.
box 194

S. Antonio

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Physical Description: 26 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Sculpture. Fragment of Roman sculpture, including a dedicatory inscription for the Nymphaeum of Diana Reduce.
Medieval: 12th c. architecture, architectural sculpture, painting, remains from the 7th and 8th centuries. The frescoes from the apse area were removed and are now housed in the Museum of the Treasury of the Duomo di Rieti.
box 194

S. Giovanni, Baptistery

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Physical Description: 10 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture (9th century), baptismal font. Post-medieval: Frescos (15th century)
box 194

S. Maria extra moenia

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Physical Description: 29 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: German school, 15th century; Coleberti da Piperno, Pietro
Antiquities: Pavement with Roman inscription
Medieval: Architecture and architectural sculpture (5th-12th centuries). Post-medieval: Frescos (15th century)

Cantalupo in Sabina

box 197

General views

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Physical Description: 2 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture. Views of buildings in the city.
box 197

Palazzo Camuccini

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Physical Description: 20 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Bianchi, Giovan Domenico
Antiquities: Sculpture. A collection of ancient artifacts is housed in the palazzo.
Post-medieval: Architecture. The palazzo was built by the architect Giovan Domenico Bianchi (16th century) for Cardinal Pierdonato Cesi, on the site of a medieval castle, parts of which were used in the new structure. The facade consists of a portico surmounted by a loggia.
box 197

S. Biagio

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Physical Description: 26 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Sculpture. A baptismal font has been created from a re-used Roman funerary urn.
Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculpture, painting, tabernacle. S. Biagio is a Baroque church with an interior space in the shape of an oval with 4 lateral chapels.


box 209

Chiesa dell'Annunziata

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Physical Description: 27 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Sassoferrato, Giovanni Battista Salvi; Saraceni, Girolamo
Post-medieval: Architecture, sculpture, painting. Church was built in 1609 by Girolamo Saraceni. Painting by Sassoferrato depicting the Annunciation above main altar.
box 209

S. Giovanni Battista

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Physical Description: 30 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture. Campanile dating from the 12th century, with two registers of double-arched windows and a loggia on the uppermost register.
Post-medieval: Architecture, painting, sculpture. In the apse, painting of the Baptism of Christ, by Iacopo Siculo dated to 1524. On the predella is depicted Christ and the Apostles. Statue of Christ holding lamb and book with seven seals, Crucifix of marble.
Views of campnile, fountain in piazza in front of church, and interior views of nave, crucifix, cupola, choir, paintings and sculpture.
box 209

S. Maria di Legarano

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Physical Description: 99 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Antoniazzo Romano (Antonio di Benedetto Aquilo); Carlo dell' Aquila; Torresani, Alessandro; Torresani, Bartolomeo
Antiquities: Architecture and sculpture. Remains of "opus reticulatum" walls (church built on the site of a roman villa), a "colossal god" sculpture from 1 B.C.
Medieval: Wooden crucifix dating from the 1400's or (14th century)??? . Post-medieval: Painting, sculpture. In the lunette above the portal is a fresco of the Annunciation by Bartolomeo Torresani. A fresco of the Last Judgment, by Bartolomeo Torresani, on walls of a chapel to the left of the atrium. Painting of S. Sebastian and S. John the Baptist of the school of Antoniazzo Romano. In a niche, representation of the Wedding of the Virgin, fresco attributed to Alessandro Torresani. Nativity scene in polychromed terracotta by an Abruzzi artist from the 15th century. Behind the main altar, a polychromed wood statue of the Virgin and Child signed by Carlo dell'Aquila (1489).


box 214

S. Antonio

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Physical Description: 37 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, architectural fragments, sculptural fragments . Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, painting, sculpture
Object Notes: Town dates back to 1261, under King Carlo I D'Angio.

Farfa (environs)

box 219, box 220

Abbey of S. Martino

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Physical Description: 121 items

Scope and Contents note

Views of ruins of the Abbey complex and crypt on the mountain of S. Martino near Farfa.
box 253

General views

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Physical Description: 4 items

Scope and Contents note

Views of town in the vicinity of Farfa.


box 234

S. Maria

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Physical Description: 35 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architectural fragments, sculptural fragments . Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, fresco painting, painting, sculpture, sculptural fragments
Object Notes: In 1508, the church was built over the remains of a castle, preceding that of the Vitelleschi. No information provided by Hutzel. See TCI, Lazio, p.456.


box 234

General views

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Physical Description: 19 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Rooftops, houses. Post-medieval: Various secular structures in Leonessa: city gate, street facades, portals
box 234

S. Carlo

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Physical Description: 3 items

Scope and Contents note

Three views of Baroque interior, including dome fresco of the Coronation of the Virgin
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: May 1984
General Notes: Hutzel labeled these prints: Leonessa, S. Giuseppe
box 234

S. Francesco

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Physical Description: 56 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Rigo, Pasquale; Orfeo, Ercole; Cola dall'Amatrice; L'Aquila School (14-15th century); Silvestro dell' Aquila; Troppa, Girolamo
Medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture (14-15th century). Post-medieval: Metalwork, sculpture (16th century), painted wood statues (15th century), frescoes, sculpture Presbytery serving as museum: sculpture, painting (17th century), frescoes, metalwork--processional cross
box 234

S. Francesco-SacristyMuseum

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Physical Description: 49 items
box 235

S. Giuseppe da Leonessa

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Physical Description: 28 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture (18th century), double-domed Baroque interior with frescoes, wall paintings, sculpture and a reliquary of Saint Joseph
box 235

S. Pietro

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Physical Description: 64 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Lanfranco, Giovanni; Brandi, Giacinto; Silvestro dell' Aquila; Rosa, Salvator; Siculo, Jacobo; Turchi, Alessandro
Medieval: Exterior views of architecture, and architectural sculpture (15th century). Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, frescoes (15th century), wall painting (17th century), sculpture

Magliano Sabina

box 236


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Physical Description: 116 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Lucas de la Have; Troppa, Girolamo; Jacovetti, Rinaldo; Pomerancio; Conca, Sebastiano; Parrogel, Stefano
Exterior views of facade (18th century) and portals (15th century. Views of restored interior: frescoes in apse of the Coronation of the Virgin, Annunciation and the Birth and Death of the son of Uliano, nobleman of Magliano; decorative ceiling fresoes; altarpieces, and marble altars. Treasury: chasuble of silver and gold brocade decorated with saints (18th century), portraits of bishops (15th-17th century).
box 236

Madonna delle Grazie

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Physical Description: 22 items

Scope and Contents note

One exterior view of facade. Interior views include: high altarpiece of a mixed-media Madonna--metalwork on painted panel (15th century, Umbrian), wood sarcophagus. Crypt: votive frescoes including St. Francis receiving the stigmata. (12th-15th century). Wooden statue of crucifixion (16th century).
box 236

Museo Civico

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Physical Description: 19 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Lorenzo da Viterbo
Antiquities: Prints of the archeological collection include architectural sculpture, an alabaster skull, and Roman gravestones. Negatives include antique vessels.
Exterior views of streets and portals leading up to the Palazzo comunale, and the Palazzo Gori on via Sabina 19. Both structures house the collections of the Museo Civico. Prints of a ceramic sculpture of Mary Queen of Heaven with putti and donors that Hutzel incorrectly attributed to Andrea della Robbia, a damaged fresco of Christ by Lorenzo da Viterbo, and coats-of-arms (14th century).
Object Notes: 2 prints of the Porta Romana are found in the Medieval core collection.
box 236

S. Michele

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Physical Description: 34 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Kauffmann
Antiquities: 2 Roman cinerary urns
Exterior views of facade and 14th century side wall. Interior views and detailed shots of altarpiece (16th century), paintings of saints (16th, 19th centuries), and two stone ciboria.
box 236

S. Pietro

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Physical Description: 4 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Antoniazzo Romano
Antiquities: Columns and capitals of various styles.
Exterior views of Romanesque facade and apse. Views of Lombard Romanesque interior, with special attention to columns. Frescoes of Virgin by Antoniazzo Romano and an unidentified bas relief of the Virgin and Child with saints.


box not specified

S. Pietro

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Physical Description: 0 item

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Giacomo di Roccantica
Exterior views of church, including portal to the cemetery that surrounds it. General interior views of S. Pietro and more detailed views of frescoes in the apse, back wall and side chapel of the church. Fresco scenes near the entrance include: Madonna and Child, the Marriage of St. Catherine, St. Anthony Abbot, and the Martyrdom of St. Laurence (Umbrian, 15th century). A scene of the Annunciation is above an arch leading to the side chapel (Florentine, 14th century) and under the archway are frescoes of Charlemagne, Pepin, St. Joachim, St. Anna, Desiderius and others. Fresco subjects of the apse by Giacomo di Roccantica include: the Last Judgment, Madonna and Child (1451).

Monteleone Sabino

box 239

S. Giovanni Evangelista, Parish church

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Physical Description: 20 items

Scope and Contents note

Several exterior views of the facade, portal and stone lions; interior views of the nave, altars, and paintings.
box 239

S. Vittoria

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Physical Description: 12 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Fragments of Roman sarcophagi, portals, inscribed tablets, a sun stone, and stone lions.
Extensive coverage of the church exterior and interior, including Roman antiquities, frescoes, ciborium, altar and nave is stored in the Medieval core collection. The coverage in the Hutzel collection is mainly of Roman fragments.
Accompanying Material: There are 53 prints stored in Medieval core collection.


box 245

Madonna dei Raccomandati

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Physical Description: 12 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Manenti, Vincenzo
Post-medieval: Architecture, painting. Structure dates to the 16th century. Within the church are numerous frescoes by Vincenzo Manenti.
box 245


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Physical Description: 2 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: general views of the city
box 245


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Physical Description: 16 items
box 245

S. Maria del Piano

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Physical Description: 2 items

Poggio Catino

box 247

Madonna di Constantinopoli

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Physical Description: 8 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture, painting. Church located near cemetery. At time the photos were taken, the church was in a state of disrepair. In the apse is a fresco of the Madonna, Christ and the Disciples.

Poggio Mirteto

box 247

Assunta, Cathedral

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Physical Description: 52 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Giovanni Baglione
Exterior views of apse, flanks, and brick, two-story facade of 17th c. cathedral, with details of tympanum and crest. Interior views of naves, altar, chapels, details of baroque stucco decoration, altar painting by Giovanni Baglione, other paintings, statues, cupola, and 16th c. silver processional cross in sacristy.
box 247

Episcopal palace

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Physical Description: 14 items

Scope and Contents note

Exterior views of palace oratory and its bell cote and of medieval palace facade, main portal, side portal, courtyard, courtyard columns, and portico.
box 247

General views

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Physical Description: 2 items

Scope and Contents note

Panoramic view of town.
box 247

Palazzo del Municipio

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Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Details of inscription and crest on facade. Views of entire facade in Assunta and Porta Farnese files.
box 247

Piazza Martiri della Liberta

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Physical Description: 2 items

Scope and Contents note

View of piazza from perspective of town portal.
box 247

Porta Farnese

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Physical Description: 2 items

Scope and Contents note

View of town portal in relation to Palazzo del Municipio and detail of crest.
box 248

S. Paolo

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Physical Description: 129 items

Scope and Contents note

Torresani, Lorenzo
Medieval: Architecture, post-restoration (12th century)
Post-medieval: Interior: nave and chapels; votive frescoes (13-14th century); apse frescoes depicting Coronation of the Virgin, prophets, saints, and Conversion of St. Paul, by Lorenzo Torresani (1521)
box 247

Torre dell'orologio

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Physical Description: 2 items

Scope and Contents note

Two distant and one detail view of tower (1566).

Poggio Nativo

box 248

S. Paolo

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Physical Description: 48 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture (with elements of original Medieval structure remaining), cosmati style decoration, stucco decoration, paintings on canvas, fresco, sculpture


box 250

General views

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Physical Description: 3 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Views of citadel and city walls.
box 250

S. Maria del Colle

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Physical Description: 17 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: 13th century architecture (much restored) with small campanile; frescos . Post-medieval: Frescos; funerary sculpture
Object Notes: Location of negatives is unknown.


box 251

S. Francesco

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Physical Description: 3 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture. Church dates to the 16th century, with a campanile and a simple portal decorated with angels in medallions.
box 251

S. Rufina

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Physical Description: 26 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture, painting, sculpture, metalwork (tabernacle), wooden statues, stucco decoration. This church has a greek cross plan and a Baroque interior.
Object Notes: Posta environs. Undocumented Hutzel name.


box 253

Museo Civico

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Physical Description: 169 items

Scope and Contents note

Owner: Palazzo Comunale
Artist Name: Lucca di Tomme; Zanino di Pietro; Antoniazzo Romano; Benedetto da Rieti; Marcantonio Aquili; Giovanni Andrea Toretti; Carlo Cesio; Ascanio Manenti; Vincenzo Manenti; Lattanzio Niccoli; Cesare Tuppi; Lorenzo Ottoni
Antiquities: Antique statues and busts.
Some wooden statues, mostly of the Madonna & Child. In most part, paintings, including the Madonna & Child with SS. Domenico. Peter, Paul and Peter Martyr by Lucca di Tomme. There is also a tryptich of the Resurrection, with predella scenes of the Passion, and other Renaissance and Baroque paintings.
Object Notes: Two Hutzel photo campaign dates, one December 22, 1982, the other date is not legible. There are two sets of prints, one with numbers and an "A" set with its own numbers. At this time, the "A" set matches to the negatives we have; however, the negatives are missing for the numbered set. Since the two sets are virtually identical, it would in most cases be possible to find an image in the "A" set that would have a negative. Numbered set: 72 prints; "A" set: 94 prints.
box 254

Museo del Tesoro del Duomo

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Physical Description: 87 items

Scope and Contents note

Owner: Cathedral
Artist Name: Fiorentino, Federico; Umbria, School of; Gallina, Giacomo; Foligno, Bernardo da
Photos are all of metalwork: crucifixes, chalices and monstrances in most part. Negatives without prints also show some statuary.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: December 27, 1982. His notes indicate that this is the "Museum of the Processional Cross," however TCI indicates that it is the Museo del Tesoro del Duomo. It is also possible that negatives without prints may belong to the Museo Civico in Rieti.
box 254

Palazzo Comunale

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Physical Description: 17 items

Scope and Contents note

Calcagnadoro, Antonino; Ottoni, Lorenzo
Sculpture. Fragments of roman architectural sculpture and inscriptions.
Post-medieval: Architecture, sculpture, painting. This structure was built in the 13th century and renovated in the 18th. The Sala Consiliare contains frescoes by Antonino Calcagnadoro. A bust of (Pope) Clement XII by Lorenzo Ottoni (1735) is also displayed.
Museo Civico prints are filed separately.
box 254

Palazzo Mosca

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Physical Description: 2 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture. Palazzo dating from the 14th century, with ancient portico.
box 254

S. Agnese

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Physical Description: 21 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Alfani, Emanuele
Post-medieval: Architecture, sculpture, painting. This church was constructed in the first half of the 16th century and altered in 1748. Also from this period are the ceiling frescoes and two paintings, the Madonna of the Rosary, and S. Agnese e la Beata Colomba, by Emanuele Alfani.
box 254

S. Agostino

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Physical Description: 33 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Niccoli, Lattanzio; Carosi, Ludovico; Pandolfi, Giovanni Giacomo; Siena
Medieval: Architecture, sculpture, painting. The church dates from the 13th century, and still possesses two gothic portals. The main portal, of the 14th century, contains a semicircular tympanum within which is a fresco of the Madonna and Child with S. Augustine and S. Nicholas of Bari, a work of the Sienese school from 1354. Above the lunette in the gable is a relief of the Lamb of God. The other medieval portal on one of the transept arms is less elaborate than the main portal, consisting of double-arcaded windows and a central round window above. Post-medieval: Architecture, sculpture, painting. The interior of the structure dates from the Baroque period (end 17th century). In a left side chapel is a cycle of frescoes dating from the 16th century, depicting Christ blessing. In a right side chapel is a cycle of scenes from the life of S. Augustine, dating from the 17th century. Above the altar of the left transept arm, is a painting of the Ecstacy of S. Rita da Cascia, by Lattanzio Niccoli (1634). In the right transept arm is a depiction of the Massacre of the Innocents, by Ludovico Carosi (1712). Another side altar contains a painting of the Madonna and child with saints by Giovanni Giacomo Pandolfi (1599).
box 254

S. Caterina

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Physical Description: 27 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Pandolfi, Giovanni Giacomo
Post-medieval: Architecture, sculpture, metalwork, tapestry, painting. Baroque church which contains a painting of the Transfiguration by Giovanni Giacomo Pandolfi (1595). In the sacristy are displayed vestments and a silver cross with an elaborately carved base.
box 255

S. Domenico

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Physical Description: 40 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Torresani, Lorenzo; Torresani, Bartolomeo
Medieval: 13th century architecture . Post-medieval: 16th century archiecture, frescos (16th century) of the Last Judgement
box 255

S. Francesco

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Physical Description: 78 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Giotto; Manenti, Vincenzo; Aquili, Marcantonio; Torresani, Lorenzo
Post-medieval: Built in 1245, added to in 2nd half 13th century, radically restored 1636. Interior: frescoes restored 1980, 1st half 13th century and 14th century; paintings; Baroque organ/choir loft.
box 255

S. Giovenale

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Physical Description: 17 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Thorwaldsen, Bertel
Post-medieval: Architecture, sculpture, ceiling frescoes, painting. S. Giovenale was originally constructed in the 15th century under a different dedication. In the 18th century it was restructured and renamed. The church possesses a marble tomb dedicated to Isabella Alfani, the wife of Angelo Maria Ricci, which is decorated with a bas-relief by the Danish artist Bertel Thorwaldsen (1829).
box 255

S. Giuseppe

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Physical Description: 23 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Manenti, Vincenzo
Post-medieval: Architecture, stucco wall and ceiling decoration, painting. The church possesses two paintings by the artist Vincenzo Manenti, depicting the Holy Family and the Transito??? of S. Joseph.
box 255

S. Lucia

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Physical Description: 14 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture, sculpture, wooden ceilings with inlay and fresco decoration, carved tabernacle with relief on door, painting. Baroque structure.
box 256, box 257

S. Maria Assunta, Duomo, e Palazzo Vescovile

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Physical Description: 275 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Torresani, Lorenzo; Manenti, Vincenzo; Sacchi, Andrea; Lattanzio, Niccoli; Romanelli, Giovanni Francesco; Fontana da Melide, Giovanni; Cipriani, Sebastiano; Perfetti, Giovanni Antonio; Mari, Giovanni Antonio; Romano, Antoniozzo; Grimani, Gregorio; Paolucci, Carlo; Maestro Andrea
Medieval: Duomo, architecture (12-13th, 15th centuries). Post-medieval: Duomo and Palazzo Vescovado: Architecture, sculpture, frescoes, painting, architectural sculpture, metalwork, vestments
General Notes: Hutzel combines two sites here, with no indication as to which photos or negatives belong to either site. Sites are catalogued separately in Medieval section, and entered thus in database. It is uncertain as to whether this includes objects from the Museo del Tesoro del Duomo. Hutzel photo campaign notes are undated. There is a note that there are no prints for 69-129.
box 257

S. Pietro

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Physical Description: 36 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Brioni, Filippo
Medieval: Architectural sculpture. Portal dates from the 13th century. The church was first built in 1153. Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculpture, painting, stucco decoration, wooden coffered ceiling. The main altar, made of stone and inlaid with various kinds of marble, is the work of Filippo Brioni (1747). It was previously housed in the (ex) church of S. Domenico.
Object Notes: Prints miscounted; one number skipped. Hutzel photo campaign notes are undated.
box 257

S. Ruffo

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Physical Description: 20 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Spadarini, Antonio (Spadarino)
Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, painting, stucco decoration. The church was originally built in 1141, but was completely redesigned in 1746, with a Baroque facade and marble and gilded stucco interior. In a side chapel is the painting the Guardian Angel, attributed to Giovanni Antonio Galli (called lo Spadarino).


box 259

General views

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Physical Description: 2 items

Scope and Contents note

One distant view of town and one street view.
box 259

S. Caterina

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Physical Description: 30 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Pietro Coleberti da Priverno
Exterior views of the church facade. All interior views of the late gothic frescoes by Pietro Coleberti da Priverno (1430).
box 259

S. Maria Assunta, Parish church

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Physical Description: 10 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Sebastiano Conca; Stefano Pozzi; Bartolomeo Torresani
Exterior views of the facade and bell tower. Interior views of the nave, altar, and paintings.
box 259

Sacrario dei Caduti

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Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

One exterior view of gothic facade of what was formerly S. Valentino.


box 325

Palazzo Baronale

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Physical Description: 21 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Zuccaro, Taddeo; Zuccaro, Federico
Post-medieval: Architecture, painting. This structure, dating to the 16th century, was built by Enrico Orsini and was decorated with frescoes by the Zuccaris.
box 325

S. Maria in Vescovio

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Physical Description: 62 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Cavallini
Antiquities: Roman sarcophagus, statue
Comprehensive coverage of Romanesque church exterior, including portal, flanks, apse, bell tower. Interior views of nave, altar, 14th c. frescoes, baptismal font, crypt and remains of 11th c. frescoes.
box 325

Torre dell'orlogio

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Physical Description: 8 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture. The tower serves as the main entrance to the city, and is decorated with the Orsini family coat-of-arms and crenellations topping the structure.


box 330

L'Assunta, Parish church

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Physical Description: 39 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Troppa, Girolamo
Medieval: Exterior: architecture: late romanesque facade, portal with re-used Roman fragments, rose window, and campanile (1114) . Post-medieval: Interior: frescoes 12-13th, 14th, 15th centuries; painting dated 1562 from ruins of S. Francesco; wooden sculpture 17th century by Iacopo da Maiano; painting by Girolamo Troppa, and 15th century terracotta polychromed Pieta
box 330

Panorama and views of town

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Physical Description: 7 items

Scope and Contents note

box 330

S. Francesco

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Physical Description: 19 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architectural ruins . Post-medieval: Fragments of architectural sculpture
Object Notes: See Argenta, Parrocchiale dell'Assunta for 16th century painting removed from this church


box 335

S. Lorenzo

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Physical Description: 39 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Architectural fragments, sculptural fragments
Medieval: Architecture . Post-medieval: Fresco fragments, sculpture, painting, stucco, architecture
Object Notes: Already existing in the 10th century, it became for some time, after the devastating incursion of the Saracens, cathedral and seat of the bishops of Sabina. Actual structure dates from the late 1200's and is decorated in the interior with votiv frescoes. Some objects are conserved from the Roman era: inscriptions, relief fragments, tomb sculpture fragments. See TCI, Lazio, p. 481

Torricella in Sabina

box 335

Borgo Medievale

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Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture. The entrance to the medieval town opens upon a large circular tower dating to the 12th century, which formed a part of the castle of the Brancaleone.
box 335

Chiesa rupestre

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Physical Description: 8 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture. The church possesses a campanile and a facade with a tympanum over the portal and an oculus above. Post-medieval: Painting, sculpture. Frescoes and altars from the Baroque period remain in this mostly destroyed church.
Object Notes: Undocumented Hutzel name.

Valle di Capodacqua

box 338

Santuario della Madonna di Capodacqua

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Physical Description: 9 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculpture, painting
Object Notes: Pilgrimage point; ancient origins (a parish was established there in 1153); destroyed in the earthquake of 1703; subsequently reconstructed in more majestic proportions, reconsecrated in 1853.



Albano Laziale

box 168

Catacombe di S. Senatore

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Physical Description: 66 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Interior views: fragments of architectural sculpture, some with inscriptions; wall painting (4-9th century)
Object Notes: Catacombs beneath church church of S. Maria della Stella
box 169, box 170

Museo Civico

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Physical Description: 184 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Roman inscriptions, relief, sculpture, sarcophagi, brickstamps on bi-pedale fragments, cippi
Post-medieval: Architecture, exterior (neoclassical); wall panels and painted ceiling
Object Notes: Bibliographic material housed in Center Library
box 169

Museo Sala Ricevimenti

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Physical Description: 31 items

Albano Laziale

box 170

Palazzo Corsini

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Physical Description: 29 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Sculpture, architecture
Object Notes: Hutzel sent publications, now in Center library

Palazzo Rotonda

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Physical Description: 149 items

Albano Laziale

box 168

Porta Pretoria

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Physical Description: 38 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Roman architecture
box 171

S. Pietro

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Physical Description: 61 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Titian; Gherardo delle Notti
Antiquities: Sarcophagus
Medieval: Architectural sculpture, capital. Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, (15-16th century); sculpture, painting, wall painting, tapestry, coats-of-arms
Object Notes: Bibliographic information filed with original worksheets
box 168

Sepolcro di Pompeo

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Physical Description: 23 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Exterior views
Medieval: Exterior views
box 168

Tempio a Torre

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Physical Description: 3 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Exterior view
Object Notes: Undocumented Hutzel name
box 168

Tempio di Cellomaio

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Physical Description: 17 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture (some in ruins)
Object Notes: Undocumented Hutzel name
box 168

Tomba degli Orazi e Curiazi

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Physical Description: 8 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Exterior views
box 168

Villa Comunale

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Physical Description: 3 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Views of garden

Anguillara Sabazia

box 173

Collegiata dell'Assunta

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Physical Description: 26 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture (16th century) ceiling painting; baptismal font (15th century)
General Notes: There were two sets of prints of this monument, most from the same negatives. They have now been synthesized into one numerical sequence and assigned H-numbers 1-17.
box 173

S. Francesco

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Physical Description: 130 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Velandi, Domenico
Post-medieval: Architecture (15th century) including ruins of cloister. Fresco cycle of Madonna and Child with two angels (13-14th century). Several views of church exterior, and extensive coverage of interior frescoes, both before their restoration in l960, and afterwards, in l983.
General Notes: Hutzel sent us two sets of prints (57 in one, 72 in the other) made from the same set of negatives but assigned different numbers. These two have now been synthesized into one sequence.

Anticoli Corrado

box 174


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Physical Description: 3 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Martini, Arturo
Post-medieval: Sculpture. Fountain in the form of Noah's ark by Arturo Martini.
box 174


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Physical Description: 7 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture. View of the medieval center of the city.
box 174

S. Pietro

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Physical Description: 61 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, mosaic floor, frescoes, metal crucifix. The church was built in the 11th century and still preserves fragments of the original floor. Some of the wall and ceiling frescoes date to the 13th century. Post-medieval: Architecture, frescoes, wooden crucifix. Wall and ceiling frescoes from the 16th and 17th centuries.
Object Notes: Mistake in numbering; one number left out.
box 174

S. Rocco

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Physical Description: 18 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture, sculpture, fresco wall decoration.


box 175


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Physical Description: 10 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Sculpture. The park contains many pieces of ancient sculpture: sarcophagi, capitals, statues, fountains.
box 175

Villa Albani

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Physical Description: 12 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: arhaeological remains
Post-medieval: 17th c. architecture and sculpture (c. 1650).
Object Notes: Undocumented Hutzel name. Now owned by the Borghese family, originally by the Costaguti family
box 175

Villa Sarsina

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Physical Description: 18 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, painting. Curently in disrepair, this villa was constructed by the Corsini family and later completely remodeled by the Aldobrandinis in 1715. The interior of the structure was extensively restored in 1875 by the architect Francesco Vespignani.
Object Notes: Undocumented Hutzel name.
box 175

Villa Spigarelli

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Physical Description: 105 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Giuseppe Valadier
Antiquities: possible nymphaeum, urns, sarcophagi, sculpture, architectural framents, mosaics, portrait busts, terracottta sculpture fragments, Pompeian third style wall paintings, portrait bust in Julio-Claudian family style
Post-medieval: A 19th century neoclassical villa built on the imperial villa said to be of Nero which was in ancient Antium (modern Anzio). The park and villa incorporate antiquities such as architectural fragments, sarcophagi, urns, and statuary found on the site.
Object Notes: Hutzel gives a short history of the villa and park, commenting that no proper history has been written on the site
Accompanying Material: Coarelli, Lazio


box 176

S. Marina

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Physical Description: 9 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: architecture, architectural sculpture, painting.This church dates to the end of the 12th century, with its portal dating to 1191. It was built by Cencio Savelli, who subsequently became Pope Honorius III.
box 176

S. Pietro

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Physical Description: 17 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Marble architectural sculpture fragments.
Medieval: Architecture, sculpture, architectural sculpture, painting. This church is of the Romanesque period, built in the 13th century on ruins of Roman opus reticulatum (1st century B.C.). The jambs of the portal are formed of Roman marble plaques. The frescoes on the walls and pilasters of the nave date to the 14th century. Post-medieval: Painting, crucifix.
box 176

Tomba romana

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Physical Description: 13 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Architecture, stucco decoration. Several tombs located near the church of S. Marina, dating to the 4th to the 3rd centuries B.C. One tomb contains stucco decoration.


box 176

Palazzo Chigi

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Physical Description: 2 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Fontana, Carlo; Bernini, Gian Lorenzo
Post-medieval: Architecture. This structure, previously known as the Palazzo Savelli, was renovated and enlarged by Bernini (1662-65) and Carlo Fontana, during the reign of Pope Alexander VII (1655-67). It was again remodeled by Agostino Chigi in 1740, and remains in this form to the present day. The palazzo has a rectangular core with a tower at each of the four corners and a large portal with columns which supports a balcony above. Behind the building is a park.
box 176

S. Maria dell'Assunzione

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Physical Description: 21 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture, painting, architectural sculpture, stuccoed ceiling, wooden tabernacle, sculpture. This round church was designed by Bernini (1664), with a pronaos of 3 arcades, and surmounted by a large cupola with a supporting drum. Inside, the large dome is decorated by coffers, and putti and angels of stucco, by P.P. Naldini, ornament the base of the dome. In the apse is a fresco of the Assumption by Borgognone (1666).
box 176

S. Maria di Galloro

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Physical Description: 21 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Courtois, Jacques (il Borgognone); Gimignani, Giacinto; Bernini, Gian Lorenzo
Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, painting, crucifix, stucco ceiling decoration, marble and mosaic altar frontal. This church is a latin cross in plan with a cupola, started in 1624 and enlarged in 1661 with a facade designed by Bernini. The main altar, also believed to be a design of Bernini's, contains a painting of the Madonna and Child with a frame of gilded metal rays. In lateral chapels, paintings of S. Tommaso of Villanova by G. Gimignani (1663) and of S. Francis of Sales by Borgognone (1663).


box 178

Castello Massimo

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Physical Description: 4 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture. Views of the exterior.
box 178

Palazzo Comunale

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Physical Description: 15 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture
Object Notes: See TCI, Lazio, pp. 508-9.
box 178

S. Rocco

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Physical Description: 32 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture, sculpture, fresco paintings. Views of the frescoes damaged by grafitti.
box 178

SS. Salvatore

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Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

View of facade.



Convento dei Francescani

box 178

S. Maria di Gesu

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Physical Description: 24 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, painting, sculpture, fresco painting, architectural fragments
Object Notes: Artena is a medieval center on a spur of Mount Lepini. "Artena" is a modern name (1870), recording the site of a volsca town of the Lepini, "Montefortino".
box 178

Palazzo Borghese

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Physical Description: 16 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Longhi, Martino (the Elder)
Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculpture. This structure was built by Cardinal Scipione Borghese in the 17th century, and the palazzo's portal has been attributed to the artist Martino Longhi.


box 195

Castello Orsini-Odescalchi

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Physical Description: 5 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture . Views of exterior
box 195

Madonna del Riposo

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Physical Description: 34 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Sangallo, Antonio da (the Younger); Zuccaro, Taddeo
Medieval: Fresco painting . Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, fresco painting
Object Notes: Simple Renaissance church which was donated by the last surviving Orsini descendant as a cultural center for Bracciano a few decades ago.
box 195

Ospedale Vecchio

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Physical Description: 17 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Antoniazzo Romano (Antonio di Benedetto Aquilo)
Post-medieval: Fresco painting . Once a hospital, today renovated into a rest-home for pensioned residents. Coverage is of the frescoes only.
box 195

Palazzo Podesta

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Physical Description: 2 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture. Coverage of front facade and portal.
box 195

Piazza III Novembre

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Physical Description: 3 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Turriano, Orazio
Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture
box 195

S. Lorenzo

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Physical Description: 30 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Maratti, Carlo; Rainaldi, Carlo
Medieval: Architecture . Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, painting, sculpture. Exterior views of the front facade, and interior views of nave, altar, ceiling, paintings, and statues. Views of first church on this site (now a farmhouse), dating from 12th century.
General Notes: Two medieval architectural prints are missing.
box 196

S. Maria Assunta

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Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Turriano, Orazio
Post-medieval: Architecture. Views of facade only
box 196

S. Maria Novella

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Physical Description: 57 items

Scope and Contents note

Specific Location: Corso Umberto
Artist Name: Tori, Giuseppe; Rainaldi, Carlo; Giorgio Vicardo; Kuntz, Thaddaus
Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural fragments, architectural sculpture, sculpture, marble intarsia, painting.
General Notes: There were two sets of prints for this monument, now integrated into a single number sequence. See Hutzel guides for further information on re-sequencing.
box 196

S. Stefano

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Physical Description: 26 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Turriani, Orazio; Gimignani, Giacinto; Romanelli, Giovanni Francesco; Sangallo, Antonio da (the Younger)
Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, painting, sculpture, stucco, fresco painting . Former castle chapel of the Orsini. Coverage includes views of facade of late Baroque church, and interior views of altars, architectural details, and paintings.

Campagnano di Roma

box 196


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Physical Description: 2 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture. This palazzo sits just off of the Piazza Leonelli and has a portico encircling the ground floor.
box 196

piazza Leonelli

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Physical Description: 2 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Vignola (Giacomo Barozzi)
Post-medieval: Sculpture. In the center of this piazza is a fountain attributed to Vignola.
box 196

S. Andrea

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Physical Description: 14 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculpture, painting.
Object Notes: Undocumented Hutzel name.
box 196

S. Giovanni

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Physical Description: 23 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Zuccaro, Taddeo; Zuccaro, Federico; Del Duca, Giacomo
Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculpture, painting. the church of S. Giovanni was built over a pre-existing structure, using materials from a nearby palaeo-christian church. The building was modified in 1659 and again in the 19th century. The campanile dates to 1602. The interior of the church is divided into 3 aisles and surmounted by a polychromed wooden ceiling attributed to Giacomo del Duca. The presbytery is decorated with frescoes by the Zuccaris.
box 196

Unidentified structure

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Physical Description: 5 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture. Exterior and interior views of unknown church building.


box 197

S. Leone

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Physical Description: 23 items

Scope and Contents note

Extensive coverage of frescoes and chancel. A few views of exterior and central nave.
box 207

S. Agostino

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Physical Description: 29 items
box 207

S. Leone

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Physical Description: 15 items

Carpineto Romano

box 207

S. Maria del Popolo

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Physical Description: 49 items
box 208

S. Pietro

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Physical Description: 80 items

Castel Fusano

box 210

Castello Chigi

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Physical Description: 99 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Bernini, Gian Lorenzo; Pietro da Cortona
Antiquities: Roman sarcophagus in garden
Architecture: exterior views of the castle and interior views of entrance hall and main salon. Detailed shots of: maps, salon fresco cycle of New Testament, allegorical and mythological scenes, chapel altarpiece, and other works all by Pietro da Cortona. 3 marble busts.
Object Notes: 4 negatives of an ancient Roman statue in a niche (of a goddess missing head and arms) that are catalogued with Castello Chigi may be misidentified.
General Notes: Hutzel made 2 separate photo campaigns in Castel Fusano; new numbers have been assigned to the photographs.

Castel Madama

box 210


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Physical Description: 82 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Funerary stele, fragments
Medieval: 14th century architecure, portico, loggia with spolia, inscribed funerary monuments (fragments); . Post-medieval: Furniture, painting (c.17th century), maiolica, silver objects, choir stalls, wooden utensils, painted porcelain
box 210

Misc. views

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Physical Description: 2 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: facades of various buildings
box 210

S. Sebastiano

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Physical Description: 10 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Zuccari, Taddeo; Zuccaro, Federico
Post-medieval: Architecture, sculpture, painting. Statue of the Virgin on the main altar. Fresco of the martyrdom of S. Sebastian attributed to the school of the Zuccari brothers.


box 213

S. Lorenzo

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Physical Description: 26 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: columns used as spolia
Medieval: Architecture, painting, inscription on stone slab. S. Lorenzo was built in the 11th century, with three naves separated by roman columns. In a step leading up to the altar is placed the stone slab containing the inscription recounting the dedication of the church by Clement III (1093). Post-medieval: Painting. The church contains frescoes dating from the 14th to the 16th centuries.


box 213

S. Egidio

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Physical Description: 7 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Antonio da Sangallo il Giovane
Exterior views of facade, flanks and apse; two interior views of the and altar.


box 213

Parrocchiale, S. Felice Papa

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Physical Description: 26 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture (with later alterations, and recently restored); cosmati pavement . Post-medieval: Frescos (16th century); paintings on canvas; carved stone shrine (1484)


box 214


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Physical Description: 3 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Exterior views of ancient castle fortified in medieval times and crenellated fort (3rd century).
box 214

Museo Nazionale Cerite

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Physical Description: 22 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: General views of museum interior and collection of ancient funerary items. Most prints are of terracotta vessels. Some headless statues and a detail of two heads and an antefix. (9th to 1st century B.C.)
box 214

Palazzo Ruspoli

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Physical Description: 6 items

Scope and Contents note

Exterior views of the palazzo (16th century).
box 214

S. Antonio Abate

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Physical Description: 4 items

Scope and Contents note

Exterior views of architecture, including a larger adjoining structure and 17th century bell tower.
box 214

S. Maria

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Physical Description: 20 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Antoniazzo Romano; Perino del Vaga
Architecture: facade and interior views that show the modern additions of the church to the original Roman structure. Columns, Cosmoti work floor remains, frescoes, and a Renaissance altar.


box 214

S. Maria del Popolo

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Physical Description: 11 items

Scope and Contents note

Exterior views including facade, flanks, and detailed coverage of the main portal.


box 222

S. Angelo

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Physical Description: 25 items

Scope and Contents note

Specific Location: Via XX Settembre
Medieval: Architecture . Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculpture, painting, fresco painting, 16th and 17th portals, frescoes
Bibliographic Citation: Brief Citation: TCI, Lazio, 1981, p.220
box 222

Santuario della Madonna del Sorbo

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Physical Description: 20 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture (9th-14th centuries) includes views of crypt and cloister; stone altar; fresco fragment. Post-medieval: Fresco (15th century); architecture (restorations and reconstructions of original structure).
box 222


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Physical Description: 20 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Carlo Fontana
Antiquities: Roman sarcophagus.
Post-medieval: Carlo Fontana constructed this villa for Flavio Chigi. Views of tower, ruins of the villa, and church and cloister at the villa, including damaged frescoes and paintings; view of Roman sarcophagus formerly at the villa and now in town square.

Fosso di Marco Simone

box 223

Casale Marco Simone

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Physical Description: 19 items

Scope and Contents note

Exterior views, including the facade, the tower, portals, and windows.


box 224

Chiesa dei Cappuccini

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Physical Description: 46 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Paolo Brill; Cesare Aureli; Gir. Muziano
Views of facade, exterior chapels, interior altars, choir, paintings, and sculpture.
box 225

Chiesa del Gesu

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Physical Description: 72 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Pietro da Cortona; Sebastiano Conca; Taddeo Kuntz; Andrea Pozzo
Views of facade, altars, painting and sculpture.
box 225

Episcopal Palace

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Physical Description: 156 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Tadeo Kuntz; Giovanni Serodine
Antiquities: Assorted Roman and Etruscan antiquities in the courtyard, including two sarcophagi, statues, stele, an urn, busts.
Exterior views of the castle, formerly called Rocca, that is now the Episcopal Palace. Interior views of dining room and living room, along with paintings and frescoes.
General Notes: There were two sets of prints made from the same set of negatives. One set is labelled Episcopio and the other Vescovado; they have now been integrated into a single numerical sequence.
box 226

S. Maria in Vivario

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Physical Description: 41 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: One sarcophagus that serves as an altar.
Exterior views, including facade, bell tower, fountain, and a fresco (damaged).; interior views of nave, apse fresco, altar (sarcophagus), crucifix, cupola, and baptismal font.
box 226

S. Pietro, Cathedral

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Physical Description: 18 items

Scope and Contents note

Approximately half the views are of the facade and fountain; remaining views are of the interior altars and naves.
box 223

Villa Borghese

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Physical Description: 91 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Villa houses an Antiquities gallery, which contains sarcophagi, busts, masks, friezes, and a series of statues of Roman kings.
Exterior views of 17th c. villa, ninfeo and fountain. Interior views of salons, dining room, bedroom, and frescoes, paintings and busts decorating them.
box 224

Villa Mondragone

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Physical Description: 123 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Giovanni Vasanzio; Giovanni Rainaldi; Flaminio Ponzio
Antiquities: Roman Ninfeo, sarcophagi and fragments in Garden of the Popes.
Exterior views of outer and courtyard facades of the 16th c. villa, now a Jesuit school. Detailed coverage of Portico del Vignola (17th c.). Views of fountain and obelisk. Interior views of guest room, Salone degli Svizzeri, Sala dei Cariati, Chapel of S. Gregorio. _
box 223

Villa Tuscolana

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Physical Description: 42 items

Scope and Contents note

Eleven exterior views; interior views of hallways, stairs, and chapels, with emphasis on architectural details.

Gallicano nel Lazio

box 228


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Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Object Notes: About 30 kilometers from Rome near the Via Orenestina. Better known in Roman times and lies on the other side of the Prenestina.
box 228

Porta Maggiore

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Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Entrance archway
box 228

S. Maria

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Physical Description: 35 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Conca, Sebastiano
Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, painting, frescoes, coffers
Object Notes: Completed over a term of some centuries, already built in the 15th century as evidenced by the tower. Facade is example of late Baroque. Interior in Renaissance style. Altar screens attributed to Sebastiano Conca.
box 228

S. Nicola

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Physical Description: 26 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Architectural fragments, sarcophagi
Post-medieval: Architecture, painting, architectural sculpture
Object Notes: Primarily noteworthy for the antique architectural fragments.


box 228

Castello Baronale

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Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture. Castle where Pope Innocent III (Lothario dei Conti di Segni; 1198-1216) was born.
box 228

Chiesa del Calvario

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Physical Description: 7 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculpture, painting.
box 228

Fonte Meo

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Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture. Structure, probably of Roman origin, built over a mineral water spring.


box 229

Castello Colonna

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Physical Description: 15 items

Scope and Contents note

Exterior views of an originally medieval structure, rebuilt in the 1400s and the Baroque period. Views include the loggia, fountain, and a niched Roman statue.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: May 3, 1983
box 229

General views

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Physical Description: 18 items

Scope and Contents note

Exterior views: facade of S. Nicola; a 14th-century house; medieval houses; mullioned, multi-foiled windows; the gothic Casa Apolloni on the via del Corso; and views of 14th-century viaducts.
Object Notes: Many of these views are described in Hutzel's notes of Castello Colonna.
box 229


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Physical Description: 27 items

Scope and Contents note

Exterior views of columns and arcades of a temple built in the Renaissance on the ruins of an ancient Roman nymphaeum.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: May 3, 1983
General Notes: The site, damaged by floods and earthquakes in the 17th century, is practically in ruins.
box 229

S. Croce

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Physical Description: 40 items

Scope and Contents note

Views of crenellated city wall (13th century) and facade of S. Croce. Interior views are all frescoes: scenes of the Apocalyspe in the lower register (15th century); Madonna of the Misericordia in the upper register; Apostles and other saints; Crucifixion and Madonna and Saints in the apse (16th century).
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: May 3, 1983
box 229

S. Paolo

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Physical Description: 3 items

Scope and Contents note

Exterior views of the church: facade, bell-tower and statue of St. Paul.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: May 3, 1983. Hutzel referred to this church as SS. Pietro e Paolo.
box 229

Santuario della Madonna del Buon Consiglio

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Physical Description: 26 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Colombi, Carlo; Bernini, Gian Lorenzo; Schopf, Josef; Valadier; Fagioli; Tommaso Luini called il Caravaggino
Exterior views of neoclassical facade (1844), romanesque bell-tower and 15th century portal. Views of richly ornate baroque interior: gilt stucco ceiling decoration, balustrade by Bernini, altarpieces, ceiling painting of the Madonna of the Good Counsel, marble stoup with a statue of John the Baptist and a marble ciborium.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: May 4, 1983


box 230, box 231


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Physical Description: 295 items
box 231, box 232

S. Maria

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Physical Description: 156 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Franci, Pasquale; Peruzzi, Baldassare; Domenichino; Sangallo, Giuliano da
Antiquities: Fragments of friezes and inscriptions
Medieval: Baptismal urn (10-11th centuries); architecture, architectural sculpture (11th century and later) . Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, frescoes, mosaic, pavement
Object Notes: Contains: Cappella S. Nilo. There are two sets of prints and negatives and some prints are filed in Medieval


box 233

General Views

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Physical Description: 4 items

Scope and Contents note

Panoramic views of the city: houses and rooftops, streets. The Parish church S. Andrea Apostolo with its two low bell-towers figures prominently in these views.
box 233

Madonna della Rocca

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Physical Description: 14 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Giulio Romano
Exterior views. Interior views, mainly of the restored 15th century frescoes by Giulio Romano, including a detail of S. Scholastica; 15th century terracotta statue of the Virgin and Child Enthroned; 17th century painting of Saint Francis receiving the stigmata.
Object Notes: 5 prints in the Medieval section include details of late 12th century frescoes: The Baptism of Christ and Christ's Entry into Jerusalem.


box 235

Palazzo Baronale

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Physical Description: 10 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Sculptural fragments
Medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture
Object Notes: Museum Oraziano is established in room here: includes objects of the Villa d'Orazio, including fragments of glass and lamps, small sculptures of animals, tiles, and other materials from area.
box 235

Villa d'Orazio

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Physical Description: 17 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Architectural fragments
Object Notes: Situated in a little open space at the base of the Rotondo Hill at 980 meters. Building was dedicated to the poet of Mecenate between 33 and 32 B.C. and celebrated by him in numerous verses. Identified and came to light in 1911.


box 237

Palazzo Tittoni

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Physical Description: 3 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Mascherino, Ottaviano
Post-medieval: Architecture. Building, formerly of the barons of S. Spirito, was the work of Ottaviano Mascherino.
box 237


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Physical Description: 8 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture, sculpture, painting. Wall and ceiling paintings, statue of Virgin and Child.
Object Notes: No mention of this church in TCI.


box 237

S. Barnaba, Collegiate church

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Physical Description: 42 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Gennari, Benedetto; Muziano, Girolamo; Guercino; Alberti, Cherubino
Exterior views of facade (1653) including statues of niched saints, angels, volutes and fronton. Interior views of architectural sculpture, cupola, marble statue of Cardinal Girolamo Colonna, marble altars, baptismal chapel, and altarpieces whose subjects include: the Martyrdom of St. Barnabus, the Martyrdom of St. Bartholomew and Christ Supported by an Angel.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: 12/30/84


box 238


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Physical Description: 4 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture. General view of the city.
box 238

S. Giovanni Evangelista

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Physical Description: 32 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Stern, Ludwig
Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, painting, sculpture. Church remodeled by Filippo Leto in 1710 with a facade of two orders and two campanili. Within the lateral altars of the church are paintings by the artist Ludwig Stern (1709-77), depicting S. Louis, the Miracle of S. Nicholas of Bari, the Education of the Virgin, and Ss. Cecilia and Valeriano.
box 238

S. Michele

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Physical Description: 5 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture. This church dates to 1724-45, and was annexed to a Franciscan convent now no longer in use.


box 239

general views

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Physical Description: 8 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: De' Rossi, Mattia
Antiquities: Aqueduct
Medieval: Architecture: ruins of houses and the baronial palace . Post-medieval: Architecture: ruins of the 17th century church of S. Bonaventura (after a design by Alberti)
Object Notes: Monterano was abandoned in 18th century as a result of both malaria and devastation by French troops. There are only ruins remaining.


box 239


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Physical Description: 47 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Castelli, Domenico; Bernini, Gian Lorenzo; Bernini, Gian Lorenzo; Bernini, Gian Lorenzo; Pistrini, Domenico; Crescenzi, Giovanni Battista; Zambieri, g.; Maratti, Carlo; Gherardi, Antonio (Reatino); Contini, Francesco
Antiquities: Roman sarcophagus
Post-medieval: Architecture 17th century; frescoes 17th century; sculpture . Two views of facade and one of flank; interior views of nave, organ, and altars; many views and details of frescoes, paintings, and Roman sarcophagus that serves as altar.
box 240

Palazzo del Municipio

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Physical Description: 108 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Siciolante, Girolamo (Girolamo da Sermoneta); Soria, Giovanni Battista; Bril, Paul; Pietro da Cortona; Calandrucci, Giacinto
Antiquities: Sarcophagus, 3rd c. A.D.
Post-medieval: Frescoes 14th,16th,17th century); Sculpture 17th century; architectural sculpture 15-16th century . Comprehensive coverage of frescoes, and also of exterior flanks, courtyard, columns and fountain.
box 239

S. Maria delle Grazie

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Physical Description: 35 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Capponi, Luigi; Romanelli, Giovanni Francesco; Speziale, Antonio; Cinelli, Giovanni
Post-medieval: Architecture 15th century; sculpture, Orsini tomb 15th century; painting 14th century; frescoes . Two exterior views, of facade and flank; interior views of nave, altars, sculpture, and painting; comprehensive coverage of the Orsini tomb.


box 241

S. Antimo

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Physical Description: 44 items


box 242

Borgo Medievale

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Physical Description: 9 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture. Medieval doorways and windows.
box 242

Fontana di Nettuno

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Physical Description: 3 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Sculpture. Fountain of Neptune rising out of the sea on his chariot.
box 242

Palazzo Colonna

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Physical Description: 4 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture, corner tower of Marcantonio Colonna, 1569
Object Notes: structure is the former municipal seat
box 242

S. Giovanni

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Physical Description: 8 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture, painting.


box 243


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Physical Description: 21 items

Ostia Antica

box 246


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Physical Description: 19 items

Scope and Contents note

Exterior views with emphasis on turretted towers; views of courtyard, portals and terrace.
box 246

Episcopal Palace

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Physical Description: 60 items

Scope and Contents note

There are exterior views of the facade, with detailed views of the sarcophagi imbedded in it and the coat of arms over the main portal. There are interior views of the library and the main hall, with extensive coverage of the frescoes.
box 246

S. Aurea

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Physical Description: 40 items

Scope and Contents note

Exterior views of facade, portal, bell tower, flanks, rear, capitals, and adjacent Episcopal Palace. Interior views of nave, altars, paintings, and holy water stoup.
box 246

Scavi di Ostia Antica

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Physical Description: 93 items


box 247

SS. Filippo e Giacomo Apostoli

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Physical Description: 5 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture. Views of facade of parrocchiale, with coat-of-arms over the main portal.
box 247


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Physical Description: 3 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture. Rectangular tower with plaque and coat of arms over main doorway.

Palombara Sabina

box 247

S. Giovanni in Argentella

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Physical Description: 8 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Fragments of moldings and vase; Roman sarcophagi
Medieval: Architecture (12-14th centuries); iconostasis with Cosmati style mosaic inlay (c. 1200); ciborium; frescos (13th century)
Object Notes: All photographs, other than those of frescos, are filed with Medieval architecture and architectural sculpture.


box 249


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Physical Description: 6 items

Scope and Contents note

Exterior views of 16th c. octagonal church, including facade, flank, cupola, and details of windows and Farnese crest.
box 249

General views

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Physical Description: 6 items

Scope and Contents note

Several distant views of town and surrounding countryside. Remaining views of unidentified church, piazza and street.
box 249

Palazzo dei Conti

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Physical Description: 75 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Cavaliere d'Arpino
Antiquities: Two views of Roman sarcophagus used as water basin.
Exterior views of 12th. c. palace, completely redone in 16th. c., including flank, palace chapel and long portal leading to courtyard. Several views of courtyard fountain and loggia, including ceiling frescoes. Many views of the salon and its frescoes. Views of private chapel, with altar painting by Cavaliere d'Arpino and alabaster statues. Many views of entrance hall and its frescoes.
box 249

Piazza del Municipio

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Physical Description: 2 items

Scope and Contents note

Two views of piazza on which Palazzo dei Conti is visible.
box 249

S. Antonio

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Physical Description: 43 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Exterior views of gothic church with bell cote. Details of rose window and portal. Post-medieval: 16th century frescos and stucco decoration
box 249

S. Pietro, Parish church

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Physical Description: 26 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Carlo Monaldi; School of Bernini; Francesco Trevisani; Pietro Bracci; School of Federico Barocci
Two exterior views of 17th c. church bell tower. Views of baroque interior nave, side altars, and altar paintings.
box 250

S. Stefano

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Physical Description: 62 items

Ponzano Romano

box 250

Abbey of S. Andrea in Flumine

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Physical Description: 16 items

Scope and Contents note

Exterior views of abbey and church, originally built in fifth c., restored in 1959 and 1980. Interior views of apse frescos and apse arch decoration.
General Notes: The nine exterior views stored in Hutzel collection were part of coverage commissioned by Getty.
box 250

General views

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Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Street view.
box 250

Parish church

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Physical Description: 70 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Antonello da Messina
Exterior view of flank and facade and detail of 16th century campanile. Interior views of nave and ceiling; remaining views of paintings, some from S. Andrea in Flumine, and of reliquaries, crucifixes, statues.

Pratica di Mare

box 251

Heroon di Enea

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Physical Description: 6 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: 4th century brick, polygonal structure. Built over 7th c. BC tumulus, considered to be the tomb of Aeneas.
Bibliographic Citation: Brief Citation: TCI/Roma e Dintorni (1977), p. 742

Rignano Flaminio

box 258

SS. Abbondio e Abbondanzio

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Physical Description: 9 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture, fresco painting, architectural sculpture, sculptural fragments, architectural fragments
Object Notes: At 183 meters altitude, the church is erected on the quadrated walls of a pagan temple; it preserves the Romanesque campanile of the 12th century, the apse is of contemporary origins and the interior has frescoes of the 1200's.
box 258

SS. Vincenzo e Anastasio

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Physical Description: 98 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Fontbuoni, Anastasio; Zuccaro, Federico; Zuccaro, Taddeo
Antiquities: Fragments of architectural sculpture
Medieval: Architecture . Post-medieval: 16th century architecture and architectural sculpture, including stucco decoration; 16th century wooden crucifix; sculpted marble altars and tombs; frescos; paintings on canvas; stoup (1578)


box 258

Oratorio dell'Annunziata

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Physical Description: 35 items

Scope and Contents note

Two exterior views of romanesque church, and three interior views of nave and altar. Remaining views of frescoes.
General Notes: There are three color prints and matching negatives assigned H-numbers 34, 35, 36.


box 263

Castello della Magliana

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Physical Description: 20 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture, sculpture. Located in the vicinity of Rrome, this structure still stands in good condition, though no longer in use.



Abbazia delle Tre Fontane

box 265

S. Maria Scala Coeli, S. Paolo alle Tre Fontane, SS. Vincenzo e Anastasio

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Physical Description: 60 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Giacomo della Porta; Fr. Zucchi; Giovanni de' Vecchi
Antiquities: Views of Roman floor mosaics of the four seasons, Roman fragments
Exterior of facade of 16th c. church by Giac. della Porta. Views of the octagonal interior, including ceiling, apse mosaic, and crypt with 12th c. floor. Exterior views of facade and flank of 5th c. church, renovated in 16th c. by Giac. della Porta. Interior views of three edicolas with fountains and relief sculptures of St. Paul's head. Views of paintings depicting the life of St. Paul. Exterior views of portico, cloister garden and facade of church founded in 625 and renovated 1221. Interior views of Romanesque interior, the nave, altar and remains of 16th c. frescoes.
box 263

Casa dei Mattei

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Physical Description: 5 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture
box 263

Casal dei Pazzi

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Physical Description: 23 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Sarcophaghi; stele
Medieval: Sculptural fragments . Post-medieval: Architecture
box 263

Circus Maximus

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Physical Description: 5 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Roman circus and surrounding buildings
Bibliographic Citation: Brief Citation: TCI,Roma e Dintorni, 1977, p 432

Episcopal Complex

box 283, box 284, box 285, box 286, box 287, box 288

S. Giovanni in Laterano, Baptistery, Cathedral, Cloister

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Physical Description: 898 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Borromini, Francesco; Galilei, Alessandro; Boulanger, Flaminio; Vico di Raffaele; Algardi, Alessandro; Ottoni, Lorenzo; Rusconi, Giuseppe; Mazzuoli, Giuseppe (the Elder); Legros, Pierre (the Younger); Monnot, Pierre Etienne; Rossi, Angelo de; Rusconi, Camillo; Moratti, Francesco; Giovanni di Stefano da Siena; Ghini, Simone di Giovanni; Donatello; Olivieri, Pier Paolo; Della Porta, Giacomo; Bregno, Andrea (Andrea da Milano); Giotto; Isaia da Pisa; Giardini, Francesco; Valle, Filippo; Vassalletto, Pietro; Arnolfo di Cambio; Bracci, Pietro; Ludovisi, Bernardino; Maini, Giovanni Battista; Ligorio, Pirro; Daniele da Volterra; Raggi, Antonio; Rossi, Giovanni Francesco; Muratori, Domenico Maria; Benefial, Marco; Nasini, Giuseppe Nicola; Odazzi, Giovanni; Melchiorri, Giovanni Paolo; Conca, Sebastiano; Luti, Benedetto; Trevisani, Francesco; Procaccini, Andrea; Garzi, Luigi; Chiari, Giuseppe; Ghezzi, Pier Leone; Raimondi, Q.; Tenerani, Pietro; Gnaccarini, F.; Stocchi, A.; Gaiassi, V.; Bezzi, A.; Sermoneta, Girolamo (Girolamo da Sermoneta); Monaldi, Carlo; Reni, Guido; Cornacchini, Agosto; Lironi, Giuseppe; Montauti, Antonio; Longhi, Onorio; Finelli, Giuliano; Carcani, Filippo; Del Duca, Giacomo; Cesare, Giuseppe (il Cavaliere d'Arpino); Gentileschi, Orazio; Nebbia, Cesare; Baglioni, C.; Paris Nogari; Roncalli, Cristofano; Ricci, Giovanni Battista; Landini, Taddeo; Valsoldo, Giovanni Antonio; Cordier, Nicolas; Buonvicino, Ambrogio; Buzio, Ippolito; Mariani, Camillo; Lucchetti, Giuseppe; Barna da Siena; Vespignani, Francesco; Torriti, Jacopo; Jacopo da Camerino; Grandi, Francesco; Tadolini, Giulio; Teodoro della Porta; Laurenziano, Giacomo; Egidio della Riviera; Targone, P.; Scilla da Viggiu; Pippi, Nicolo; Deodatus; Venusti, Marcello; Alberti, Giovanni; Nicola da Guardiagrele; Ciampelli, Agostino; Pulzone, Scipione; Capponi, Luigi; Pietro da Piacenza; Uberto da Piacenza; Fontana, Domenico; Vassalletto; Arnolfo di Cambio; Master of the Terni Dormition; Fusco, Orazio; Master Uberto da Piacenza; Pietro da Piacenza; Capponi, Luigi; Bregno, Andrea (Andrea da Milano); Deodatus; Vassalletto, Pietro
Exterior views of 5th c. baptistery, restored in the 17th c. Interior views of baptismal urn (16th c.), carved walls, ceiling and wall painting; of mosaics and bronze doors in Cappella del Battista; of altar and mosaics in Cappella di S. Venanzio; of mosaic and statue in Cappella di S. Giovanni Evangelista. Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculpture, sculptural fragments, fresco painting, painting, coffering, tiling, stucco. Views 756-886 are of the cathedral. Medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculptural fragments, architectural fragments, tombstones, mosaics, sculpture, fresco painting, sculptural relief.
Object Notes: Hutzel includes guidebook in German on the site. prints matched to negs
General Notes: Views 756 thru 886 are of the Baptistery.
Bibliographic Citation: Brief Citation: TCI/Roma e Dintorni (1977), p. 238
box 260

Fontana della Navicella

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Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

View of fountain made from Roman ship model.
General Notes: Views extracted from numerical sequence for S. Maria in Domnica.
box 260

Fontana delle Tartarughe

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Physical Description: 5 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Giacomo della Porta; Taddeo Landini
General and detail views of late Renaissance fountain in the Piazza Mattei.
box 260

Forum Boarium

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Physical Description: 6 items

Scope and Contents note

Specific Location: Tempio d' Ercole
Antiquities: 1st century BC architecture
Bibliographic Citation: Brief Citation: TCI, Roma and Dintorni, 1977, p. 426
box 260

Forum of Trajan

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Physical Description: 19 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: general and detail views of the Forum of Trajan, "Dacian" from attic zone
Bibliographic Citation: Brief Citation: TCI, Roma e Dintorni, 1977, pp 130-132
box 260

Forum Romanum

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Physical Description: 13 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: general and detail views of the Forum Romanum, views to Colosseum, Forum of Augustus
Bibliographic Citation: Brief Citation: TCI, Roma e Dintorni, 1977, pp 109-114
box 265, box 266


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Physical Description: 282 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Baciccia; Andrea Pozzo; Giacomo Borgognone
Antiquities: Sarcophagus
Exterior views of Baroque facade and cupola. Interior views of main altar and chapel altars. Extensive coverage of nave ceiling fresco by Baciccia, sculpted altar by Pozzo, and corridor by Pozzo and Borgognone. Paintings and sculpture in sacristy and church, and views of elaborately embroidered cope.
General Notes: Three numerical sequences have been fused into a single sequence.
box 267

Gesu e Maria

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Physical Description: 75 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Brandi, Giacinto; Aprile, Francesco; Cavallini, Francesco; Maglia, Michele; Mazzuoli, Giuseppe; Ferrata, Ercole; Guidi, Domenico; Rainaldi, Carlo
Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculpture, painting, frescoes, stucco, gilding
General Notes: Located next to S. Giacomo in Augusta, built by Rainaldi in 1675. Church was built for the Bolognetti family, and has come to be called "church of the beautiful tomb monuments" (Hutzel notes), making it resemble a Baroque theater. Restoration of fresco cycle depicting life and death of a martyr from 13th century Roman school. Site has been sent in duplicate. One set of negatives (37) and two sets of prints (72). There should be one more print, but no. 15 from the original set is missing.
box 267


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Physical Description: 59 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Spanish, 18th century; Parrocel, Etienne I; Fontana, Carlo; Rossi, Giovanni Antonio de'; Quadrio, C.; Conca, Sebastiano; Laurana, Francesco; Sardi, Giuseppe; Gesuelli, Francesco; Gaulli, Giovanni Battista; Giordano, Luca; Monaldi, Carlo; Rocca, Michele
Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculpture, painting, fresco, stucco
Object Notes: Rococo church of 18th century, facade by Sardi in 1735.
box 267

Madonna dei Monti

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Physical Description: 30 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Casolani, Cristofano; Giovanni da San Giovanni; Nogari, Paris; Italian, 15th century; Albacini, Achille; Muziano, Girolamo; Nebbia, Cesare; Durante, Alberti (del Nero); Della Porta, Giacomo
Post-medieval: Architecture, painting, frescoes, stucco reliefs, sculpture, decorative arts, furniture
Object Notes: Counter-Reformation church constructed at the end of the sixteenth century by della Porta (1580).
box 265

Oratorio dei Filippini

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Physical Description: 17 items

Scope and Contents note

Two exterior views of 17th c. church by Borromini, three views of corridor and remaining views of the Sala Borromini, with details of the ceiling fresco.
General Notes: H-numbers are not consecutive because views are taken from sequence for S. Maria in Vallicella.
box 265

Oratorio di S. Giovanni in Oleo

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Physical Description: 2 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Bramante; Borromini
Two exterior views of octagonal 16th c. structure.
box 261

Palazzo Corsetti

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Physical Description: 72 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Sculptural fragments
Views of 17th c. simple facade and courtyard withdetail views of mounted architectural and sculptural fragments. Interior views of coffers, painting, fresco painting, silver icon.
General Notes: Views 111-152 are extracted from via di Monserrato sequence.
box 260

Palazzo del Commendatore

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Physical Description: 53 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Maratti, Carlo; Nanni di Baccio Bigio
Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculpture, fresco painting.
Object Notes: The palazzo is the seat of the president of the hospital of Borgo S. Spirito; built inbetween 1567-71 after design of Nanni di Baccio Bigio; linear facade; fantastic clock of 1827. Hospital was founded in 1198 by Pope Inncenzo III. Frescoes in salons, c. 1,000 square meters. 53 negatives have already been filed away.
box 261

Palazzo Farnese

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Physical Description: 14 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Michelangelo; Della Porta, Giacomo; Sangallo, Antonio da (the Younger)
Exterior views of facade and flank of 16th century (1514) palazzo by Antonio da Sangallo the younger, continued by Michelangelo, completed by della Porta. Detail views of windows and portal.
General Notes: Some views are taken from the via di Monserrato sequence and have been assigned new numbers.
box 261

Palazzo Lante

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Physical Description: 40 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Trevisani, Francesco; Sansovino, Jacopo (Jacopo d' Antonio Tatti)
Post-medieval: Architecture, courtyard views, architectural sculpture; painting (ceiling and wall frescoes), sculptural reliefs.
Object Notes: Palace was commissioned by Pope Leone X of the Medici at beginning of 16th century. After World War II, palace was taken over by city of Rome and in 1955, restoration began, finishing in c. 1958. Located on Piazza S. Eustachio.
box 261

Palazzo Madama

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Physical Description: 6 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Marucelli, Paolo; Cigoli, Lodovico
Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculptural relief
Object Notes: Erected in the 16th century by the Medici, named for "Madame Margherita d'Austria", daughter of Charles V and wife of Alessandro de Medici, later Ottavio Farnese. Inhabited by cardinals, Leone X and Clemente VII, and Caterina de Medici; since 1871 is seat of the Senate. Constructed in 1649.
box 261

Palazzo Quirinale

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Physical Description: 15 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Tapestries. (Also decorative furniture, etc.).
General Notes: No information sheet provided by Hutzel, tapestries not mentioned in TCI.
box 262

Palazzo Ricci

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Physical Description: 23 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Nanni di Baccio Bigio; Polidoro da Caravaggio; Maturino da Firenze
Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, frescoes. Renaissance building with frescoes by Maturino da Firenze and Polidoro da Caravaggio on the exterior walls.
General Notes: Views extracted from via di Monserrato sequence.
box 262

Palazzo Rondanini

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Physical Description: 61 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Valvassori, Gabriele; Doni, Adone; Gamelin, Jacques; Ponzio, Flaminio
Post-medieval: Architecture, sculpture, sculptural relief, stucco, painting, frescoes, mosaics, decorative arts (furniture, goldwork, clocks, etc.
Object Notes: The palace was later called "Sanseverino" and is now the location of the Banca dell'Agricultura. The building dates from 1744-8. It was the former residence of Giuseppe Cesari (Cavaliere d'Arpino).
box 262

Palazzo Venezia

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Physical Description: 50 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Monaldi, Carlo; Giuliano da Maiano
Antiquities: Sculptural fragment
Medieval: Architectural sculpture, sculptural fragments, sculpture . Post-medieval: Architectural sculpture, sculpture, stucco, gilding, architecture, tapestries
Object Notes: Cortile, above all interesting for Roman, early medieval and Renaissance monuments, sarcophagi, fountain settings, statues, portrait busts, etc.
box 264

Museo degli Strumenti Musicali

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Physical Description: 175 items
box 263

Palazzo Venezia, Museo

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Physical Description: 29 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Jacopo della Riviera
Post-medieval: Tapestry collection in the "Sala Regia"
Object Notes: Occupying the rooms of the Balbo apartment, where Paul II lived and gathered together his collections. German and French tapestries of the 16th century, all manufactured at Brussels, and five Italian tapestries by Riviera after cartoon drawings by Giov. Franc. Romanelli in 1637-42.
box 260

Piazza Campitelli

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Physical Description: 2 items

Scope and Contents note

Two views of the piazza on which are located two buildings, probably Palazzo Albertoni and Palazzo Gaspari.
box 260

Piazza della Rota

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Physical Description: 8 items

Scope and Contents note

Views of building facades on the Piazza, which is located on Via Monserrato. Two views of S. Catarina della Rota, a 12th c. church with 18th c. facade. Two views of facade on via S. Girolomo della Carita, a street off the Piazza.
General Notes: These views extracted from Via Monserrato numerical sequence.
box 260

Piazza Farnese

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Physical Description: 4 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Rainaldi, Girolamo
Post-medieval: One view of piazza and three detail views of one of the twin fountains attributed to Girol. Rainaldi (1626).
General Notes: Views taken from the via di Monserrato sequence.
box 260

Piazza Navona

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Physical Description: 22 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Antonio della Bitta; Zappala, Gregorio; Bernini, Gian Lorenzo; Fancelli, Giacomo Antonio; Poussin, Claude; Raggi, Antonio; Mari, Giovanni Antonio; Amici, Luigi; Borromini, Francesco; Baratta, Francesco; Della Porta, Giacomo
General views of the piazza (ancient circus of Dominiziano), with details of Fontana del Moro, Fontana dei Fiumi, and Fontana del Nettuno.
box 260

Piazza S. Francesco di Paola

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Physical Description: 3 items

Scope and Contents note

View of the "salita Borgia" running under a palazzo in front of which stands a votive column.
General Notes: Forms part of numerical sequence for S. Francesco di Paola.
box 261

Piccola Farnesina

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Physical Description: 27 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Sangallo, Antonio da (the Younger); Enrico Gui; Le Roy (Regis)
Antiquities: Sculpture, sculptural fragments
Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, fresco painting
Object Notes: Constructed in 1523 by Frenchman Le Roy, and attributed to Sangallo the Younger. Lily of France was combined with Farnesiani lily, leading to name of palace, which has nothing in common with Villa Farnesina. In the interior is found the Museo Barracco of antique sculpture.
box 263

Ponteficio Ateneo Angelicum

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Physical Description: 8 items

Scope and Contents note

View of academy's facade, with detail views of crests, portico statue and fountain. (Unable to verify fountain's location in this monument.)
General Notes: These views part of numerical sequence for SS. Domenico e Sisto, which is next door.
box 260

Porta S. Paolo

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Physical Description: 5 items

Scope and Contents note

Views of both sides of the Porta.
box 268

S. Agata

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Physical Description: 17 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Recalcati, Giacomo Onorato; Troppa, Girolamo
Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculpture, painting
Object Notes: Popular among inhabitants of Trastevere since it houses the "Madonna de Noantri, patron of the quarter and fulcrum of a popular series of summer festivals. Located next to San Crisogono.
box 268, box 269

S. Agnese fuori le Mura

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Physical Description: 153 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture, architectural fragments, sculptural fragments, sculpture . Post-medieval: Architectural sculpture, fresco painting
Object Notes: Erected in 342 by Costanza, daughter or niece of Constantine on the site of the catacombs holding the remains of S. Agnese. Marble staircase dates from 1590.
box 268

S. Agnese in Agone

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Physical Description: 19 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Rainaldi, Carlo; Borromini, Francesco; Grande, Antonio del; Baratta, Giovanni Maria (the Elder); Rainaldi, Girolamo
Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculpture, painting.
Object Notes: Founded under Pope Innocent X in 1652 with construction carried out by the Rainaldis, passing to Borromini. The site is located above the traditional site of the martyrdom of St. Agnes, above the circus of Domiziano dating from the 1st century A.D.
box 269

S. Agostino

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Physical Description: 18 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Mastro Sebastiano Fiorentino; Sansovino, Jacopo (Jacopo d' Antonio Tatti); Vanvitelli, Luigi; Gagliardi, P.; Raphael; Venusti, Marcello; Nucci, Avanzino; Cotignola, G.B.; Umbrian, 15th century; Guercino (Giovanni Francesco Barbieri); Guercino; Bracci, Pietro; Bernini, Gian Lorenzo; Byzantine; Isaia da Pisa; Lanfranco, Giovanni; Baratta, Giovanni Maria (the Elder); Ferrata, Ercole; Cafa, Melchiorre; Bergondi, Andrea; Guidi, Domenico; Muziano, Girolamo; Sansovino, Andrea; Caravaggio, Michelangelo Merisi da; Murena, C.; Romanelli, Giovanni Francesco; Capponi, Luigi; Jacopo da Pietrasanta
Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculpture, painting
Object Notes: Erected between 1479 and 1483 by Pietrasanta and Fiorentino. Stylistically homogenous, with minor restorations of 18th and 19th centuries. Facade as style of early Roman Renaissance.
box 269

S. Alessandro

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Physical Description: 45 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture, architectural fragments, architectural sculpture, sculpture.
Object Notes: Located off of the Via Nomentana in direction of Mentano. Church dates from 7th century. Cemetery from 3rd century in which are buried three martyrs, Alessandro, Erenzio, Teodulo. Basilica was erected on spot of first two tombs in era of Constantine.
box 270

S. Anastasia

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Physical Description: 34 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Bernini, Gian Lorenzo; Gimacchi, Carlo; Cerruti, Michelangelo; Mola, Pier Francesco; Baldi, Lazzaro; Trevisani, Francesco; Aprile, Francesco; Ferrata, Ercole; Benzoni, G.B.; Arrigucci, L.
Medieval: Architectural sculpture . Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculpture, painting, frescoes. Facade by Arrigucci (1636). Interior (1722).
Object Notes: Located on via S. Teodoro.
box 270

S. Andrea al Quirinale

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Physical Description: 26 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Raggi, Antonio; Legros, Pierre (the Younger); Gaulli, Giovanni Battista; Brandi, Giacinto; Courtois, Jacques; Maratti, Carlo; Mazzanti, Lodovico; Odazzi, Giovanni; Bernini, Gian Lorenzo
Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculpture, painting, frescoes, stucco, coffers
Object Notes: Bernini defined this as his best work, begun in 1658 and finished in 1671. Located on via XX Settembre
box 270, box 271

S. Andrea della Valle

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Physical Description: 134 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Della Porta, Giacomo; Maderno, Carlo; Rainaldi, Carlo; Fontana, Carlo; Raggi, Antonio; Grimaldi, Giovanni Francesco; Galimberti, Francesco; Monti, Francesco; Nobili, F.; Caroselli, Angelo; Rondone, Franc.; Paolo Romano (Paolo di Mariano di Tuccio Taccone); Bregno, Andrea (Andrea da Milano); Ferrucci, Francesco di Giovanni; Ferrucci, Sebastiano di Francesco; Lanfranco, Giovanni; Algardi, Alessandro; Domenichino; Preti, Mattia; Cignani, Carlo; Taruffi, Emilio; Bazzani, Cesare; Guidi, Domenico; Castelli, Matteo; Passignano, Domenico; Mochi, Francesco; Buonvicino, Ambrogio; Bernini, Pietro; Stati, Cristoforo; Bernini, Gian Lorenzo; Coccia, Francesco; Giorgetti, Giuseppe; Olivieri, Pier Paolo
Post-medieval: Architecture, frescoes, stucco, painting, sculpture, architectural sculpture, sculptural relief
Object Notes: Exhibiting the passage from Counter-Reformation to Baroque, it is one of the most vast churches in Rome (the most vast with one nave), and its cupola, which measures 80 meters in heighth is the heighest after that of S. Peter's. Construction was initiated in 1591 by Olivieri, the cupola was completed in 1625 by Maderno.
box 271

S. Antonio da Padova

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Physical Description: 7 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Carimini. Luca
Post-medieval: 19th century architecture (1886); views of face, portico, portal.
Bibliographic Citation: Brief Citation: TCI, Roma e Dintorni, 1977, p. 382
box 272

S. Balbina

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Physical Description: 60 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Cosma, Giovanni; Mino dal Reame; Fontbuoni, Anastasio
Medieval: Architectural plans, architecture, cosmati tiling, sculpture, fresco painting, sculptural fragments. Post-medieval: Sculptural relief, architectural sculpture, architecture, painting, fresco painting, sculpture. On viale Baccelli.
General Notes: Hutzel accounts for 65 prints; however, #9, #10, #39, #59, #61 and #62 are not included in the group of photos. (Perhaps they are with wall painting or mosaics?). There is also a note (from Emily?) that unmatched negatives are in mylar sleeves at the front of the group - but these are also not located.
box 271

S. Bartolomeo de Insula

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Physical Description: 80 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Nicola di Angelo; Vassalletto, Pietro; Trevisani, Francesco; Carracci, Antonio; Torriani, Orazio
Medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculptural fragments, architectural fragments . Post-medieval: Painting, stucco, architectural sculpture, architecture, fresco painting, sculpture
General Notes: Originally built in the 10th century by German Kaiser Ottone II, on the island of the Tiber River, over the ruins of the Roman temple Esculapio. Enlarged in the 12th century, this renovation was destroyed in a flood in the mid 16th century. Current facade dates from 1624 by Torriani.
box 273

S. Benedetto in Piscinula

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Physical Description: 31 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, painting, frescoes, intarsia. Post-medieval: Painting, fresco, altarpiece
box 273

S. Bernardino

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Physical Description: 25 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Baglione, Giovanni; Gagliardi, Bernardo
Post-medieval: 17th century architecture (1625), paintings on canvas, fresco paintings, church furnishings
Bibliographic Citation: Brief Citation: TCI/Lazio (1981), p. 325
box 273

S. Bernardo alle Terme

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Physical Description: 118 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Odazzi, Giovanni; Sacchi, Andrea; Fancelli, Giacomo Antonio; Hoffmann, C.; Rainaldi, Rinaldo; Mariani, Camillo
Post-medieval: 16th century architecture (1598), sculpture, painting Caterina Nobili Sforza, countess of Santa Fiora, patron.
Bibliographic Citation: Brief Citation: TCI/Roma e Dintorni (1977), p. 312-13
box 274

S. Brigida

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Physical Description: 41 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Puccini, Biagio
Exterior views of 18th c. church on Piazza Farnese. Interior views of altar, celing frescoes, sculpture, sculptural relief, paintings, mosaics, stained glass.
General Notes: Exterior views taken from via di Monserrato sequence.
box 274

S. Carlo ai Catinari

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Physical Description: 25 items

Scope and Contents note

Interior views of 17th c. church's nave, altar, apse fresco, cupola, architectural sculpture.
box 274

S. Caterina da Siena

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Physical Description: 54 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Cafa, Melchiorre; Pietro da Cortona; Canuti, Domenico Maria; Haffner, Enrico; Bernini, Gian Lorenzo; Conca, Sebastiano; Allegrini, Francesco; Romanelli, Giovanni Francesco; Finelli, Giuliano; Bracci, Pietro; Soria, Giovanni Battista
Post-medieval: Church by Soria dates from 1638-40. Sculpture, frescoes, painting, architectural sculpture, architecture, stucco
box 274

S. Caterina dei Funari

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Physical Description: 73 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Guidetti, Guidetto; Muziano, Girolamo; Zuccaro, Federico; Pulzone, Scipione; Agresti, Livio (Ricciutello); Venusti, Marcello; Raffaellino da Reggio; Massari, Lucio
Post-medieval: Architecture, painting, fresco, sculpture . In the vicinity of Palazzo Mattei in Jewish quarter
box 275

S. Cecilia in Trastevere

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Physical Description: 160 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Maderno, Carlo; Conca, Sebastiano; Arnolfo di Cambio; Maderno, Stefano; Bril, Paul; Roncalli, Cristofano; Reni, Guido; Lotto, Lorenzo; Pintoricchio; Tiberio d'Assisi; Pasturo; Antonio da Viterbo (Il Pastura); Fuga, Ferdinando
Antiquities: Mosaics, architectural fragments
Medieval: Architectural sculpture, architectural fragments, sculptural fragments, sculpture, mosaics, floor tiling . Post-medieval: Painting, frescoes, architectural sculpture, sculpture, architecture, stucco, marble, gilding
Object Notes: Built over an already existing church of the 5th century by Pope S. Pasquale I in the 9th century. Suffered damaged and plundering; rebuilt in 1110. Completely redone in 15th century, 17th century and 18th century. Styles from 10th-present century are existent here.
box 276

S. Cesareo

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Physical Description: 31 items

Scope and Contents note

Interior views of 16th c. church, including pergamo, ceiling, crypt and details of 2nd c. crypt floor mosaic.
box 276

S. Chiara

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Physical Description: 29 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Maderno, Carlo; Carimini, Luca; Francesco da Volterra
Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculpture, sculptural relief, painting, fresco
Object Notes: Erected for S. Carlo Borromeo in 1565.
box 276

S. Clemente

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Physical Description: 57 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture, sculpture, fresco painting
General Notes: Situated about 300 meters from the Coloseum, it takes the name of Pope Clemente, third successor to S. Peter. Although the photos are filed as "medieval", there has been some renovation in the interior dating from the Baroque period, and examples of later painting.
Accompanying Material: Hutzel sent guidebook, now housed in Center Library
box 278

S. Costanza

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Physical Description: 131 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Mosaics, architecture, architectural fragments, sculptural fragments, frescoes. Post-medieval: Fresco painting.
Object Notes: Dating from Paleo-Christian era in Rome, the church is really a mausoleum erected in the 4th century for Constantine's children (namely his daughter Costanza). It then became the baptistry of S. Agnese and in the 13th century an independent church. Mosaics are a complete series of works of the 4th century. Comprises two separate shipments. First shipment included 16 medieval mosaic prints/negatives and 2 post-medieval fresco painting prints/negatives. Second shipment included 95 medieval architecture, architectural fragments, sculptural fragments, mosaics, and frescoes; and 18 post-medieval fresco painting prints/negatives.
box 278

S. Crisogno

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Physical Description: 31 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Guercino (Giovanni Francesco Barbieri); Cavallini, Pietro; Soria, Giovanni Battista; Bernini, Gian Lorenzo; Bracci, Pietro; Mazzuoli, Giuseppe (the Elder); Galli, Pietro; Marchionni, Carlo
Medieval: Architecture, architectural fragments, architectural sculpture. Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, coffered ceiling, sculpture, relief work, painting.
General Notes: Hutzel notes that these photos were taken prior to 1960, before post-war restorations took place. The actual church dates to 1127-9, with the name S. Crisogono traced back to 5th century. Soria reconstructed the church in the 17th century.
box 279, box 280

S. Croce in Gerusalemme

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Physical Description: 347 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Gregorini, Domenico; Passalacqua, Pietro; Antoniazzo Romano (Antonio di Benedetto Aquilo); Sansovino, Jacopo (Jacopo d' Antonio Tatti); Melozzo da Forli; Giaquinto, Corrado; Maratti, Carlo
Medieval: Cosmati pavement, architecture (facade) . Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculpture, frescoes: "Leggenda della Santa Croce," Antoniazzo Romano (attr) & "S. Elena sale al cielo," Corrado Giaquinto; mosaic ceiling in Cappella di S. Elena; coats-of-arms
box 281

S. Dorotea

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Physical Description: 17 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Nelli, Giovanni Battista
Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, painting, frescoes
Object Notes: 18th century origins, yet catalogues of 1445 describe a chapel dedicated to SS. Silvestro and Dorotea on this spot). Restored in 1738 with architecture by Nelli, same creator of the plan of Rome.
box 281

S. Egidio

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Physical Description: 21 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Colonna, Fil.
Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculpture, painting
Object Notes: Exhibits original line of late Cinquecento construction, despite various remodelings. Church is almost always closed to the public.
box 281

S. Eligio degli Orefici

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Physical Description: 35 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Peruzzi, Baldassare; Ponzio, Flaminio; Romanelli, Giovanni Francesco; Matteo da Lecce; Zuccaro, Taddeo; Vecchi, Giovanni dei; Raphael
Post-medieval: Architecture, sculpture, painting, religious reliquaries
Object Notes: On Via Giulia along banks of the Tiber. Designed by Raphael. Construction began in 1516. Facade from 1602 by Ponzio. Interior in form of Greek cross.
box 281

S. Eligio dei Ferrari

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Physical Description: 43 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Siciolante, Girolamo (Girolamo da Sermoneta); Pulzone, Scipione; Batoni, Pompeo; Vannini, Giovanni
Post-medieval: Architecture, sculpture, painting, religious reliquaries (17-18th centuries), sculptural relief, stucco
Object Notes: Constructed in first half of 16th century by confraternity of the blacksmiths.
box 282

S. Eustachio

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Physical Description: 46 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Canevari, Antonio; Salvi, Nicola; Fuga, Ferdinando; Zoboli, Giacomo; Morelli, Paolo
Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture and decoration, sculptural portrait busts, sculpture, painting
box 282

S. Francesco di Paola

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Physical Description: 79 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Pietro da Cortona; Giuseppe Chiari; Sebastiano Conca; Giulio Romano
Exterior views of facade, capitals, architectural sculpture. Interior views of nave and altar, achitectural sculpture, ceiling frescoes, side altars, sculpture, paintings, scresty, collegio.
General Notes: Views of Piazza S. Francesco di Paola were extracted from this numerical sequence and filed separately.
box 282

S. Giacomo degli Spagnoli

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Physical Description: 25 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Foschini, Arnaldo; Carimini, Luca; Torrigiano, Pietro; Pellegrino; Modena; Sangallo, Antonio da (the Younger)
Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculpture, painting.
Object Notes: Need to check with Roma e Dintorni for full names of artists listed above. Facade on the Piazza Navona in Renaissance style; this leads to the apse within the church, displaying the reversed orientation dating from 1938 with the disastrous "Corso del Rinascimento". Church currently known as Nostra Signore del S. Cuore.
box 282

S. Giacomo in Augusta

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Physical Description: 34 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Maderno, Carlo; Legros, Pierre (the Younger); Buzio, Ippolito; Passignano, Domenico; Gramatica, Antiveduto; Capparoni, Silverio; Francesco da Volterra
Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculpture, painting, fresco.
Object Notes: Finished in 1600's by Maderno. Elliptical plan by Volterra from 1596. Located on via del Corso.
box 290

S. Giovanni a Porta Latina

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Physical Description: 40 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Architectural fragments, sculpture
Medieval: Architecture, sculptural relief, fresco painting, mosaics . Post-medieval: Restored apse
Object Notes: No precise dates known of foundation, church probably originates from 5th century, with refurbishings of 7th century. Campanile of classical Roman style originates from 12th century; frescoes date from end of 12th century. Hutzel photo campaign undated. See also Marburger Index, no. 354.
box 283

S. Giovanni dei Fiorentini

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Physical Description: 52 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Della Porta, Giacomo; Maderno, Carlo; Galilei, Alessandro; Pietro da Cortona; Borromini, Francesco; Raggi, Antonio; Ferri, Ciro; Guidi, Domenico; Ferrata, Ercole; Rosa, Salvator; Lanfranco, Giovanni; Fuga, Ferdinando; Slodtz, Rene Michel (Michel-Ange); Valle, Filippo; Bracci, Pietro; Passignano, Domenico; Bernini, Pietro; Bernini, Gian Lorenzo; Mino dal Reame; Santi di Tito; Cigoli, Lodovico; Maratti, Carlo; Algardi, Alessandro; Prospero da Brescia; Pomarancio (Niccolo Circignani); Naldini, Battista; Vanni, Giovanni Battista; Italian, 15th century; Sansovino, Jacopo (Jacopo d' Antonio Tatti)
Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculpture painting, frescoes, stucco, decorative arts. Located on Via Giulia.
box 283

S. Giovanni della Malva

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Physical Description: 23 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, painting
Object Notes: Located in front of S. Dorotea, this church is not mentioned in either TCI or Reklams. No identification of artists has been determined.
box 291

S. Girolamo degli Illirici

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Physical Description: 34 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Gagliardi, P.; Viviani, Antonio Maria (Il Sordo d'Urbino); Lilio, Andrea; Grassia, Francesco; Puglia, Giuseppe (il Bastaro); Cerruti, Michelangelo; Nogari, Paris; Mestrovic, Ivan; Longhi, Martino (the Elder)
Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculpture, painting, fresco
Object Notes: Constructed under Sisto V in 1588 by Longhi.
box 290

S. Girolamo della Carita

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Physical Description: 81 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Rainaldi, Carlo; Borromini, Francesco; Giorgetti, Antonio; Pietro da Cortona; Muziano, Girolamo; Rusconi, Camillo; Juvarra, Fel.; Fancelli, Cosimo; Sienese, 15th century; Grandi, Ercole di Giulio Cesare; Camuccini, Vincenzo; Legros, Pierre (the Younger); Bracci, Pietro; Castelli, Domenico
Founded on site where saint lived in 382, church is located on Piazza della Rota and via di Monserrato. Reconstructed 1654-60. Exterior views of baroque facade and flank, with details of portals, capitals and architectural sculpture. Extensive coverage of interior altars, ceiling, sculpture, painting, frescoes, stucco, coffers.
General Notes: Exterior views from via di Monserrato sequence integrated into this one.
box 292

S. Giuseppe dei Falegnami

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Physical Description: 82 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Ghezzi, Giuseppe; Viviani, Antonio Maria (Il Sordo d'Urbino); Blanc, Orazio; Maratti, Carlo; Montagna, Marco Tullio; Montano, Giovanni Battista
Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculpture, painting, frescoes, reliefs Connected with Carcero Mamertino where St. Peter was imprisoned before his Crucifixion
box 291

S. Gregorio Magno

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Physical Description: 183 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Capponi, Luigi; Bernini, Gian Lorenzo; Bramante, Donato; Ferrari, Francesco; Balestra, Antonio; Deodatus; Badalocchio, Sisto; Ricci, Giovanni Battista; Bregno, Andrea (Andrea da Milano); Francesco da Volterra; Maderno, Carlo; Mancini, Francesco; Canova, Antonio; Costanzi, Placido; Batoni, Pompeo; Soria, Giovanni Battista
Medieval: Sculpture, mosaics . Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculpture, painting, frescoes, stucco
Object Notes: Completely renovated/restored in 16th and 17th centuries in Baroque style, church (on Monte Celio) contains hardly any indication of paleo-Christian/medieval style of its origins. 173 prints are accounted for and filed; 182 + 83 negatives are accounted for and filed--leaving 117 negatives unaccounted for.
box 292, box 293, box 294

S. Ignazio di Loyola

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Physical Description: 319 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Carlo Maderno; P. Orazio Grassi; Alessandro Algardi; Andrea Pozzo; Francesco Trevisani
Church was built 1625-50, based on a project by Maderno. Exterior photos of facade, rooftops and portal, with details of capitals. Interior views of the nave; however, the majority of the photos are of the paintings in the vaults and chapels. Frescoes include the Entry of S. Ignatius into Heaven and the Four Parts of the World. There are also frescoes of Samson, David, Judith and Joel. In the transept are frescoes relating to St. Louis and to the Glory of S. Ignatius. Other, unidentified rooms in the complex are also photographed.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign notes are undated. See also Marburger Index, no. 395.

S. Lorenzo fuori le Mura

box 294


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Physical Description: 14 items

Scope and Contents note

Interior photos only. They show the nave, aisles and arcade. There are specific photos of the ciborium. Near the altar is a 6th century mosaic of Christ in Majesty between Ss. Peter, Lorenzo, Paul, Stephen, Hyppolite and Pope Pelagio.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign undated.
box 294

S. Lorenzo in Lucina

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Physical Description: 37 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Reni, Guido; Vouet, Simon; Sardi, Giuseppe; Rainaldi, Carlo; Fanzago, Cosimo; Tenerani, Pietro; Italian, 18th century; Lemoyne, P.; Desprez, Jean Louis; Saraceni, Carlo; Bernini, Gian Lorenzo
Medieval: Architectural and sculptural fragments . Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculptural relief, sculpture, painting, frescoes, coffers
Object Notes: Completely renovated during the centuries, especially in the 17th century, but prominent characteristic of medieval portico, architraval columns, and campanile from Pontificate of Pasquale II (1099-1118).
box 294

S. Lorenzo in Panisperna

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Physical Description: 34 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Cati, Pasquale
Antiquities: Sculptural fragments
Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculptural relief, sculpture, painting, fresco
Object Notes: Antique structure (c. 3rd-4th century) erected on site where tradition places the martyrdom of S. Lorenzo. Building dates from late 16th century in style of Counter-Reformation after a probable project by Francesco da Volterra.
box 294

S. Lucia del Gonfalone

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Physical Description: 50 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Azzurri, Francesco; Mariani, Cesare; Marco David
Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculpture, painting, fresco painting, stucco, coffers. on via dei Banchi Vecchi
General Notes: Church was built primarily in the 14th century for the antique confraternity of the Gonfalone. The foundation was refurbished in 1764 by Marco David in Baroque style, restored in 1866 by Azzurri. No information provided by Hutzel. Negative #12 was missing from shipment.
box 295

S. Luigi dei Francesi

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Physical Description: 11 items

Scope and Contents note

Exterior views of Renaissance church's architectural sculpture. Interior views of ceiling, cupola, organ, ceiling fresco.
box 295

S. Margherita

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Physical Description: 15 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Brandi, Giacinto; Gaulli, Giovanni Battista; Fontana, Carlo
Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculpture, painting
Object Notes: Site of a "confraternity", one of the simplest Baroque churches in Rome; central plan interior is almost destitute of decoration.
box 296

S. Maria Antiqua

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Physical Description: 50 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: General architectural views; views of sacrophagi
Medieval: 8th century fresco cycle of counter-iconoclasm propaganda,
box 296

S. Maria d'Aracoeli

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Physical Description: 56 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Bernini, Gian Lorenzo; Bregno, Andrea (Andrea da Milano); Albertoni, Antonio; Pintoricchio; Trevisani, Francesco; Italian, 13th century; Italian, 12th century; Savelli, Jacopo; Italian, 17th century
Antiquities: Interior columns
Medieval: Architecture, sculpture, mosaics, tomb sculpture, fresco painting. Post-medieval: Painting, sculpture, sculptural relief, tomb sculpture, stucco decoration
box 295

S. Maria degli Angeli

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Physical Description: 137 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Michelangelo; Vanvitelli
Antiquities: Sarcophagus; fragments of antiquities on exterior wall.
Several exterior views of church facade, formed from exedra of calidarium of Roman baths (Terme di Diocleziano). Interior, designed by Michelangelo from fromer tepidarium and renovated by Vanvitelli (1749), is extensively documented. Views of vestibule, nave, altars, sacristy, chapels, frescoed ceilings, paintings, sculpture, courtyard.
box 300

S. Maria della Scala

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Physical Description: 95 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Francesco da Volterra; Honthorst, Gerrit van; Odazzi, Giovanni; Pannini, Giovanni Paolo; Slodtz, Rene Michel (Michel-Ange); Valle, Filippo; Rainaldi, Carlo; Algardi, Alessandro; De La Haye, Luca (Luca Fiammingo); Papaleo, Francisco; Rainaldi, Girolamo; Saraceni, Carlo; Mascherino, Ottaviano
Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculpture, painting, decorative arts (furniture, objects d'art), manuscripts. Pharmacy of art of herbal-cure dating from 16th century still exists today; many publications with wood-cut illustrations on healing plants and other artifacts.
box 299

S. Maria dell'Orto

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Physical Description: 62 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Vignola (Giacomo Barozzi); Francesco da Volterra; Rusconi, Camillo; Legros, Pierre (the Younger); Zucchetti, Fil.; Garzi, Luigi; Trometta, Nic.; Torelli, Cesare; Parodi, G.B.; Longhi, Martino (the Elder); Zuccaro, Federico; Zuccaro, Taddeo; Baglione, Giovanni; Calandrucci, Giacinto; Giaquinto, Corrado; Guidetti, Guidetto
Post-medieval: Architecture, sculpture, reliefs, painting (frescoes)
Object Notes: Despite lively Baroque decoration in the interior, the church conserves an early Renaissance structure of three naves. Building began in 1489 by an unknown architect; was finished in 1566 by Guidetti. Curious inscriptions on church stones with humorous statements such as "Universita dei Vermicellari" (various artisan corporations).
box 298

S. Maria di Monserrato

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Physical Description: 82 items

Scope and Contents note

Camporese, Giuseppe; Francesco da Volterra; Carracci, Annibale; Moratilla, Filippo; Nappi, Francesco; Sansovino, Jacopo (Jacopo d' Antonio Tatti); Capponi, Luigi; Maso del Bosco (Boscoli, Tommaso); Bernini, Gian Lorenzo; Sangallo, Antonio da (the Younger)
Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculpture, painting, stucco coffers. Fourteen views of exterior; 68 prints show interior. Initiated on project of Sangallo the Younger in 1518, the church istoday the national Spanish church in Rome. Altered by Camporese in 1821; restored in 1929.
box 299

S. Maria di Montesanto

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Physical Description: 13 items

Scope and Contents note

Interior views of altar, nave, cupola and chapels.
box 296, box 297

S. Maria in Aquiro

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Physical Description: 182 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Maderno, Carlo; Breccioli, Filippo; Camporese, P.; Mariani, Cesare; Saraceni, Carlo; Speranza, Stefano; Speranza, G.B.; Master of the Candlelight; Francesco da Volterra
Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculpture, painting, religious artifacts (reliquaries), decorative arts (tapestries, furniture). From Counter-Reformation, built in 1590 and finished in 1774. A picture gallery exists in the former convent, which also houses offices. Located on Piazza Capranica.
box 297

S. Maria in Campitelli

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Physical Description: 21 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Giordano, Luca; Conca, Sebastiano; Cavallini, Francesco; Baratta, Fracesco; Ottoni, Lorenzo; Rossi, Giovanni Antonio de'; Gaulli, Giovanni Battista; Mazzuoli, Giuseppe (the Elder); Passeri, Giuseppe; Maglia, Michele; Rainaldi, Carlo
Post-medieval: 17th century architecture (1662-67), architectural sculpture, sculpture, frescoes, church furnishings; altar with tabernacle
Bibliographic Citation: Brief Citation: TCI/Roma e Dintorni (1977), pp. 250-251
box 297

S. Maria in Campo Marzio

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Physical Description: 34 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Marini, Pasquale; Garzi, Luigi; Costanzi, Placido; Baldi, Lazzaro; Rossi, Giovanni Antonio de'
Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, painting
Object Notes: Of antique origins, probably of the 7th century, transformed by Rossi in 1685.
box 298

S. Maria in Cappella

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Physical Description: 11 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, mosaics, fresco painting.
High Roman form of the 11th century, facade is flanked by customary Roman columns. Post-medieval painting is also visible in the interior.
box 298

S. Maria in Cosmedin

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Physical Description: 38 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Sardi, Giuseppe; Roman school, 15th century; Giovenale, G.B.
Medieval: Architecture, mosaics, sculpture, sculptural relief . Post-medieval: Painting (frescoes), sculpture
Object Notes: Basilica is famous for "Bocca della Verita" relief in the exterior forecourt. The basilica was erected in the 6th century and enlarged by Hadrian in the 8th century. It dates back to the arrival of Greeks in Rome, persecuted in Greece by the Iconoclasts of the Orient.
box 298

S. Maria in Domnica

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Physical Description: 52 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Lazzaro Baldi; Perin del Vaga; Andrea Sansovino
Antiquities: 2 Roman sarcophagi
Exterior views of facade and arcade of Renaissance church founded on remains of Roman construction in 7th c. Views of neighborhood portals. Interior views of nave, altar, carved wooden ceiling, 9th c. mosaics, apse fresco by Lazzaro Baldi. Views of crypt statue and fragments of Medieval pluteus.
General Notes: Views of Fontana della Navicella, which stands in front of the church, have been extracted from this numerical sequence and stored in separate file.
box 299

S. Maria in Monterone

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Physical Description: 21 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Batoni, Pompeo
Medieval: Sculpture (baptismal font) . Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculpture, painting, frescoes
Object Notes: Near the Largo di Torre Argentina, an antique basilica structure which has been restored numerous times, simple facade dates from 1682.
box 299

S. Maria in Monticelli

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Physical Description: 21 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Puccetti, Giovan Battista; Mariani, Cesare; Carracci, Antonio
Medieval: 12th century mosaic, 14th century wooden sculpture, gisante . Post-medieval: 18th century architecture (altars, nave, chapels, cupola), frescos, paintings on canvas,
Object Notes: No visible remains of the older church
Bibliographic Citation: Brief Citation: TCI, Roma e Dintorni, 1977, p. 246
box 299

S. Maria in Publicolis

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Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: G.A. De Rossi
One exterior view of facade of church renovated in 1643.
box 299

S. Maria in Traspontina

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Physical Description: 40 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Mascherino, Ottaviano; Paparelli, Francesco; Fontana, Carlo; Gherardi, Antonio (Reatino); Cesari, Giuseppe (il Cavaliere d'Arpino); Garzi, Luigi; Conca, Sebastiano; Conca, Giovanni; Seiter, Joseph Daniel; Cerrini, Giovanni Domenico; Ricci, Giovanni Battista; Raggi, Antonio; Pomarancio (Cristoforo Roncalli); Peruzzi, Giovanni Sallustio
Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculpture, painting, frescoes, stucco.
Object Notes: Constructed in 1566 by Peruzzi, worked on between 1581-7 by Mascherino and finished by Paparelli in 1637. Located on via delle Conciliazione.
box 299

S. Maria in Trastevere

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Physical Description: 14 items

Scope and Contents note

Cavallini, Pietro; Fontana, Carlo; Italy; Cochetti, L.; Mino dal Reame; Senese, Michelangelo; Maratti, Carlo; Ciampelli, Agostino; Vespignani, Virginio; Valsoldo, Giovanni Antonio; Paolo Romano (Paolo di Mariano di Tuccio Taccone); Longhi, Martino (the Elder); Cati, Pasquale; Sale, Nicola; Umbrian, 15th century; Gherardi, Antonio (Reatino); Domenichino
Medieval: Architecture, mosaics, cosmati style flooring
Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, painting, stucco, coffers
The first church dedicated to the Virgin Mary, perhaps the most ancient church in Rome. Foundation traditionally dated to reign of Pope San Callisto I, between 217-222. Built probably more likely during reign of Pope San Giulio I, between 337-352. Reconstructions under Innocenzo II (1130-1143) did not alter church much. Worst restoration was done in 19th century.
box 300, box 301

S. Maria in Vallicella

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Physical Description: 191 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Fausto Rughesi; Pietro da Cortona
Views of 16th church's facade by Fausto Rughesi(1605). Views of interior nave, altars, sacristy, and collection in private rooms. Extensive coverage of frescoes and paintings. Three views of an embroidery with a depiction of the Assumption of the Virgin.
General Notes: Views of Oratorio dei Filippini are filed separately, but retain H-numbers within this monument's numerical sequence.
box 301

S. Maria in Vescovio

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Physical Description: 46 items
box 302

S. Maria in Via Lata

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Physical Description: 26 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Bernini, Gian Lorenzo; Byzantine, 11th century; Fancelli, Cosimo; Brandi, Giacinto; Tenerani, Pietro; Pietro da Cortona
Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculpture, painting, fresco, stucco coffers
Object Notes: Although entirely Baroque, the church is located on the site of an ancient church dating before the 11th century. Pietro da Cortona executed the facade in 1662, showing the influence of Borromini.
box 298

S. Maria sopra Minerva

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Physical Description: 16 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Sangallo, Antonio da (the Younger); Lippi, Filippino; Michelangelo
Medieval: 13th century gothic architecture (b. 1280) . Post-medieval: 19th century architectural restoration, "il Redentore" by Michelangelo, tombs, painting on panel, paintings on canvas, fresco
Bibliographic Citation: Brief Citation: TCI, Roma e Dintorni, 1977, pp 182-185
box 302

S. Martino ai Monti

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Physical Description: 30 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Views of crypt: sculpture, painting, frescoes, mosaics
box 302

S. Nicola da Tolentino

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Physical Description: 45 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Ferrata, Ercole; Gaulli, Giovanni Battista; Coli, Giovanni; Gherardi, Filippo (Sancasciani); Guidi, Domenico; Pietro da Cortona; Ferri, Ciro; Algardi, Alessandro; Fancelli, Cosimo; Savona; Raggi, Antonio; Scalzi, Agostinianzi; Baratta, Giovanni Maria (the Elder)
Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculpture, painting, frescoes, stucco, coffers
Object Notes: Built in 1599 by the Augustines, renovated and enlarged in 1654 by Baratta. On via Barberini.
box 302

S. Nicola dei Prefetti

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Physical Description: 20 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Triga, G.; Ferrari, F.; Carracci; Pasqualoni, A.
Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculptural relief, sculpture, painting, fresco
Object Notes: Originating in the mid 17th century, there is no mention of this church in either TCI or Reklams. On via dei Prefetti.
box 302

S. Nicola in Carcere

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Physical Description: 26 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Costa, Lorenzo (the Elder); Antoniazzo Romano (Antonio di Benedetto Aquilo); Pisano, Guidotto; Maggiordomo, Anastasio; Guercino (Giovanni Francesco Barbieri); Della Porta, Giacomo
Antiquities: Roman columns (spolia),
Medieval: Late Romanesque bell tower, architecture . Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, painting, frescoes, coffers, stucco. 16th century facade (1599) by Giacomo della Porta. Remodeled in 17th and 19th centuries.
box 303

S. Onofrio

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Physical Description: 71 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Ridolfi, Claudio; Domenichino; Antoniazzo Romano (Antonio di Benedetto Aquilo); Ricci, Giovanni Battista; Carracci, Agostino; Bregno, Antonio; Baglione, Giovanni; School of Umbria; Roman school; Trevisani, Francesco; Peruzzi, Baldassare; Giuseppe de Fabris; Cesari, Giuseppe (il Cavaliere d'Arpino); B. Nicola da Forca Palena
Post-medieval: Architecture, sculpture, architectural sculpture, painting, frescoes.
Object Notes: Erected in 1419 by Forca Palena, in style of Quattrocento. In the convent, Torquato Tasso died in 1595 on the vigil of his coronation on the Campidoglio. Located in Gianicolo.
box 304, box 305, box 306, box 307, box 308

S. Paolo

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Physical Description: 799 items

Scope and Contents note

Specific Location: Basilica
Artist Name: Nicola di Angelo; Vassalletto, Pietro; Street, G.E.; Breck, George; Burne-Jones, Sir Edward
Antiquities: Architectural sculpture fragments, tomb sculpture fragments, sculpture fragments
Medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture fragments, tomb sculpture fragments, sculptural fragments, inscribed tomb markers, sculpture, fresco painting, mosaics
General Notes: the "tomb markers" need to be sorted and catalogued
box 303

S. Passera

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Physical Description: 37 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Views of lunette relief and gravestone.
Exterior views of apse, flank and facade of 13th c. church, built on top of 8th c. church, now a catacomb. Interior views of altar with detail views of 14th c. apse frescos.
box 303

S. Pietro in Vincoli

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Physical Description: 20 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Michelangelo
Views of central nave, apse fresco, throne. Detail views of Michelangelo's Moses.
box 303

S. Prassede

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Physical Description: 52 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture (exterior and interior), architectural sculpture, sculptural fragments, tomb sculpture, frescoes, mosaics . Post-medieval: Architecture (interior), architectural sculpture, frescoes
General Notes: No information sheet provided by Hutzel. See TCI, Roma e Dintorni, 360-2. Actual church built in 822 by Pasquale I. Renovated in 15th, 17th, 19th centuries. Mosaics and frescoes of 9th century, frescoes of the 17th century.
box 308, box 309

S. Pudenziana

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Physical Description: 150 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Francesco da Volterra; Manno, Antonio; Tamburini, Achille; Baldi, Lazzaro; Gimignani, Giacinto; Nocchi, Bernardino; Maderno, Carlo; Della Porta, Giovanni Battista; Valsoldo, Giovanni Antonio; Zuccaro, Federico; Olivieri, Pier Paolo; Mari, Giovanni Antonio; Pomarancio (Niccolo Circignani)
Medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculptural fragments, frescoes, mosaics.Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculpture, frescoes, painting, stucco, mosaics.
Object Notes: Tradition states that the church (on via Urbana) rests on the site of the house of the Roman senator Pudente, who gave shelter to S. Peter during his sojourn in Rome. Excavations reveal a 2nd century AD structure. 18th century facade. 4th century mosaic, "Triumphant Christ Enthroned"
box 309

S. Rita

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Physical Description: 1 item
box 310

S. Sabina

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Physical Description: 14 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Zuccaro, Taddeo; Odazzi, Giovanni
Antiquities: spolia used throughout church, sarcophagus, sculpture fragments
Medieval: 5th century architecture (422-432), wooden door, mosaic with dedicatory inscription, 9th century iconostasis, ambo. Post-medieval: 16th century frescos
Bibliographic Citation: Brief Citation: TCI, Roma e Dintorni, 1977, pp 433-35
box 310

S. Salvatore in Lauro

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Physical Description: 63 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Sassi, Ludovico Rusconi; Rainaldi, Rinaldo; Guglielmetti, Cam.; Bizzaccheri, Carlo Francesco; Ghezzi, Giuseppe; Turchi, Alessandro; Pietro da Cortona; Asprucci, Antonio; Pacetti, Vicenzo; Gramatica, Antiveduto; Salviati, Francesco; Salvi, Nicola; Rossi, Vicenzo di Raffaello de'; Sansovino, Jacopo (Jacopo d'Antonio Tatti); Isaia da Pisa; Mascherino, Ottaviano
Post-medieval: Architecture, sculpture, painting
Object Notes: Founded in 12th century; remodeled in 15th century; destroyed in fire in 1591. Reconstruction initiated three years later by Mascherino. In 1669, church was acquired by confraternity of the Piceni. In 1727, building was under direction of Sassi.
box 310, box 311

S. Sebastiano ad Catacumbas

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Physical Description: 89 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Vasanzio, Giovanni; Barigioni, Filippo; Specchi, Alberto; Maratti, Carlo; Fontana, Carlo; Ghezzi, Pier Leone; Papaleo, Francesco; Cordier, Nicolas; Ferri, Ciro; Giorgetti, Antonio; Muziano, Girolamo; Italian, 17th century; Bernini, Gian Lorenzo; Ponzio, Flaminio
Medieval: Fresco paintings from chapel of Onorio III, "Sebastiano ad Catacumbas" (13th century, c. 1216-1227) . Post-medieval: 17th century architecture (1609, architectural sculpture, sculpture, painting, fresco painting, stucco. On via Appia.
General Notes: Missing 15-17, and 38-41. 94 prints total according to H.
box 311

S. Spirito in Sassia

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Physical Description: 29 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Mascherino, Ottaviano; Pontelli, Baccio; Pino, Marco; Ruviale, Francesco; Zucchi, Jacopo; Agresti, Livio (Ricciutello); Nogari, Paris; Valeriani, Giuseppe; Abbatini, Guidubaldo; Venusti, Marcello; Del Duca, Giacomo; Nebbia, Cesare; Sangallo, Antonio da (the Younger)
Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculpture, painting, frescoes, stucco, coffers.
Object Notes: Medieval building on this foundation was venerated by Saxon pilgrims (from which it derives its name) arriving from Great Britain. Church was almost completed in 1544; facade was added about 1585 by Mascherino. Located on Borgo San Spirito.
box 311

S. Stefano del Cacco

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Physical Description: 68 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Perino del Vaga; Baglione, Giovanni; Odazzi, Giovanni; Vecchi, Giovanni dei; Casolani, Cristofano
Post-medieval: Architecture, sculpture, painting, frescoes, reliquary objects, high reliefs, iconostasis (15th century). Minor church found in vicinity of Piazza Argentina. Small basilica of early middle ages, enclosed by Baroque palaces. basilica of early middle ages, enclosed by Baroque palaces. Oratorium, small museum with Roman and early medieval sculpture of 9th century basilica is found. Photos show restoration process of retrieved statues from copper iconostasis which was stolen about 40 years ago and rediscovered in the early 1960's.
box 311, box 312

S. Stefano Rotondo

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Physical Description: 132 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Alberti, Leon Battista; Tempesta, Antonio; Roncalli, Cristofano
Antiquities: Sculpture
Medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, fresco painting, sculpture, architectural fragments, sculptural fragments . Post-medieval: Sculpture, fresco painting, painting, architectural sculpture
Object Notes: Called the "second Pantheon of Rome", this church dates from the 5th century A.D. Alberti worked on the restoration in the 15th century. These photographs date from March, 1984.
box 313

S. Susanna

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Physical Description: 41 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Valsoldo, Giovanni Antonio; Vacca, Flaminio; Croce, Baldassare (il Baldassarino); Laureti, Tommaso (Siciliano); Maderno, Stefano; Maderno, Carlo
Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculpture, painting, fresco, stucco, coffers
Object Notes: Counter-reformation church. All photos were taken between 1960-70, and Hutzel notes that it is necessary to take new photography since much has been restored since then, especially the facade.
box 313

S. Tommaso di Canterbury

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Physical Description: 6 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Camporese, Pietro (the Younger); Poletti, Luigi; Vespignani, Virginio
Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture
Object Notes: Constructed in the 8th century, renovated in 1575 by Cardinal of Norfolk and later in 1869 by Camporese; after his death, by Poletti and Vespignani in 1873. Vespignani portals in Romanesque style. Taken from via di Monserrato sequence.
box 313

S. Urbano

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Physical Description: 30 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Exterior views of ancient temple adapted to church; sarcophagi, altar, fragments.
Interior views of 11th c. frescoes, crest of Urbano III, ceiling, crucifix (Medieval core collection)
box 313

S. Vitale

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Physical Description: 15 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Cesari, Giuseppe (il Cavaliere d'Arpino); Dughet, Gaspard; Pozzo, Andrea
Medieval: 5th century architecture (b. 402). Post-medieval: interior decoration (design?) c. 1475, 16th century fresco cycle (story of saints and martyrs), detail of wooden door
Bibliographic Citation: Brief Citation: TCI Roma e Dintorni, 1977, p 326
box 265

Scala Santa

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Physical Description: 37 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Jacometti, Ignazio; Ricci, Giovanni Battista; Stella, Giacomo; Nogari, Paris; Lilio, Andrea; Bril, Paul; Baglione, Giovanni; Fontana, Domenico
Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculpture, painting, fresco.
Object Notes: Location near S. Giovanni in Laterno, it is also known as "Sancta Sanctorum". Staircase was carried to Rome by Saint Helen, mother of Constantine. 28 steps, which are climbed up by pilgrims on their knees.
box 265

Sedia del Diavolo

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Physical Description: 11 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Roman architecture, sepulchral monument, stucco work
Bibliographic Citation: Brief Citation: TCI, Roma e Dintorni, 1979, p. 319
box 269

SS. Ambrogio e Carlo al Corso

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Physical Description: 77 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Longhi, Martino (the Younger); Pietro da Cortona; Brandi, Giacinto; Maratti, Carlo; Menicucci, Giovanni Battista; Maria da Canepina; Bazzani, Cesare; Courtois, Jacques; Mola, Pier Francesco; Tom. della Porta (the Younger); Maccagnani, Eugenio; Galli, Guido; Lebrun, Andre Jean; Longhi, Onorio
Antiquities: Archaeological fragments
Medieval: Frescoes . Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculpture, mosaics, coffers, painting, frescoes
Object Notes: The church of the Lombard residents in Rome, dedicated to S. Ambrogio, following dedication of S. Carlo Borromeo. Ambulatory, based on Duomo in Milan, is only one left remaining in Rome today.
box 270

Ss. Andrea e Claudio

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Physical Description: 24 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Derizet, Antoine; Bernini, Gian Lorenzo
Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculpture, painting
Object Notes: 18th century Baroque church by Frenchman Derizet.
box 271

SS. Apostoli

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Physical Description: 19 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Dom. Muratori; Baciccia
Interior views only of 18th c. church of 6th c. origins. Views of nave and pilasters, apse and ceiling frescoes, cupola and Cappella del Crocifisso.
box 276

Ss. Celso e Giuliano

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Physical Description: 34 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Roman School (17th century; Italian, 15th century; Batoni, Pompeo; C. De Dominicis
Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculpture, painting, stucco, tomb sculpture (sarcophagus).
Object Notes: Built in the 17th century over the ruins of church from the 5th century. First church was dedicated by Pope Celestino I. This church built under Pope Clemente XII.
box 276

Ss. Cosma e Damiano

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Physical Description: 31 itemsno box 277, checked sandbox (GV splitting ranges)

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Allegrini, Francesco; Montagna, Marco Tullio; Castelli, Domenico; Baglione, Giovanni; Spadarini, Antonio (Spadarino); Arrigucci, L.
Medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, mosaics, fresco painting. Views of Basilica and chapels. Post-medieval: Painting, fresco painting, stucco, architecture, architectural sculpture, sculpture, woodworking.
Object Notes: Along the via dei Fori Imperiali, entrance to church which Pope Felice IV (for whom it was called "Basilica of the Blessed Felicis") obtained in 527 as counsel-hall of the Foro della Pace, now remembered as the setting of the Biblioteca Pacis. Renovated in 1632 by design of Arrigucci.
Accompanying Material: Hutzel sent illustrated guidebook in Italian on site and illustrated guidebook of the 18th century Neapolitan manger contained in the basilica. Housed in Center Library.
box 281

SS. Domenico e Sisto

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Physical Description: 47 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Giacomo della Porta; Nicola Torriani; Orozio Torriani; Vincenzo della Greca; Dom. Maria Canuti; Enrico Haffner; Antonio Raggi; Pier Franceso Mola; Bernini; Benozzo Gozzoli; Franc. Allegrini; Fr. Romanelli
Several views of 17th c. church facade, with detail views of portal, niche statues, and tympanum. Interior views of altars, ceiling fresco, paintings in choir and elsewhere, sacristy door, and sculpture.
General Notes: Eight views of Pontificio Ateneo Angelicum to right of church extracted and filed as separate monument.
box 288

SS. Giovanni e Paolo

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Physical Description: 166 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Conca, Tommaso; Piastrini, Domenico; Triga, Giacomo; Garagni, Andrea; Bracci, Pietro; Benefial, Marco; Cochetti, Luigi; Grandi, Francesco; Pomarancio (Niccolo Circignani); Canevari, Giovanni Battista; Ferrari, Francesco; Byzantine 1255; Barbieri, Pietro Andrea
Antiquities: Views of basement level remains of roman palazzo with second and third century frescoes decorating former triclinium, tablinium, ninfeo, and oratorium. Sarcophagus and fragments in cloister garden.
Views of basement level christian tomb (confessio) with frescoes and of oratory with altar. Views of apse frescoes in current, ground level basilica, paintings from cappella di S. Paolo alla Croce, and collection of papal portraits from the octagonal vestibule preceding sacristy. Views of sculpture in cloister garden.
Object Notes: Church museum has separate file and record.
box 289, box 290

SS. Giovanni e Paolo, Museum

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Physical Description: 240 items

Scope and Contents note

Specific Location: Museum
Antiquities: Ceramic fragments, sculptural fragments, architectural fragments
Medieval: Ceramic fragments, sculptural fragments, fresco fragments, inscribed tomb markers. Houses one of the best collections of Malagan medieval ceramics for casting wall monuments, copies of which are housed in campanile.
Object Notes: Basilica has separate record and is filed separately.
Accompanying Material: museum handbook
box 295

Ss. Marcellino e Pietro

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Physical Description: 26 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Carimini, Luca; Theodoli, Girolamo; Lapis, Gaetano
Medieval: Sculptural relief . Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculpture, painting.
Object Notes: Of remote origins (4th century?), it was reconstructed in 1751 by Theodoli.
box 302

SS. Nereo e Achilleo

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Physical Description: 43 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Pomarancio (Cristoforo Roncalli); Italian, 8th century; Italian, 9th century; Italian, 15th century; Italian, 16th century
Medieval: Architecture, architectural fragments, sculpture, mosaics, intarsia . Post-medieval: Architectural sculpture, painting, fresco, tapestries
Object Notes: Located on via delle Terme di Caracalla. Church dates from 4th century, actual church today conserves restorations of 8th and 9th centuries, and the later and larger restoration of the 15th century. In the 16th century, Cardinal Baronio stipulated in his will that things should remain unchanged in the design of the church. Mosaics in the apse are creation of late Byzantine during pontificate of Leone III (795-816).
box 309

SS. Quattro Coronati

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Physical Description: 72 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Raffaellino del Colle; Giovanni di S. Giovanni; Giovanni Baglioni; Enrico di Portogallo
Exterior and cloister views of 12th c. church stored in Medieval section. Interior views of nave, altar, apse fresco, ciborium, holy water font, wall paintings. Many views of 13th c. frescoes in Oratorio di S. Silvestro and several views of the adjoining chapel.
General Notes: Views of Oratorio frescoes processed by Paintings section now stored with Hutzel collection.
box 313

Stimmate di San Francesco

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Physical Description: 130 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Contini, Giovanni Battista; Canevari, Antonio; Trevisani, Francesco; Brandi, Giacinto; Bernini, Gian Lorenzo; Canova, Antonio; Cesari, Giuseppe (il Cavaliere d'Arpino); Roncalli, Cristofano; Guidetti, Guidetto
Baroque church built over an early Roman church; crypt of church still in existence. Views of sculpture, stucco, painting, fresco, gilding.
box 314

Tomb of the Pancrattii

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Physical Description: 26 items
box 314

Tomb of the Valerii

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Physical Description: 53 items
box 315

Trinita degli Spagnoli

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Physical Description: 31 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Guglielmi, Gregorio; Casali, Andrea; Ant. Velazquez; Giaquinto, Corrado; Benefial, Marco; Eman. Rodriguez dos Santos
Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, painting, frescoes, stucco, coffers.
Object Notes: Constructed between 1741-6 by Rodriguez dos Santos. On via Condotti.
box 314

via del Portico di Ottavia

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Physical Description: 13 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Views of Portico di Ottavia (146-23 B.C.); details of Roman reliefs decorating casa di Lorenzo di Manilio
Exterior views of casa di Lorenzo Manilio; portal of unidentified house
box 314

via del Teatro di Marcello

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Physical Description: 21 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: One view of Temple of Apollo Sosianus
Views of the street and buildings on it, including S. Nicola in Carcere, S. Rita, and Teatro di Marcello.
box 314

via della Tribuna di Campitelli

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Physical Description: 5 items

Scope and Contents note

Views of exterior doors and windows of unidentified buildings on the street.
box 314

Via di Monserrato

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Physical Description: 23 items

Scope and Contents note

Street views of unidentified buildings, portals and architectural details, with two views of S. Giovanni in Ayno, now a residence, and one of Piazza de' Ricci.
box 314

Via Giulia

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Physical Description: 18 items

Scope and Contents note

Views of unidentified churches, portals, building facades. Three views of facade of S. Filippo Neri. One view of facade of Spirito Santo dei Napoletani, a 16th c. church restored in 1700 by Carlo Fontana and in 1853 by Antonio Cipolla.
General Notes: Some of the views may be of monuments on Via di Monserrato.

Villa Borghese

box 263

Casino Borghese

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Physical Description: 35 items

Scope and Contents note

Owner: Galleria Borghese and Museo Borghese
Artist Name: G. Lor Bernini; Lanfranco; Pinturicchio; Santi Tito; Ant. de Maron
General views of the park gardens, views of the facade of Casino Borghese, and views of the interior museum and gallery, with several views of Bernini's "Il Ratto di Proserpina."

S. Maria di Galeria

box 316

S. Maria in Celsano

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Physical Description: 33 items

Scope and Contents note

Exterior views of facade and portal; interior views of main altar with byzantine painting, side altars; frescoes by the school of Antoniazzo Romano; and holy water stoups.

San Gregorio da Sassola

box 316

Castello Brancaccio

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Physical Description: 32 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture. Medieval castle with drawbridge almost completely restored. Gothic architectural decoration and sculpture.
General Notes: 2 sets of duplicate photos with one set of negatives (from the latest shipment).

Santa Severa

box 317


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Physical Description: 61 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Roman sculpture and inscriptions; excavation in progress of ancient site adjacent to the castle.
Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculpture, painting, frescoes. This site, including 3 sets of walls which encircle the castle and the surrounding town, was inhabited as early as the 7th century B.C. This site was first recorded as being used as a fortress in 1068, and through successive rebuildings has retained the form of the castle.
Object Notes: One print has extra negative.


box 318

General views

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Physical Description: 10 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture. Views of various monuments within the city.
box 318

Palazzo Baronale

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Physical Description: 23 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture, sculpture. The palazzo houses some fragments of ancient and medieval sculpture.
Object Notes: 2 prints with extra negatives.
box 318

Piazza S. Croce

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Physical Description: 3 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture. Piazza paved with tiles of porphyry.
Object Notes: This site has extra negatives for some prints as well as negatives without any prints at all.
box 318

S. Croce

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Physical Description: 19 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture, sculpture, painting, fresoes. The interior of the church is decorated with trompe-l'oeil architectural niches in which are placed frescoes deicting the Virgin and various saints.
Object Notes: 3 prints have extra negatives.


box 318

General Views

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Physical Description: 7 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture
box 318

Palazzo Baronale

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Physical Description: 35 items
box 318

Piazza S. Croce

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Physical Description: 5 items
box 318

S. Croce

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Physical Description: 3 items




box 326

General views

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Physical Description: 8 items

Scope and Contents note

General views of the town, including specific views of Ponte di S. Francesco, also known as Ponte Romano; Arco di Pio VI, and (in NNPs) views of two unidentified churches, one of which may be S. Pietro, and an unidentified palazzo.
General Notes: Prints taken from Rocca Abbaziale sequence.
box 326

Madonna del Crocefisso

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Physical Description: 31 items

Scope and Contents note

Two exterior views of very simple 12th c. church. Interior views of nave and altar, with most views of 15th c. frescoes.

Monastery of S. Scolastica

box 326, box 327

Archaeological Museum

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Physical Description: 156 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Views of antiquities in museum, including sarcophagi, plates, vases, coins.
General Notes: Hutzel guide says we have negatives, but we cannot find them.
box 327

First cloister

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Physical Description: 7 items

Scope and Contents note

Exterior views of the Renaissance cloister.
box 328

Monastic church

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Physical Description: 93 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: G. Quarenghi; Vincenzo Manenti; Marcello da Piacenza; Pompeo de Ferrari
Exterior views (in Medieval core collection). Views of 18th c. renovated interior, including nave, altar, ceiling, organ, chapels, paintings, choir, sacristy, refectory. Detail views of 15th c. frescoes in the Grotte di S. Scolastica.
box 327

Second cloister

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Physical Description: 6 items

Scope and Contents note

Sarcophagus and other antiquities.
Gothic portal (Medieval core collection)
Views of frescoes in the cloister corridor.
box 327

Third cloister

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Physical Description: 17 items

Scope and Contents note

ARchitecture (medieval core collection). Views of frescoes.
box 326

Rocca Abbaziale

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Physical Description: 124 items

Scope and Contents note

Distant and close range exterior views of castle, portals, papal crests. Interior views of entry hall, chapel, Appartamento dei Colonna, Appartamento di Pio VI, and Camara di Pio VI, with many detail views of ceiling and wall frescoes.
General Notes: Views 1-7 extracted and filed separately under General views.
box 329

S. Francesco

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Physical Description: 106 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Rheatinus; Giulio Romano; Antoniazzo Romano; Pinturicchio; Charles Duran
Exterior views of 14th c. church portals, facade and cloister. Interior views of simple francescan nave, altars, chapels, and refectory, with comprehensive coverage of panel paintings and frescoes.
box 329

S. Maria della Valle

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Physical Description: 25 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Carlo Colombi; Vincenzo Manenti
Views of 18th c. two-story facade, interior nave and altar, panel paintings, painted wood sculptures from 12th and 16th c. Hutzel lists main altar painting as Maltese Madonna, but this is not in TCI.
box 328, box 329

Sacro Speco

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Physical Description: 138 items

Scope and Contents note

Exterior views (Medieval core collection). Interior views of monument, with extensive coverage of 14th c. frescoes of the Sienese school in the upper church and many views of the rock cut chapels of the lower church, including Sacro Speco, where young S. Benedetto lived for three years in solitude; Cappella di S. Gregorio Magno, adorned with 13th c. Byzantine frescoes; Scala Santa and Cappella della Madonna, both decorated with Sienese school frescoes, and Grotta dei Pastori, with 8th c. Byzantine fresco. _


box 335

Villa d'Este

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Physical Description: 13 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Sculpture. Roman sarcophagi and statue.
Medieval: Sculpture. gisant . Post-medieval: 16th c. architecture (1550), on the site of a Benedictine monastery, was constructed by Cardinal Ippolito II d'Este

Trevignano Romano

box 335


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Physical Description: 23 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Nicolo di Pietro Paolo
Antiquities: Roman tablet fragment
Three exterior views of 16th c. church. Interior views of nave and altar, with detail views of apse fresco. View of side altar fresco and Pieta sculpture, a tryptych, edicola, holy water stoop, baptismal.
box 335

General views

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Physical Description: 7 items

Scope and Contents note

View of town on river; views of rocca ruins, views (negs only) of unidentified chapel.


box 338

Collegiata dell'Assunta

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Physical Description: 10 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: De' Rossi, Mattia
Post-medieval: Architecture, painting. This structure, formerly a family chapel next to the Palazzo Doria, was constructed by Mattia De Rossi (1685-89). The facade consists of a concave colonnade flanked by two campanili, and the building is surmounted by an elliptical dome. To the left of the main altar is a painting of the Nativity, dating to the end of the 16th century.
box 338

General views

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Physical Description: 5 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture, sculpture. Views of buildings and fountain in the city.


box 340, box 341, box 342

Museo Capitolare

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Physical Description: 358 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Conca, Sebastiano; Pietro da Cortona; Antoniazzo Romano (Antonio di Benedetto Aquilo); Bicci di Lorenzo; Francesco da Siena; Bolognese School; French School
Medieval: Breviaries (two, 14-15th century); "The Passion" on vellum (French school, late 13th century); reliquaries. Post-medieval: Paintings, frescoes, vestments, sculpture, metalwork, panel painting
Object Notes: Bibliographic material housed in Center library. Hutzel photo campaign dates: one undated, another November 9, 1985. It is likely that notes for the Pinacoteca Cattedrale (no separate Hutzel entry) describe items under this heading. TCI seems to indicate that the Museo Capitolare is adjacent to the cathedral. As well, some prints are missing; the initial Hutzel entry indicates that there are 422 prints. At this count, I can find 142.
box 342, box 343

Museo Civico di Velletri

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Physical Description: 288 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Roman;statue of Athena, male and female sculpture fragments- heads, torsos, marble cinerary urn; cippi with inscriptions inscriptions, altars, sarcofagi, sarcofagus with scenes of the feats of Herakles. Etruscan; votive objects, heads, legs feet, eyes, uterus, intestine ?, animals; bronze objects Architectural sculpture and fragments; relief of procession pottery fragments, lamps; brickstamps.
Medieval: Marble tondo of the depositon, early christian sarcophagus.
Object Notes: The Museo Civico is housed in the Palazzo Comunale. There are two Hutzel photo campaign notes, one undated and the other November 9, 1985.
Bibliographic Citation: Brief Citation: Museo Civico di Velletri, TCI, Lazio, 1981, p. 680
box 340

Palazzo Comunale

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Physical Description: 16 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Porta, Giacomo della; Vignola, Giacomo Barozzi; Barigioni, Filippo
Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture (16th, 18th century)
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: November 9, 1982. Negatives are missing.
box 344

S. Clemente, Cathedral

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Physical Description: 203 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Traiano da Palestrina
Medieval: Architecture (4th c., rebuilt c. 1300, reconstructed 1659-62); architectural sculpture and mosaic (13th century); Roman urn (1-2nd c. A.D.); wall painting; includes reused Roman and 8-11th century fragments). Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, frescoes, sculpture
Object Notes: Bibliographic material housed in Center library. Hutzel photo campaign date: October 30, 1982. There was another photo campaign previous to 1982, possibly 1962. There is one set of prints and a second "A" set with the same numbers and ideally the negatives would correspond to each set; however, they are commingled to a certain extent (particularly the later numbers of those in the Medieval core collection, whose print sequence fits into the "A" set, but whose negatives are filed under the other set).
box 345

S. Maria del Sangue

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Physical Description: 16 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture (15th century), interior, painting. Octogonal building.
Object Notes: Bibliographic material housed in Center library. Missing negatives.
box 345

S. Michele

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Physical Description: 16 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Pietro da Cortona
Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, interior, painting, frescoes (14th century)
Object Notes: Bibliographic material housed in Center library
box 340

Torre del Trivio

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Physical Description: 6 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture (1353)
Object Notes: Bibliographic material housed in Center library


box 347

Misc. views

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Physical Description: 17 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Sculpture. Fragments of ancient sculpture.
Medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture. Gothic-arched doorways and windows with sculptural decoration. Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture.
box 347

S. Antonio Abate

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Physical Description: 19 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Architectural sculpture. Four roman columns with decorated capitals support a portico along the side of the church.
Medieval: Architecture. Post-medieval: Architecture, sculpture, painting, tapestry. Within one side altar of the church is placed a Crucifix with two accompanying angels. In another side altar is a wooden statue of S. Anthony.
box 347

S. Cosimato

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Physical Description: 39 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Fragments of architectural sculpture.
Post-medieval: Architecture, sculpture, painting. Rock-cut church with wall paintings and statue of S. Cosimato. A Crucifix is placed above the main altar, and directly below it is a tabernacle in the form of a tempietto. Frescoes cover the walls and vaults of the side chapels, and in one of the chapels is placed an altar of marble decorated with the Lamb of God and the symbols of the four Evangelists.
box 348

S. Giacomo

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Physical Description: 47 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Domenico da Capodistria; Giovanni Dalmata
Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, painting, tabernacle, sculpture. S. Giacomo was started in 1454 by Domenico di Capodistria, and the upper registers were probably completed by Giovanni Dalmata in 1465. The structure is of octagonal plan, with elaborate architectural sculpture on the exterior of the building: the portal decoration is particularly rich in detail. To each side of the door are rows of niches with statues of saints. Directly above the door is the dedicatory inscription and in the lunette of the portal is a bas-relief of the Madonna and Child to whom Ss. Peter and James are presenting two members of the Orsini family. In a semi-circle around the lunette are four angels with the dove of the Holy Spirit, which is flanked by two roundels depicting the Annunciation, the angel Gabriel and the Virgin, and surmounting the portal in a triangular pediment are the coat-of-arms of the Orsini family.
box 348

S. Maria delle Grazie

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Physical Description: 16 items

Scope and Contents note

Owner: S. Maria delle Grazie
Post-medieval: Architecture, sculpture, painting. The church, located near cemetery, is in a state of disrepair. On the interior, a fragment of a fresco of the Crucifixion remains, as well as stucco ornamentation above the main altar, and a few paintings of saints along the walls.
Object Notes: Church not found in TCI.
box 348

S. Pietro

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Physical Description: 9 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Theodoli, Girolamo
Post-medieval: Architecture, painting, sculpture. S. Pietro is a baroque construction built by Girolamo Theodoli (1755).
box 348

S. Salvatore

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Physical Description: 9 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architectural sculpture, sculpture, painting. Main altar contains a statue of the Madonna and Child. Also on the main altar is a painting of Christ blessing, with a frame in the form of a tempietto. On a side altar is placed a votive statue of the Madonna.
Object Notes: Church not mentioned in TCI.


box 363

Casa Comunale

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Physical Description: 2 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture, including ancient fragments
box 363

Chiesa dell'Annunziata

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Physical Description: 13 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture (1592) with ancient fragments incorporated into design, architectural sculpture
box 363

Palazzo Colonna

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Physical Description: 5 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Fragments of architectural sculpture, sarcophagi
Post-medieval: Architectural sculpture
box 363

Piazza G. Marconi

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Physical Description: 19 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Maderno, Carlo
Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, and sculpture (16th century)
box 363

Porta S. Martino

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Physical Description: 14 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: 17th century architecture, architectural sculpture and sculpture, including incorporated Roman fragments
box 363

S. Lorenzo, Collegiata

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Physical Description: 3 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Vignola (Giacomo Barozzi)
Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, clock


box 262

Palazzo Mattei di Giove

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Physical Description: 69 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Bonzi, Pietro Paolo; Maderno, Carlo; Tempesta, Antonio; Giovanni da Siena; Pietro da Cortona; Pomarancio (Niccolo Circignani) or (Antonio Circignani); Albani, Francesco; Lanfranco, Giovanni
Antiquities: Roman sculptural and architectural fragments.
Post-medieval: Painting, fresco painting, stucco, architecture.


box 317

Palazzo Canali

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Physical Description: 25 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Roman frieze fragment with bull decoration, mounted on column
Medieval: Carved wooden cross decorated with scenes from Old and New Testaments (13th century), either brought from Byzantium or made locally . Post-medieval: Architecture, 16th century (1589)
box 317

S. Maria Hospitalis

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Physical Description: 13 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Roman inscription
Medieval: Architecture, 14th century (probably) with earlier sculpted fragments incorporated; altar tables with 6-7th (?) century decoration . Post-medieval: Frescos: Coronation of the Virgin (1500's); Madonna and Child (influence of Piero della Francesca)
box 317

S. Silvestro

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Physical Description: 38 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: 6th century church with the original structure and some Carolingian framework largely intact (partially in ruins); carved altar, columns, and capitals; frescos


box 319

Madonna del Monte

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Physical Description: 9 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture (15th century)
box 319

S. Francesco

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Physical Description: 69 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Angelus Guerra Anagninus
Medieval: Architecture (13-16th century); fresco (13th century) . Post-medieval: Altar, wood (late Baroque), wall painting (15th century), sculpture
box 320

S. Michele Arcangelo

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Physical Description: 30 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Siciolante, Girolamo (Girolamo da Sermoneta)
Post-medieval: Interior architecture (11th century) painting, frescoes,
General Notes: No documentation provided for this site




box 237

S. Maria in Monte Dominici

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Physical Description: 37 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture, fresco paintings, sculpture, architectural fragments, sculptural fragments, architectural sculpture. Post-medieval: Sculpture, fresco painting
Object Notes: Marcellina is traced back to 11th century at church of S. Maria in Monte Dominici, taking its name from the family De Marcellis. The church was restored in 1950.
box 335

General views

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Physical Description: 29 items


box 336

S. Agostino

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Physical Description: 44 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: School of Viterbo, 15th century; Barocci, Federico
Post-medieval: 14th century architecture, completely renovated in the 18th century; Renaissance architectural sculpture and tabernacle; frescos; paintings on canvas

Vatican City

box 339

Casino di Pio IV

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Physical Description: 61 items

Scope and Contents note

Exterior views including the piazza, fountain and facade of il grande Casino and il piccolo Casino; interior views of fountains, statues, mosaics, a cupola and ceiling.




box 166

General views

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Physical Description: 4 items

Scope and Contents note

General views of town and landscape.
box 166

S. Sepolcro, Cathedral

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Physical Description: 79 items

Scope and Contents note

Exterior and interior views. Marble reliefs by Agostino di Duccio, altarpiece by Beneventano, wooden choir by Mario Tedescho; statues, friezes, views of crypt's columns and capitals.
box 166

Tower of Julia de Jacopo

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Physical Description: 2 items

Scope and Contents note

View of main facade with portal.


box 180, box 181, box 182, box 183, box 184, box 185, box 186, box 187

Villa Lante

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Physical Description: 1175 items


box 188

Porta Albana

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Physical Description: 1 item
box 188

S. Agostino

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Physical Description: 42 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Andrea di Giovanni; Perugino (Pietro di Cristoforo di Vannucci); Orvieto School
Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculpture, frescoes (15th century)
General Notes: Two sets of prints made from one set of negatives have been fused into a single numerical sequence that conforms to the Hutzel guide. There is one guide for all monuments in Bagnoregio.
box 188

S. Andrea

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Physical Description: 4 items

Scope and Contents note

View of facade and close view of main portal.
General Notes: Two sets of prints were fused into a single numerical sequence that follows the Hutzel guide.
box 188

S. Bonaventura

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Physical Description: 4 items

Scope and Contents note

Views of nineteenth century church facade and flank.
General Notes: Two sets of prints made from one set of negatives have been fused into a single numerical sequence which follows the Hutzel guide.
box 188

Ariel views

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Physical Description: 21 items

Barbarano Romano

box 188

Chiesa del Carmine

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Physical Description: 10 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Exterior views of medieval church with campanile.
General Notes: Not mentioned in TCI, and no dates given by Hutzel.
box 188


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Physical Description: 11 items

Scope and Contents note

Owner: Museo
Antiquities: Sarcophagi, cippi
Medieval: Architectural sculpture, with re-used ancient fragments. Views of medieval town, including retaining walls and towers.
General Notes: Includes photographs from two separate campaigns

Bassano Romano

box 188

S. Vincenzo, Parish church

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Physical Description: 33 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Timau Arentz
Exterior photos of church facade with details. Interior views include the cupola and the frescoes. They include scenes of S. Vincenzo with the Madonna and of his vision. There is also a Nativity scene. Additionally, there is a marble statue of Christ with the cross in the Michelangelesque manner.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: February 13, 1984.


box 190

Etruscan Necropolis

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Physical Description: 43 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: 6th-5th centuries BC Etruscan necropolis; tufo tombs cut to resemble houses with tufo cut "furnishings", streets, niches for cinerary urns, bridges, cloacae,
Object Notes: Cross-reference to ancient name BLERA
Bibliographic Citation: Brief Citation: TCI, Lazio, 1974, pp 235-37
box 190

S. Maria

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Physical Description: 17 items

Scope and Contents note

Owner: S. Maria
Antiquities: Sculpture. Roman sarcophagus used as the base for the main altar.
Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, stucco decoration, painting. S. Maria is the cathedral church of the local diocese. The facade is adorned with a portal dating to 1507. Beneath the church, in the crypt, are vaults covered with stucco decoration.


box 191


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Physical Description: 7 items

Scope and Contents note

There are distant and close-range exterior views of the castle, with one view of the courtyard leading to the Museo Comunale, which is housed in the castle.
box 191

Fontana Farnese

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Physical Description: 7 items

Scope and Contents note

Close-range and medium-range views of the fountain.
box 191

General views

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Physical Description: 30 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Etruscan wall
Medieval: Borgo Medievale . Views of the medieval quarter of the city, including neighborhoods, portals, and the walkway leading to the castle and rooftops.
box 191

Museo Comunale

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Physical Description: 30 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Roman cippi, sarcophagus with Bacanalia scene
Museo Comunale housed in Castle. Coverage of the etruscan and roman objects in Museo collection.
General Notes: Hutzel assigned #s 36 - 65, placing it within the previous number series for General Views.
box 191, box 192, box 193

Palazzo del Drago

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Physical Description: 352 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Mosca, Simone; Tibaldi, Pellegrino; Perin del Vaga; Raffaele da Montelupo
Antiquities: cippi, inscriptions, portraits (Trajan), architectural fragments
Post-medieval: frescoes, tapestries, paintings on canvas . Extensive coverage of exterior, including views of portals and portal details, terrace, and collection of antiquities displayed on terrace. Detailed coverage of palazzo interior, including views of frescoes, statuary, paintings, and architectural details.
Bibliographic Citation: Brief Citation: TCI, Lazio, 1981, p. 345
box 191

Piazza Matteotti

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Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

General views of the piazza. A print corresponding to two of the negatives is stored in Medieval.
box 191

Porta Sangallo

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Physical Description: 2 items

Scope and Contents note

Views of the front of the Porta.
box 191

Portale Cardinale Tiberio Crispi

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Physical Description: 2 items

Scope and Contents note

Close-range view of portale.
box 193

S. Cristina

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Physical Description: 58 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Buglioni, Francesco; Buglioni, Benedetto; Vespignani, Virginio; Cavalli, Alberto; Mattei, Tommasso; Robbia, Giovanni della; Trevisani, Francesco
Antiquities: Roman sarcophagus and architectural fragments displayed in the lapidarium. The grotto of S. Cristina is housed within a supposed temple to Apollo.
Medieval: 11th century nave (consecrated 1077), 9th century ciborium in crypt with Roman spolia, 13th century campanile . Post-medieval: Renaissance tripartite facade of 1492-94 built under Leo X, terracotta tympana, frescoes, painting on panel, painting on canvas, polychrome terracotta sculptures, stucco . Coverage is of the exterior and interior of S. Cristina, including the Chapel of the Miracle of Bolsena, the Grotto of S. Cristina, and the Chapel of S. Michael the Archangel.
Bibliographic Citation: Brief Citation: TCI. l981, pp. 342-344.
box 193

S. Francesco

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Physical Description: 34 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: 13th century architecture (restored mid-20th century) . Post-medieval: 15th-17th century fresco fragments, sculpted portal (1548) in pietra rossa . Coverage of the exterior, with emphasis on the main portal. Interior views of the (damaged) frescoes, the nave, the crucifix.
Bibliographic Citation: Brief Citation: TCI, Lazio, 1981, p. 342.


box 194

Palazzo Orsini

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Physical Description: 48 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Pietro da Cortona; Bonifazi, Anton Angelo; Sangallo
Post-medieval: Architecture (15-16th century); frescoes. Views of exterior and interior, with emphasis on frescos.
box 194

S. Maria, Parish church

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Physical Description: 23 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Vignola (Giacomo Barozzi); Torresani, Bartolomeo; Conca, Sebastiano; Perugino (Pietro di Cristoforo di Vannucci)
Post-medieval: Architecture (16th century), frescoes (16th century), antique fragments, sculpture . Coverage is of interior and exterior of church, including paintings, frescoes, architectural details.
Bibliographic Citation: Brief Citation: TCI (Lazio) 1981, p.323


box 196

Collegiata, SS. Andrea e Giovanni Battista

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Physical Description: 47 items
box 196

S. Francesco

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Physical Description: 28 items


box 197

Chiesa della Madonna del Piano

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Physical Description: 20 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Vignola (Giacomo Barozzi); Cozza, Francesco; Carracci, Antonio
Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculpture, painting, wooden ceiling decoration. Structure with simple classical facade by Vignola. In the main chapel are frescoes depicting the Nativity, the Death of Mary and the Assumption, all of which are attributed to Francesco Cozza or to Antonio Carracci.
box 197

General views

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Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture. Panoramic view of medieval city.
box 197

portale romanico

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Physical Description: 6 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture. This portal (now a part of the Ospedale Civile) dates to the 13th century. The lunette of the portal is adorned with a vine-scroll motif, in which are entwined monstrous half-human/half-animal figures.
box 197

S. Francesco

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Physical Description: 54 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculpture, fresco fragments
Object Notes: Romanesque facade, Gothic structure. Restored by Antonio Munoz in 1927. Interior houses sepulchre of Brothers Francesco and Nicola Anguillara. Frescoes of the 14th-16th centuries are on the walls.
box 198

S. Giovanni Evangelista

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Physical Description: 20 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval. Post-medieval: Architecture, sculpture, painting. This structure was built in the 16th century with modifications made in the 18th century. The exterior decoration consists of the facade (left unfinished) and a campanile dating to the Romanesque period. The interior contains a Tabernacle of Holy Oil, from the Renaissance.
box 198

S. Maria

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Physical Description: 13 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Vespignani, Virginio; Antonio da Viterbo (Il Pastura)
Medieval: Painting. In a side chapel is a painting of Christ Blessing, a work of the Roman school from the 13th century. Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, painting. Neo-classical church by Virginio Vespignani, with a colonnaded facade. On the main altar is a tabernacle of holy oil (1439), and the painting of SS. Terenziano, Rocco and Sebastiano in a side aisle is by the school of Pastura.
box 198

S. Rocco

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Physical Description: 16 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture, painting. Small, unadorned church with apse frescoes in bad condition.
Object Notes: Undocumented Hutzel name.
box 198

S. Terenziano

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Physical Description: 14 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture, sculpture, painting, wooden ceiling decoration.
Object Notes: Undocumented Hutzel name.


box 198

General views

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Physical Description: 10 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculpture

Palazzo Farnese

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Physical Description: 1477 items


box 206

S. Maria della Consolazione

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Physical Description: 44 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculpture, coffering, woodworking, intaglio, fresco painting, painting.
Bibliographic Citation: Brief Citation: TCI/Lazio, p. 294.
box 206

S. Teresa

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Physical Description: 43 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Turchi, Alessandro; Reni, Guido; Lanfranco, Giovanni; Rainaldi, Girolamo
Post-medieval: 17th century architecture (1620), architectural sculpture sculpture, woodworking, stucco, painting


box 207

General views

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Physical Description: 3 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture. General view of the city and of the fountain in the Piazza del Comune.
box 207

Palazzo Baronale

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Physical Description: 7 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture. Built in the 16th century by the Farnese family, the palazzo was subsequently passed on to the Sciarra family: the palazzo served as a favorite retreat of Giulia Farnese. The structure has a fortified exterior, with towers and battlements.
box 207

S. Donato

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Physical Description: 4 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture. Church in ruins with no roof. The facade has a rose window and a campanile.
Object Notes: Undocumented Hutzel name.
box 207

S. Filippo

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Physical Description: 12 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture, painting, architectural sculpture. 17th century facade with a painting of S. Filippo on the upper register. The interior contains a coffered ceiling.
Object Notes: Undocumented Hutzel name.
box 207

S. Lucia

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Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture. Small church with houses built up around it.
Object Notes: Undocumented Hutzel name.
box 207

S. Pietro

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Physical Description: 5 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture. 18th century church with a facade consisting of a porch with 4 colossal columns, surmounted by two campanili

Castel Sant'Elia

box 211, box 212

S. Elia

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Physical Description: 297 items

Scope and Contents note

Exterior photos of views, the facade, the portal and many architeectural details. Interior views of nave, with its carved pulpit with details and its ciborium/baldacchino with details. There are many photos of Byzantine, Romanesque and early Renaissance style paintings. Sculpturally, there are photos of capitals, architectural details and inscriptions.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign notes: September 9, 1983

Civita Castellana

box 215


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Physical Description: 50 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Views of a Roman sarcophagus in negative only.
Exterior views, including the portals and courtyard, and many views of the frescoes adorning the courtyard portico.
box 215

S. Maria, Cathedral

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Physical Description: 13 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: There is one view of the sarcophagus that serves as an altar, the print of which is missing.
Views of the central nave, the altars, and the crypt ciborium.


box 214

Casa natale di S. Bonaventura

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Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

View of ruins of house.
General Notes: There is one numerical sequence for Civita, which includes all monumnets. Numbers on prints correspond to this guide. A duplicate of this view is stored in Medieval core collection.
box 214

Episcopal Palace

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Physical Description: 2 items

Scope and Contents note

Views of facade and portal.
General Notes: There is one Hutzel guide for Civita which includes all monuments. Prints correspond to the guides. Duplicates of both prints are stored in Medieval core collection.
box 214

General views

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Physical Description: 11 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Two views of Roman gravestone and one of Roman architectural detail found in parapet.
Distant views of the town and surrounding countryside and views of unidentified buildings and neighborhoods.
General Notes: There is one numerical sequence for all monuments and photos of Civita. Prints correspond to the Hutzel guide. Five duplicates of prints are stored in Medieval core collection and two prints are stored in Medieval core collection only.
box 214

Palazzo Mazzocchi-Alemanni

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Physical Description: 4 items

Scope and Contents note

There are two views of the palace facade, one view of the main portal and one of a window.
General Notes: These prints correspond to the Hutzel guide, which includes all monuments for Civita. Duplicates of these prints are stored in Medieval core collection.
box 214

Porta di S. Maria

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Physical Description: 5 items

Scope and Contents note

There are views of the town portal and the architectural sculpture on it.
General Notes: These prints numbers correspond to the Hutzel guide for Civita, which includes all monuments.
box 215

S. Donato

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Physical Description: 74 items

Scope and Contents note

General Notes: These print numbers correspond to the Hutzel guide, which includes all monuments in Civita in a single numerical sequence. Duplicates of five prints are stored in Medieval core collection; three views are stored only in Medieval.
box 215


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Physical Description: 28 items
box 215

S. Biagio

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Physical Description: 34 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Antonio da Viterbo (Il Pastura); Lorenzo da Viterbo
Medieval: Early Romanesque architecture (12th century); facade renovated in the 15th century . Post-medieval: Renaissance portal; frescos
Object Notes: Unable to locate negatives for this site

Fabrica di Roma

box 219

Madonna della Pieta

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Physical Description: 29 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture and architectural sculpture (16th century); frescos (15th and 16th century)
box 219

S. Silvestro, Collegiate church

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Physical Description: 20 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Torresani, Lorenzo; Torresani, Bartolomeo
Post-medieval: Architecture (second half 16th century); frescos; tabernacle


box 220

S. Salvatore, Parish church

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Physical Description: 21 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Carracci, Annibale; Panico, Antonio Maria; Gentileschi, Orazio
Medieval: Sculpture; stoup . Post-medieval: Architecture; tabernacle in wood and polychrome marble; paintings on canvas
Object Notes: S. Salvatore
box 227

General views

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Physical Description: 2 items


box 228


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Physical Description: 17 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Unterberger, Franz Sebald; Berettini, Vincenzo
Post-medieval: 18th century architecture (1796); paintings on canvas
box 227

Palazzo Ducale

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Physical Description: 56 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Della Porta, Giacomo; Fontana, Carlo
Post-medieval: Medieval architecture, converted into residential palazzo in the 16th century; architectural sculpture; sculpture
box 227

Piazza Castello

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Physical Description: 5 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Fountain . Post-medieval: Architecture
box 228

S. Famiano

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Physical Description: 32 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Romanesque architecture . Post-medieval: 15th century frescos and tapestries


box 229

Palazzo Farnese

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Physical Description: 74 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Peruzzi, Baldassare; Sangallo, Antonio da
Exterior views of the palazzo and surrounding area. Extensive photo coverage of the restored interior and its poorly preserved frescoes. Details of wall frescoes, including a mythological frieze and an ornamental frieze. An extensively decorated wooden, coffered ceiling.

Ischia di Castro

box 232

Museo Comunale

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Physical Description: 30 items

Scope and Contents note

Specific Location: Antiquarium
Antiquities: Roman sculpture.
Views of fragments from Rovine di Castro, including architectural sculpture from 8th-9th c. basilica.
General Notes: 19 views stored in Antiquities core collection of vases, sculpture from etruscan necropolis.
box 232


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Physical Description: 10 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Views of Etruscan Necropolis, some of which show the Tomb of Semidadd?, according to Hutzel notes.
box 232

Palazzo Ducale

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Physical Description: 5 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Antonio da Sangallo
Three exterior views of Renaissance palace with portal leading underneath it into medieval quarter. Also known as la Rocca.
box 232

S. Ermete

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Physical Description: 41 items

Scope and Contents note

Exterior views of facade of early 18th c. church. Interior views of nave and altar, iconostasis, frescos, paintings, baptismal, chalice, reliquary.

Montalto di Castro

box 237


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Physical Description: 13 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, painting, sculpture. The facade of the church is decorated with engaged pillasters and a tympanum, and the interior contains sculpture and paintings in the altars.
Object Notes: Undocumented Hutzel name.


box 238

General views

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Physical Description: 3 items

Scope and Contents note

View of an inn sign in the Piazza Roma that reads "Est! Est!! Est!!!," (see TCI, Lazio pp. 335-336 for significance). Views of a portal, restored in 1744, that leads to the oldest part of Montefiascone.
box 238

S. Flaviano

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Physical Description: 49 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: In the Medieval core collection are views of Etruscan fragments.
Exterior views of the 13th century romanesque church built on top of an older structure: the three gothic arches of the facade are surmounted by a loggia (c. 1500), and a small bell-tower on the left. General views of the two-story interior show the three naves, main altar, frescoes and an architectural structure--vaulting and columns--that date from different periods. Included in the Medieval core collection are details of capitals (11th century), the tombstone of Giovanni Fugger (Defuk or Johannes De Fuk), and 14th century frescoes. All prints in the Hutzel collection are details of frescoes (14th and 15th centuries), including: the Saint Nicholas cycle; various Crucifixions; the Madonna Enthroned; the Annunciation; the Nativity; Pope Urbanus IV; Saints Catherine of Alexandria, Scholastica, Paul, Peter, Bernard, Lucy, Flaviano and others; and the archangel Michael.
Object Notes: Photocampaign date: March 5, 1984. One composite view of the interior is found in the Italy Oversize box in the Medieval core colletion. (Hutzel views: 8,9,10)
General Notes: Until rededicated in the 11th century, San Flaviano was known as Santa Maria.
box 238

S. Margherita, Duomo

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Physical Description: 40 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Sanmicheli, Michele; Fontana, Carlo; Gazola, Paolo; Arnolfo di Cambio,; Robbia, Andrea della; Pomerancio
Exterior views of domed church: facade comprised of a neoclassical portal (1840, by Paolo Gazola), balustrade and flanking bell-towers. Interior views of church built on an octaganal plan with radiating chapels: behind the main altar is a marble statue of the partron saint, St. Margaret; 18th century frescoes in lunette and ceiling of main altar; Madonna and Child and Saints in terracotta by della Robbia; 17th and 18th century altarpieces; wooden crucifixion (16th century); rococo organ-loft (18th century); frescoes by Pomerancio, and marble pilasters, niched saints in the domed ceiling.
Object Notes: Photocampaign date: 4/16/84
box 238

S. Maria in Monte d'Oro

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Physical Description: 27 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Zuccari, Federico; Sangallo, Antonio da (the Younger)
Exterior views of octogonal-plan church built on older Romanesque ruins by Antonio da Sangallo in 1510, and apse (11th century). Interior views of undecorated dome; 15th century fresco of Madonna and Child; fresco of Christ on the Cross by Zuccari; details of damaged frescoes from other altars.
Object Notes: Photocampaign date: 4/16/84


box 239


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Physical Description: 16 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, frescoes. Church dates to the 16th century, with a facade surmounted by two campanili. The building is no longer in use and the paintings inside are in bad condition.


box 241

general views

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Physical Description: 22 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture. Views of various buildings in the city.
Views of characteristic street scenes.
box 241

Oratorio di S. Biagio

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Physical Description: 89 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Holy water font with Roman spolia
Medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, portal contains Roman spolia; ambo, altar (1170); cofanetto (12th century). Post-medieval: Frescoes (14-15th century) . Viewsn of damaged frescoes and small crypt.
box 241

Palazzo Comunale

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Physical Description: 23 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Sangallo, Antonio da (the Elder) (Antonio Giamberti); Bernini, Gian Lorenzo
Post-medieval: Architecture by Antonio da Sangallo, 18th c. additions. Fountain in the form of a tower attributed to Bernini . Views of the baroque exterior, with detail views of the fountain, and several views of the portico.
box 241

Palazzo Farnese

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Physical Description: 2 items

Scope and Contents note

View of the palazzo exterior.
box 241


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Physical Description: 15 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture, c. 1450 by Rodrigo Borgia . Views of the exterior of the castle, its walls and portals.
box 242

S. Maria Assunta

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Physical Description: 35 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Roman sarcohpaghi and sculpture.
Several views of the church exterior, but most coverage is of the interior nave and altars. Some views of Roman sarcophagi and sculpture.


box 243


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Physical Description: 7 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture. The Castello, also called the Palazza Madama, belonged to the Monaldeschi della Cervara family and then to the Sforza family. Pope Pius XII also resided here. The structure, in a state of disrepair, is currently being restored.
box 243

General views

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Physical Description: 4 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture. Panorama and general views of the city.
box 243

S. Giovanni

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Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture. Church with Romanesque style facade and rose window.
Object Notes: Undocumented Hutzel name.
box 243

S. Maria

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Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture. Rustic church with plain facade decorated with arched window.

Oriolo Romano

box 243

Palazzo Baronale

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Physical Description: 17 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture. This structure was built by the Santacroce family and enlarged by the Altieri family after 1674; it is now government property.
box 243


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Physical Description: 4 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture, sculpture. Main piazza with central fountain.
box 243

S. Anna

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Physical Description: 19 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, painting.
Undocumented Hutzel name.
box 243

S. Antonio

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Physical Description: 15 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, painting, stone inlay. The church of S. Antonio is a foundation of the 16th century.
Object Notes: Undocumented Hutzel name.
box 243

S. Giorgio

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Physical Description: 18 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, lecturn and Paschal candelabra, interior stucco decoration. This church was founded in the 16th century, enlarged in the 17th century, and again remodeled in the 18th century. The building is in the form of a greek cross.


box 245

Chiesa della Trinita

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Physical Description: 36 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture; fresco: 15th century and later (recently restored)
box 245

Convento di S. Bernardino

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Physical Description: 28 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture and frescos (16th-17th centuries)
box 243

General views

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Physical Description: 7 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: General views of the Piazza Matteotti and various structures
box 243


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Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture
box 245

S. Maria Assunta, Cathedral

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Physical Description: 12 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Bottani, Giuseppe
Post-medieval: 17th century architecture, architectural sculpture and decoration; 19th century facade; paintings on canvas; furniture

S. Silvestro

box 244, box 245

Museo Diocesano d'Arte Sacra

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Physical Description: 227 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Taddeo di Bartolo; Francesco da Castello; Vannuccio di viva da Siena; Velandi, Domenico; Antonio da Viterbo (Il Pastura); Tuscan school
Antiquities: Fragments of sculpture
Medieval: Romanesque architecture (12th century), architectural sculpture, 8th century mosaic, paintings on canvas and panel, including 13th century panel with scenes from the life of St. Francis, sculpture, carved wooden coffin, church furnishings. Post-medieval: Paintings on canvas and panel
Accompanying Material: Contains negatives of objects without corresponding prints


box 315


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Physical Description: 11 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture, painting, sculpture. Structure was built in the Middle Ages, and restored in successive periods, retaining the cylindrical towers on the corners.
box 315

Convento dei Cappuccini

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Physical Description: 4 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture. Convent dates to 1628.
box 315


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Physical Description: 2 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture. Situated on the Piazza del Duomo, the Municipio (formerly the Palazzo Apostolico) dates to the 15th century, with the 17th century addition of a clock and campanile above the main doorway.
box 315


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Physical Description: 20 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Bernini, Gian Lorenzo
Post-medieval: Architecture, sculpture, coffered ceiling, wooden crucifix, painting. The Oratorio (also called SS. Rosario) is dated to 1626, and possesses within the altar of the Crucifix 2 marble figures of angels attributed to the school of Bernini.
box 315

Palazzo di suor Mariangela Virgili

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Physical Description: 6 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture. Exterior views of building dating to the 15th century, with details of window and door frames.
box 315


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Physical Description: 3 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Panorama of medieval buildings.
box 315

Piazza del Duomo

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Physical Description: 3 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Sculpture. In the center of the piazza is a fountain, decorated with unicorns and Farnesi fleur-de-lis, attributed alternatively to Vignola and to Antonio Gentili da Faenza
box 315

S. Andrea

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Physical Description: 16 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Galasto da Como
Medieval: Architecture, sculpture. The remains of the church date to the 12-13th century. All that is standing today are columns, capitals, and some sculptural fragments. Post-medieval: Architecture. Campanile built in 1436 by the master Galasto of Como, in successive levels with windows articulating the exterior.
box 315

S. Eusebio

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Physical Description: 27 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Sculpture. Roman sarcophagus placed next to the main portal outside the church.
Medieval: Architecture, painting, architectural sculpture, inscription fragments. This church was built by monks fleeing Palestine in the 7th to 8th centuries. The walls are covered with frescoes, some (The Tree of Jesse, The Last Supper, and Christ with Four Saints) date from the 12th century, others (The Madonna enthroned with S. Stephen, and S. Eusebio) date from the 13th century. Post-medieval: Architecture, painting. The portal of the church dates from the 15th century, and in the apse is a fresco of the Madonna and Child from the 15th century as well.
box 315

S. Lucia

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Physical Description: 10 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture, sculpture, architectural sculpture, painting.
Object Notes: Ronciglione environs, near Lago di Vico.
box 315

S. Maria degli Angeli

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Physical Description: 24 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture, painting, sculpture. This 18th century church (also called the Collegio) is no longer in use and in bad condition. Contains coffered and frescoed ceilings, and an elaborate facade.
box 316

S. Maria della Pace

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Physical Description: 34 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Sansovino, Andrea or Jacopo; Viterbese school; Conca, Sebastiano
Antiquities: Sculpture. Roman altar of Parian marble with Renaissance additions, now used as an eucharistic tabernacle.
Post-medieval: Architecture, sculpture, ceiling and wall painting, crucifix, tabernacle. This church was started in 1581 and has been attributed to Vignola or Rainaldi. In the center of the main altar is a depiction of the Madonna of Peace, a fresco of the Viterbese school, dating to the 15th century. To each side of this central fresco are frescoes of S. Augustine and S. Bartholomew from the 17th century. Along the same wall as the altar are two more paintings, one, representing the Apparition of the Madonna to S. Francis of Sales by Sebastiano Conca, and the "Madonna del Suffragio", from the 18th century. A fresco of the Madonna of the Rosary is placed in a side altar, dating from the 16th century. In another side altar is placed a wooden crucifix of the 15th century, with an 18th century addition of the Madonna Addolorata at the foot of the cross. A Renaissance tabernacle inserted into the wall, attributed to Sansovino.
box 316

S. Maria della Provvidenza

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Physical Description: 25 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture, sculpture, frescoes. The church originally dates to the Romanesque period (11th century), but was restored in Baroque style in 1742. The campanile dates to the 13th or 14th century. Within the main apse of the church are frescoes from the 15th century.
Object Notes: 2 prints with same number.
box 316

S. Sebastiano

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Physical Description: 10 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, wooden ceiling decoration, painting. Structure dates from the Romanesque period, and was recently renovated in 1971. The church contains Romanesque and Gothic capitals and columns, and a wooden ceiling with portraits of the saints in the coffers.
box 315

SS. Annunziata

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Physical Description: 5 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture, painting. This church, dating from the 17th century, is also known by the name of S. Costanzo. The wall frescoes within the church date from the same period.
box 316

Ss. Pietro e Caterina

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Physical Description: 22 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Rainaldi, Carlo; Gabriele di Francesco; Trevisani, Francesco; Ghezzi, Giuseppe; Pietro da Cortona
Post-medieval: Architecture, sculpture, tabernacle, painting, ceiling frescoes. The Duomo is a Baroque structure build according to a design by Pietro da Cortona. The facade was renovated in the 17th century by Carlo Rainaldi (1671-1695), and the campanile was added in 1734. Upon a transept altar is placed a triptych of the Savior, depicting Christ, the Virgin and S. John. The triptych, by Gabriele di Francesco of Viterbo, dates from the 15th century. Directly above the altar is a painting of the Assumption by Francesco Trevisani. Also in the transept is the altar of the Madonna of the Rosary, by Giuseppe Ghezzi. Above the main altar is a painting of the Madonna and Child with saints, a work of the school of Giulio Romano.

Rovine di Castro

box 316

General views

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Physical Description: 25 items

Scope and Contents note

Views of remains of monuments of city dating from at least 8th c. A.D., razed in 1649.

San Martino al Cimino

box 317

General views

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Physical Description: 6 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Borromini
Views of town portal (designed by Borromini), fountains, row houses, and the Palazzo Pamphili.
General Notes: These views extracted from S. Martino sequence.
box 317

S. Martino

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Physical Description: 3 items

Scope and Contents note

View of altar painting, holy water font and cloister wall portal. All other exterior and interior views of church in Medieval.

Soriano nel Cimino

box 325

Palazzo Chigi

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Physical Description: 28 items
box 325

S. Agostino

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Physical Description: 21 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Siena; Kuntz, Thaddaus
Post-medieval: Architecture (18th century); fresco "Apotheosis of S. Agostino," and paintings by Taddeo Kuntz. Madonna and Child unkown Sienese school of 1343
box 325

S. Eutizio

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Physical Description: 44 items
box 325

S. Nicola

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Physical Description: 36 items

Scope and Contents note

Owner: Collegiata


box 330

General views

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Physical Description: 9 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Etruscan fragments incorporated into town portal. Negatives not printed show necropolis and amphitheatre.
Views of portal running under building and opening on piazza S. Maurizio; views of fountain on the piazza.
box 330

Madonna del Parto

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Physical Description: 2 items

Scope and Contents note

Views of nave (ruins) and frescoes. One exterior view (Medieval core collection). Two prints offering views of ceramic imbedded in interior wall. Many negatives not printed offer views of frescoes, and a few offer views of nave.
box 330

Palazzo Comunale

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Physical Description: 23 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Roman sacophagus; Etruscan-Roman relief sculpture
Medieval and Renaissance relief sculpture
box 330

S. Maria Assunta, Duomo

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Physical Description: 50 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Caravaggio; Pomorancio; Lorenzo da Viterbo
Exterior views, views of crypt columns and capitals, and sacristy sculpture (Medieval core collection). Interior views of entry hall, nave, ceiling frescoes, corridor leading to sacristy, sacristy paintings, crypt paintings, and paintings in Cappella di S. Francesco.


box 332

Chiesa del Suffragio

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Physical Description: 30 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Andrea Sacchi; Bartolomeo Cavarozzi
Baroque church consecrated in 1761. Exterior views of facade and architectural details. Interior views include nave, Baroque moulding and paintings.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: February 20, 1984.
box 331

general views

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Physical Description: 19 items

Scope and Contents note

General views of countryside and the town. Some miscellaneous views of houses and fountains.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign dates: February 1984 and November 1985. There was also a reference to a campaign in 1982, for which there are no notes.
General Notes: See also Marburger index, nos. 526-27.
box 331

Palazzo Vitelleschi

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Physical Description: 160 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Matteo di Giovanni; Pastura; Truffetta; Vincenzo Camuccini; Carlo Maratta
Antiquities: Phoenician: faience. Etruscan: sarcophagi; pottery; bronze implements (weapons, vessels, mirrors, candelabra). Gold jewelry. Terracotta masks, statuettes and votive objects. Roman: marble statues, bronze vessels, pottery.
Exterior views of Palazzo and museum as well as interior courtyard views and interior views of vaulting. 15th cent. gothic architecture (1436-39, 1460-90). Inside palazzo is the Cappella gentilizia, 15th century, and the antecappella, with frescoes of the story of Lucrezia alternating with the cardinal virtues.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign dates: February 15, 1984 and November 9, 1985. It appears that there may have been another campaign for which there are no notes. Palazzo Vitelleschi houses the Museo Nazionale Tarquiniese, antiquities prints are located in antiquities section. Only a few of the antiquities prints are matched to negatives. However, the NNP numbers follow the highest numbers on the antiquities, so that when future antiquities prints are matched with those negatives, most of the prints can keep their original Hutzel number. The number of antiquities prints listed derives from notes, and not the prints that have been matched. Also, because of the possibly missing campaign notes, the architectural and Renaissance painting prints are combined into a single numerical series, with nominal correlation to the existing Hutzel notes.
General Notes: See also Marburger collection, Nos. 528-29
box 332

S. Giovanni Battista

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Physical Description: 42 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: School of Perugino; Maratta
The church was built in the 13th century, and was connected to the Knights of Malta. The main portal is flanked by two other portals using fronts of sarcophagi for architraves. Photos show the exterior generally, the details of the portals and some side walls. Interior photos show the nave, altar and absidal chapels with their gothic vaulting. There are several photos of capitals with vegetal, animal and human motifs, the baptismal font and miscellaneous architectural details. The paintings include a Deposition (1400s), and two from the 18th cent. of a bishop and of S. Carlo Borromeo. There is a large crucifix over the altar (1310) and a ciborium behind the altar.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign dates: February 20, 1984 and December, 1985.
box 332

S. Margherita, Cathedral

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Physical Description: 44 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Pastura
Old church destroyed in a fire in 1643. It was rebuilt in 1646, restored in the late 19th century, with the facade and campanile restored in 1933. Exterior views include the facade and portal. Interior photos, aside from a few of the nave and altar, focus on the set of frescoes by Pastura with their painted friezes. Prints (no negs.) of the Tree of Jesse and ecclesiastical portraits in the Sala Consigliare. Pastura's paintings include scenes from the Life of the Virgin as well as paintings of saints and sibyls.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: December 13, 1982. No negs for the "Sala Consigliare." Prints include a Tree of Jesse and portraits of ecclesiastics.
General Notes: Hutzel notes nos. 1-29 can in part be found under "General Views" of Tarquinia.
box 332

S. Maria di Castello

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Physical Description: 23 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Pietro di Ranuccio; Giovanni di Guittone; Nicolo Ranucci
Romanesque church begun in 1121 and consecrated in 1208. Exterior photos of walls and round tower. Interior photos of nave and extensive vaulting. Of architectural interest is an octagonal immersion baptismal font and a marble pulpit, which are both highly decorated. The stone mosaic floor is also notable. The ciborium and pluteus date from 1168.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign dates: February 17, 1984 and December 1985.
General Notes: See also Marburger index No. 527.
box 332

S. Martino

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Physical Description: 6 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: School of Barocci
Romanesque church begun in the 12th century, the oldest church in Tarquinia. There are several photos showing exterior views of both the church and the campanile. Views of the interior show the nave and architectural details.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: February 20, 1984.


box 336


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Physical Description: 46 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Andrea di Bartolo
Post-medieval: Architecture, 16th century (largely restored in the 18th century); paintings on canvas and panel; fresco; sculpture
box 335

Museo Comunale

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Physical Description: 59 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Etruscan sarcofagi
box 336

Palazzo Comunale

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Physical Description: 4 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture
box 336

S. Croce

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Physical Description: 6 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture and architectural sculpture (late 12th century) . Post-medieval: Frescos (14th century?)
Object Notes: See also: Medieval architecture and architectural sculpture
box 336

S. Francesco

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Physical Description: 67 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Sparapane, Antonio; Sparapane, Giovanni
Medieval: 14th century architecture . Post-medieval: Fresco
Object Notes: Two sets of prints, mostly duplicates
box 336

S. Giuseppe

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Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture (17th century)
box 336

S. Marco

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Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: 16th century fresco
box 337

S. Maria del Riposo

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Physical Description: 138 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Perino del Vaga; Antonio da Viterbo (Il Pastura); Siciolante, Girolamo (Girolamo da Sermoneta)
Post-medieval: Renaissance architecture (1495) with sculpted portal (1522); paintings on panel and canvas; sculpture (ceramic); 15th-16th century frescos; sculpture in wood; architectural sculpture. Views of the adjacent cloister of the Convento Francescano.
box 337

S. Maria della Rosa

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Physical Description: 38 items
box 336

S. Maria Maggiore

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Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture and architectural sculpture, 12-13th centuries (c. 1159-1206); fresco. Post-medieval: Fresco
box 337

S. Pietro

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Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Doric frieze
Medieval: Frescos (1125-1150); carved choir screen (begun 8th century, extended 13th century); baldachin (1093); episcopal throne (12th century); architecture and architecture sculpture (11th-13th centuries); Cosmati pavement. Post-medieval: Renaissance fountain
Object Notes: See also: Medieval architecture and architectural sculpture
box 337

S. Silvestro

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Physical Description: 8 items

Scope and Contents note

Gregorio d'Arezzo; Donato d'Arezzo
Medieval: Romanesque architecture; architectural sculpture
Post-medieval: Fresco (14th century)
box 337

SS. Martiri

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Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: 19th century architecture incorporating some 14th century elements


box 338

General views

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Physical Description: 8 items

Scope and Contents note

Distant view of town, view of portal under Municipio, exterior views of S. Andrea.
General Notes: These views extracted from the Madonna del Ruscello sequence follow numbering for that sequence.
box 338

Madonna del Ruscello

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Physical Description: 39 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Alessandro Vibani; G. B. Chiuccia; P. Menicoccia; Pomarancio; Lanfranco; Sante Vandi
Exterior views of 17th c. church, including cupola and inner courtyard, with detail views of facade sculpture, doors and windows. Interior views of nave and altars, stucco decoration, organ, wooden choir, frescoes and paintings.
box 338, box 339

SS. Pietro e Paolo

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Physical Description: 194 items


box 338

Cappella della Madonna delle Grazie

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Physical Description: 14 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Antonio da Viterbo (Il Pastura)
Antiquities: Sculpture. Altar top rests on a Roman tomb monument with dedicatory inscription to the god Sylvanus.
Post-medieval: Architecture, painting. On the wall above the altar are frescoes by the school of Pastura (1504).
box 338

Cappella di S. Lanno

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Physical Description: 3 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Lorenzo da Viterbo
Post-medieval: Architecture, painting. Fresco in church depicting the Madonna and Christ enthroned with Ss. Lanno, Francesco and a female saint by the school of Lorenzo da Viterbo (1493).


box 340

Cappella gentilizia dei Santacroce

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Physical Description: 20 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Sangallo
Three exterior facade views of Renaissance church designed by Sangallo. Interior views of presbytery, tombs, sculpture, inscribed tablet, portal.
General Notes: Cannot find negatives.
box 340

Chiesa dell'Assunta

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Physical Description: 17 items

Scope and Contents note

Exterior views of Renaissance/Baroque church before and after 1983 restoration, including views of flank, apse, portals, facade, and bell tower. Interior views of nave, chapels, architectural details and paintings.
box 339

General views

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Physical Description: 7 items

Scope and Contents note

Views of town, city walls, tower, portals, unidentified church, local landscape, Palazzo Altieri.
General Notes: All Vejano monuments included in single numerical sequence.
box 346

General views

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Physical Description: 37 items


box 347


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Physical Description: 23 items
box 347

S. Francesco

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Physical Description: 12 items

Scope and Contents note

Specific Location: Archeo
General Notes: Medieval (62 photos of S. Francesco) Hutzel nos. 44-97, 109-116; one of Archeo Hutzel no. 127
box 347

S. Pietro

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Physical Description: 18 items


box 348

Castello Ruspoli

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Physical Description: 10 items

Scope and Contents note

Exterior views of all sides of castle, renovated 1575, including rear view of park.
box 348

General views

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Physical Description: 7 items

Scope and Contents note

Distant views of town; unidentified street views in negatives only.
General Notes: All views of Vignanello are part of single numerical sequence.
box 348

Palazzo Marescotti

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Physical Description: 8 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: G.B. Contini
Exterior views of facade with portico. Interior view of portico and baptistery with font and well.
box 348

S. Maria delle Lacrime

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Physical Description: 10 items

Scope and Contents note

Exterior views of Romanesque church apparently located outside town.
General Notes: No documentation about monument.
box 348

S. Maria, Collegiate church

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Physical Description: 39 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: G.B. Contini; Annibale Carracci
Exterior views of 18th c. church facade, with detail views of wooden portal. Interior views of nave, baroque organ, altar gloria, architectural sculpture, painting.


box 349

Casa Poscia

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Physical Description: 7 items

Scope and Contents note

Exterior views of 14th. palazzo, external stairs, balcony, relief sculpture.
box 356

Chiesa della Morte

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Physical Description: 2 items

Scope and Contents note

Views of capital and windows from 11th c. church.
box 349

Fontana dei Leoni

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Physical Description: 6 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Filippo Caparozzi; Pio Fedi
Views of 17th c. fountain by Caparozzi, restored 1877 by Pio Fedi, who sculpted the lions.
box 349

Fontana della Rocca

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Physical Description: 12 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Raffaello da Montelupo; Giovanni Malanca
Views of large fountain, originally built in 16th c., reassembled from bombed fragments after WWII.
box 356


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Physical Description: 5 items

Scope and Contents note

Exterior views of 11th c. Romanesque church, including facade, portal, bell tower.
box 350, box 351, box 352, box 353, box 354, box 355

Museo Civico

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Physical Description: 999 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Panciato d'Antonello da Calvi; Antonio da Viterbo; Zelli, Costantino; Bonfazi, Anton Angelo; Pietro da Cortona; Rosa, Salvator; Romanelli, Giovanni Francesco; Pucciati, Angelo; Gherardi, Antonio (Reatino); Rusca, Giuseppe; Benefial, Marco; Lomi, Aurelio; Sebastiano del Piombo; Nebbia, Cesare
Antiquities: Many views of Etruscan and Roman fragments, sculpture, sarcophagi, pottery, masks, jewelry and other objects found in the Storeroom sequence (inventory numbers on back of prints), and the Cloister, Second floor Cloister, Valle Giulia, Sala Romana and Sala Etrusca sequences.
Views of paintings (Middle Ages through 18th c.), frescoes, a tabernacle, coffin, sculpture reliefs, portal fragments, busts, sculpture, tapestry found in the Pinacoteca, Second floor gallery and Second floor cloister sequences.
General Notes: There are eight separate numerical sequences for this location. The cloister as an architectural structure, rather than museum site, is documented in the record and file for S. Maria della Verita, Cloister, all views of which are stored in Medieval core collection. Five views from the Museo Civico Second floor cloister sequence are stored in Medieval.
box 349

Palazzo Comunale

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Physical Description: 113 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Baldassari Croce
Antiquities: Sarcophagi in courtyard.
Exterior views of Renaissance palazzo portico, portal fresco, courtyard with fountain and view of SS. Trinita. Interior views of Sala Regia o Erculea, decorated with frescoes by Croce and Sala del Consiglia.
box 349

Palazzo de' Galeotti

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Physical Description: 22 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Etruscan sarcophagus
Exterior views of facade and courtyard, with details of windows, portal, fountain.
box 356

Palazzo del Podesta

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Physical Description: 33 items

Scope and Contents note

Exterior views of 13th c. palazzo, renovated, with slim tower, architectural sculpture, and lunette fresco of former window.
box 356

Palazzo Gentili

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Physical Description: 17 items

Scope and Contents note

Exterior views of 14th c. church, with details of architectural sculpture of fantastic creatures decorating windows.
box 356

Papal Palace

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Physical Description: 46 items

Scope and Contents note

Exterior views in relation to adjacent monuments, views of fountains, architectural details with emphasis on the loggia. More comprehensive exterior views in Medieval.
box 356

Piazza Alighieri

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Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Exterior views of two buildings on the piazza, a house and the palazzo of the Cassa di Risparmio.
box 356

Piazza del Gesu

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Physical Description: 5 items

Scope and Contents note

Views of the piazza, including Torre di Borgognone and details of a fountain.
box 356

Piazza S. Pellegrino

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Physical Description: 27 items

Scope and Contents note

Views of the neighborhoods surrounding the 13th c. piazza, with two views of the 18th c. Chiesa del Gonfalone.
box 349

Porta S. Pietro

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Physical Description: 2 items

Scope and Contents note

Specific Location: Palazzo di Donna Olimpia
. Views of medieval portal and 13th c. Palazzo di Donna Olimpia that flanks it.
box 349


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Physical Description: 2 items

Scope and Contents note

Exterior views of 14th c. Castle, renovated five times, including after WWII bombing.
box 357

S. Andrea

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Physical Description: 6 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Bartolomeo Torresani
Views of 12th c. Romanesque church exterior, including facade, portico, portal. Interior views of nave, apses, altar, frescoes, baptismal font, columns, capitals. Stored with Hutzel collection are four prints, showing stained glass window, crucifix, tabernacle, painting.
box 357

S. Angelo in Spata

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Physical Description: 10 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Views of Roman sarcophagus, popularly called Tomba della bella Galiana, attached to facade.
Exterior views of romanesque church, renovated in 18th c. Details of portal, cresta.
box 357

S. Croce dei Mercanti

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Physical Description: 6 items

Scope and Contents note

Views of ex-church's ornate portal.
box 357

S. Francesco

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Physical Description: 86 items

Scope and Contents note

Interior views only of gothic church largely reconstructed after WWII bombing. No general views of interior, but many views of stained glass windows, frescoes, tombs, mosaic work, capitals.
box 357

S. Giovanni Decollato

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Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

One exterior view of ex-church located near Porta Faul.
box 357

S. Giovanni in Zoccoli

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Physical Description: 15 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Francesco Balletta
One exterior view of lunette fresco. Interior views of gothic tryptych, pentittico, baptismal. Negatives show exterior apse from Piazza Alighieri.
General Notes: According to guide, there should be 45 prints with matching negs, most stored in Medieval collection, but those that should be in MED are missing, and the four negs do not match any prints.
box 357, box 358

S. Lorenzo, Cathedral

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Physical Description: 133 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Carlo Maratta; Gerolamo Scaccoda Cremona; G.F. Romanelli; Marco Benefial
Views of 16th c. facade, with detail views of portal, windows, campanile (attached). Interior views of cupola, baptistery, sculpture, chapels, tabernacle. Many views of paintings and apse frescoes. Nave views in negatives only.
Object Notes: A composite view of the exterior in found in the Italy Oversize box in the Medieval Core Collection. [Hutzel views (H-230) MED and (H-231) MED]
General Notes: Views 118 to 184, processed by previous cataloguer, have no matching prints, though negative jackets indicate they should. All prints have been renumbered.
box 359

S. Maria del Paradiso

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Physical Description: 32 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Angelo Pucciati; Antonio del Massaro (detto Pasturo)
Exterior views of 13th c. renovated church, its imitation medieval modern facade, the portal, and many views of the adjoining convent's cloister. Views of frescoes by Pucciati and refectory frescoes by Pasturo.
box 360

S. Maria della Salute

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Physical Description: 41 items

Scope and Contents note

Exterior views of gothic church's apse, windows, cupola, and portal, of which there are many detail views.
box 361, box 362

S. Maria della Verita, Cloister

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Physical Description: 242 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Lorenzo da Viterbo
Antiquities: Sarcophagi; sculpture; architectural fragments
Extensive coverage of 12th c. church, renovated between 14th and 15th c. Exterior views of facade, flank and portal. Interior views of altar, gothic transept, ciborium. Views of Cappella Mazzatosta, its ceramic floor and frescoes by Lorenzo da Viterbo. Comprehensive coverage of gothic structure, including views of garden, well, and portico where antiquities are stored. Single print stored in Hutzel a duplicate of one in Medieval.
General Notes: Two sets of prints fused into single numerical sequence. Cloister has separate numerical sequence and record.
box 358

S. Maria Nuova

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Physical Description: 104 items

Scope and Contents note

Owner: S. Maria Nuova
Exterior and interior views of nave and altar in Medieval collection. In Hutzel collection are views of paintings, frescoes, architectural details, throne.
General Notes: Seventy-one catalogued views in Medieval core collection and fifty-one uncatalogued, some of which do not have matching negs. Two numerical sequences have been fused into one; see guide.
box 360

S. Pietro

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Physical Description: 25 items

Scope and Contents note

Bartolomeo Torresani; Giovanni Romanelli
Exterior views of 13th c. church (renovated in 17th c.) including stairway, facade, balustrade. Interior views of nave and altar, cupola, frescoes, side altars.
box 360

S. Sisto

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Physical Description: 11 items

Scope and Contents note

Exterior views (in Medieval) of 9th c. Romanesque church, including facade, campanile, architectonic remains (church was remodeled several times). Interior views of altar, stairs leading to presbytery, columns, capitals, painting.
box 359, box 360

Sanctuary of S. Maria della Quercia

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Physical Description: 208 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Carlo di Mariotto; Domenico di Iacopo da Firenzuola; Giovanni di Bernadino da Viterbo; Andrea della Robbia; Giovani di Pietro; Andrea Bregno; Cesare Monetto
Extensive coverage of Renaissance sanctuary's exterior, with emphasis on the church portals. Several views of bell tower. Interior views of nave and altar, aisles, ceiling and cupola, tabernacle containing the miraculous tile, paintings, sacristy, choir, holy water font. Views of main cloister and cistern.
General Notes: Two sets of prints fused into single numerical sequence.
box 360

SS. Trinita

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Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Exterior flank view of 14th c. church, renovated in 18th c.
box 349


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Physical Description: 2 items

Scope and Contents note

Specific Location: near Porta Faul
View of tower (in ruins) built by Monastery of Sasso Vivo.


box 362

General views

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Physical Description: 41 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: View of location of former Etruscan necropolis.
Views of Porta Romana, piazzas, fountain, clocktower, Palazzo Comunale, S. Maria, Trattoria dei Fedeli, Casa del vescovo, windows and doorways.
General Notes: All views of Vitorchiano included in single numerical sequence.
box 362

Madonna di S. Nicola

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Physical Description: 108 items

Scope and Contents note

Three exterior views of 16th c. church; comprehensive coverage of church interior, including altars, nave and numerous frescoes of the viterbese school.
General Notes: Two sets of prints integrated into single numerical sequence that comprises all views of Vitorchiano.
box 363

Monastero S. Agnese

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Physical Description: 19 items

Scope and Contents note

Exterior detail views of 14th c. monastery, and several interior views of altars and altar paintings.
Object Notes: Not able to confirm monument identification.


box 363


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Physical Description: 7 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Views of excavated baths, villas, nymphaeum, temple.
General Notes: Eleven prints stored in Antiquities, as noted on negatives. None in Hutzel section.

Lombardy Series VII.

Physical Description: 1 box

Scope and Contents note

Photographs of sites in Lombardy with accompanying lists.

Arrangement note

Arranged alphabetically by city, general views of the city/historic center, and monument name.




box 364

S. Ambrogio

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Physical Description: 156 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Founded 386-389 by S. Ambrogio, bishop at the time of emperor Teodosio. Remodelled 789, 859, 1098-1128, 1196. Decoration of basilica drastically altered over centuries, until 1858 when restored to original aspect. Restoration lasted until 1890. Exterior views of architecture and architectural sculpture, some of which contains re-used Roman fragments and architectural elements.
Accompanying Material: Guida della Basilica di S. Ambrogio, by Ferdinando Reggiori, 1986. Housed in Center Library.

Marches Series VIII.

Physical Description: 23 boxes

Scope and Contents note

Photographs of sites in Marches with accompanying lists.

Arrangement note

Arranged alphabetically by city, general views of the city/historic center, and monument name.




box 365


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Physical Description: 11 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Bernardino di Mariotto
Medieval: 12th century stoup. Post-medieval: Architecture; fresco fragments; paintings on canvas.


box 369

Oratorio del Gonfalone

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Physical Description: 21 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Viviani, Antonio Maria (Il Sordo d'Urbino)
Post-medieval: Baroque architecture (1610-1636) with highly carved and decorated wooden ceiling; paintings, some with elaborately carved frames; wooden furniture, crucifix, and altar.
box 369

Piazza del Comune

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Physical Description: 2 items

Scope and Contents note

Exterior photos of 13th century building.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: March 26, 1983. Notes regarding this monument are contained under "Oratorio del Gonfalone."
box 369

Pinacoteca Comunale

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Physical Description: 43 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Fabriano School; Allegretto di Nuzio; Ambrogio Monaco; Neri di Bicci; Master of Staffolo; Bicci di Lorenzo; Antonio da Fabriano; Filippo da Verona; Domiziani, Domiziano; Nelli, Ottaviano di Martino; Rainaldetto di Ranuccio
Medieval: Painted crucifix. Post-medieval: Paintings on panel and canvas, including cassone; sculpture in wood (14th century German).
General Notes: Two prints, nos. 29 and 39, are missing.
box 369

S. Agostino

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Physical Description: 39 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Cantoni, Giacomo; Cades, Giuseppe
Medieval: Architecture (begun early 13th century): restored in 1768, 1938, and recently. Exterior: sculpted portal (early 14th century) and traces of ogival arches; 14th century frescos: Fabriano-Riminese school (restored 1933); late gothic frescos. Post-medieval: Richly decorated late baroque nave; 14th century frescos of the Fabriano-Riminese school (restored 1933); stucco work; works on canvas by Cades (18th century)
Object Notes: Church was formerly known as S. Maria Nova [TCI/Marches]
box 370

S. Benedetto

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Physical Description: 54 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Rinalducci, Lorenzo; Lombardo, Mariano; Mezzalancia, Girolamo; Martelli, Filippo; Campana, Paolo; Serafini, Pietro Paolo; Rossi, Pasquale de' (Pasqualino); Brandi, Giacinto; Nucci, Avanzino; School of Bologna; Gentileschi, Orazio; Magistris, Simone de (Toscani)
Medieval: 13th century architecture (1244/1290); wooden crucifix. Post-medieval: Architecture, original structure rebuilt in 1590. Restored after 1741. Facade dates from c. 1764. Early Roman fragments included as decoration in exterior walls. Interior has numerous paintings on canvas, extensive stucco work, sculpture in wood and gilt, elaborately carved choir stalls, and 16th and 18th century documents.
General Notes: Photos 41-44, 47-49 are missing. Possibly with the Medieval photographs. Negatives probably corresponding to those prints are numbered 50-60.


box 379


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Physical Description: 54 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Agabiti, Pietro Paolo; Fabriano School; Allegretto di Nuzio; Salvi, Giovanni Battista
Antiquities: A Roman altar, gravestone, urn and torso. (1st-3rd centuries).
Two coats-of-arms (of Sassoferrato and the Bishop Aldobrandini; a polyptych of saints Anthony, Sebastian, Roch and Martin; the Madonna of Sassoferrato; a portrait of Sentinensi; ceramic fragments (15th-16th centuries); a renaissance ciborium, a mosaic of St. Demetrius in a wood and silver frame (10th-11th centuries); an Umbrian processional cross (15th century); a wooden statue of the Madonna di Loreto; reliquaries; a saint's wooden shoe; an ivory diptych; silver medallions (13th century) and various paintings.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: March 17, 1983
box 379

S. Croce

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Physical Description: 23 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Fabriano school; Agabiti, Pietro Paolo; Giovanni Antonio di Gaspare da Pesaro; Allegretto di Nuzio
Antiquities: Lion fragment from the Roman site of Sentinum.
In the medieval core collection, views of the exterior with emphasis on the facade portal sculpture and pier capitals (12th century). Hutzel prints include views of the main altar and polyptych, side altar frescoes by di Nuzio, and various altarpieces.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: March 14, 1983
General Notes: No negatives exist for the pier capitals, architectural sculpture, and altarpieces along the nave.
box 379

S. Francesco

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Physical Description: 13 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Ramazzani, Ercole; Guerrieri, Giovanni Francesco; Baronzio, Giovanni; Giovanni da Rimini
Exterior views of this gothic church show a buttressed nave and west facade portal with a pointed arch. Taken from the belfry is a panoramic view of Sassoferrato. Views of the interior focus on various altar paintings and the main altar cross (14th century) attributed to da Rimini or Baronzio.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: March 17, 1983

Serra Sant'Abbondio

box 379

Eremo di Fonte Avellana

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Physical Description: 44 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Giuliani, Giorgio
Exterior views of the romanesque-gothic architecture of the abbey buildings and cloister, including a bell tower (1482). Interior views of the first church (9th century); the 14th-century church with a polychrome sculpture of the crucifixion (1567); the main altar carved from stone (14th century), the sala capitolare, and the refectory with a huge copy of Guido Reni's Martyrdom of St. Andrew.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: March 14, 1983
General Notes: This abbey is found near the village of Serra Sant'Abbondio, and located by Hutzel as 20 kilometers out of Sassoferrato.

Ascoli Piceno


Montegranaro (environs)

box 373

S. Claudio al Chienti

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Physical Description: 24 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Immured gravestones and piles of Roman architectural fragments.
This 10th-11th century church was restored in 1925. The exterior facade is comprised of two flanking cylindrical towers and two portals--one on top of the other. Interior views include apse frescoes of S. Rocco and S. Claudio (1486), a confessional and the Sacristy.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: November 29, 1984
General Notes: S. Claudio al Chienti was previously filed with monuments in Tolentino.


box 373

Collegiata Nuova

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Physical Description: 5 items

Scope and Contents note

Views of facade, altars and cupola.
General Notes: Hutzel catalogued this monument together with S. Agostino, assigning Collegiata's prints the last four numbers of the S. Agostino numerical sequence.
box 373

S. Agostino

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Physical Description: 17 items

Scope and Contents note

Six exterior views with an an emphasis on the portals; interior views of the nave, altars, and choir.
box 373

S. Maria della Rocca

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Physical Description: 85 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Andrea da Bologna
Medieval: Architecture and architectural sculpture; frescos (13th and 14th century). Post-medieval: Frescos (15th century); painted ceramic sculpture. Several views of the imposing Romanesque exterior, and extensive coverage of the frescoes located in the crypt and the main altar.
General Notes: Prints 20, 22, and 56 have no matching negatives.


box 374

General views

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Physical Description: 19 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Roman bridge, walls
Post-medieval: General views of town and environs
box 374


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Physical Description: 20 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Romanesque architecture (fragments). Post-medieval: Architecture; sculpure; paintings on canvas; frescos (16th century)




box 365

Parish church

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Physical Description: 15 items


box 366


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Physical Description: 35 items
box 366

Museo Diocesano

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Physical Description: 95 items
box 366

Palazzo Ducale

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Physical Description: 11 items
box 366


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Physical Description: 28 items
box 367

S. Francesco

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Physical Description: 15 items
box 367

S. Venanzio

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Physical Description: 48 items


box 367

S. Anastasio

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Physical Description: 12 items

Scope and Contents note

Specific Location: Casali di Ussita
Medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculptural fragments. Post-medieval: Painting
General Notes: No information provided by Hutzel. No mention of site found in TCI guidebook.

Castelsantangelo sul Nera

box 367

General Views

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Physical Description: 24 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture
General Notes: No information provided by Hutzel. See TCI, Marche, p. 533
box 368

S. Martino

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Physical Description: 64 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Paolo da Visso; Bontulli, Paolo; Silvestro dell' Aquila
Medieval: Romanesque architecture (12th century); campanile with bifora windows; architectural sculpture: capitals, etc.; tabernacle carved with lion heads; gothic altar. Post-medieval: Frescos (15th and 16th centuries); sculpture in wood (16th century); terracotta bust of a bishop (16th century)
box 368

S. Stefano

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Physical Description: 95 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculpture
Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculpture, painting, fresco painting
A Romanesque church of which can still be admired the campanile with its accompanying arch. Inscriptions in Gothic lettering. Hutzel provides article on site. See also TCI, Lazio, p.533


box 369

Abbey of S. Maria di Chiaravalle di Fiastra

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Physical Description: 45 items

Scope and Contents note

Exterior views of this Cistercian abbey include views of the asymmetrical abbey church facade, the porch, the portal and also views of the arcaded cloister. Views of the Romanesque interior include details of medieval capitals and main altar frescoes from the 14th and 15th centuries.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: April 1, 1983


box 371, box 372

Museo Piersanti

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Physical Description: 63 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Maratti, Carlo; Antonio da Fabriano; Bernardino di Mariotto dello Stagno; Girolamo di Giovanni da Camerino; Arcangelo di Cola da Camerino; Jacopo Bellini; Francesco di Gentile da Fabriano; Lorenzo di Alessandro da San Severino
Antiquities: The photos depict roman portraiture busts.
Views of the museum's collection of late 14th-16th century paintings, as well as the tapestry and maiolica collections.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: March 29, 1983
box 372

S. Francesco

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Physical Description: 36 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Palmezzano, Marco; Francesco di Gentile da Fabriano; Ramazzani, Ercole; Magistris, Simone de; Magistris, Giovanni Francesco de; Lorenzo di Alessandro da San Severino; Nobili, Durante; Boscoli, Andrea; Eusebio da San Giorgio; Allegretto di Nuzio; Cantarini, Simone; Francesco Rossi di Orciano; Salimbeni, Lorenzo; Paris Scipione
Exterior views of the Baroque architecture of the church; interior views of the 15th-century painted altarpieces (ie. Madonna and Child with Saints, the Last Supper, the Crucifixion and the Deposition from the Cross), sculpture and decorative arts.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: March 19, 1983


box 372


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Physical Description: 92 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Perugino; Domenico Angelucci; Camillo Angelucci; Fabio Angelucci; Ascanio Poggini; Giovanni Battista Norcia
Parish church dating from the 13th century with interior decoration dating until the 16th century. Mevale is the home of the Angelucci family, who were artists and woodworkers in the 15th and 16th centuries. The interior frescoes include a Last Judgment (1601), a Trinity (1560), Apostles in the Oratorium, a Madonna of the Rosary (1571), and a chivalric tournament (15th cent.). A Pieta in the lunette in the Oratorium is believed to have been painted by Perugino, in whose workshop one of the Angelucci worked. There is also a Madonna in the Byzantine style, dating from the 13th century. The confessional is used as well for a chancel, the work of Ancanio Poggini (1580).
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: September 26, 1983. Negs. of columns and stone lion may belong to another site.


box 373

S. Maria a Pie di Chienti

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Physical Description: 50 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Master of Offidia (13th-14th century)
Antiquities: A pluteus, perhaps.
This early Romanesque basilica (first erected in the 9th century) has a stark exterior, with the exception of the apse which is enlivened by 3 apsidioles and blind windows. Interior views include: a crucifix, ambulatory, terracotta staues of the Archangel Gabriel and the Virgin (15th century), and several views of the 14th-century frescoes in the upper church. A marble bust may be S. Claudio and actually be found in the church of S. Claudio al Chienti in Montegranaro.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: November 19, 1984
General Notes: This monument was previously catalogued as being in the city of Belforte del Chienti. Several prints exist in duplicate. S. Maria a Pie di Chienti should not be confused with S. Claudio al Chienti in Montegranaro, though some prints may be labeled as such.

San Ginesio

box 375


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Physical Description: 53 items

Scope and Contents note

Object Notes: There may be a problem with this monument and the Oratorio di S. Biagio, which is the name of its crypt. The Oratorio has its own folder, but negatives do not appear to be in place. Second, a photo marked "S. Ginesio, S. Tommaso" is with the Collegiata prints, but its identification is unknown.
box 375

Oratorio di S. Biagio

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Physical Description: 26 items

Scope and Contents note

Photos of the crypt of the Collegiata. Frescoes show the life of S. Biagio and S. Biagio Vescovo. There are also a Madonna & Child and musical angels.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign notes are undated.
box 375

S. Maria

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Physical Description: 27 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Altar built with Roman spolia.
Exterior views: 15th-century portal, 11th-century apse, 13th-century cloister. Interior views: Roman columns and carved capitals.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: 12/27/84
box 375

S. Sebastiano

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Physical Description: 13 items

Scope and Contents note

Owner: Museo-Pinacoteca

San Severino Marche

box 376

Chiesa delle Clarisse

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Physical Description: 58 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Antonio Piergiacomo; Domenico Palombi; Filomeno Bigioli; Ireneo Aleandri
Exterior views of the 15th-century church with its 17th century baroque facade. Interior views of the main altar, four side chapels, two transept chapels, 19th century dome frescoes and a conch fresco of Saul's Conversion on the way to Damascus. The altar (17th century), of marble intarsia is held up by four putti. The Rococo altarpiece bears the inscription Altare Gregorianum Perpetuum. Views also of a gilt organ (17th century), pulpit, and marble holy water font (1598).
Object Notes: There are two prints for almost every negative; one set of prints was previously identified as S. Maria del Glorioso.
General Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: April 9, 1983
box 377

Chiesetta della Misericordia

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Physical Description: 9 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Roncalli, Cristofano (Pomerancio); Salimbeni, Lorenzo; Damiani, Felice
Post-medieval: Paintings on canvas; fresco; architectural decoration
box 377

Duomo Vecchio

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Physical Description: 41 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Salimbeni, Jacopo; Salimbeni, Lorenzo; Mancini, Lorenzo; Indivini, Domenico; Pierantonio; Acciaccaferri, Francesco; Rossi, Giuseppe
Exterior views of this 14th-century church include a bell tower (11th century), belfry, buttresses, portals, and a cloister walk, well-head, loggia, columns and capitals (13th century). Views of the baroque interior (17th century) include an ornate wooden ceiling with the Papal coat-of-arms in the center, an organ, and an altarpiece with angels. Most views are of intarsia choirstalls (1483-1513) and the frescoes of the story of St. John the Evangelist (or St. Joseph) by the Salimbeni brothers. There are also views of a room containing the sculpted tomb effigies of St. Severino and St. Vittorino, with paintings and mosaics of the life of St. Severino. This room or aisle may be incorrectly identified by Hutzel.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: April 8, 1983.
box 376

General views

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Physical Description: 7 items

Scope and Contents note

In the medieval section: two cityscapes punctuated by the Torre degli Smeducci and church bell towers. Prints in the Hutzel core collection include views of the Piazza del Popolo, S. Guiseppe, the via Salimbeni (or the Teatro Feronia) on the via Indivini, and the palazzo Salimbeni. Negatives include: three coats-of-arms, views of the Palazzo Mangarucci and an arcaded courtyard.
box 377

La Maesta

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Physical Description: 14 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Barocci, Federico; Lorenzo di Alessandro da San Severino
Exterior views of this church (c. 1300) include the gothic main portal, a romanesque nave portal, and a pair of 14th-century doorknockers. Interior views focus on the votive frescoes and a damaged painting of the Archangel Raphael with Tobias.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: April 9, 1983
box 376

Museo Archeologico

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Physical Description: 12 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Interior views of Roman spolia, gravestones, an altar and architectural fragments. Negatives include views of the display cases containing the collezione Pascucci: prehistoric artifacts and Roman pottery.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: April 11, 1983
General Notes: The Museo Archeologico is dedicated to Giuseppe Moretti.
box 376

Palazzo Tacchi-Venturi

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Physical Description: 4 items

Scope and Contents note

Exterior views of this palazzo at N. 40 via Salimbeni include windows and portals. Negatives show courtyard views.
Object Notes: See also, views of the Pinacoteca and the Museo Archeologico which are housed in the Palazzo Tacchi-Venturi.
box 376

Pinacoteca Civica

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Physical Description: 75 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Bernardino di Mariotto dello Stagno; Coda, Benedetto; Sano di Pietro; Crivelli, Vittorio; Paolo Veneziano; Allegretto di Nuzio; Nicolo di Liberatore da Foligno; Eustachi, Bartolomeo; Salimbeni, Lorenzo; Salimbeni, Jacopo; Barocci, Federico; Lorenzo di Alessandro da San Severino; Rimini School; Bruno Gavazza da Bologna; Grenter, Matteo; Giraldo Jacopo Cavazza
The collections include: a silver reliquary (1326), a relic of Pope Peter Celestini V, a silver plate, a 13th-century clothes chest illustrating a medieval legend, a globe with constellations/signs of the zodiac, fresco fragments by the Salimbeni brothers, a fresco of St. Francis receiving the Stigmata from the church of S. Francesco in Castello (now destroyed), a fresco of St. Anthony Abbot, elaborate polyptychs by Veneziano and Salimbeni, an ivory chest with secular imagery, and various altarpieces and paintings. Of exceptional quality are paintings by Bernardino Mariotto of the Annunciation and the Pieta, and an altarpiece of the Madonna and Child Enthroned with Saints by Vittore Crivelli.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: April 11, 1983
box 377

S. Agostino, Cathedral

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Physical Description: 47 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Acciccaferri; Gentile, Antonio; Gentile, Giovanni; Pomarancio; Aleandri, Ireneo; Bernardino di Mariotto dello Stagno; Palombi, Domenico; Lorenzo di Alessandro da San Severino; Ottino, Pasquale; Bigioli, Venanzio; Bigioli, Filippo; Indivini, Domenico; Pinturicchio; Sante Lotti; Giovanni di Piergiacomo
Exterior views of the 15th-century facade with its gothic portal. Views also of the oratory and baroque portal. The interior, restored in 1776 and 1827, is neoclassical. Views in prints H-6 and H-9 show a small barrel-vaulted chapel with a modern main altar painting of the Last Supper. This is either the oratory or a misidentifed church interior. Other views include: wooden crucifixes; an intarsia door to the sacristy and intarsia panels by Indivini; various altar paintings; a silver statue of St. Severino with a crozier, a painting of the Madonna and Child with angels and a kneeling donor by Pinturicchio; a reliquary; a silver plate; a small painted ceramic statue of the Pieta; and a series of sketches from an album of an artist from San Severino Marche.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: April 8, 1983
box 377

S. Antonio di Cesalonga

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Physical Description: 9 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture (13th century) and architectural sculpture
Object Notes: San Severino Marche environs.
box 377

S. Domenico

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Physical Description: 25 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Giuseppe da Palermo; Cignani, Carlo; Scarsella, Ippolito; Salimbeni, Lorenzo; School of Bologna (17th century); Bigioli; Bernardino di Mariotto dello Stagno
All views are of altarpieces, paintings, and fresco fragments by Salimbeni. The main altarpiece depicts the Madonna and Child with Saints Severino, Ansano, Catherine of Siena, Dominic, and John the Baptist.
box 378

S. Eustachio de Domora

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Physical Description: 25 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture and architectural sculpture (11th and 14th centuries). Post-medieval: Altar
box 378

S. Lorenzo in Doliolo

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Physical Description: 46 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Lorenzo di Alessandro da San Severino; Salimbeni, Lorenzo; Salimbeni, Jacopo
Exterior views of the 11th-century church with 14th-century cloister and bell tower. In the crypt (9th-13th centuries) are ceiling and wall paintings of angels, the Evangelists, and various other saints in medallions; votive frescoes of Saints Dominic, Augustine, and Anthony Abbot; and the tomb of S. Domenico. In the fourth and fifth crypt chapels is a fresco cycle by the Salimbeni brothers of the martyrdom of St. Andrew. The church interior is heavily restored, with modern nave piers and capitals. Displayed in the sacristy are salvaged fresco remains, a wooden statue of Christ (17th century), and paintings. Also views of a holy water font and a marble ciborium.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: April 5, 1983
box 378

S. Maria del Glorioso

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Physical Description: 25 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Rocco di Tommaso; Perugino; Barocci, Federico; Luca di Costantino da Ancona; Antonio di Piergiacomo
Exterior and interior views of this renaissance church (1519) include: the coat-of-arms of San Severino over the main portal, frescoes or paintings of the Flight into Egypt, the Nativity, the Christ Child with St. John the Baptist, and various altarpieces.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: May 17, 1983
box 378

S. Maria della Pieve

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Physical Description: 13 items

Scope and Contents note

Salimbeni, Jacopo; Salimbeni, Lorenzo
Exterior views of architectural sculpture: Roman pilasters and capitals.
Interior views focus on votive frescoes of the 14th and 15th centuries. One fresco shows a female saint (perhaps the Virgin), before a desk littered with instruments, in the presence of an angel and a cat. Other frescoes depict the Virgin and Child, the crucifixion and St. Anthony Abbot.
Hutzel photo campaign date: April 9, 1983
box 376

Teatro Feronia

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Physical Description: 4 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Ireneo Aleandri
Two exterior views of the arcade facade of the theater.
Object Notes: These views may be incorrectly identified.

Serravalle di Chienti

box 379

S. Martino

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Physical Description: 35 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: P. Paolo da Fermo
Post-medieval: Architecture; frescos (15th century)


box 380

Chiesa della Carita

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Physical Description: 13 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Crivelli school; Salimbeni brothers; Francesco da Tolentino
Exterior views of this deconsecrated 13th-14th century church focus on the facade rose window and unique main portal (c. 1250). Interior views show a wooden coffered ceiling, various frescoes, altar paintings, a marble mantelpiece and a holy water stoup.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign dates: December 27, 1984
box 380

General views

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Physical Description: 19 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Sangallo, Antonio da (the Younger)
Views of the Piazza della Liberta, the Torre dei Tre Orologi, the Palazzo Sangallo (the palazzo Parisani), and also portals and a coat-of-arms from the historical center of Tolentino.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: December 27, 1984
General Notes: Hutzel's notes of Tolentino's general views precede his notes of S. Catervo.
box 380

S. Catervo, Duomo

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Physical Description: 36 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Spada, Filippo; Ferranti, Francesco; Fontana, Luigi; Oravia, Giovanni
This church, erected in the 13th century, was completely renovated in 1830 in a neoclassical style. Exterior views are of the apse, an original bell tower and a medieval relief sculpture. Views of the vast baroque interior with its barrel-vaulted ceiling and numerous candelabra focus on the Cappella di S. Catervo--its frescoes and sarcophagus of S. Catervo and S. Settimia (14th century). Interior views also include a sculpture of the Pieta (14th century), wood intarsia choirstalls, a marble holy water stoup and a baptismal font.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: December 27, 1984
box 380

S. Francesco

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Physical Description: 42 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Salimbeni school; Rimini school; Crivelli school; Guercino school
Exterior views of S. Francesco include its polygonal apse that faces the Piazza della Liberta, the facade, immured fragments of gothic architectural sculpture, and views of the arcaded cloister. Interior views of the church reveal its baroque remodelling. Most views are of frescoes from the gothic chapel (14th century) and various baroque altars. Also included are views of two organs, confessionals, choirstalls, a crucifix and various paintings in the Sacristy.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: December 27, 1984
General Notes: Many negatives for this monument are still missing. Several were misfiled under "Belforte del Chienti, S. Maria a Pie di Chienti" and it is possible that other negatives have been similarly misfiled under sites near Tolentino.
box 380

S. Maria in Rambona

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Physical Description: 16 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Salimbeni, Lorenzo; Salimbeni, Jacopo
One exterior and several interior views of this early Romanesque chuch (9th-10th centuries): pier capitals; frescoes by the Salimbeni brothers of the Madonna and Child, and the Trinity; a wooden crucifix (10th-11th century).
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: November 28, 1984
box 380

S. Nicola da Tolentino

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Physical Description: 44 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Mauruzi, Nicolo; Master of Tolentino; Rosso, Giovanni di Bartolo
Exterior views of this church focus on the portal (1435). The rest of the facade dates to the 18th century. Views of the arcaded cloister date to the 12th and 13th centuries. Most interior views are of the frescoes in the Augustinian Cappellone di S. Nicola that were executed between 1330 and 1348. These frescoes are of scenes from the life of Christ and S. Nicola. On the ceiling, the Evangelists are paired with various saints.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: December 27, 1984. See xeroxes attached to Hutzel's notes.


box 385

chiesetta della Maesta

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Physical Description: 23 items


box 385


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Physical Description: 31 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Angelucci, Camillo; Paolo da Visso
Medieval: Architectural fragments. Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, painting, fresco fragments, sculpture, sculptural fragments
Object Notes: See article on site provided by Hutzel. Also see TCI, Marche, p. 529

Visso environs

box 387

S. Valentino

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Physical Description: 33 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Maestro di Eggi; Benozzo Gozzoli; Fabio Angelucci
Small church in the environs of Visso. Photos of interior only, with emphasis on the 14th-16th century frescoes.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign notes are undated. Negatives are missing, but prints do not match with S. Francesco negatives, for which there are no prints.


box 386

General views

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Physical Description: 19 items

Scope and Contents note

General views of the main piazza of Visso (the Piazza Martiri Vissani), and its environs with examples of 14th-16th century architecture.
Object Notes: Hutzel shot this campaign in 1984
box 386

Monasterio di S. Eutizio

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Physical Description: 11 items


box 386


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Physical Description: 37 items

Scope and Contents note

Governing Body: S. Maria
Owner: Museo-Pinacoteca
Artist Name: Gaspare Angelucci; Camillo Angelucci; Giovanni Battista da Offida; Paolo da Visso
Paintings and sculpture dating from the 14th-16th centuries. These works were originally executed for the Church of S. Maria.
Object Notes: Hutzel shot these photos in 1984. The Museo-Pinacoteca is located in the former church of S. Agostino. Sheets for the prints in the Medieval core collection were inadvertently misplaced, so original Hutzel numbers for those prints, as well as secure identification, has been lost. Researchers looking in Visso should check both the Museo-Pinacoteca and S. Maria, Collegiate church for possible mixups. Hutzel identifications on the backs of the prints are also unclear.
box 386

S. Maria, Collegiate Church

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Physical Description: 74 items

Scope and Contents note

Detailed views of the 14th century exterior architecture of the church, including portals, and details of columns and capitals. There are general interior views, with detailed photos showing the paintings, both on the screen behind the main altar and behind side altars. There are also many photos of painting fragments from the late Medieval and early Renaissance periods. Sculptural photos include a wooden crucifix and basins or altars (perhaps antique) with human face motifs.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: June 30, 1984.
box 387

Santuario di Macereto

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Physical Description: 66 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Giovanni Battista da Lugano; Carlo di Tommaso di Bissone; Giacomo di Tommaso di Bissone; Filippo di Tommaso di Bissone
Exterior photos of temple and other buildings in the sanctuary complex. Temple is in the style of Bramante, but was designed by Giovanni Battista da Lugano. There are many photos of the exterior architectural details. Interior photos show the vaulting and cupola as well as the "Tempietto" or baldacchino in the classical style which stands under the cupola.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign notes are undated.

Pesaro e Urbino



box 365

Madonna della Misericordia

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Physical Description: 33 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Ridolfi, Claudio
Post-medieval: 14th-15th century architecture, fresco, polychrome terracotta of local marchegiana school, paintings on canvas, stucco work
Bibliographic Citation: Brief Citation: TCI, Marche, 1979, p.297
box 365

Palazzo Comunale

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Physical Description: 16 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Francesco di Giorgio Martini; Santi, Giovanni
Medieval: 13th century architecture (1289), architectural fragments, sculpture fragments. Post-medieval: 15th century architecture (1463), iron work, sculpture, fresco, architectural fragments, sculpture fragments
Bibliographic Citation: Brief Citation: TCI, Marche, 1979, p. 295
box 365

S. Francesco

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Physical Description: 29 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Guido di Palmerucci; Fiamberti, Tommaso; Lapis, Gaetano; Raffaellino del Colle; Cristoforo, Antonio di
Post-medieval: 14th century architecture, 14th century fresco, paintings on canvas, carved wooden altars, tapestry
Object Notes: See medieval for exterior views
Bibliographic Citation: Brief Citation: TCI, Marche, 1979, p.297
box 365

S. Giovanni Battista

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Physical Description: 30 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Bramante, Donato; Barocci, Federico; Santi, Giovanni; Lapis, Gaetano
Medieval: architecture . Post-medieval: 15th centruy architecture, paintings on canvas, paintings on panel, fresco
Object Notes: Also known as S. Domenico
Bibliographic Citation: Brief Citation: TCI, Marche, 1979, pp 294-295
box 365

S. Nicolo

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Physical Description: 18 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: 14th century portal (Portal Massara), stucco work, fresco, terracotta
Object Notes: also known as S. Bartolomeo
Bibliographic Citation: Brief Citation: TCI, Marche, 1979, p. 296
box 365

Torrione della Rocca

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Physical Description: 2 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Francesco di Giorgio Martini
Post-medieval: 15th century architecture (b.1481), built for Federico II di Urbino
Bibliographic Citation: Brief Citation: TCI, Marche, p. 296


box 371

Abbazia di S. Michele delle Lamole

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Physical Description: 3 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: S. Severino School
Medieval: Architecture (11-12th century); wall painting; sculpture. Post-medieval: Frescoes (14-15th century)

Mercatello sul Metauro

box 372

S. Francesco

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Physical Description: 21 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Rome School, 15th century; Guerrieri, Giovanni Francesco; Baronzio da Rimini, Giovanni; Raffaellino dal Colle
Medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture (14th century); also re-used Roman columns. Post-medieval: Frescoes


box 374

General views

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Physical Description: 15 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Views of town; architectural details
Object Notes: Medieval elements also shown.
box 374


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Physical Description: 10 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: School of Umbria, 15th century; Barocci, Federico
Post-medieval: Sculpture (15th century); decorative arts; paintings on canvas
box 374

S. Francesco

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Physical Description: 20 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture and architectural sculpture (13th century); carved Trecento portal; painted crucifix (14th century Marchigian with Riminese influence). Post-medieval: 16th(?) century interior; paintings on canvas
box 374

S. Giacomo

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Physical Description: 31 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Lorenzo d'Alessandro da San Severino
Medieval: 12th century architecture; architectural sculpture; wooden crucifix. Post-medieval: Baroque interior (18th century); wooden altar; 15th century polyptych (Marchigian school); fresco; paintings on canvas

Sant'Angelo in Vado

box 378

S. Francesco

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Physical Description: 14 items
box 378

S. Maria dei Servi

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Physical Description: 49 items


box 381

Chiesetta dei Morti

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Physical Description: 3 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture, originally Romanesque, with Gothic additions including an elaborately carved portal on facade.
box 381

Oratorio del Carmine

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Physical Description: 8 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Picchi, Giorgio
Post-medieval: Frescos; paintings on canvas.
box 381

Palazzo Ducale

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Physical Description: 9 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Interior views, including decorated ceilings; paintings; stone portal with medallion of Duke Federico da Montefeltro.
box 381

Pinacoteca Comunale

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Physical Description: 23 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Mancini, Francesco; School of Urbino; Mercator, Gerardus (cartographer)
Post-medieval: Paintings, including portraits; drawings; sculpture; globes
box 381

S. Caterina

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Physical Description: 8 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Dolci, Luzio; Dolci, Pierfrancesco; Picchi, Giorgio; Amantini, Tommaso; Apolloni, Agostino; Pandolfi, Giovanni Giacomo
Post-medieval: Manneristic 16th century (1522) architecture. Interior is decorated extensively with stucco work and frescos, wooden sculpture (16th century), and paintings on canvas.
box 381

S. Chiara

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Physical Description: 4 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Cialdieri, Girolamo; Venetian School, 17th century; Dolci, Luzio
Post-medieval: 17th-18th century architecture; paintings on canvas; frescos.
box 381

S. Francesco

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Physical Description: 8 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Picchi, Giorgio; Peruzzini, Domenico
Medieval: Gothic portal. . Post-medieval: 18th century (1762) remodel of church dating from 1215. Baroque interior; paintings on canvas.
box 381

S. Giovanni Battista

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Physical Description: 12 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Conca, Sebastiano
Post-medieval: 18th century architecture built upon a Greek cross plan. Contains paintings on canvas and a wooden pulpit.
Object Notes: Urbania environs. Located within the Parco Ducale.
box 381

Tempietto del Bramante

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Physical Description: 3 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Episcopi, Giustino
Post-medieval: Architecture (1482), partially destroyed in the war, presently undergoing reconstruction--interior views only: 14th and 16th century frescos.


box 381

General views

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Physical Description: 2 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: General views.
box 382

Museo del Duomo "Albani"

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Physical Description: 166 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Palmerini, Antonio; Franco, Battista; Viti, Timoteo; Barocci, Federico; Genga, Girolamo; Alberti, Antonio; Masucci, Agostino; Picchi, Giorgio; Zuccari, Federico; Tedeschi, Pietro; Fabriano Master; Raphael; Bernini, Gian Lorenzo; Cialdieri, Girolamo di Bartolomeo; Venetian School (15th century); Alessandro delle Vite
Post-medieval: Sculpture, paintings, panel painting, triptychs, polyptychs
box 385

Oratorio di S. Giovanni Battista

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Physical Description: 22 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Salimbeni, Lorenzo; Salimbeni, Jacopo
Post-medieval: 14th century architecture with a modern, neo-Gothic facade; frescos.




box 371


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Physical Description: 45 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Morelli, Cosimo; Vici, Andrea; Ridolfi, Claudio; Guerrieri, Giovanni Francesco; Rosselli, Domenico di Giovanni di Bartolomeo; Callido, Gaetano
Medieval: Details of original parts of the church. Post-medieval: Neoclassical architecture (18th century): almost complete reconstruction of the much older Bededictine church; badly damaged frescos from c. 1600; paintings on canvas; elaborate marble altars and pavement; fresco, 14th century; wooden sculpture (17th century); carved wooden altar; organ, 18th century.
box 370

General views

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Physical Description: 21 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: General views of city, streets and unidentified buildings.
box 370

Museo Civico A. Vernarecci

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Physical Description: 56 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Barocci, Federico; Conca, Sebastiano; Guerrieri, Giovanni Francesco; Lapis, Gaetano; Cantarini, Simone
Antiquities: Fragments of capitals and relief carvings (Roman and possibly earlier); portrait busts (Julio-Claudian and Hadrianic)
Medieval: Sculpture fragments; early Christian sarcofagi. Post-medieval: Architecture, begun in the 13th century and remodeled in the 15th century; Renaissance sculpture fragments; marble bust of Vernarecci; model of Federico da Montefeltro's Palazzo della Corte Alta
Object Notes: Museum is part of the Corte Alta.
General Notes: Counts are approximate since many views have multiple objects.
box 370

Rocca Malatestiana

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Physical Description: 3 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Remains of 13th-14th century citadel.
box 371

S. Agostino

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Physical Description: 2 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture (14th century) . Post-medieval: 17th-18th century expansion and remodel of the original 14th century structure. Includes large sandstone portal and two (walled-in) windows from the 1600's. Facade also has a coat of arms of the Malatestas and other decoration.
box 371

S. Aldebrando

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Physical Description: 12 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Alberti, Antonio
Post-medieval: 17th century Baroque architecture and frescos from the first half of the 15th century.
box 371

S. Filippo

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Physical Description: 23 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Baroque architecture (c.1608-1613): unfinished exterior and very highly decorated interior; paintings on canvas; wooden sculpture
box 371

S. Francesco

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Physical Description: 22 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Rosselli, Domenico di Giovanni di Bartolomeo; Guerrieri, Giovanni Francesco
Post-medieval: Architecture, late 18th century, on the site of an early Camaldolese church (dedicated to S. Francesca Romana). Facade is incomplete with a sandstone relief in the lunette above the door, attributed to Rosselli. Neoclassical interior with paintings on canvas, wooden sculpture.

San Lorenzo in Campo

box 375

S. Lorenzo

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Physical Description: 53 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Raphael; Ramazzani, Ercole
Medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture (13-14th centuries), restored. Post-medieval: Painting, stained glass, architectural sculpture, frescoes, ceramics
General Notes: (count for post-med incorrect)


box 383, box 384, box 385

Palazzo Ducale, Galleria Nazionale delle Marche

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Physical Description: 407 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Crivelli, Vittorio; Crivelli, Vittorio; Alberti, Antonio (Antonio da Ferrara); Pietro da Rimini; Baronzio da Rimini, Giovanni; Andrea d'Bartolo; Siena; Marche school; Central Italian, 15th century; Bonaventura di Michele; Carlo da Camerino; Vivarini, Alvise; Marche school (14th century); Luca di Tomme; Sano di Pietro; Cortese, Cristoforo; Pietro Alemanno; Lorenzo d'Alessandro da Severino II; Allegretto di Nuzi; Gentile da Fabriano (Gentile di Niccolo di Giovanni); Antoniazzo Romano (Antonio di Benedetto Aquilo); Rimini School; Piero della Francesca; Raphael; Uccello, Paolo; Giovanni Antonio di Gaspare da Pesaro; Bartolomeo di Maestro Gentile; Signorelli, Luca; Raffaellino dal Colle; Guerrieri, Giovanni Francesco; Viviani, Antonio Maria (Il Sordo d'Urbino); Ridolfi, Claudio; Lilio, Andrea; Gaulli, Giovanni Battista; Ghezzi, Pier Leone; Balestra, Antonio; Tibaldi, Pellegrino; Morganti, Bartolomeo; Eusebio da San Giorgio; Santi, Giovanni; Niccolo di Liberatore; Morganti, Pompeo; Giusto di Gand (Josse van Wassenhove); Berruguete, Pedro; Florence school (15th century); Rosselli, Domenico di Giovanni di Bartolomeo; Fiamberti, Tommaso; Viti, Timoteo; Michele di Giovanni da Milano; School of Umbria, 15th century); Foligno School (15th century); Carlo da Camerino; Jacobello del Fiore; Antonio da Fabriano; Girolamo di Giovanni da Camerino; Folchetti, Stefano; Luca della Robia; Barocci, Federico; Titian; Giuliano da Rimini; Giuliano da Rimini; Brandani, Federigo
Post-medieval: First floor: Polyptychs, triptychs, crucifixes, panel paintings, sculpture, frescoes now housed in Museo; stucco decoration in private chapels
Object Notes: See also Urbino, Museo Albani. With both sites the negs arrived separately from the prints, yet all negs were labelled as Urbino, Palazzo Ducale, making it difficult to match some negatives to their prints.

Molise Series IX.

Physical Description: 2 boxes

Scope and Contents note

Photographs of sites in Molise with accompanying lists.

Arrangement note

Arranged alphabetically by city, general views of the city/historic center, and monument name.



Castel San Vincenzo

box 20

Abbazia di S. Vincenzo al Volturno

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Physical Description: 34 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architectural ruins and fragments (c.700-1300) (Count: 19). Post-medieval: Modern reconstruction and restoration of Medieval architecture. (Count: 14)


box 388

Cathedral, S. Pietro

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Physical Description: 18 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Sculpture
Medieval: Architecture: campanile remains from the now destroyed Gothic church; sculpture. Post-medieval: 19th century neoclassical architecture
box 388

Fontana della Fraterna

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Physical Description: 21 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: 13th-14th century arcaded fountain with elaborately carved sculptural details and inscriptions.
box 388

General views

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Physical Description: 20 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval. Post-medieval: General views of town, streets, and piazze, including architecture and architectural sculpture.
box 388

S. Maria Assunta

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Physical Description: 82 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Fragments of architectural and other sculpture
Medieval: Remains of Romanesque architecture and architectural sculpture incorporated in a modern restoration
Object Notes: Much of the sculpture illustrated was subsequently transferred to the Museo Comunale.
box 388

SS. Cosma e Damiano

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Physical Description: 24 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Corenzio, Belisario
Post-medieval: Architecture; frescos (early 17th century); altarpiece (early 16th century)
Object Notes: Isernia environs.
box 389

Piedmont Series X.

Physical Description: 1 box

Scope and Contents note

Photographs of sites in Piedmont with accompanying lists.

Arrangement note

Arranged alphabetically by city, general views of the city/historic center, and monument name.




box 389

Chapel of St. Eldradus

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Physical Description: 27 items

Puglia Series XI.

Physical Description: 3 boxes

Scope and Contents note

Photographs of sites in Puglia with accompanying lists.

Arrangement note

Arranged alphabetically by city, general views of the city/historic center, and monument name.



Acquaviva delle Fonti

box 389


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Physical Description: 77 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture and architectural sculpture. Post-medieval: 13th century architecture, rebuilt 1529-1594 in a Renaissance style, with Romanesque elements remaining; Renaissance rose window with elaborate tracery; architectural sculpture in relief and in the round; polychrome decoration

Gravina in Puglia

box 389, box 390


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Physical Description: 92 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Romanesque and Gothic architectural sculpture, including rose window. Post-medieval: 15th century architecture and architectural sculpture, including elaborately carved friezes and capitals; campanile dating from 17-18th centuries; sculpture; choir stalls; paintings on canvas

Mola di Bari

box 390

Cathedral, S. Nicola

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Physical Description: 46 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architectural sculpture (13th century), including rose window. Post-medieval: Architecture (16th century), based upon the Romanesque design of an earlier church on the site; architectural sculpture


box 390

S. Domenico

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Physical Description: 46 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Stefano da Putignano; Palma Giovane (Jacopo Negretti)
Medieval: Sculpture. Post-medieval: Renaissance architecture and architectural sculpture; ceiling paintings; paintings on canvas; grave monuments and other sculptural fragments; stoup

Palo del Colle

box 391

Cathedral, S. Maria della Porta

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Physical Description: 30 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Romanesque architecture and architectural sculpture, much altered in the second half of the 16th century; stoup. Post-medieval: Architecture (interior)
box 391

Chiesa del Purgatorio

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Physical Description: 3 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Baroque architecture
box 391

General views

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Physical Description: 5 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: General views of architecture and architectural sculpture
box 391

Republic of San Marino Series XII.

Physical Description: 1 box

Scope and Contents note

Photographs of sites in Republic of San Marino with accompanying lists.

Arrangement note

Arranged alphabetically by city, general views of the city/historic center, and monument name.

San Marino

box 391

Basilica di S. Marino

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Physical Description: 15 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Serra, Antonio
Post-medieval: Neoclassical architecture (1826-1836). Campanile is 14th century.
box 391

Palazzo del Governo

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Physical Description: 3 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Azzurri, Francesco
Post-medieval: 19th century architecture in the style of 14th century communal palaces
box 391

Palazzo delle Poste

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Physical Description: 3 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: 20th century architecture in 15th-16th century style; base of tower is original (16th century)
box 391

Piazza della Liberta

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Physical Description: 2 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Galetti, Stefano
Medieval: Architecture . Post-medieval: Architecture; 19th century sculpture
box 391

Porta di S. Francesco

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Physical Description: 4 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: 14th century sculpted marker. Post-medieval: 15th century entrance gate to city

Sardinia Series XIII.

Physical Description: 7 boxes

Scope and Contents note

Photographs of sites in Sardinia with accompanying lists.

Arrangement note

Arranged alphabetically by city, general views of the city/historic center, and monument name.




box 396

S. Giusta

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Physical Description: 50 items

Scope and Contents note

Extensive coverage of exterior, including facade, flanks, apse and bell tower. Interior views of presbystery, altars, crucifix, and paintings.




box 393

Castello di Serravalle

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Physical Description: 11 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: 12th or 13th century architectural ruins: portions of walls and towers.
Object Notes: Bosa environs
box 393


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Physical Description: 18 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture, originally 12th and 13th centuries, largely rebuilt in the 18th century in Piedmontese Baroque style. . Post-medieval: Architecture, 18th century; 16th century wooden sculpture.
box 393

Chiesa del Carmine

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Physical Description: 3 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: 18th century architecture. Built on the remains of a Carmelite church.
Object Notes: Undocumented Hutzel name
box 393

Chiesa del Rosario

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Physical Description: 6 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture (19th century?) with large clock projecting from fa�ade
box 393

General views

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Physical Description: 15 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Views of town including overview, a neo-Gothic hotel, former tanneries along the river Temo, and various street views.
box 393

S. Giovanni Battista

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Physical Description: 7 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture . Post-medieval: Frescos
Object Notes: Undocumented Hutzel name
box 393

S. Giovanni del Castello

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Physical Description: 7 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: 15th century architecture
box 393

S. Pietro Extramuros

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Physical Description: 29 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Medieval architecture and architectural sculpture dating from three separate building campaigns: main body is Lombard-Romanesque (11th century), campanile and apse date from the later 12th century, and misc. Gothic/Cistercian elements are from the first half of the 13th century.


box 395

S. Croce

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Physical Description: 3 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture
box 395

S. Pantaleo, Parish Church

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Physical Description: 5 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Puig, Michele
Post-medieval: 16th century Gothic-Aragonesque architecture (built 1573) with campanile in same style. Near facade are two "pietre miliari" relating to Septimus Severus and Vespasian
box 395

Unidentified structure

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Physical Description: 3 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Views of unidentified palazzo and Gothic-Aragonesque windows


box 395

Nostra Signora di Monserrato

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Physical Description: 7 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture. The church is important to celebration on September 8.
box 395

S. Croce

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Physical Description: 8 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: 15th century architecture, somewhat rustic, with an unusual campanile included as part of the facade (quasi-pyramidal with three openings)
box 395

S. Giovanni

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Physical Description: 20 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: 13th century architecture. Ruins of another church nearby.
box 395

S. Maria

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Physical Description: 11 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture (15th century) with some rustic gothic elements and a well preserved campanile; wooden sculpture (16th century).


box 396

S. Nicola

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Physical Description: 28 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Nuragic tombs
Medieval: Romanesque architecture (12th century) in black and violet trachyte; decorated facade includes incised lozanges, pilasters, and maiolica set into small depressions. Some Pisan influence.


box 398

Abbazia di S. Maria di Corte

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Physical Description: 18 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Cistercian architecture (founded 1147). Parts remaining from original structure include: the choir, the left arm of the transept with two chapels, and Romanesque barrel vaulted sacristy. Structure partially rebuilt in the 17th-18th centuries.
box 398

S. Pietro

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Physical Description: 7 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Romanesque architecture, 12th century (1150-1160)




box 394

General views

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Physical Description: 3 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Modern fishing huts
box 394

S. Giovanni in Sinis

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Physical Description: 29 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture, largely 9th-10th centuries, but containing elements dating back to the 5th century. Interior is divided into three naves by low, squat arches. Ceiling is barrel vaulted. Rectangular door and bifore windows divided by small columns.
Object Notes: Penisola del Sinis (Cabras environs)


box 395


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Physical Description: 7 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture and architectural sculpture
box 395

S. Palmerio

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Physical Description: 24 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Archaic Romanesque architecture and architectural sculpture (begun 12th century) with simple form using alternate light and dark stones. Post-medieval: Sculpture; paintings; crucifix
box 395


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Physical Description: 5 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: 15th century military architecture with Gothic-Catalan sources


box 395

S. Paolo

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Physical Description: 7 items

S. Vero Milis

box 397


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Physical Description: 16 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: 18th century Piedmontese baroque architecture


box 398


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Physical Description: 12 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Romanesque architecture with octagonal cupola. Portal has carved decoration and inscription.
Object Notes: Undocumented Hutzel site




box 392

S. Antioco di Bisarcio

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Physical Description: 44 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Romanesque architecture, originally cathedral for the diocese of Bisarcio. Contains elements from 11th-12th centuries and later. Restored 1958. Lower part of structure shows traces of original structure (before 1190); upper elevation and campanile from 1150-60. Front portico added 1170-1190. Basilical structure with no transept. Contains bifore windows, decorative arches along cornice, and slender rounded pilasters (exterior); elevated apse/altar (interior)
box 392

S. Maria del Regno

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Physical Description: 42 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Romanesque architecture (1170), recently restored. Typically Sardinian (influenced by Lombard and Pisan forms of the 11th century) with slender pilasters, bifora window, small decorative arches along the cornice, semi-circular apse, and short campanile. Triple aisled basilica plan. Central nave has bare, beamed ceiling while side aisles are cross vaulted; sculpted inscription from 1107. . Post-medieval: Polychromatic, gilded wooden sculpture (Madonna and Child); 15/16th century pulpit.


box 392

S. Pietro di Sorres

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Physical Description: 56 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Sardinian Romanesque architecture (12th century) with strong Tuscan influence, including polychrome decoration; architectural sculpture; pulpit with Gothic ornamentation; tomb . Post-medieval: Wooden sculpture


box 393

S. Pietro di Simbranos

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Physical Description: 32 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Sardinian Romanesque architecture (13th century) with polychrome decoration; architectural sculpture . Post-medieval: Polyptych; sculpture

Castel Sardo

box 394

Ancient walls; general views

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Physical Description: 58 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Remains of ancient wall
Post-medieval: General views
box 394


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Physical Description: 47 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Master of Castelsardo
Post-medieval: 16th century architecture, built in late Gothic style; architectural sculpture; choir stalls; sculpture; paintings on canvas and panel; altarpiece; fresco; pulpit; tomb monuments; baptismal font; sacred objects
box 394

Nostra Signora delle Grazie

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Physical Description: 40 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture; architectural sculpture; sculpture; stoup. Post-medieval: Paintings; sculpture


box 397

S. Maria

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Physical Description: 13 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Romanesque architecture with modern campanile. Facade has portal in form of a moorish arch, a small rose window and small belfry, and decorative trefoil arches along cornice; stones sculpted with geometric patterns appear around arch, window, and on facade


box 395


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Physical Description: 5 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Calvia, Salvatore
Post-medieval: Architecture; Neoclassical campanile (1870)


box 395

S. Simplicio

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Physical Description: 36 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Romanesque architecture (end of the 11th century, altered 13th century). Constructed of granite. Lombard elements.


box 396


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Physical Description: 7 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: 16th century architecture (originally), now rebuilt in 19th century neoclassical style. Only part of transept retains elements of the original Gothic-Aragonesque building. Facade has clock and campinili and an entrance portico. Some architectural sculpture.


box 396

S. Giorgio

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Physical Description: 20 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Gothic-Aragonesque facade 15th-16th centuries. Restored 1926. Architecture and some architectural sculpture.
Object Notes: Perfugas environs


box 396

S. Michele di Salvenero

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Physical Description: 14 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Pisan-Romanesque architecture, 12th century (1110-1130). Altered in 1200-1225 and campanile added. Badly restored recently. High facade with slender pilasters, decorative arches along cornice, and triple arches at base indicating what may have been a portico. Campanile (only base remaining) constructed in black and white stone.
Object Notes: Ploaghe environs

Porto Torres

box 396

S. Gavino

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Physical Description: 25 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Romanesque architecture (11th century onward) and architectural sculpture. The largest and possibly the best example of Pisan/Sardinian Romanesque on the island (with some Lombard Romanesque elements).

Sassari (environs)

box 397

SS. Trinita di Saccargia (Camaldolite)

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Physical Description: 23 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Two columns and capitals of the portico.
Exterior views of a romanesque church (12th century) include: a striped (dark basalt and white limestone) facade; a tower of Pisan and Lucchesian influence; and decorated/grotesque capitals.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: April 16, 1983


box 397

Fonte Rosello

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Physical Description: 8 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Sardinian baroque fountain (1605-1606). Quadralateral with four statues representing the seasons. Water pours from the mouths of gargoyles.
box 397

S. Giacomo

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Physical Description: 16 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture (13th century) with Pisan influences. Decorative trilobe arches along cornice: at the base of each are carved animal and human faces. Small campanile and pointed arches with trilobe insets.
Object Notes: Sassari environs. Undocumented Hutzel name.
box 397

S. Nicola, Cathedral

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Physical Description: 8 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture (13th century). Lower part of campanile remains. . Post-medieval: Architecture (15th-18th centuries). Church was rebuilt (1480-1505) following the transfer of the episcopal seat from Porto Torres to Sassari (1441). 15th century building in Gothic-Aragonesque style on Latin cross plan. Nave has four bays with side chapels and a cupola over crossing. In the second half of the 16th century the transept was elongated and two ambulatories were added. Present facade added in 1723 in a florid Spanish Colonial Baroque style which includes much detailed architectural sculpture
box 397

S. Pietro di Silki

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Physical Description: 31 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Romanesque architecture (13th century), considerably altered; architectural sculpture.


box 398


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Physical Description: 25 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture with clock on facade and niches for standing sculpture; carved wooden doors. Simple Greek cross plan. Interior decorated with stucco work and Corinthian columns.
Object Notes: Undocumented Hutzel name

Tempio Pausania

box 398


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Physical Description: 17 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture (14th and 19th centuries). Facade is 19th century reconstruction. Portal and campanile remain from original structure of the late 1400's. Some architectural sculpture.
box 398

Oratorio del Rosario

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Physical Description: 14 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Romanesque architectural elements including small decorative arches along cornice. . Post-medieval: 18th century architectural elements and Aragonesque-style portal; 17th century wooden altarpiece.
box 398

S. Croce

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Physical Description: 4 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: 17th century architecture


box 398

S. Giovanni

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Physical Description: 17 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Romanesque architecture and architectural sculpture, largely in ruins

Tuscany Series XIV.

Physical Description: 23 boxes

Scope and Contents note

Photographs of sites in Tuscany with accompanying lists.

Arrangement note

Arranged alphabetically by city, general views of the city/historic center, and monument name.




box 402

Museo Diocesano di Arte Sacra

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Physical Description: 136 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Sassetta (Stefano di Giovanni); Pietro di Domenico; Vanni, Francesco; Maestro di S. Pietro Ovile; Ugolino di Nerio; Guido da Siena; Segna di Bonaventura; Girolamo di Benvenuto del Guasta; Lorenzetti, Ambrogio; Vanni, Francesco; Beccafumi, Domenico
Post-medieval collection of paintings, sacred objects and manuscripts from the Duomo and other city churches. There are a significant number of late Medieval Madonnas & Child paintings as well as High Renaissance paintings from the Bolognese school. The objects include a processional cross, and two reliqueries. Additionally there are some photos of manuscript pages of hymnals with objects they are displayed with.
Object Notes: Hutzel notes are undated. The objects in the Musea Diocesano are included in his notes for the Duomo. We have kept Hutzel's numbering for the objects. There are also two prints for almost all the negatives, and the details were so similar (even if one photo is cropped more closely) that we have treated them as though there were two prints for each negative.


box 403

General views

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Physical Description: 7 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: General views of city walls and other architecture
box 403

SS. Annunziata

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Physical Description: 10 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Sculpture. Post-medieval: Architecture (16th century)

Massa Marittima

box 403

Museo Civico

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Physical Description: 92 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Sculpture, urns, arrowheads, tools
Post-medieval: Panel painting (1), painting
box 403, box 404

S. Agostino

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Physical Description: 142 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Ponti, B.; Chimenti, Jacopo (Jacopo da Empoli); Manetti, Rutilio; Domenico di Agostino; Stefano di Meo; Gualtiero di Sozzo; Niccolo di Iacopo; Nasini, Antonio
Post-medieval: Includes views of neighboring Cappella di S. Lucia (1348) Architecture, architectural sculpture (14th century, restored 1958), sculpture, stained glass, frescoes, painting,
Object Notes: Bibliographic material included and housed in the Center Library
box 404, box 405, box 406, box 407

S. Cerbono (Duomo)

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Physical Description: 454 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Pisano, Giovanni; Giroldo da Como; Turco, Flaminio del; Andreassi, Gaddo; Andreassi, Meo; Goro di Gregorio; Agnolo di Ventura; Siena; Sarrocchi, Tito; Bartolo di Fredi; Taddeo di Bartolo; Duccio di Buoninsegna; Segna di Bonaventura; Martini, Simone
Antiquities: Relief
Medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture (13th-early 14th century); Fresco (14th century); Panels/Crucifix (14th century); pascal candle; sculpture including the Arca di S. Cerbone; architectural relief (c. 1267); Tabernacle (mid-14th century). Post-medieval: Paintings, fresco (14th century), sculpture
Accompanying Material: Bibliographic material in Center Library


box 415, box 416

S. Giorgio

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Physical Description: 111 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Vecchietta (Lorenzo di Pietro); Andrea di Niccolo; Sano di Pietro
Post-medieval: 15th century architecture; baroque additions to interior; wall and ceiling frescos; paintings on canvas and panel; polychrome wooden altar; wooden sculpture; tabernacle.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: November 29, 1984. There are two sets of notes with different numbering systems, indicating the possibility of two campaigns. However, the photos are virtually identical. The numbered series (undated) was originally matched to the negs. The "A" series (dated 1984) was renumbered, more negs. have been found and the series has been integrated into the undated series.
General Notes: Apse and transept date to the 14th century, but they are not illustrated in these photographs.

Pieve ad Lamulas

box 416


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Physical Description: 43 items

Scope and Contents note

The foundations of this parish church date from before 1000, and the church itself dates from the 13th century. It was restored 1932-40. Exterior photos include a view, the facade, and the semicircular apsidal chapels (the oldest remaining portion of the church). Views of the interior include the nave, altar and aisles. Sculptural photos include a wooden Madonna & Child and architectural details, such as capitals with vegetal and animal motifs.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign is undated. There are missing negatives.


box 416

General views

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Physical Description: 7 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Views of town. Post-medieval: Portal bearing the Orsini arms
Object Notes: Two sets of prints
box 416

Palazzo Orsini

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Physical Description: 49 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: 14th century architecture, architectural sculpture. Post-medieval: 15th-16th century architecture (modifications of original structure), architectural sculpture, columnar monument, well, and portal bearing the Orsini arms,
box 417

S. Maria

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Physical Description: 18 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architectural sculpture. Post-medieval: Late Renaissance architecture (1506) with an unusual trapezoidal plan; badly damaged fresco; paintings on canvas
Object Notes: Two sets of prints
box 417

SS. Pietro e Paolo, Cathedral

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Physical Description: 39 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Zuccarelli, Francesco; Cozzarelli, Guidoccio di Giovanni
Medieval: 14th century campanile. Post-medieval: 16th and 18th century architecture including baroque facade (modifications of original medieval structure), architectural sculpture, paintings on canvas, elaborate Baroque altar with sculpture, travertine pilaster monument bearing Orsini arms and emblem (located in piazza in front of cathedral)
Object Notes: No negatives for second set of prints


box 419

SS. Pietro e Paolo

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Physical Description: 35 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Romanesque architecture (13th century) and architectural sculpture; wooden crucifix; stoup. Post-medieval: Fresco; paintings on canvas and panel; fresco

Santa Fiora

box 419

General views

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Physical Description: 8 items

Scope and Contents note

Exterior views of the parish and panoramic views of the fields surrounding Santa Fiora. Much attention to the medieval architectural make-up of the town.
box 419

SS. Fiora e Lucilla, Parish church

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Physical Description: 52 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Robbia, Giovanni della; Robbia, Andrea della
Exterior views show a simple stone facade with a renaissance portal and a Romanesque rose window. Most views focus on the interior decoration by Andrea and Giovanni della Robbia: the dossal in the first altar to the right depicts the penitent St. Jerome, the Coronation of the Virgin, and the Stigmatization of St. Francis; the pulpit depicts the Last Supper, the Resurrection, and the Ascension. Other della Robbia terracottas show the Assumption of the Virgin among angels and the Baptism of Christ. Coverage includes the very Mannerist main altarpiece, an icon of the Virgin and Child (engaged in close eye contact) set in an aedicule, a polychrome statue of St. Anthony Abbot, several crucifixes and a baptismal font.
General Notes: SS. Fiora and Lucilla is also called the Pieve (Parish Church).


box 420

Parish church

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Physical Description: 46 items
box 420

S. Rocco

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Physical Description: 36 items

Scope and Contents note

box 420

Santuario della Madonna della Carita

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Physical Description: 71 items

Scope and Contents note



box 421

S. Vincenzo

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Physical Description: 16 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: 13th century architecture and architectural sculpture; stoups. Post-medieval: Crucifix; paintings on canvas


box 421

S. Maria

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Physical Description: 12 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Perugino school; Lorenzo da Viterbo
Antiquities: A roman column
Exterior views show that this 12th-century Romanesque church is accessbile through a portal on the Piazza del Pretorio. Interior views in the Medieval core collection include an 8th-9th century travertine ciborium, a holy water font, a marble scroll border of Christ displaying his wounds, and various paintings. Views in the Hutzel collection are of 15th and 16th century frescoes: the Madonna and Child, St. Barbara, St. Lucy, St. Sebastian, St. Roch, St. Mamiliano, Christ, St. Anthony and St. Lorenzo.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: November 22, 1982
box 421

SS. Pietro e Paolo, Cathedral

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Physical Description: 14 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Manetti, Domenico
This cathedral was largely built in the 12th and 13th centuries over a preexisting 9th-11th century structure. Exterior views of the romanesque facade focus on the portal and apse where older medieval architectural sculptures have been reused. Interior views also include reused sculptural fragments. Most views are of the 12th-century capitals which have geometric, foliate, animal and Old Testament figural motifs including Adam, Eve, Daniel, Abraham and Isaac. Prints in the Hutzel collection include paintings, the tomb effigy of S. Mamiliano, a holy water font (1456), a baptismal font (1484) and a marble tabernacle (1510).
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: November 22, 1982




box 419

General views

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Physical Description: 37 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: General views of architecture and architectural sculpture, mostly Medieval, including the Rocca Aldospandesca and S. Cristina




box 399

Archaeological Museum

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Physical Description: 8 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Photos of a terracotta vase with details.
General Notes: No Hutzel photo campaign notes. Negatives are missing.



Abbadia Isola


Abbey (Cistercian)

box 399

S. Salvatore, Abbey church

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Physical Description: 23 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: sarcophagus
Views of the monastery building, the cloister, and, primarily, the interior and exterior of the church.


box 399

Casa Corboli

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Physical Description: 19 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: School of Ambrogio Lorenzetti
Antiquities: 2nd century AD polychrome mosaic, mascaron or possible fountain. Two pavement mosaics located in basement of building. They have geometric patterns with linked circles and vegetal rosettes. Four-pointed star, triangle and tongue and dart motifs are located in the border. Squares linked by Solomon's knot. tongue and dart
Secular building dating from 13th-14th cent. In the oratorio are frescoes depicting the 4 seasons and other secular scenes.
Object Notes: no negatives of Asciano are available, see "Mosaics" for mounted plates. Hutzel photo campaign date: July 17, 1982.
General Notes: Mounted photos of mosaics are found in Antiquities as well as Hutzel. Additional material in Marburger collection, see nos. 23-24.
Bibliographic Citation: Brief Citation: TCI, Toscana, 1974, pp 553-556
box 399

General Views

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Physical Description: 4 items

Scope and Contents note

View of Tolomei clocktower and fountain.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: July 17, 1982. These views are included in the notes for Oratorio di SS. Fabiano and Sebastiano in this city.
box 399

Museo di Arte Sacra

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Physical Description: 46 items
box 399

S. Francesco

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Physical Description: 33 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Giovanni da Asciano; School of della Robbia; Siena
Romanesque-Gothic church and cloister dating from 13th-14th centuries, and somewhat restored in the 20th cent. The interior reflects the style of the 16th century with its classicized pedimental motifs in the architectural detailing. Of note is a terracotta sculptural group by the school of della Robbia, and a fresco cycle of the life and death of Christ by Giovanni da Asciano. There are miscellaneous frescos by artists from the Sienese school of the 17th century.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: July 17, 1982.
General Notes: Prints of exterior in the Medival core collection. There are substantial holdings in the Marburger collection as well, see. nos. 22-23.
box 399

Ss. Fabiano e Sebastiano

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Physical Description: 7 items

Scope and Contents note

Owner: SS. Fabiano e Sebastiano

Casole d'Elsa

box 400


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Physical Description: 25 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Gano da Siena; Cieco di Gambassi; Duccio di Buoninsegna, School of
Collegiata was built in 12th century and restored in the 14th century. Exterior photos show church facade and campanile. Photos of interior show general views of the nave and details of a sarcophagus and wooden statues of saints and a bishop (possibly Tommaso Andrei).
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign notes are undated. There are possibly prints missing from the Hutzel collection.
box 400

La Canonica

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Physical Description: 18 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Lippo Vanni
Interior views of the galleries as well as early Renaissance architectural sculpture.
Object Notes: Hutzel shot this campaign in 1983
General Notes: La Canonica is now the museum which houses the art works which were produced for La Collegiata of the town. La Canonica was the room which the canonical hours were read and canon law discussed.
box 400

S. Niccolo

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Physical Description: 13 items

Scope and Contents note

Exterior views of facade of Romanesque church with campanile. Interior photos show general shots and specific shots of the vault, with its paintings. Negatives of the interior show details of the vault paintings, among which are the 4 Evangelists, Mary Magdalen, and a possible to St. reference to the St. Nicholas legend of the impoverished daughters.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign notes are undated. It is possible that some prints are missing from the Hutzel collection.

Colle di Val d'Elsa

box 401

General views

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Physical Description: 11 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: views of the town from the surrounding countryside, tunnel view and several street views, including the Tower called by Arnolfo di Cambio.
Object Notes: Two Hutzel photo campaigns: November 29, 1984 and another undated. Most of these views were probably part of the 1984 campaign. While original Hutzel nos. were kept, photos and negs. have been catalogued according to monument and so do not correspond closely with the notes. Additionally, there are many more negatives than prints, but the negs. seem to correspond fairly closely to the town in terms of terrain and architecture.
box 401

Palazzo Campana

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Physical Description: 6 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Giuliano di Baccio d'Agnolo
There are distant views of this mannerist monument, and detail views of the portal and one window.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: November 29, 1984.
box 401

Palazzo dei Priori

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Physical Description: 11 items

Scope and Contents note

Museo Civico
Arnolfo di Cambio
Exterior views of the building. Art works are filed under the Museo Civico.
Hutzel photo campaign date: November 29, 1984.
box 401

Palazzo del Municipio

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Physical Description: 5 items

Scope and Contents note

Exterior photographs only.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: November 29, 1984.
General Notes: Notes for this monument are included under general notes.
box 401

Palazzo Nobile

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Physical Description: 3 items

Scope and Contents note

There are four exterior views, including portal and window details.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: November 29, 1984
box 401

Palazzo Pretorio

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Physical Description: 3 items

Scope and Contents note

Three exterior views of palazzo.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: November 29, 1984.
General Notes: Like other smaller individual monuments in this town, the notes for this monument are included in the general notes.
box 401

Porta Nuova

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Physical Description: 8 items

Scope and Contents note

Two views, one frontal and one lateral, of the 15th-16th c. portal, probably based on a design of Giuliano da Sangallo.
box 401

S. Caterina

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Physical Description: 6 items

Scope and Contents note

Exterior views only of 15th cent. church.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: November 29, 1984
box 401

S. Francesco

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Physical Description: 41 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture and architectural sculpture; funerary monuments. Post-medieval: Architecture; fresco; architectural sculpture; paintings on canvas
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign for this monument is undated.
box 401

S. Maria in Canonica

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Physical Description: 4 items

Scope and Contents note

Exterior views only of 13th cent. church, recently restored.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: November 29, 1984.
General Notes: Notes for this monument are included under general notes.

Montalcino (environs)


Abbey of S. Antimo

box 412, box 413, box 414

Abbey church

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Physical Description: 303 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Azzone dei Porcari; Sodoma (Giovanni Antonio Bazzi); Spinello Aretino
Medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture (9th century, 1118, c. 1250), wooden crucifix, painting, frescoes. Post-medieval: Fresco depicting the Resurrection
Object Notes: Two photocampaigns were made of this site, one of which occurred in 1983. Hutzel's notes document only the 1983 campaign; these prints are all found in the Medieval core collection.
General Notes: When these photos were sent, mislabelling of prints and negatives had occurred. Intermingling with prints and negatives of S. Agostino may have occurred. Please note that negative sleeves have been labeled Abbazia di S. Antimo.
box 415


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Physical Description: 35 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Views of two unidentified churches in Montalcino . Post-medieval: Views of an unidentified church in Montalcino
box 407

Farmacia dell'Ospedale

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Physical Description: 37 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Sodoma (Giovanni Antonio Bazzi)
Post-medieval: Frescoes
box 407

General Views

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Physical Description: 26 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Unidentified structures in town center
box 411

Madonna del Soccorso

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Physical Description: 4 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture
box 408, box 409, box 410

Museo Civico

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Physical Description: 365 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Entire manuscript. Manuscripts. Post-medieval: Sculpture and ceramics from local workshops (2nd half 12th century; Sienese maiolica; 14th century weapons
box 410, box 411

Museo Diocesano

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Physical Description: 165 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Bartolo di Fredi; Duccio di Buoninsegna; Girolamo di Benvenuto del Guasta; Lorenzetti, Ambrogio; Martini, Simone; Sodoma (Giovanni Antonio Bazzi); Domenico di Niccolo dei Cori; Giovanni di Turino; Francesco di Valdambrino
Post-medieval: Painting, sculpture
box 411


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Physical Description: 34 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Foresi, Mino; Domenico di Feo
Medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture (1361, 1559 additions)
Object Notes: The Rocca was built using elements of adjoining S. Martino and S. Giovanni
box 411, box 412

S. Agostino

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Physical Description: 185 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Siena
Medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture (14th century). Post-medieval: Frescoes (12th century) depicting saints, life of S. Agostino, the resurrection
General Notes: When these negatives were sent there was confusion with identifying these prints and negatives and those of S. Antimo. Some intermingling MAY still exist.
box 414

S. Francesco

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Physical Description: 73 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, frescoes
box 414

S. Salvatore (Duomo)

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Physical Description: 37 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architectural sculpture (detached), remains of original church built c. 1000 . Post-medieval: Architecture (neo-classical remodelling c. 1818-32); painting; sculpture

Monte Amiata

box 415

Abbazia di S. Salvatore

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Physical Description: 62 items

Scope and Contents note

Lombard church dating perhaps from the 8th century. Exterior views of facade. Interior views of nave, raised apse, few paintings and architectural details.
Object Notes: No Hutzel campaign notes.


box 417, box 418

S. Lucchese

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Physical Description: 210 items


box 418

Collegiate church

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Physical Description: 31 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Pietro di Domenico; Niccolo Tegliacci
Six exterior views of 16th c. church, including facade, clock tower, 17th c. portal, right and left flanks. Interior views of nave, altars, altar paintings, and painting details.
box 418

General views

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Physical Description: 7 items

Scope and Contents note

Views of city walls and portals.
box 418

Palazzo del Municipio

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Physical Description: 3 items

Scope and Contents note

Two views of 15th c. facade.
box 419

S. Simone

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Physical Description: 40 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Della Robbia, Andrea
Six exterior views of 12th c. church, elongated in 14th c., including facade, flank, apse and courtyard. Interior views of single nave and altar, travertine capitals and sculpture.
General Notes: Two sets of prints made from a single set of negatives.

Serre di Rapolano

box 421

General views

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Physical Description: 7 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: General views of architecture and architectural sculpture
box 421

Palazzo di Giustizia

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Physical Description: 27 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: School of Siena
Medieval: Gothic architecture (restored) and architectural sculpture; fragments of fresco (14th century)
Object Notes: Includes attached loggia.


box 421

S. Bernardino

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Physical Description: 42 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Guididoccio Cozzarelle; Guidoccio Cozzarelli; Benvenuto di Giovanni
Exterior views of portal. Portal and vestibule date from the 15th cent. The church, with its octagonal cupola, date from the 17th cent. Interior views include: 4 of the Stations of the Cross, located in the vestibule; and frescoes of the Annunciation, a Baptism of Christ, and a Madonna & Child, which was painted in 1486 by Guidoccio Cozzarelli. There are also photos of architectural details of the octagonal cupola and of a wooden crucifix.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: March 7, 1983. Although there are notes for only one campaign, there is a second set of photos similar to, but not exactly like, the recorded set. The original numbers of this second set do not correspond to the numbers on the notes.

Umbria Series XV.

Physical Description: 69 boxes

Scope and Contents note

Photographs of sites in Umbria with accompanying lists.

Arrangement note

Arranged alphabetically by city, general views of the city/historic center, and monument name.




box 428

S. Giovanni

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Physical Description: 33 items

Scope and Contents note

Views of the interior, exterior, and interior frescoes.
box 428

S. Maria

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Physical Description: 55 items

Scope and Contents note

Views of the exterior, interior naves, and extensive coverage of the frescoes.


box 429

Parish church

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Physical Description: 2 items

Scope and Contents note

Views of the facade and gothic portal (Medieval core collection). Views of baroque interior and paintings.
box 429

S. Antonio Abate

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Physical Description: 26 items

Scope and Contents note

Six prints, five views of exterior and one general view of interior. Remaining views are of frescoes by Benozzo Gozzoli. One view of unidentified castle.
Bibliographic Citation: Brief Citation: TCI/Lazio (l978) p. 217.


box 429

Palazzo Boccaioni

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Physical Description: 15 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture
box 430

Palazzo Podesta

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Physical Description: 48 items

Scope and Contents note

Owner: Pinacoteca
Artist Name: Perugino (Pietro di Cristoforo di Vannucci); Fiorenzo di Lorenzo; Doni, Adone; Tiberio d'Assisi
Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, frescos, decorative arts
Bibliographic Citation: Brief Citation: TCI/Umbria, p. 142
box 430

S. Maria Maggiore

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Physical Description: 30 items

Scope and Contents note

Specific Location: Piazza Cavour
Artist Name: Niccolo di Liberatore; Dottori, Gerardo; Perugino (Pietro di Cristoforo di Vannucci)
Antiquities: Architectural fragments
Medieval: 13th century architecture. Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculpture, painting, fresco painting, 17th century remodel
Bibliographic Citation: Brief Citation: TCI/Umbria, p. 142


box 431

Convento dell'Annunziata

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Physical Description: 47 items
box 430

general views

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Physical Description: 2 items
box 430

general views

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Physical Description: 7 items
box 430

Pinacoteca F. Torti

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Physical Description: 41 items
box 431

S. Agostino

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Physical Description: 65 items
box 432

S. Filippo Neri

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Physical Description: 1 item
box 432

S. Francesco

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Physical Description: 46 items
box 432

S. Michele

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Physical Description: 7 items
box 432

S. Silvestro

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Physical Description: 6 items
box 432

Santuario della Madonna delle Grazie

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Physical Description: 44 items
box 431

SS. Domenico e Giacomo

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Physical Description: 104 items

Borgo Cerreto

box 432

S. Lorenzo

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Physical Description: 18 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Angelucci, Camillo; Giovanni lo Spagna
Photos of exterior views only. Some photos of interior views, but most prints show the apse frescoes with details and the paintings and frescoes along the side walls. The apse frescoes show crucifixions and the other paintings show saints and the Madonna.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: February 19, 1983.


box 433

S. Pietro di Bovara

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Physical Description: 100 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture, Romanesque (12th century). Campanile added on to in 1582. Restored facade with rose and bifora windows, decorative friezes, and inscription. Interior is barrel vaulted with a trifora window; wooden crucifix (12th century); sculpture and carved choir stalls; stoups. Post-medieval: Architecture, Renaissance: cloister with a two-story loggia; modern presbytery; fresco

Campello sul Clitunno

box 434

Chiesa della Bianca

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Physical Description: 42 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Cione, Giovan Pietro di Taddeo; Valadier, Giuseppe; Angelucci, Fabio di Gaspare; Lo Spagna
Post-medieval: Architecture, 16th century (1529) with portal by Cione; interior decoration and frescos (16-19th centuries) by Valadier, Angelucci, and lo Spagna

Campi Vecchio

box 434

S. Salvatore

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Physical Description: 48 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Nicola da Siena; Domenico da Leonessa; Antonio Sparapane; Ottaviano nelli Gubbio; Giovanni Sparapane
Present church built in 14th cent. over the ruins of a Roman temple. The remains of the temple were removed to the National Museum in Perugia. Present church restored in 1970s. Interior views include iconostasis with saints, frescoes including scenes of the Adoration, the Last Supper and the Lamentation. Frescoes of the 4 Evangelists are in the vault. Also paintings of prophets, including David, Isaiah and Daniel. Saints include S. Sebastian. A large wooden cross, possibly dating from the 14th cent., was placed over the altar.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: July 10, 1982
General Notes: No prints for exterior views. Missing prints may be in Medieval core collection.


box 435

Parish church

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Physical Description: 4 items
box 435

S. Cristina

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Physical Description: 43 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Perinus Cesareus Perusinus; Lo Spagna
Medieval: Architecture . Post-medieval: Architectural sculpture, sculpture, painting, fresco painting
Object Notes: Negatives are missing that were previously accounted for.
Bibliographic Citation: Brief Citation: TCI/Umbria, p. 376

Castel San Felice

box 435

S. Felice di Narco

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Physical Description: 70 items

Scope and Contents note

Extensive coverage of surrounding town and exterior church facade, including portal, windows, and bell tower. Interior views of altars and paintings.

Cerreto di Spoleto

box 436

Chiesa dell'Annunziata

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Physical Description: 25 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Felice Damiani; Giuseppe Ghezzi
Ove overall view of the medieval town; views of the facade and interior decoration; views of a 15th century baptismal font; many views of the of the Baroque sculpture and paintings which adorn the side chapels.
Object Notes: Hutzel shot this campaign in 1983
box 436

S. Giacomo

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Physical Description: 54 items


box 436

S. Antonio

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Physical Description: 40 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Tommaso da Cortona; Tommaso Arcangelo; Maesti di Casi; Dossale del Maestro di Cesi
Exterior views of church, including portals. Interior views of church. Sculptures of the Crucifixion, Saints Peter and Paul, Saint Onofrio and Dead Christ. Renaissance paintings. Frescoes of Madonna and Child with Saints and Crucifixion.
Object Notes: Hutzel shot this campaign in 1982.

Citta della Pieve

box 437

Madonna della Fatima

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Physical Description: 18 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Alfani, Domenico di Paride; Pomarancio, Nicolo
Exterior views of the thirteenth-century facade and cloister. Interior views of the domed interior, frescoed pendentives, and baroque altarpieces.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: November, 8 1982
General Notes: The Santuario della Madonna di Fatima was previously the church of S. Francesco.
box 437

Oratorio di S. Bartolomeo

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Physical Description: 12 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Maestro degli Ordini
Views of the interior frescoes and wooden ceiling beams. The fresco of the Crucifixion with Saints, also known as the "Pianto degli angeli" by the Maestro degli Ordini dates to circa 1375-1400 according to the Marburg Index.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: November 8, 1982
General Notes: This oratory is either attached to or in the vicinity of the sancturary of the Madonna della Fatima.
box 437

Pozzo del Casalino

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Physical Description: 4 items

Scope and Contents note

Exterior views of building and well.
box 437

S. Lucia

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Physical Description: 20 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Zuccari, Federico; Nicolo Pomarancio; G. Brandi; Girolamo Troppa
Views of details of the 17th century painting and architectural decoration; in addition, details of a 14th century fresco cycle.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: November 8, 1982
box 437

S. Maria della Mercede

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Physical Description: 17 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Perugino
One view of the 17th century facade of the church; interior views show details of a fesco by Perugino.
Object Notes: Hutzel shot this campaign in 1982
box 438

Santuario della Madonna di Mongiovino

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Physical Description: 84 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Rocco di Tommaso; Nicolo Pomarancio; Giuliano da Verona; Bernardino da Siena; Lorenzo da Carrara; Arrigo Fiammingo; Johannes Wraghe; Arrigo Francesco di Alessandro da Fiesole; Valentino Martelli; Giovanni Patrizi; Mattia Battini di Citta di Castello
Views of the 16th century exterior include details of the portal sculpture. Interior views show details of the marble and stucco work, iconostasis, frescoed dome, altar paintings and marble statues.
Object Notes: Photo campaign date: 1982. This monument was previously catalogued as located in the city of Mongiovino.
General Notes: Many negatives of this monument can be found in the Marburg Index of Italian monuments under "Panicale-Mongiovino," fiche 286.
box 437

SS. Gervasio e Protasio (Duomo)

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Physical Description: 85 items


box 440

santuario della Madonna del Soccorso

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Physical Description: 49 items

Foligno (environs)

box 442

Abbazia di Sassovivo (Benedictine)

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Physical Description: 7 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Pietro de Maria; Nicola Vassalletto; Alessio di Beraldo; Marco da Roma
Exterior views of this Benedictine Abbey in the woods focus on the 13th-century cloister arcades and 14th-century blind arcade, comprised of colonnettes of different styles. Cloister views also include a well-head; and on the east cloister wall are heraldic devices among which figure a pair of lions, a cross, and crossed keys. Interior views focus on fresco fragments, including a depiction of the Last Supper with baroque columns. One view shows the names of the first abbots, architects, and stone masons of the abbey engraved in marble.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: October 6, 1982
General Notes: The artists named above are architects and stone masons who worked on the cloister.
box 442

ex chiesa dell'Annunziata

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Physical Description: 31 items

Scope and Contents note

Prints and negatives of this monument have been assigned numbers 1-20 to fuse Hutzel's ex chiesa dell'Annunziata sequence with the sequence mistakenly labelled chiesa dell'Ospedale. Views are of the exterior facade and the interior altars, cupola, paintings, crucifix and architectural sculpture.
box 443

Monastery of S. Anna

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Physical Description: 155 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Lattanzio di Niccolo di Liberatore da Foligno; Mezzastris, Pierantonio
Post-medieval: 15th and 16th century frescos
Object Notes: Contains two sets of duplicate photographs
General Notes: also known as monstero delle Contesse
Accompanying Material: TCI/Umbria (1978) pp. 281-82
box 444


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Physical Description: 42 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Perugino (Pietro di Cristoforo di Vannucci); Lattanzio di Niccolo di Liberatore da Foligno
Post-medieval: 15th century architecture (b. 1494), paintings on canvas, frescoes . Church facade and interior altars and altar paintings.
General Notes: Two sets of prints made from the same negatives have been fused into a single numerical sequence.
Bibliographic Citation: Brief Citation: TCI/Umbria (1978) p. 280
box 442

Palazzo Trinci

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Physical Description: 124 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Niccolo di Liberatore; Odoardo Poggi; Mezzastris, Pierantonio; Gozzoli, Benozzo; Piermarini, Giuseppe; Ugolino di Gisberto; Bernardino di Mariotto; Doni, Adone; Bartolomeo di Tommaso da Foligno
Post-medieval: 14th century architecture (1389-1407), 19th century facade (1841-47), paintings on canvas, paintings on panel, frescoes, minor arts
Object Notes: pinocoteca is on second floor (no neg.s to date)
Bibliographic Citation: Brief Citation: TCI 1978, pp 275-278
box 444

S. Bartolomeo

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Physical Description: 37 items

Scope and Contents note

Piermarini, Giuseppe; Lattanzio di Niccolo di Liberatore da Foligno; Damiani, Felice; Parrocel, Etienne I; Niccolo di Liberatore
Post-medieval: 15th century architecture (1415), largely renovated in the 18th century, stucco decoration, paintings on canvas and panel, frescos, wooden furnishings
box 444

S. Domenico

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Physical Description: 25 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Mezzastris, Pierantonio
Medieval: 13th century architecture (1251), 14th century campanile . Post-medieval: frescoes, stucco, wooden sculpture, paintings on panel, paintings on canvas
Bibliographic Citation: Brief Citation: TCI p. 278
box 444

S. Feliciano, Cathedral

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Physical Description: 68 items

Scope and Contents note

Owner: S. Feliciano, Cathedral
Artist Name: Raphael; Mattioli, Bartolomeo; Cola di Matteucio da Caprarola; Salvi, Filippo; Baglioni, Bartolomeo (Baccio d'Angelo); Bartolomei, Enrico; Piermarini, Giuseppe da Foligno; Niccolo di Liberatore; Pizzoni, Francesco; Mancini, Francesco; Maini, Giovanni Battista; Sangallo, Antonio da (the Younger); Strada, Vespasiano; Croce, Baldassare (il Baldassarino); Lazzarini, Giovanni Andrea; Binello; Rodolfo
Antiquities: spolia
Medieval: 12th-13th century architecture (begun 1133), 12th century crypt . Post-medieval: 16th-20th century architectural renovations and restorations, architecural sculpture, mosaic, paintings on canvas, paintings on panel, sculpture, sculpture in wood, sculpture in silver, stucco, fresco
Bibliographic Citation: Brief Citation: TCI, Umbria, pp 274-275
box 445

S. Giovanni in Profiamma

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Physical Description: 23 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Maestro Filippo
Medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculpture, stone ciborium, metal crucifix. This church was constructed in the 11th-12th centuries from the remains of Roman buildings. The portal was built by a Master Filippo (1239), whose works are also known in Ancona. The interior of the church consists of a single nave, a presbytery and a crypt below. The columns of the crypt are spolia from earlier buildings, including an architrave from an 8th century structure.
Object Notes: Foligno environs.
box 445

S. Maria in Campis

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Physical Description: 81 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Niccolo di Liberatore; Mezzastris, Pierantonio
Post-medieval: 15th century architecture (begun 1452)
Bibliographic Citation: Brief Citation: TCI 1978, pp 282-283
box 445

S. Maria Infraportas

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Physical Description: 50 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Ugolino di Gisberto; Mezzastris, Pierantonio
Medieval: frescoes paintings on panel, wooden sculptures. Post-medieval: frescoes, paintings on panel, paintings on canvas, stucco, baptismal font, architectural sculpture
Bibliographic Citation: Brief Citation: TCI, Umbria, 1978, p. 278
box 442

Via Mazzini

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Physical Description: 20 items

Scope and Contents note

Exterior photos of street and miscellaneous architecture.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: June 18, 1984. The negatives are missing and may be filed under another monument in Foligno.


box 447

Chiesa della Madonna del Prato

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Physical Description: 60 items

Scope and Contents note

Exterior views of the Baroque archtecture of the church; interior photos show the extensive Baroque painting, sculpture and stucco decoration.
Object Notes: Hutzel shot this campaign in 1982.
box 446

Palazzo dei Consoli

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Physical Description: 99 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Nelli, Ottaviano di Martino; Nelli, Tommaso di Martino; Angelo da Orvieto; Francesco Signorelli; Pier Francesco Fiorentino; Crivelli; Pietro Alemanno; Pseudo Palmerucci; Matteo Balducci; Antonio Danesi; Frederico Damiani; Spagnoletto; Rutilio Manetti; Andrea Sacchi; Procaccini; Bendetto Nucci; Agabiti, Pietro Paolo; Ibi, Sinibaldo; Marco Marziale; Zuccarelli; Barocci; Caravaggio
Antiquities: Roman mosaic pavement (2nd century A.D., Iguvium); Etruscan bronze vessels; Roman sarcophagus; various fragments of relief sculpture and pottery. Many of these views are found in the Antiquities core collection, but all negatives are stored with the Hutzel collection negatives.
Views of the palazzo's medieval exterior--crenellations and romanesque arches. Interior views of the huge Salone with displays of Medieval and Roman artifacts. The objects in the Pinacoteca and Museo Civico include a glass chalice painted in oils, a wood intarsia desk, frescoes, reliquaries, crucifixes, polyptychs, diptychs, and various other altar paintings, as well as some secular paintings by the Venetian school. Subjects of paintings include: the three Graces, the Assumption, Crucifixion, Death of Rachel, Flight into Egypt, Holy Family, Madonna and Child, S. Ubaldo, S. Francesco, S. Chiara, S. Crescentino, S. Vicenzo, S. Lazaro, S. Scholastica, S. Paolo and numerous other saints.
Object Notes: Hutzel shot this campaign in 1982.
General Notes: The Palazzo dei Consoli houses the collections of the Museo Civico and and Pinacoteca Comunale. Views of the Salone, on the ground floor of the palazzo, are catalogued under the Palazzo dei Consoli, together with views of the Museo Civico and the Pinacoteca Comunale.
box 446

Palazzo Ranghiasci-Brancaleoni

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Physical Description: 3 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Ranghiasci, Francesco
Three views of the neoclassical facade.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: November 1982.
box 447

S. Domenico

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Physical Description: 52 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Colle, Raffaello del; Nelli, Ottaviano di Martino; Damiani, Felice; Nelli, Tommaso di Martino; Allegrini, Francesco; Mezzastris; Baglione, Giovanni; Eugubina school (1982)
Exterior views of the church in the Medieval core collection show a 14th-century facade. Most views are of the restored baroque interior (1765): the altar paintings which line the nave, chapel ceiling frescoes of the four Evangelists, wood intarsia choirstalls and a pulpit. Painting subjects include: the Last Supper, S. Domenico, S. Vincenzo Ferreri, S. Chiara, S. Martino, St. Peter Martyr, St. Francis, St. John the Baptist, the Annunciation, the Three Magi, the Flagellation, Mary Magdalene, and Christ Entombed.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: November 8, 1982
box 447

S. Francesco

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Physical Description: 33 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Bevignate da Perugia; Benedetto Nucci; Bernardino di Nanni dell' Eugenia; Nelli, Ottaviano di Martino
Exterior views of this church include: the octagonal bell tower, polygonal apse, ogival windows, rose window and courtyard. The interior views focus on the apse chapel fresco cycles, one with scenes from the Life of the Virgin, and the other with scenes from the life of St. Francis of Assisi (14th and 15th centuries). Other fresco and painting subjects include: the Crucifixion, the Deposition, and Christ Pantokrator.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: November 11, 1982.
box 448

S. Pietro

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Physical Description: 52 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Sebastiano Stefanelli; B. Brozzi; Nucci, Virgilio; Allegrini, Francesco; Manetti, Rutilio; Nasini, Giuseppe Nicola; Manni, Giannicola di Paolo; Colle, Raffaello del; Maffei, Antonio; Maffei, G.B.; Giovanni Billori; Domenico Verciani; Enrico Tolignati; Francesco di Giorgio Martini; Giovanni Girilli
Immured in the 13th-century facade of this gothic church are some remnants of 11th-century architectural sculpture. In contrast to the stark exterior, the interior views reveal a rich baroque remodelling. Shallow niched altars line the nave. Organs stand above the entrance and the main altar. The seventeenth-century altar paintings include the following subjects: S. Ubaldo, the Archangel Michael, the Martyrdom of S. Bartolomeo, S. Bernardo Tolomei, S. Chiara, S. Mauro, S. Nicola, S. Placide, S. Sebastiano, the Nativity and the Visitation. Interior views also include the fresco by Raffaellino del Colle (16th century) and painted stucco decoration (17th century).
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: November 17, 1982
box 448

S. Secondo

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Physical Description: 35 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Giacomo di Benedetto Bedi; Nocchi, Bernardino; Tofanelli, Stefano
Exterior views of the polygonal apse of trefoiled arches and cloister portals. Interior views include frescoes of the Life of St. Sebastian in the Cappella di Sebastiano o Panfili (15th century); votive frescoes of the Madonna and Child; paintings of the Death of St. Joseph and the Martyrdom of S. Secondo; a painted crucifix; and stucco work and paintings in the Salone Zucchari (which are missing their negatives). In the Medieval core collection are details of an 8th-century altar--the sole remains of the abbey church S. Donato di Pulpiano.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: 1982.


box 448

S. Michele

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Physical Description: 24 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Camassei, Andrea; Gentile da Fabriano; Alunno, Niccolo
Exterior views of romanesque church and cloister, with details of west facade reliefs and double-window. Interior views of the kitchen and refectory. Interior views of the church focus on frescoes: the Martyrdom of St. Sebastian, Madonna and Child, Crucifixion, Saint Michael. Also, a view of a 15th century bapitsmal font and painting of the Madonna and Child with Saint John the Baptist.

Massa Martana (environs)

box 449

S. Maria in Pantano

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Physical Description: 11 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Roman gravestones used as altar bases, a Roman column used as a font, a reused historiated relief and frieze.
Exterior views of the Medieval architecture of the church: rose window, gothic portal, and tower. Interior views depict details of Medieval fresco fragments, columns and capitals, and a wooden crucifix.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: May 28, 1984


box 449

S. Agostino

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Physical Description: 34 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Cola di Petrucciolo; Gozzoli, Benozzo; Mezzastris, Pierantonio; Alfani, Domenico di Paride; Scuola Eugubina (Gubbio School); Nelli, Ottaviano di Martino; Lorenzetti, Ambrogio; Ugolino di Gisberto; Umbrian School; Siena; Foligno Master (15th century); Barocci, Federico
Exterior views of the 13th century architecture of the church; interior views include frescoes dating from the 14th-16th centuries. Fresco subjects include the Madonna and Child, the Annunciation, the Coronation, the Madonna of the Misericordia, and the following saints: Pietro, Fortunato, Paolo, Severo, Agostino, Nicola da Tolentino and Caterina d'Alessandria.
Object Notes: One composite view of the interior is found in the Italy Oversize box in the Medieval core collection (H-7, H-8).
General Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: October 27, 1982
box 449

S. Bartolomeo

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Physical Description: 27 items

Scope and Contents note

Specific Location: Piazza Dante
Artist Name: Cozza, Francesco
Medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture. Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculpture, painting
Bibliographic Citation: Brief Citation: TCI/Umbria, p. 289.
box 449

S. Chiara

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Physical Description: 52 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Gozzoli, Benozzo; Foligno School; Giotto; Siena
Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture (16th century renovations); frescoes (14-15th century); sculpture Cloisters museum: sculpture, metalwork, painted crucifix, frescoes.
box 450

S. Fortunato

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Physical Description: 32 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Tiberio d'Assisi; Gozzoli, Benozzo; Mezzastris, Bernardino; Melanzio, Francesco
Exterior views of the 15th century architecture of the church; interior views offer details of the fresco cycles in both the cloister and refectoryy.
Object Notes: Hutzel shot this campaign in 1982
box 450

S. Illuminata

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Physical Description: 25 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Tiberio d'Assisi; Melanzio, Francesco; Mezzastris, Bernardino
Exterior views of the 15th century architecture of the church; interior views of the 16th century fresco decoration.
Object Notes: Hutzel shot this campaign in 1982.
box 450

Santuario della Madonna della Stella

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Physical Description: 37 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Santini, Giovanni; Mariani, Cesare; Pollastrini, Enrico; Overbeck, Friedrich; Mancinelli, Giuseppe; Sereni, Giuseppe; Bontulli, Paolo
Exterior views of the 19th century architecture of the church; interior views show the Baroque decortion including painted altarpieces as well as stucco and marble work.
Object Notes: Hutzel shot this campaign in 1982.


box 451

General views

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Physical Description: 5 items

Scope and Contents note

Views in Hutzel are of the streets of Montesanto, ruins in the vicinity, and distant views of the town and surrounding countryside. These views form part of numerical sequence for Montesanto, S. Maria.
box 451

S. Maria, Parish church

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Physical Description: 63 items

Scope and Contents note

coverage includes views of the church facade, interior views of the nave and altar, and views of paintings by Virgilio Nucci, Camillo Angelucci, and others.

Nocera Umbra

box 461


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Physical Description: 8 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Interior views of unidentified structure
box 461

S. Filippo

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Physical Description: 17 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Grandi, Francesco
Post-medieval: Modern church in romanesque gothic style. Altar painting "La morte di S. Filippo con apparizione della Madonna" by Grandi
box 461

S. Francesco

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Physical Description: 68 items

Scope and Contents note

Owner: Pinacoteca Comunale
Artist Name: Cimabue; Maestro di San Francesco; Niccolo di Liberatore; Matteo da Gualdo; Ercole Ramazzani; School of Umbria, 14th century; Rocco da Tommaso; Byzantine (15th century); Segna di Bonaventura
Post-medieval: Exterior views of architecture and architectural sculpture of S. Francesco Pinacoteca: fresco fragments, panel painting, polyptych, painting, miscelaneous architectural fragments


box 461


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Physical Description: 51 items

Scope and Contents note

Views of exterior and courtyard; views of sculptures, frescoes, and crosses in museum collection (housed in the Castlellina).
General Notes: Some of the objects belong in the Palazzo Comunale museum; these have been reassigned numbers in that monument sequence. A number of prints, last noted as stored in Medieval section, are now missing, but we have the negatives which, where possible, have been assigned numbers corresponding to the Hutzel guide.
box 462

Madonna della Neve

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Physical Description: 67 items

Scope and Contents note

Views of surrounding countryside; exterior views with details capitals; interior views of octagonal cupola, altars, and details frescoes by the Angelucci brothers.
General Notes: There are no negatives for this monument sequence.
box 462

Palazzo Comunale

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Physical Description: 46 items

Scope and Contents note

Six exterior views; remaining views are of the art objects housed in the structure.
box 462

S. Agostino

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Physical Description: 66 items

Scope and Contents note

Three prints of the exterior; the rest of the coverage is of the interior nave, altar, choir, crucifix, paintings, frescoes, and sacristy. Other prints form part of the numerical sequence for S. Agostino, even though the two monuments have never been part of the same complex. Coverage is primarily of the carved wood ceiling and the sculpture embedded in it.
box 463

S. Benedetto

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Physical Description: 33 items

Scope and Contents note

Coverage is of the crypt and crypt paintings, the church exterior, and the nave and altars, but most of the views are of paintings.
box 463

S. Giovanni

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Physical Description: 39 items

Scope and Contents note

Exterior views of facade, flanks, and two portals; interior views of altars, ceiling, sculpture, crucifix, paintings, and ciborium.


box 466

Eremo di S. Maria Giacobbe

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Physical Description: 83 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture, fresco wall decoration. This structure was partly sculpted out of the rocks on the hillside and its interior is completely covered with frescoes dating from the 14th and 15th centuries. Above the main altar is a representation of S. Maria Giacobbe, by Lattanzio di Nicolo (1507).
Object Notes: 2 sets of prints: earlier set does not have any negatives. Most prints from the second set are duplicates of the first.
box 466


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Physical Description: 12 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: School of Umbria, 14th century; Damiani, Felice
Medieval: Sculpture. Polychromed wooden statue of the Madonna and Child; a work of the Umbrian school from the first half of the 14th century. Post-medieval: Architecture, sculpture, painting. In a side altar is placed a painting of the Madonna and Child with saints, dated to 1584 and signed by Felice Damiani.
Object Notes: 2 sets of prints: the earliest set does not have negatives, but the prints in both sets are almost identical.


box 467


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Physical Description: 28 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Rocco di Tommaso
Post-medieval: Painting, baptismal font by Rocco da Vicenza (school)




box 467, box 468

S. Pietro

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Physical Description: 139 items

Scope and Contents note

Interior views with emphasis on paintings and sculpture; extensive views of illuminated manuscripts (negatives not printed).
General Notes: There are no prints assigned H-#s 43-57.
box 467

Galleria Nazionale dell'Umbria

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Physical Description: 75 items

Scope and Contents note

Views of Umbrian painting and sculpture.

Piedipaterno sul Nera

box 469


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Physical Description: 27 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture; fragments of votive frescoes by Umbria School artist (15th century, 17th century); pascal candle; pulpit

Pieve di Confine

box 469

Cascina Romanica

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Physical Description: 18 items

Scope and Contents note

Prints show old building (church?) with animal motifs and vegetation on the portal. Other exterior photos show a rounded apse end with niches.
Object Notes: No Hutzel notes.

Pieve Pagliaccia

box 469


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Physical Description: 11 items

Scope and Contents note

Small church with rose window and a small campanile. Interior photos show fragments of frescoes in late Medieval and early Renaissance styles.
Object Notes: No Hutzel notes.


box 469

S. Maria

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Physical Description: 20 items

Scope and Contents note

Exterior views of church and apse end. Interior views of nave and paintings in the vaults, including the four Evangelists.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign dated: February 19, 1983. Notes are filed under Borgo Cerreto.


box 471


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Physical Description: 18 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Civil architecture (14th century) . Post-medieval: Polygonal keep

Rocca S. Angelo

box 471

S. Maria in Arce, Convent church

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Physical Description: 33 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Bartolomeo Caporali; Slavatore da Assisi; Matteo da Gualdo; School of Perugino
Exterior views of facade, apse and cloister. Interior views of altar, paintings and votive frescoes (14th-16th c.)

S. Giorgio

box 472

Parish church

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Physical Description: 41 items

Scope and Contents note

These photographs were formerly filed under Norcia. Prints of the two exterior views are lost or missing. Remaining coverage is of the church interior, mostly of the frescoes.

S. Mamiliano

box 472

S. Biagio

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Physical Description: 53 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Mezzastris, Bernardino; Siculo, Iacopo
Medieval: Architecture (15th century) . Post-medieval: Frescoes (Hutzel attributes to Mezzastris School); painting by Iacopo Siculo (1530); sculpture including statues, busts, baptismal font, monstrance

San Giacomo di Spoleto

box 471

S. Giacomo

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Physical Description: 90 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Lo Spagna; Doni, Dono; Pittore di Poreta; Angeloni, Fabio; Camassei, Andrea; Bernardino d'Assisi
One exterior view and many negatives of this thirteenth-century church. Interior views focus on the apse and side chapel frescoes. In the apse: St. Mary Magdalen, St. Apollonia, St. James and two of his miracles, the Coronation of the Virgin. In the Cappella S. Sebastiano: St. Sebastian, St. Roch and Pope Gregory (1528 frescoes by Lo Spagna). To the right of the apse: the Madonna, Angels, Saints Peter, Anthony Abbot, and Bartholomew. Also views of altar paintings, reliquaries, gilt crucifix, and two wooden candle holders/statues of boys (17th century).
Object Notes: Hutzel made two photo campaigns of this church, first on February 7, 1982 and then on January 31, 1983. There are only 50 different views for the 82 prints. Thus it seems that most of the photographs come from the same campaign though Hutzel made two separate worksheets. The photos have been renumbered.

Sant'Anatolia di Narco

box 472

S. Maria delle Grazie

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Physical Description: 22 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Master of Eggi; Cesarei, Piero; Mezzastris, Pierantonio; Pier Matteo Piergili
Exterior views of this 16th century church are found in the Medieval core collection. Views of the romanesque interior focus mainly on the apse frescoes. In the sacristy are wooden crucifixes and two paintings of interesting iconograhpy: one of a female saint with a knife in her neck next to a dragon (perhaps St. Lucy or St. Martha?), and one of a young Christ asleep on a cross in front of Joseph and Mary. He is amidst objects such as a skull, dice, a knife and ear, carpentry tools, Veronica's veil, and perhaps Judas' silver.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: February 7, 1982


box 473

S. Nicolo

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Physical Description: 42 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Lo Spagna; Giovanni di Girolamo; Cesarei, Picro; Abbatini, Guidubaldo; Piermarino di Giacomo
Post-medieval: Built 13th century, remodelled 16th century. Architecture; frescoes by Spagna, with Giovanni di Girolamo and Piermarino di Giacomo; in cappella del Rosario painting by Pierino Cesarei da Perugia (1595), and painting by Guidobaldo Abbatini


box 474

S. Maria

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Physical Description: 24 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, fresco painting, sculpture, painting


box 474

General views

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Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Only one panoramic view of Spello is found in the Hutzel collection, but many negatives exist. Negatives filed under General views also include unidentified buildings and sculptures, such as bas-reliefs, fountains, and capitals.
Hutzel photo campaign date of Spello: September 14, 1983
box 474

Palazzo Comunale

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Physical Description: 35 items

Scope and Contents note

Maestro Prode; Cola di Petrucciolo; Nicolo di Liberatore da Foligno; Corbo, Tommaso; Mezzastris, Bernardino; Gozzoli, Benozzo; Zuccari, Federico
Exterior views of this Romanesque-Gothic structure (13th-14th centuries) include a courtyard with a well, a wooden loggia, and the frescoed cross-vault of a portico. Views of the interior focus on two rooms. The baroque room is decorated with a ceiling fresco (18th century) of landscapes, nude figures holding portrait-shields of eminent citizens, and a balustrade. What Hutzel calls the "Zucarri Salon" or "Pinacoteca" is filled with religious paintings, frescoes, marble busts, crucifixes, a German sculpture of the Pieta (15th century), and a diptych by Petruccioli.
Hutzel photo campaign date: September 14, 1983
box 474

S. Girolamo

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Physical Description: 46 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Mezzastris, Bernardino; Mezzastris, Pierantonio; Pinturicchio; Rocco di Tommaso; Corbo, Tommaso
Exterior views of this church (1474) focus on its cloister and a Renaissance portico of the Ionic order. In the portico are frescoes of S. Girolamo and also of the Stigmatization of St. Francis. The baroque interior (17th century) is overflowing with statues and paintings. The ceiling is frescoed with illusional architecture, wreaths, and a central oval with putti and S. Girolamo. Views focus on Pinturicchio's Marriage of the Virgin and a fresco by Mezzastris of the Madonna and Child with St. Sebastian and St. Roch.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: September 1983
box 474

S. Lorenzo

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Physical Description: 64 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Lo Spagna; Pinturicchio; Cruciano Egidiucci da Bettona; Flaminio Vacca da Roma; Ascensidonio Spacca (Il Fantino); De Castello Flander; Frans van de Kasteele di Bruxelles; Lodovico Caffarelli da Castello; Carlo Lorenti; Teodosio Quintavilla; Andrea Campano da Modena; Francesco Costantini; Paolo Vanni; Piermarini; Bazzani, Cesare; Mezzastris, Pierantonio; Corbo, Tommaso; Gozzoli, Benozzo
Antiquities: Roman spolia: funerary inscriptions and plutei around the portal.
S. Lorenzo (1120) stands on the site of the former S. Ercolano. Exterior views of the portal (13th century) and facade (remodelled in 1540). Interior views focus on the painting and sculpture (15th-18th centuries): marble intarsia baptismal font (1607); main altar baldachin (an imitation of the one in St. Peter's, Rome); wood intarsia choirstalls; wooden wardrobe and chest in the Sacristy with the intarsiaed figured of Moses, Noah and Zaccariah; wooden pulpit with bas-reliefs of the Martyrdom of S. Lorenzo; frescoes in the neoclassical Cappella dell'Incoronata; marble tabernacle in the Cappella del Sacramento; baroque altar of St. Catherine; frescoes of the Madonna and Child (by Gozzoli), S. Lorenzo, and S. Bernardino da Siena; altar painting of the Glorification of Souls in Purgatory; gilt statue of S. Nicola; and various other paintings, frescoes and statues.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: September 14, 1983
box 475

S. Maria della Rotonda

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Physical Description: 59 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Giovanni and Bartolino da Domodossola; Simone Mosca da Terezano; Mezzastris, Bernardino
Located on the outskirts of Spello, this church stands in a state of semi-dilapidation among tall grasses and cypress trees. It was built on a Greek cross plan with an octagonal cupola and attached cloisters. The Renaissance portal (1517) remains shut as the key is now lost. Interior views focus on the octagonal cupola, the three altarpieces, and their frescoes which are all in urgent need of repair. The large main altarpiece acts as a choir screen, and separates one arm of the church from the rest of the interior. Subjects of the altar frescoes (by Mezzastris) include the Madonna Lactans, the Madonna and Child between Pope Gregory and St. Michael, the Virgin and St. Anne, the Annunciation, the Coronation of the Virgin, and Saints Peter and Michael.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: September 1983.
General Notes: This church is more commonly known as the Chiesa Tonda.
box 475

S. Silvestro

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Physical Description: 27 items

Scope and Contents note

Specific Location: Mount Subasio, 2 kilometers from Collepino
Antiquities: Architectural fragments, sculptural fragments
Medieval: Architecture, fresco fragments
Object Notes: According to tradition, it was built in 1025 by S. Romualdo, the founder of the Camaldolese order. Documentation exists from 1083.
Bibliographic Citation: Brief Citation: TCI/Umbria, p.210 (Collepino)

Spoleto (environs)

box 479

S. Salvatore

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Physical Description: 39 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Serlio; Francesco di Giorgio Martini; Peruzzi, Baldassare; Sanmicheli, Matteo
Although first erected in the early 5th century on the remains of a Roman temple, the exterior views reveal a 14th century facade stripped of its marble, and three portals (two of which are blind) with marble architraves. Interior views focus on the Doric and Corinthian columns and capitals, fragments of entablature, and poorly preserved frescoes (13th-14th centuries).
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: May 4, 1983. A few of the missing negatives may be found in the Marburger Index.
General Notes: Hutzel's notes of S. Salvatore also include notes on the adjacent cemetery of Spoleto. Views of the cemetery have been catalogued separately under Spoleto, Cemetery.
box 479

S. Sebastiano

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Physical Description: 33 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Lo Spagna
Most views of this small chapel focus on the interior frescoes. The Madonna and Child flanked by St. Roch and St. Sebastian are frescoed on the altar wall. On the side wall are three more frescoes of St. Sebastian.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: August 6, 1983.
General Notes: Hutzel developed two sets of photographs from these negatives; thus, some prints hae been renumbered to correspond with their duplicates.
box 479

Tempietto sul Clitunno

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Physical Description: 30 items

Scope and Contents note

The west facade of this early Christian church (after c. 600), takes the shape of a Roman temple with its portico and entablature. Exterior views focus on the columns. As the church is built into a hill, the east end and semi-circular apse sit very low to the ground. Interior views include: the main altar with an aedicula, and frescoes of St. Peter, St. Paul, and Christ Pantokrator.
General Notes: This church is also known as the church of S. Salvatore.


box 475


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Physical Description: 8 items

Scope and Contents note

Views of family grave chapels; Betti, Marcelli, Cesaroni, Bidolli are the visible family names.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: May 4, 1983
General Notes: This cemetery is accessible through the church of S. Salvatore.
box 475

General views

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Physical Description: 2 items

Scope and Contents note

Views of a large castle and various buildings built on a gradual incline. Negatives of an unidentified monument show a somewhat isolated complex on a hill. One print in the Medieval core colletion shows the Piazza del Duomo.
box 475

Palazzo Comunale, Pinacoteca Comunale

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Physical Description: 82 items

Scope and Contents note

Nicolo di Liberatore da Foligno; Antonello de Saliba; Baldi, Lazzaro; Catena, G.; Cesari, Giuseppe; Conca, Sebastiano; Giacomo di Giovanni; Master of Cesi; Maratti, Carlo; Petronia, Genevra; Pinturicchio; Quillerier, Noel; Raphael; Refini, Francesco; Salimbene; Lo Spagna; Spranger, Bartholomaeus; Troppa, Girolamo; Unterberger, Cristoph; Ventiletti, Faustina; Zaloni, Benedetto
Interior views focus on the paintings. A few frescoes and one reliquary are also included. (Negatives show artifacts displayed in exterior sections of the Palazzo Comunale, which is the structure that houses the Pinacoteca.) Among the subjects of the paintings are: the Calling of St. Matthew (after Caravaggio), portrait of a Palettoni, the Annunciation, Job, St. Sebastian, Charity, Venus, several Madonna and Childs (one after Giovanni Bellini), St. Ponziano, St. Agatha, the Dormition of the Virgin, Christ, the Crucifixion, and the Holy Family.
Hutzel photo campaign date: 1/31/83
box 476

S. Ansano

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Physical Description: 23 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Dotti, Antonio; Lo Spagna; Ricci, Archita; Corvi, Domenico
Antiquities: To the left of S. Ansano stands the Arco di Druso (23 A.D.). Beneath the church are the remains of the Tempio Romano and the Crypt of S. Isacco, on which S. Ansano was built.
Exterior views: neoclassical facade (17th century) with Greek Corinthian capitals; high relief sculpture of the Madonna and Child with saints above the portal; cloister (15th century). Views of neoclassical interior: barrel vaulted-ceiling, Roman composite capitals of the main altarpiece, altar paintings. Views of the crypt S. Isacco (8th century): Roman columns and early Romanesque capitals; frescoes (11th-12th centuries) of the life of Christ, martyrs, monks and saints, including S. Isacco and St. Martial.
General Notes: Hutzel campaign date: 1/24/83
box 476

S. Brizio

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Physical Description: 40 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculptural fragments . Post-medieval: Painting, fresco painting
Object Notes: Surrounded by walls of the 1200's; the parish of the 12th century has the form of a basilica with 3 naved apses, presbytery and crypt with 4 naves under columns. A Roman sarcophagus, according to tradition, was used as a sepulchre of S. Brizio. Also included are antique materials, frescoes of the 15th and 16th centuries, ciborium in stone from the 16th century, and painted panel of 1547. No information provided by Hutzel, see TCI, Umbria, p.347.
box 476

S. Domenico

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Physical Description: 111 items

Scope and Contents note

Lanfranco, Giovanni; Coccetti, Liborio; Nebbia, Cesare; da Miranda, Bartolomeo; Refini, Francesco; Fontana, Giovanni; Nucci, Avanzino; Bandiera, Benedetto; Cesarei, Piero; Gozzoli; Master of Fossa; Umbrian School
Exterior views of 13th-14th century church restored in 1960: striped facade, bell tower, and portals. Interior views reveal a gothic structure with high ceilings, pointed arches, and an apse with stained glass windows. Fragments of preserved frescoes are visible in the white walls. Most views are of paintings and frescoes in the three chapels and crypt. In the chapel of St. Mary Magdalen are extensive fresco cycles (early 15th century), of the saint. The Callicola chapel and Chapel of the Sacrament are baroque chapels with stucco decoration and marble altars. In the crypt--formerly the Chiesa di S. Pietro Martire--are 14th century frescoes.
One exterior view in the Medieval section is located in the Italy Oversize box. [Negatives: (H-1) MED and (H-2) MED]
box 477

S. Eufemia

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Physical Description: 6 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Bartolomeo da Miranda
Antiquities: Ten capitals from a Roman temple.
Exterior views include the facade, apse and short bell tower. Interior views of an almost bare church, with small windows on all three levels: the clerestory, gallery and aisle. Of particular interest to TCI is the women's gallery. Hutzel's prints focus on a marble pilaster (8th-9th centuries), a marble cosmati work altar with the four Evangelists and Agnus Dei in bas-relief (13th century), and a pier frescoed with St. Lucy (1455).
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: 1/31/83
box 477

S. Filippo

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Physical Description: 36 items

Scope and Contents note

Scelli, Loreto; Lapis, Gaetano; Conca, Sebastiano; Refini, F.; Baldi, Lazzaro
Exterior views of baroque church, begun 1640, and the Piazza Mentana. Interior views: cupola with stucco decoration, elaborate cornices and stuccoed cupids along the arcade, atlars, atlar statues and altar paintings. Altar painting subjects include: the Presentation of the Virgin, St. Francis of Paola, St. Francis de Sales, St. Joseph and the Christ Child.
box 477

S. Giuliano

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Physical Description: 17 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Master of Eggi
Exterior views of 12th century church include: bell tower, and relief sculpture in main portal jambs (6th century spolia). Interior views: nave, arcade capitals (10th century), apse frescoes of the Madonna, Christ and various saints (1442), and fresco fragments on the aisle and arcade walls.
box 477

S. Gregorio Maggiore

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Physical Description: 50 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Angeloni, Fabio; Benedetto da Rovezzano; Conca, Sebastiano
Exterior views of a restored 12th century church: bell tower; facade with niched saints, triforium windows (12th century), and porch (16th century); cloister; frescoed baptismal chapel (1536) and font (15th century). General views of interior and crypt: remnants of frescoes by Umbrian artists (13-16th centuries), including two of the Madonna lactans; altar frescoes of Saints Sebastian, Roch, and Abbondanza around a marble tabernacle (1526); holy water fonts (14th century); baroque domed chapel with fresco and stucco decoration and tabernacle; apse frescoes of clerical saints in medallions (11th century); Roman steles used as altar bases; sarcophagus of St. Abbondanza; columns and capitals of various styles.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: February 9, 1983
box 478

S. Maria Assunta, Cathedral

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Physical Description: 156 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Duca, Giacomo del; Lippi, Filippo; Pinturicchio; Carracci, Annibale; Coccetti, Liborio; Concioli, Antonio; Corvi, Domenico; Labruzzi, Pietro; Giovanni Andrea di Ser Moscato; Damiano di Mariotto da Spoleto; Nardini, Francesco; Perugino; Raphael; Parrocel, Etienne; Luigi Arrigucci; Giuseppe Valadier; Jacopo siculo; Alberti, Giovanni; Algardi, Alessandro; Cesari, Giuseppe; Unterberger, Cristoforo; Diamante, Fra; Piermatteo Lauro de' Manfredi da Amelia; Refini, Francesco; Bernini, Gian Lorenzo; Pippo di Antonio; Solsternus; Castelli, Domenico; Ciampichitto; Ambrogio da Milano
Exterior views: facade (12th century) with details of the rose window, blind gallery, classicizing architectural sculpture, portal with jambs of inhabited vinescroll, campanile with reused relief fragments (7th-8th centuries), and painting of Christ Blessing flanked by St. John and Virgin Mary (1207). Interior views: pavement in geometric patterns; apse frescoes by Fra Fillipo Lippi (1469) with scenes from the Nativity; fresco of the Pieta by Pinturicchio in the Cappella Eroli (1497); frescoes in the Cappella del'Assunta of Saints Jerome, Michael and Lucy, and ceiling frescoes of Noah, Adam and Melchisedek; paintings, cruicifixes, marbles busts of the Cardinal Eroli and Lippi in the Cappella delle Reliquie; marble statues of Kings David and Solomon in the baroque Cappella della SS. Icone; 14th and 15th century frescoes and a baroque frieze in the Cappella S. Anna; and perhaps a marble statue by Bernini in the wood-panelled sacristy (16th century).
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: 1/15/83
box 478

S. Maria della Manna d'Oro

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Physical Description: 38 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Conca, Sebastiano; Costantini, Nicola
Exterior views of the octagonal church now used as a baptistery. Interior views of oil paintings by Conca (1735), the tomb statue of Bishop Bernardino Lauri, and the massive octangonal baptismal font (15th century), decorated with bas-reliefs depicting scenes from the Nativity to the Marriage at Cana.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: 1/31/83
box 479

S. Nicolo

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Physical Description: 30 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture. 4 views of the facade and portal are found in the Medieval core colletion. Other exterior views of the arcade. Interior views focus on the polygonal apse which is perforated by a series of high double windows.. Post-medieval: Fresco painting and a detail of the portal lunette fresco.
Object Notes: Included in part of a zone of late medieval urban expansion. Church has plan of simple rectangle with the four angles reinforced by robust buttresses. See xerox copy of descriptive information provided by Hutzel.
General Notes: The apse of S. Nicolo sits directly above the church, Santa Maria della Misericordia
box 479

S. Pietro

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Physical Description: 4 items

Scope and Contents note

All exterior views, with a focus on the late 12th century facade relief sculpture around portal. Subjects include: birds; St. Michael and the dragon; animals and vinescroll; animal and human in combat; life of St. Peter; animals in combat; symbols of the Evangelists; oxen; ox with snake in mouth; St. Peter; and St. Andrew. Cosmatesque mosaic inlay in oculi, guilloches above portal, voussoirs, and in the square border around the circular window.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: May 4, 1983
box 479

S. Rocco

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Physical Description: 21 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Francesco da Pietrasanta; Bertosi, Francesco; Arcangelo Aquilini
Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, painting, fresco painting fragments, sculpture, fresco painting
General Notes: See Hutzel's description of site.
box 477

SS. Giovanni e Paolo

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Physical Description: 38 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Piergli, Pier Matteo; Sozio, Alberto; Master of Eggi
Interior views of 12th century church all focus on frescoes (late 12th-14th centuries). Fresco subjects include: one of the first documented representations of St. Francis; the martyrdom of St. Thomas Becket of Canterbury; Herod's banquet; St. John and St. Paul beheaded; doors to Paradise; Crucifixion; St. John the Baptist; Madonna and Child Enthroned; St. Gregory as Pope and Saint; St. Joseph; St. Antony of Padua; St. Alo; St. Catherine; St. Jerome; St. Lawrence; St. Ansano; St. Michael slaying dragon; St. Margaret; St. Taddeus; St. Anthony Abbot; St. Clare.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: 1/21/83


box 481

Anfiteatro Romano

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Physical Description: 2 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Architectural ruins (32 a.d.). Patterned stonework.
box 481

Palazzo Bianchini-Riccardi

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Physical Description: 20 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Sangallo, Antonio da (the Younger)
Post-medieval: Architecture (16th century) with rusticated portal; frieze decorated with fleur-de-lis; fountain; sculpted busts mounted on column fragments
box 483

Palazzo dei Mazzancolli

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Physical Description: 20 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Various Roman fragments
Medieval: Dressed stone architecture (14th century) , restored in 1878 and 1927; architectural metalwork; double loggia with intact staircase; misc. fragments in marble. Post-medieval: Fresco (19th or 20th century)
box 483

Palazzo Posta e Telegrafo

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Physical Description: 19 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Bazzani, Cesare
Post-medieval: Frescos (19th/20th century)
box 484

Palazzo Sciamanna

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Physical Description: 5 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture (16th century)
box 481

Torre dei Barbarasa

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Physical Description: 4 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Romanesque architecture: one of the few remaining medieval towers in the city
box 481

Via Cavour

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Physical Description: 5 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Fragments
Medieval: Portal; inscription


box 487

S. Bartolomeo

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Physical Description: 79 items

Scope and Contents note

Specific Location: S. Bartolomeo
. Views of exterior and interior, including painting, sculpture, architectural detail.
box 487

S. Maria, Parish church

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Physical Description: 3 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: . Exterior views of church.
box 487


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Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Front view of garrison tower.


box 486

General views

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Physical Description: 9 items

Scope and Contents note

Panoramic views of Todi and views of the Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II, including the Palazzo dei Priori, the Palazzo del Popolo, the Palazzo del Capitano (which houses the collections of the Pinacoteca civica and the Museo estruco-romano), and the Porta Principale.
Prints in the Medieval core collection are found under Todi, Panaramas/Palazzi/Piazzi.
box 486


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Physical Description: 38 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Bencivenni, Antonio; Lo Spagna; Damiani, Felice; Pier Francesco Fiorentino; Polinori, Andrea
Antiquities: Roman bust and architectural fragments from the Etruscan and Roman periods excavated in the territory of Todi.
Views are mainly of Renaissance paintings and frescoes, and also medieval statues. Among the paintings: a copy of Guido Reni's Susanna and the Elders; a Madonna and Child with Saints by Polinori; St. Bernardino Tomitano da Feltre bu lo Spagna.
Object Notes: Photos were taken in 1960.
General Notes: The Pinacoteca civica, the Museo etrusco-romano and the Archivio comunale are all housed in the Palazzo del Capitano.
box 487

S. Fortunato

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Physical Description: 41 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Giovanni di Santuccio; Bartolo di Angelo; Giotto; Polinori, Andrea; Vannucci, Nicola; Masolino da Panicale
Exterior views of this church focus on the facade portals (1430-1436). Flanking the center portal are aediculae with statues of the Archangel Gabriel and the Virgin of the Annunciation. The portal sculpture is comprised of elaborately carved colonettes; the subjects include nude men in foliage, prophets, saints, martyrs, patriarchs, inhabited vinescroll, grapevines, fig leaves, Abraham and Isaac, and a scene of the stigmatization of St. Francis.. Views of this 13th-15th century gothic interior include details of vaulted ceilings, sacristy portals, the polygonal apse, a crucifix in olive wood, choirstalls, the marble high altar with bishops painted in the trefoil arches, choirstalls, a holy water basin, fresco fragments of the Giotto school, a painting of the Coronation of the Virgin over Todi by Polinori, and various altar paintings. In the crypt are sepulchral monuments of Jacopone da Todi and the family Tudertini, a tomb reliquary of Saints Cassiano, Callista and Fortunato, a votive fresco of the Virgin with St. John and the Christ Child, and other remnants of frescoes among paintings.
Object Notes: Negatives include views of the attached friary.
box 487

S. Maria della Consolazione

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Physical Description: 22 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Sculptural fragments, sculpture. Post-medieval: Sculptural fragments, architectural sculpture, painting, frescos, sculpture
box 487

SS. Annunziata, Duomo

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Physical Description: 37 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Pian di Porto; Manni, Giannicola di Paolo; Lo Spagna; Fenzoni, Ferrau; Bencivenni, Antonio (Antonio da Mercatello)
Medieval core collection: exterior and interior views of this 12th-16th century structure. Exterior photo coverage includes the three rose windows, architectural sculpture of the apse and nave walls, bell tower and a sculpted man's head in a roundel with an inscription. Views of the interior, restored in 1958, focus on the nave capitals (c. 1270) which are largely Corinthianesque. Between the acanthus of some pier capitals are sculpted figures, including St. Peter, St. Paul, St. Michael, Christ, and the Virgin with the Holy Spirit.. Hutzel collection: exterior views of the main rose window, portal sculpture (c. 1520) and details of the wooden doors carved with bishops. Interior views include: a large fresco of the Last Judgment by il Faenzone (inspired by Michelangelo's); wood intarsia choirstalls; a painted crucifix in the style of Cimabue (late 13th century); a gothic baptismal font; marble statues; an altarpiece from which only the Virgin's head emerges three-dimensionally; fresco fragments; an altar painting of the Madonna and Child between St. Roch and St. Catherine; and gravestones/sepulchral effigies. Negatives show that Hutzel's photo campaign included the crypt.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: February 14, 1983.
General Notes: Views of the Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II and surrounding buildings discussed in Hutzel's notes of this monument have been catalogued under Todi, General views.


box 489

Chiesa della Madonna delle Lacrime

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Physical Description: 78 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Marchisi, Antonio; Giovanni di Gian Pietro da Venezia; Lo Spagna; Angelucci da Mevale; Angeloni, Fabio; Raphael; Perugino
Views of the plain exterior focus on the sculpted portal. The spacious, white-walled interior is filled with various altarpieces and tomb monuments of the Valenti family (Romolo, Filiberto, Cardinal Erminio). The following subjects and saints figure in the altarpieces: S. Ubaldo, Ss. Battista and Antonio di Padova, S. Agostino, St. Francis, St. Joseph, St. Peter, St. Paul, Jonah, David, sibyls, prophets, the Annunciation, the Nativity, the Betrothal of the Virgin, the Flight into Egypt, the Visitation, a Madonna and Child that shed tears of blood in 1485 (now adorned with necklaces), the Deposition, the Resurrection, and various other saints and angels. Other views include a holy water font, walnut-wood benches, a marble crucifix and a Coiugali tomb.
box 488

Collegio Etiopico Pontificio

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Physical Description: 79 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Fabri, Girolamo; Zuccari, Federico; Pietro da Cortona
The three exterior views of the Renaissance building (16th century) include the Carrara coat-of-arms and a plaque above the portal which indicate that this collegio was formerly the Palazzo Carrara and later also the residence of Cardinal Johannes Hais. Most views, however, are of the frescoed ceilings by Zuccari and Pietro da Cortona. Subjects include landscapes, allegorical figures, Apocryphal and Old Testament stories (Susanna and the Elders, Samson and Delilah, Joseph and Potiphar's wife, Daniel), saints, landscapes, putti, and illusionistic frames.
box 489

Palazzo Communale, Pinacoteca

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Physical Description: 63 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Cesare Aureli; Giovanni Spagna; Pinturicchio; Frederico Barocci; Giusto di Grand; Cola Petruccioli
Views of the 15th century facade of the Palazzo Communale and the Piazza Mazzini. Views of the fine collection of Umbrian painting, sculpture, metal work and Deruta Maiolica in the Pinacoteca. Of special note is a sculptural group which is an excellent example of the great 19th century sculptor Cesare Aureli. The photos also show the encycolpedic collection of Umbrian paintings (14th-16th centuries) highlighted by works of Giovanni Spagna, Giusto di Grand and Pinturricchio.
Object Notes: Hutzel shot this campaign in 1984.
General Notes: Prints H-35, 37, 46 and 48 were erroneously attributted to Benozzo Gozzoli by Hutzel.
box 489

S. Francesco

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Physical Description: 37 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Ciburri, Simone; Reni, Guido; Angelucci, Fabio
Exterior views of the 13th-century Cistercian church focus on the gothic main portal. The interior, restored in 1977, include: frescoes of saints Ventura, Nicola and Andrea (15th century); an organ (16th century); an altar fresco by Angelucci of the Madonna and Child and saints with Christ and Veronica in the lunette; a marble intarsia altarpiece with a painting of the Madonna and Child with saints Peter, Paul and perhaps scenes of the Last Judgment; a painting the Crucifixion; an Umbrian painted crucifix; tomb monuments of the Attavanti family; a tomb effigy (in relief) of the hermit St. Ventura; fresco fragments; and a holy water font.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: May 11, 1984
box 490

S. Maria di Pietrarossa

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Physical Description: 78 items

Vallo di Nera

box 490, box 491

S. Maria

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Physical Description: 219 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Rimini school (14th century); Francesco di Antonio di Bartolomeo; Arcangelo di Cola da Camerino
Medieval: Exterior, architecture and architectural sculpture (12th-13th centuries) . Post-medieval: Fresco painting, partially destroyed after 1973 earthquake (12th-17th centuries)
General Notes: Hutzel sent sheet from earlier photo campaign of same site, comprising 92 prints. Sheet indicates mainly painting material. Able to locate only 3 prints.


box 473

Parish church

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Physical Description: 26 items
box 473

S. Michele Arcangelo

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Physical Description: 86 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture (14th century); pavement . Post-medieval: Frescos (14th-16th centuries)
Object Notes: Undocumented Hutzel name. According to his notes, Schifanoia is a part of Narni.
box 432

Parish church

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Physical Description: 8 items
box 448

Church of Caprignone

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Physical Description: 1 box




box 472

Madonna Bianca

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Physical Description: 56 items

Scope and Contents note

Extensive coverage of the Romanesque facade and portico. Remaining coverage is mostly of the Madonna statue by Francesco Ferrucci, and the frescoes by Domenico da Leonessa.
General Notes: Photographs of this church were previously filed under both Norcia and Ancarano. Negatives, now lost, were previously filed under Ancarano.




box 422

Chiesa del Crocefisso

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Physical Description: 26 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture (1606); wall painting (16-17th century); wooden altar (16th century).
Object Notes: Structure now used as a youth club
box 422

Palazzo Cesi

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Physical Description: 133 items


box 423


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Physical Description: 24 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Stone relief carving of togated male figure with fascii flanking of late etruscan or republican date
Views of the castle's exterior, the courtyard, and the interior of the castle church, including one antiquity and several paintings.


box 427


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Physical Description: 76 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Sangallo; Agostino di Duccio; Perini, Giovanni Francesco; Agostino di Duccio; Pomarancio (Niccolo Circignani); Scalza, Ippolito; Zuccari; Agresti, Livio (Ricciutello)
Medieval: Tombstones, baptismal font . Post-medieval: Original romanesque church completely remodelled 1640. Architecture, architectural sculpture, views of interior including altar and organ, baptismal font, tombs, pavement by Sangallo, paintings, frescoes. Extensive coverage of exterior, interior naves and altars, tombs, burial chapel and paintings.
box 423

General Views

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Physical Description: 48 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Architecture. Segments of polygonal wall (mura polygonali), 5th century B.C.
Medieval: Architecture & architectural sculpture. Panoramic & general views of the city; streets, buildings, courtyard portals & house doors, capitals. Views include Chiesa S. Michele, Palazzo Braschi, palazzo & window in "Guelph style, Porta S. Agostino, Porta Leone, "Northwest" Porta . Post-medieval: Architecture and architectural sculpture. Views of Palazzo Pamphili, palazzo in Baroque style, portals, coats of arms & insignia
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: September 9, 1985.
box 426

Madonna del Latte

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Physical Description: 16 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Sangallo, Antonio; Bernini, Gian Lorenzo; Lapis, Gaetano; Abbatini, Guidubaldo; Foligno School
Medieval: Church, 15-16th (?) centuries . Post-medieval: Views of interior include main altar in marble & gilt wood, a 13th century fresco of nursing madonna (Madonna del Latte) as altarpiece, 17th & 18th century paintings over the 2 Baroque-style side alters
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: September 1985. Notes for this church are part of the notes for S. Maria di Porta and the Via del Teatro.
box 423

Palazzo Comunale

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Physical Description: 119 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Pomerancio; Piermatteo da Amelia; Agresti, Livio (Ricciutello)
Antiquities: Architecture & architectural sculpture, 1st century B.C.-1st century A.D. Remains & fragments of former Roman palace & of sepulchres, capitals, statues, gravestones, sarcophagi, sacrificial altar.
Medieval: Architectural sculpture: sarcophagus, capitals . Post-medieval: Architecture & architectural sculpture. Piazza del Municipio (Piazza Matteotti) with view of Palazzo Comunale; portal; coats of arms & insignia. Interior views of frescoes, friezes, 16th & 17th century paintings in Salons I & II
Object Notes: The Palazzo Comunale stands on the site of a Roman palace of the pre-Christian era. The Antiquities fragments & remains are displayed in the courtyard of the Palazzo and in the grotto-like rooms of the former Roman palace. Hutzel photo campaign date: September 9, 1985.
box 424

Palazzo Petrignani

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Physical Description: 124 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Zuccari, Giampietro
Post-medieval: 16th century frescoes, restored ; views of exterior.
box 424

Palazzo Pietrella

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Physical Description: 19 items

Scope and Contents note

Roman mosaic floor, black & white, geometric design with stylized flower ornament
Post-medieval: Renaissance door leading to cellar. Second storey contains private collection of furniture (including a small bench) & other expensive items from 13-14th centuries & 17th century
box 425

Palazzo Venturelli

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Physical Description: 77 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Sangallo, Antonio da (the Younger)
Post-medieval: Palazzo built by Cardinal Venturelli in 15th century by Antonio da Sangallo on remains of a roman palace from 1st century B.C. Roman mosaic floor. Frescoes, stucco decorations. A few exterior views, several views of cellar that focus on mosaic floor and many views of Salon of the Venturelli Cardinals, including furniture, floors, ceiling, and frescoes.
General Notes: No entry for Palazzo Venturelli in TCI; information from Hutzel's notes and attributions.
box 425

Porta Romana

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Physical Description: 7 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Polygonal wall at the side of the Porta Romana, 5th-4th centuries B.C.
Post-medieval: Porta Romana, city gate dating from 1703
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: October 9, 1985.
General Notes: Numbers assigned to this monument form part of numerical sequence for campaign notes on S. Francesco or SS. Filippo e Giacomo.
box 426

S. Agostino

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Physical Description: 52 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Siena; Cesari, Giuseppe (il Cavaliere d'Arpino); Appiani, Francesco
Medieval: Romanesque-Gothic church, 14th century, facade renovated 1477. Architecture. Cloister, 13-15th centuries. Wall paintings in sacristy, 13th century. . Post-medieval: Interior renovated 1747. Architecture, architectural sculpture, with views of interior, including frescoes, wall paintings, altars, organ
box 426

S. Giovanni Decollato

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Physical Description: 37 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Zuccari, Federico; Pomarancio (Niccolo Circignani); Piermatteo da Amelia
Post-medieval: Original church built 1210, destroyed by earthquake. A palace built on original site in 15th century. According to Hutzel a charitable Christian brotherhood used original rooms as a hospice until 1876. Baroque interior, frescoes attributed to Federico Zuccari, painting, sculpture. One view of exterior.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: October 9, 1983.
box 426

S. Magno

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Physical Description: 46 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Piermatteo da Amelia; Bernini, Gian Lorenzo; Raphael; Raphael; Zuccari, Federico
Medieval: Augustine church, cloister, 15th century brick & tile tower. . Post-medieval: Architecture & architectural sculpture. Interior views of ceiling vault & "false dome". Other interior views include Baroque altar in stone & marble with painted columns, statues in white marble, freizes & columns in reddish marble, 16th century paintings, main altar in colored marble, an organ of late Baroque style with rococo decoration, frescos, cabinet.
box 426

S. Maria delle Cinque (ad quinque fontes)

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Physical Description: 19 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: School of Umbria
Medieval: Church 13th century, facade & portal 15th century. . Post-medieval: Apse remodeled, late baroque
Object Notes: Church is built on site on which St. Francis is said to have preached in 1213
box 427

S. Monica

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Physical Description: 31 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Braidi, Michelangelo; Appiani, Francesco; Cesari, Giuseppe (il Cavalieri d'Arpino); Piermatteo da Amelia
Post-medieval: Original church 14th century, rebuilt 17th century after an earthquake. Architecture; Baroque interior; painting; fresco fragments; organ loft
box 427

SS. Filippo e Giacomo

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Physical Description: 45 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Capponi, Luigi; Pomerancio; Piermatteo da Amelia
Medieval: Church dates from 1287, cloister 15th century . Post-medieval: Interior renovated 1767; views include architecture, architectural sculpture, altar, statues, organ, wall paintings, paintings on canvas, frescoes, panels, tombs, wood cabinets, marble holy water basin. All views of the exterior and several of the tombs are stored in the Medieval core colection. The Hutzel Collection coverage is of the interior, including painting, statues, and tombs.

Calvi dell'Umbria

box 434

S. Antonio

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Physical Description: 31 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Ferinando Fuga; Girolamo Troppa
Exterior and interior views of the church; interior High Renaissance and Baroque paintings and sculptures; a rare wood carved sculptural group of 30 figures dating from the mid 16th century.
Object Notes: Hutzel shot this campaign in 1984.
box 434

S. Francesco

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Physical Description: 29 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Calisto Calisti; Girolamo Troppa; Fabbio Angelucci; Maricco Bachetti; Paolo Nerocci; Vincenzo Manenti; Francesco Coazza
Exterior views of the Medeival architecture of the church; interior views of the nave include details of the side altars which have examples of Renaissance and Baroque paintings and sculptures.
Object Notes: Hutzel shot this campaign in 1984
box 434

S. Maria

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Physical Description: 20 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Fernando Fuga; Vincenzo Manenti; Sebastiano Conca; Girolamo Troppa
Exterior views of the Medieval architecture of the church; interior views of the nave and main altar show it's Baroque paintings and noted late 16th century baptismal fountain.
Object Notes: Hutzel shot this in 1984


box 435

Remains of ancient town

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Physical Description: 18 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Architecture, architectural fragments
Object Notes: Roman municipality of the VI Augustean district ascribed to the tribe of Crustumina; it was central crossroads of the Via Flaminia in the treaty of Narnia to Vicus and Martis (S. Maria in Pantano). First habitated nucleus originated after opening of consular street and was enlarged and gained in importance during the Empire, as is indicated in the monuments. Their placement reveals an organic and unitary urban plan.


box 436

S. Nicola, Parish church

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Physical Description: 17 items


box 438

General views

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Physical Description: 7 items

Scope and Contents note

Views of city gate and Palazzo Municipale.
Object Notes: These photos are from the Hutzel S. Maria campaign of 1986 and his S. Nicolo campaign of 1970-71.
box 438

S. Maria Maggiore

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Physical Description: 74 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Rocco di Tommaso; Cardani, Tommaso; Pomarancio (Niccolo Circignani); Agresti, Livio (Ricciutello); Chiesa, Michele; Baglione, Giovanni; Manenti, Vincenzo; Quercino; Rome School; Narni School
Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture (15th century); Baroque interior (c. 1688); frescoes (c. 1690). In sacristy treasury: metalwork (13-16th century)
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: February 6, 1986.
General Notes: Re material in treasury, Hutzel refers reader to Terni-Narni Catalogue Should treasury be noted in location field?
box 439

S. Nicolo

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Physical Description: 107 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Aquili, Evangelista; Abruzzi School (15th century); Pomarancio (Antonio Circignani); Troppa, Girolamo; Abbatini, Guidubaldo; Coccetti, Liborio; Narni School (15th century); Guapinns, Josef
Post-medieval: Architecture (15-16th century); sculpture, choirstall (16th century); frescoes (16-17th century); painted wooden organ loft (17th century); silk altarcloth (14th century)
Object Notes: Two Hutzel photo campaigns dated 1970 and 1971.
box 439

S. Stefano

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Physical Description: 14 items

Scope and Contents note

Romanesque church has epigraph dating to 1093. Exterior photos of facade with its inscription, and the small campanile. There are also photos of the cemetery near the apse end of the church.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign was 1970. There are no notes, but the photos themselves are stamped with that date.


box 439

Parish Church

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Physical Description: 34 items

Scope and Contents note

Exterior views of Baroque church and tower. Interior views of nave and altar. Sculpture includes statues of S. Sebastian and possibly S. Joseph, and a baptismal font. Paintings include scenes of the Presentation at the Temple and a Madonna and Child with 3 saints.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign is undated. This church is not documented in TCI, but only in Hutzel's notes.
box 440

S. Croce

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Physical Description: 44 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Mezzastris
Church and tower date from the 16th century. Exterior photos show facade and rear of the church as well as the campanile. Interior views of nave. Major paintings have as subjects: Eternal Father surrounded by saints and angels, with Madonna and Child with 4 saints; the Adoration of the Christ child by the shepherds; and St. Francis receiving the stigmata. Terracotta statues of S. Francis and perhaps S. Croce.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign notes are undated.


box 440

Abbazia di S. Pietro in Valle

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Physical Description: 24 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Roman sarcophagi; Roman sculptural and architectural fragments.
The abbey was founded on the location where two hermits, Lazzaro and Giovanni, lived during the sixth century. It was founded by the Duke of Spoleto Faroaldo II. The nave of the church is unique in that it is oriented to the east. The church was reconstructed in the tenth and eleventh centuries, and it was completely restored in 1931. Photographs include exterior views, courtyard views, frescoes, sarcophagi and relief sculpture. Iconography includes Madonna and Child with Sts. Peter and Paul, Christ in a mandorla, S. Benedetto, S. Sabina, S. Lucina, S. Cristina, S. Caterina, S. Sebastiano with Madonna and child, and the Creation of Adam and Eve
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: October 7, 1982.
General Notes: Description from TCI 1978 and Hutzel notes.
box 440, box 441

S. Maria

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Physical Description: 88 items

Scope and Contents note

General views of town and basilica-style church, with its tall, pointed campanile. The church has a plain facade. Interior has slightly pointed arches and a wooden ceiling. There are few paintings. One large fresco depicts a series of female martyrs. Paintings appear to have been done from late Medieval to Renaissance.
Object Notes: No Hutzel photo campaign notes. Negatives are missing.
box 441

S. Stefano

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Physical Description: 57 items

Scope and Contents note

Small church with clock built into its facade. Square campanile with both brick & stone facings. Late Renaissance or Baroque interior with paintings in that style. Rich marbled columns. No negatives.
Object Notes: No Hutzel photo campaign notes. Negatives are missing.


box 441


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Physical Description: 35 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Brandi, Giacinto; Amelia Master; Gentileschi, Orazio
Medieval: Architecture & architectural sculpture. Facade, nave, portals, portico, Evangelist symbols, capitals . Post-medieval: Architecture & architectural sculpture. Interior views, 17th century restoration. Includes cabinets, 17th century paintings, 13th century frescoes, 15th century holy water font
box 441


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Physical Description: 24 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: School of Umbria; Bernini, Gian Lorenzo
Post-medieval: Architecture & architectural sculpture. Views of facade, tower. Interior views include 16th century choir stall; vaulted ceiling, Baroque altar, altar painting, organ, 13th century wooden crucifix, 17th century main altar in wood, with wood sculpture and statues; 17th century copper oil lamp


box 446

S. Michele

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Physical Description: 34 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Bernardino di Nanni dell' Eugenia; Lo Spagna
Exterior views of the 15th-century architecture. Interior views focus on the frescoed niches that line the nave. The frescoes (late fifteenth, early sixteenth centuries) are mainly of various saints: SS. Stefano, Valentino, Bernardino, Antonio, Sebastiano, Filippo, Bordonio, Simone, Macario, Sebastiano, Caterina, Apollonia, Battista, Pietro, Paolo, and Michele.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: January 7, 1982


box 446

Palazzo Ducale

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Physical Description: 24 items

Scope and Contents note

Views of the exterior 17th century architecture of the palazzo.
Object Notes: Hutzel shot this campaign in 1985.

Lugnano in Teverina

box 448

S. Francesco

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Physical Description: 73 items

Scope and Contents note

Exterior views of this 13th-century church and cloister that was the site of a miracle by St. Francis (1212) include a bell tower, details of the medieval architecture and a well in the courtyard. The lunettes of the cloister are decorated with a cycle of frescoes that portray the miracles of St. Francis (1616) by an unknown master from Foligno. Interior views of the restored church interior focus on the altar paintings and marble intarsia altars, some of which also show scenes from the life of St. Francis.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: September 9, 1985
box 448

S. Maria Assunta

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Physical Description: 12 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Nicolo di Liberatore da Foligno; School of Giotto; Corrado di Orvieto; Agresti, Livio
Exterior views of this 12th-century Romanesque church (with 15th-century additions) focus on the facade with its rose window and the foliate and animal carvings of the portico. Interior views show a central nave floor of cosmatesque mosaic inlay; a 12th-century iconostasis, pulpit, and ciborium, a triptych by Niccolo Alunno; a crypt with various capitals.
Object Notes: Hutzel made two photo campaigns of this monument: first in 1982 and a second in 1985.

Monte S. Erasmo

box 484

S. Erasmo

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Physical Description: 45 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Etruscan ruins: walls, possibly a temple (Hutzel), well
Medieval: Architecture, Romanesque (12th century)
Object Notes: Filed under Terni
General Notes: Two sets of prints. The second set largely duplicates the first. There is one set of negatives.


box 449

S. Lorenzo in Nifili

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Physical Description: 28 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, fresco fragments
Object Notes: Dating from 11th century of Romanesque origins, it was restored in 1977.
General Notes: No information provided by Hutzel. See TCI, Umbria, p.423
box 449

S. Vittorina

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Physical Description: 19 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, fresco fragments, tomb sculpture. Medieval church with paleo-Christian altars.
Bibliographic Citation: Brief Citation: TCI/Lazio (1981), p. 423-24


box 450

Chiesa del Cimitero

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Physical Description: 34 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Fragments of architectural decoration; inscription
Medieval: Architecture . Post-medieval: Interior decoration; frescos (17th century)
box 450, box 451

S. Bernardino

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Physical Description: 67 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Merlini, Orlando
Post-medieval: Architecture, fresco fragments, fresco paintings, architectural sculpture, painting, sculpture, tomb sculpture
Object Notes: Some of the architecture exterior and interior derive from ancient/medieval structure, but are here filed with Post-Medieval for sake of unity of collection. Hutzel provides text which describes the location as "Monzano"
box 451

S. Pietro

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Physical Description: 14 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Pozzi, Stefano
Post-medieval: Architecture, 18th century (1753); fresco (exterior and interior); painting (18th century); wooden cantoria


box 452

Palazzo del Podesta

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Physical Description: 81 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architectural sculpture, including detached and fragments
box 451

Palazzo Scotti

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Physical Description: 65 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Sangallo, Antonio da (the Elder) (Antonio Giamberti); Zuccaro, Federico
Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture (16th century); frescoes (16th century)
box 451


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Physical Description: 26 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Panoramas and views of: Rocca, Albernoz, S. Cassiano, S. Francesco, S. Girolamo, Porta
box 452

S. Agostino

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Physical Description: 69 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Benincasa, Federico; Zuccari; Narni School (14th century); Torresani, Bartolomeo; Piermatteo da Amelia; Braidi, Michelangelo; Antoniazzo Romano (Antonio di Benedetto Aquilo); Conca, Sebastiano; Cesari, Giuseppe (il Cavaliere d'Arpino); Trevisani, Francesco; Torresani, Alessandro; Torresani, Lorenzo
Medieval: Architecture (13-14th century). Post-medieval: Sculpture, painting, frescoes (15-17th century)
General Notes: Conservation: pressure-sensitive tape
box 453, box 454

S. Domenico

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Physical Description: 323 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Piermatteo da Amelia; Narni School (13th century); Narni School (14th century); Narni School (15th century); Mezzastris, Bernardino; Agresti, Livio (Ricciutello); Maratti, Carlo; Troppa, Girolamo; Torresani, Alessandro; Braidi, Michelangelo; Agostino di Duccio; Gozzoli, Benozzo; Maestro del 1409; Aquili, Marcantonio
Antiquities: [1986] Weaponry
Medieval: [1965 photos, 29] Architecture, architectural sculpture (12th century); Wall painting (13-16th century); Mosaic, cosmati style pavement (c. 1200) [1986 photos, 44] Architecture, architectural sculpture, cosmati pavement, sculpture. Post-medieval: [1965 photos, 56] Frescoes, painting (13-16th century); sculpture (14-16th century) [1986 photos 167] Frescoes, painting, sculpture, metalwork
Object Notes: Church deconsecrated and modified for use as museum, 1970
General Notes: Bibliographic material sent, Getty Center library (?)
box 456, box 457, box 458, box 459

S. Giovenale, Cathedral

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Physical Description: 488 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Master of Siena; Pellegrini, Sebastiano di Francesco; Paglia, Giuseppe; Vecchietta (Lorenzo di Pietro); School of Umbria, 15th century; Mezzastris, Bernardino; Bernardo da Settignano; Bregno, Andrea (Andrea da Milano); Torresani, Bartolomeo; Lo Spagna; Narni School (14th century); Agresti, Livio (Ricciutello); Narni School (15th century); Vanni G.
Medieval: Architectural sculpture, cosmati pavement, wall painting, mosaic (12th century). Post-medieval: [1982 & 1986 photos] Architecture, architectural sculpture (17th century); painting, frescoes (17-18th century); sculpture, tombstones (16-18th century); metalwork, processional cross, candlestick, reliquary, chalice (16-17th century)
General Notes: Site comprises two separate photo campaigns. Bibliographic material sent, now in Center Library
box 459

S. Margherita

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Physical Description: 52 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Zuccaro, Federico; Lo Spagna
Post-medieval: [1987, 73 photos] Architecture (late 15th century), frescoes [1982, 28 photos] Architecture, frescoes, painting, sculpture
box 460

S. Maria in Pensole

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Physical Description: 86 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Narni School (14th century)
Medieval: [1982--39 photos] Architecture, architectural sculpture (including mosaic) (12th century) [1987--76 photos] Architecture, architectural sculpture, wall painting (12th century). Post-medieval: [1982--5 photos] Frescoes [1987--8 photos] Architecture
box 460

S. Maria in Piano

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Physical Description: 12 items

Scope and Contents note

Mezzastris, Bernardino
Medieval: Architecture
Post-medieval: Frescoes (16th century), sculpture, holy water stoup (14th century)
box 460

Santuario Madonna del Ponte

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Physical Description: 23 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Giovannini, Battista; Unterberger, Christoph; Narni School (14th century)
Medieval: Frescoes (12th century) . Post-medieval: Architecture (c. 1724), painting (18th century), frescoes (14th century), sculpture
box 460

Speco di San Francesco

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Physical Description: 11 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Troppa, Girolamo; Narni School (14th century)
Medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture (13th century) . Post-medieval: Sculpture
General Notes: 8 photos missing from "other": frescoes. Artists names pertain to missing photos


box 463

Abbazia di SS. Severo and Martirio

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Physical Description: 69 items

Scope and Contents note

box 464

Madonna di S. Lorenzo in Vineis

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Physical Description: 22 items

Scope and Contents note

box 463

Museo Etrusco Faina

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Physical Description: 16 items

Scope and Contents note

Antiquities: Attic Black figure and Red figure vases; South Italian Red figure vases; Etruscan Black and Red figure vases, Bucchero, Banded Ware, Plastic and Relief vases, and Masks; Corinthian Black figure vases. (700 B.C. - 300 B.C.)
Prints H-271 through 285 are found in the Hutzel Collection. Interior views of the museum: 18th-century ceiling paintings, display cases of ancient pottery. One portrait in oil of a young woman, unsigned.
Object Notes: Hutzel shot two seperate photo campaigns of this monument.
General Notes: All but 15 of the 995 prints are found in the Antiquities core collection.
box 463

Piazza Repubblica

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Physical Description: 9 items

Scope and Contents note

box 464

S. Andrea

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Physical Description: 5 items

Scope and Contents note

box 464

S. Domenico

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Physical Description: 40 items

Scope and Contents note

box 464

S. Francesco

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Physical Description: 40 items

Scope and Contents note

box 464, box 465

S. Giovenale

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Physical Description: 199 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture (15th century), architectural sculpture
Object Notes: Original church ancient


box 466

S. Maria

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Physical Description: 41 items
box 466

S. Vittore

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Physical Description: 8 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture, architectural fragments, architectural sculpture
Bibliographic Citation: Brief Citation: TCI/Umbria, p. 439


box 468

S. Francesco

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Physical Description: 50 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Aquili, Marcantonio
Antiquities: Sculptural fragments
Medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture . Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculpture, painting, fresco painting
Object Notes: Gothic construction from end of 13th century. No information provided by Hutzel. See TCI, Umbria, p. 365
box 468

S. Maria

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Physical Description: 19 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture, architectural fragments
Object Notes: Romanesque campanile with two bifurcated levels. No information provided by Hutzel. See TCI, Umbria, p. 365.


box 469, box 470

Castel Rubello

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Physical Description: 85 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Castle originally functioned as a fortress, turned into residence in late Renaissance--present owners granted permission to photograph room adjacent to entrance. Views of exterior; interior views of ceiling frescoes.
box 470

Torre S. Severo

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Physical Description: 114 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: An example of a grand aristocratic residence of the late Renaissance aristocracy, built by Cardinal Simoncelli. The palace was never completed, and is now in a state of great disrepair. No written or visual documentation exists for this site prior to Hutzel's campaign and attributions for the frescoes have not been made. Exterior views; interior views of frescoes and stucco work on ceilings and walls
Object Notes: Site not recorded in TCI

Porchiano del Monte

box 471


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Physical Description: 50 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Piermatteo da Amelia; Narni School; School of Umbria, 15th century; Giotto
Medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture (12th century) . Post-medieval: Architectural sculpture, frescoes, sculpture (16th century)


box 471

S. Cristina

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Physical Description: 4 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture (12th century) . Post-medieval:


box 480

Palazzo Comunale, Museo

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Physical Description: 15 items
box 480

S. Francesco

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Physical Description: 49 items
box 480

S. Giovanni

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Physical Description: 48 items
box 480

S. Nicolo

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Physical Description: 55 items


box 481

S. Angelo in Massa

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Physical Description: 68 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Braidi, Michelangelo
This 16th century church was built over a 9th-10th century Roman villa. Views of the exterior include 12th century walls and a renaissance portico. Interior views include an altar with mosaic inlay; a chapel dedicated to the Cardinal Cesi and baroque cupola both frescoed by Braidi. Also views of Ottonian period side walls patterned with ceramic tile and brick (9th or 10th century) which Hutzel describes in his notes as the discovery of the year.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: October 1985.
box 481

S. Martino

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Physical Description: 42 items

Scope and Contents note

Architecture and architectural sculpture, (11-12th century), in ruins among olive trees: early romanesque arcade and capitals, Roman columns and mosaic floor, remanants of a bell tower and marble crossbeam. Also, views of damaged frescoes and preserved altarpieces.
Object Notes: 12th century marble altar (1108) now in Pinacoteca at Narni
General Notes: Hutzel made two photo campaigns of this site. His campaign of 11/11/82 shows remanants of the interior frescoes and altarpieces, as well as exterior views which are found in the Medieval core collection. Hutzel's photos of the 1985 campaign are all found in the Huztel collection, and have been renumbered. They start with the number H-20. This monument was previously catalogued as located in Narni.
box 481

Bibliographic materials

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Physical Description: 22 items
box 481

General views

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Physical Description: 15 items

Scope and Contents note

Prints in the Medieval Core Collection (with no corresponding negatives) give views of 16th century plans of Terni and sculptural fragments including Roman and Medieval spolia immured in the facade of an unidentified house.
Object Notes: Catalogued in Medieval under Architecture--Italy, Terni.
box 482

Palazzo Carrara

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Physical Description: 71 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Pietro da Cortona
Antiquities: Roman sarcophagi, cinerary urn, gravestones, lions, and an inscribed plaque from Terni's amphitheater. (All located on the ground floor of the Palazzo Carrara).
Post-medieval: Architecture (17th century); Frescoes (17th century); coffered wooden ceiling
Object Notes: Unable to locate any negatives for these prints.
box 482, box 483

Palazzo Manassei

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Physical Description: 157 items

Scope and Contents note

Owner: Pinacoteca
Artist Name: Troppa, Girolamo; Luca de la Haye; Gozzoli, Benozzo; Nicolo di Liberatore da Foligno; Master of the Gardner Annunciation; Piermatteo Lauro de' Manfredi da Amelia; Melanzio, Francesco; Alfani, Domenico; Pietro di Giovanni di Ambrogio; Lo Spagna; Giovanni detto il Teutonico; Broeck, Hendrick van den; Coldarchi, Bernardino; Barocci, Federico; Gherardi, Antonio
Antiquities: Bas-reliefs of Roman emperors in profile from Hutzel's photo campaign of 1982 have been renumbered (views 42 to 78 are now H-142 to H-178). Though they most likely are part of the Museo preistorico, also in the Palazzo Manassei, they have been filed under Pinacoteca following the sequence of Hutzel's 1982 notes. (Negative count: 55)
Exterior views: facade of the Palazzo Manassei, the stairwell and loggia, along which are niched Roman statues and busts. Interior views: room with a coffered ceiling and marble busts inset in oval recesses along the walls; room displaying paintings, statues, archaeological artifacts in glass cases, and a lunette fresco by Pier Matteo da Amelia; room with ceiling fresco by Luca de la Haye. Most views are of individual paintings and altarpieces found within these rooms, with the exception of one wooden crucifixion.
Object Notes: Hutzel made two photo campaigns of the Pinacoteca--the first in 1982 and the second in 1986. Apparently, only the facade of the Palazzo Manassei, which houses the collection of the Pinacoteca, was restored. (See also H-101 and H-102). His notes describe the prints of the 1982 campaign, which have been interfiled with prints of the 1986 campaign, and renumbered accordingly. The year of the individual print is indicated on the back of each print.
box 483

Palazzo Montani

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Physical Description: 61 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Troppa, Girolamo; Dandini, Cosimo; Raphael
Antiquities: Portrait heads in marble of Roman youths and a consul
Post-medieval: Renaissance architecture; frescos (17th century); tapestries after designs of Raphael school; intarsia (furniture); wooden cassone carved with the arms of the Montani
box 484

Palazzo Spada

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Physical Description: 93 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Sangallo, Antonio da (the Younger); Congnet, Gillis I; Zuccaro, Taddeo
Post-medieval: Architecture (16th century). Triple-arched portal; frescos (16th century)
box 481

Public Gardens

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Physical Description: 7 items

Scope and Contents note

Views of a sphinx fountain in the gardens, as well as the apse and bell tower of the adjacent Duomo, S. Maria Assunta.
box 484

S. Alo

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Physical Description: 19 items

Scope and Contents note

Exterior views of 11th century church with special attention to immured relief sculpture and the apse. Interior views focus on columns, capitals and frescoes (13th-16th centuries). Fresco subjects include: St. Silvester, St. Mary Magdalen, St. Catherine of Alexandria, St. Joseph, St. John the Baptist, St. Pellegrino, St. Sebastion, St. Roch, St. Lucy, the Crucifixion, the Madonna lactans and Madonna and Child.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: October 7, 1982
box 484

S. Cristoforo

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Physical Description: 9 items

Scope and Contents note

One exterior view and two general interior views. Most views are of the frescoes. Near the entrance are fresco fragments (14th century) of the Crucifixion in the manner of Alunno, and frescoes (15th century) of St. Sebastian, St. Cristopher and St. Roch. In the apse are more frescoes (15th century) and a statue of the Virgin.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: October 5, 1982
General Notes: Hutzel discusses the 14th century fresco fragments by the entrance in his notes on S. Lorenzo in Terni. He attributes them to the Foligno School. Some negatives of S. Cristoforo may be incorrectly filed under Terni, S. Lorenzo--NNP.
box 485

S. Lorenzo

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Physical Description: 5 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Manenti, Vincenzo; Troppa, Girolamo; Nelli, Ottaviano
Exterior views of a restored romanesque church include details of the apse and renaissance portal. In the Hutzel collection are views of two paintings, the Martyrdom of St. Blaise and the Baptism of Christ, as well as a fresco fragment of the Nativity by Ottaviano Nelli. Interior views can be seen in the negatives (under NNP); they include a view of a cippus and a stone of some relevance.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: October 5, 1982
box 485

S. Maria Assunta, Duomo

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Physical Description: 46 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Minelli; Corsi, Domenico; Reni, Guido; Pietro da Cortona; Troppa, Girolamo; Agresti, Livio; Vigni, Corrado; Cocchetti, Liborio; Sermei, Cesare; Bernini, Gian Lorenzo
Exterior views: baroque facade, bell tower, portico, blind gothic portal with a vinescroll archivolt, and preserved main portal with an inhabited vinescroll architrave. Interior views: main altar marble ciborium and altar painting of the Assumption of the Virgin; half-dome fresco of the Trinity; mixed media altarpiece formed by a wooden crucifix hung on top of a painting of the crucifixion with saints Mary and Mary Magdalen; fresco fragments of Saint Anthony Abbot; organ by Bernini, and various paintings. Sacristy: ornate interior with ceiling paintings by Pietro da Cortona; museum with architectural fragments and a tomb effigy; reliquary of St. Valentine in the shape of an arm and hand; gold processional cross; terracotta statue of the Madonna and Child and a stone statue of the Pieta.. Crypt: 10th and 11th-century capitals; Roman and medieval sculptural fragments; and the tomb of St. Anastasia. Also included with the Hutzel prints are frescoes of Terni and the Duomo from the bishopric.
Object Notes: Photo campaign date: September 24, 1982
box 485

S. Maria del Carmine

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Physical Description: 5 items

Scope and Contents note

Exterior views: baroque facade, side walls, and crumbling remains of the adjoining church--perhaps the apse of S. Maria del Monumento.
box 485

S. Maria del Monumento

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Physical Description: 39 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Lo Spagna; Troppa, Girolamo; Nelli, Ottaviano di Martino; Carlo da Camerino
Exterior views: poorly preserved 14th-century church and cloister. Interior views include a romanesque chapel of the previous church. Most views are of the 15th-century frescoes: the Legend of the Golden Apple from the life of St. Clare, St. Leonard, St. Valentine, St. Anastasia, St. Jerome and the Madonna and Child.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: October 5, 1982. Hutzel developed two prints for 14 of his 18 negatives; hence, there are almost twice as many prints as there are negatives. The prints have been renumbered, but the original numbers that correspond to those in Hutzel's notes are found on those prints with the date 1982 penciled in on the bottom.
box 485

S. Maria dell'Oro, Convent church

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Physical Description: 26 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Viario, Giuseppe
One exterior view of this 15th-century convent church rebuilt in the 17th century. Interior views focus on the coffered ceiling; a saint or friar is painted on each coffer. Also views of paintings and a crucifix. Negatives show immured relief sculpture, perhaps Roman spolia.
Object Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: 9/29/82
General Notes: This monument is discussed in Hutzel's notes "Terni - Konvent di S. Maria dell'Oro" but does not appear in TCI.
box 486

S. Pietro

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Physical Description: 31 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Nelli, Ottaviano di Martino; Foligno school; Mezzastris, Bernardino; Michelangelo
Exterior views: facade and portal (13th century) with pediment sculpture of Christ blessing (15th century); apse and bell tower (13th-14th centuries); cloister. Interior views of frescoes (14th-16th century): St. Anthony Abbot, Madonna and Child, St. Stephen cycle, Madonna and Saints, Dormition of the Virgin, St. Catherine, St. Francis. Many views of a wooden sculpture of Moses, possibly by Michelangelo. One view of a marble tomb effigy of Stefano Manassei (15th century). Negatives show a 16th century map of Terni from a 17th century woodcut, and general views of the interior, including preserved architectural sculpture.
box 486

S. Salvatore

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Physical Description: 29 items

Scope and Contents note

Exterior views of this church (12-17th centuries) reveal the circular main body and rectangular apse that perhaps were originally part of an ancient Roman structure. Interior views focus on frescoes.
box 486

S. Valentino

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Physical Description: 27 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: La Haye, Lucas de; Cesari, Giuseppe (il Cavaliere d'Arpino); Piermatteo Lauro de' Manfredi da Amelia
Post-medieval: Architecture (early 17th century); marble altar bearing the arms of Leopold of Austria; paintings (17th century); grave monuments of the Sciamanna family


box 488

General Views

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Physical Description: 14 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculptural fragments
General Notes: Not in TCI
box 488

S. Michele

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Physical Description: 39 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture, sculpture, painting, fresco painting
General Notes: Not in TCI


box 491

S. Pudenziana

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Physical Description: 8 items

Scope and Contents note

Medieval: Architecture, architectural sculpture (12th century); bishop's throne (6th century); fresco fragments (13-16th century)
Object Notes: 6/19/96: These 38 prints are probably in the Medieval core collection but currently can not be located.
General Notes: Hutzel photo campaign date: May 5, 1983
box 492

Veneto Series XVI.

Physical Description: 1 box

Scope and Contents note

Photographs of sites in Veneto with accompanying lists.

Arrangement note

Arranged alphabetically by city, general views of the city/historic center, and monument name.




box 492


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Physical Description: 38 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Mingozzi, Girolamo (Colonna); Morlaiter, Johann Maria; Bonazza, Giovanni
Post-medieval: Architecture (late 15th century); frescos; sculpture
box 492

S. Antonio

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Physical Description: 5 items

Scope and Contents note

Post-medieval: Architecture and architectural sculpture


box 492

Villa Carraretto

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Physical Description: 10 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Sansovino, Jacopo (Jacopo d' Antonio Tatti)
Post-medieval: Architecture (mid-16th century); sculpture




box 492

S. Domenico

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Physical Description: 18 items

Scope and Contents note

Artist Name: Carpaccio, Vittore; Bassano, Leandro (Leandro da Ponte)
Medieval: Campanile. Post-medieval: 18th century renovation of 14th century church; architectural sculpture; paintings on canvas; sculpture

Negatives Series XVII.

Physical Description: 423 boxes

Scope and Contents

This series contains approximately 86,400 black-and-white negatives (10 x 13 cm. or smaller).