Seated at the dining table among Caucasian students and faculty members of the National Training School for Christian girls in ...Date:
Japanese Americans--Evacuation and relocation, 1942-1945--PhotographsNote:
Full title:Seated at the dining table among Caucasian students and faculty members of the National Training School for Christian
girls in Kansas City, Missouri, are three Nisei students. They are, left to right, Toshiko Nagamori, formerly of Hollywood,
California, and Heart Mountain; Yuriko Shimakoshi, formerly of Los Angeles and Heart Mountain; and Miriko Nagahama, formerly
of Glendale, California, and Manzanar. Another Nisei girl is employed in the school office. The president, Rev. Cloyd V. Gustavson,
has welcomed evacuee girls to stay with them either over night or for longer periods of time. Room and board amid pleasant
surrounding is provided at cost. Over 40 girls have taken advantage of this housing accommodation and additional newcomers
will be welcome to stay here. A family of five evacuees is at present renting one of the faculty apartments.<lb/> Photographer:
Iwasaki, Hikaru<lb/> Kansas City, Missouri.
Local Call Number:
WRA no. I-779
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Related Item:
Voices in Confinement: A Digital Archive of Japanese-American Internees