Will we pose with our Japanese friends? said Mr. F. W. Bracker when the cameraman caught up with him on ...Date:
Japanese Americans--Evacuation and relocation, 1942-1945--PhotographsNote:
Full title:Will we pose with our Japanese friends? said Mr. F. W. Bracker when the cameraman caught up with him on the famous
Bracker ranch, Route 1, Box 1006, Santa Clara, California. Just watch us. Then the famous grower of equally famous Santa Clara
County pears lined up the oldsters of the little Bracker Relocation Project as follows: First row: Tokuhei Sawabe, K. E. Bracker,
Kajiro Takimoto, Mrs. Chiyoko Takimoto. Second row: Mrs. Shiki Sawabe, F. W. Bracker, Frank Chikuma, and G. A. Bracker. The
Sawabes are from the Poston Center; the Chikumas are from Heart Mountain, and the Takimotos are voluntary evacuees who returned
to the Bracker ranch in April of this year from Fielding, Utah. Mrs. Chikuma passed away at Heart Mountain, and the Chikuma
household is now managed by 18-year-old Alice and her sister, Helen. The Sawabes have a son, Pfc. Harvey, in the armed forces
of the 442nd now stationed in Italy. The Takimotos' son, Carlo, in the armed forces at camp Wolters, Texas.<lb/> Photographer:
Iwasaki, Hikaru<lb/> Santa Clara, California.
Local Call Number:
WRA no. K-117
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Voices in Confinement: A Digital Archive of Japanese-American Internees